Bill Nye offers lame bets on pointless noise, talks of slavery, jail — other “sciencey” stuff

Climate Money, Hottest Year bets.

Bill Nye and co at DeSmog are congratulating themselves on his bold $10K offer to bet that 2016 will be one of the ten “hottest” ever years. But 2016 is already the hottest ever year — it’s been reported in The Guardian, and New Scientist. And even if it isn’t the hottest ever year yet,  it will be one day after the results get post hoc adjusted.

Heck, It only has to be two hundreds of a degree hotter to get a NOAA and NASA special spin and press release. In 2014 the error bars were 500% bigger than the record but it’s the spirit that counts, not the signal-to-noise ratio.

Forget century-trends, in it’s dying days, the Trillion Dollar CO2 theory apparently boils down to 8 month bets on El Nino ephemera. Which coupled climate model predicted this El Nino from way back in 2010?

Marc Morano was totally right to call it “silly”. Nye’s other bet on offer was o’so bravely predicting that essentially the next three years won’t be super cool. O Bravo. Will the current decade be the “hottest on record”?  The climate just has to stay the same as it has for most of the last 20 years and “voila”.

If Bill Nye wanted a real bet on the theory of a man-made climate crisis he can copy the formula of serious climate bets years ahead of him — We’re talking about actual climate trends not just bets on noise.  The Nye bets were not bets that the climate models were right, or that the theory could predict the trends.

Jail for climate deniers?

Marc Morano asked Bill Nye about the possibility of jail for climate scientists as “war criminals”, and Bill Nye replied

“Well, we’ll see what happens. Was it appropriate to jail the guys from ENRON?”

Nye added, “For me as a taxpayer and voter — the introduction of this extreme doubt about climate change is affecting my quality of life as a public citizen.”

 Fossil fuels are like slavery, says Bill Nye

Because oil keeps you warm, but coal jumps you in back alleys and auctions you off to the highest bidder.

8.4 out of 10 based on 75 ratings

111 comments to Bill Nye offers lame bets on pointless noise, talks of slavery, jail — other “sciencey” stuff

  • #
    Joe Lalonde

    Useless people in powerful positions…
    Would LOVE to be put into the position infront of a judge though…as long as he is not corrupted like the bankers…


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      Joe Lalonde

      Hi, I’m Bill Nye the Science Guy and if you don’t listen and agree…I’ll can your a s s in jail.


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        Rereke Whakaaro

        Why is is that, when referring to Bill Nye, people keep misspelling the word, “seance”? I find it really annoying.


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          people keep misspelling the word, “seance”?

          Probably because they keep mispronouncing it :-).


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      Judges are corrupter than bankers- at least bankers have a sense of logic.


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        at least bankers have a sense of logic.

        They sure do:

        “What’s our’s is our’s and what’s your’s is our’s.”


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      Peter Miller


      What would be impressive is:

      1. Try betting on the year 2017, not 2016, when there should be a full blown La Nina underway.

      2. Use a reliable temperature statistical set like UAH, not the highly manipulated ones of either GISS or more recently RSS.

      Yup, I thought those two very reasonable conditions would make you put your cheque book back in your pocket.


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    If anyone should go to jail it should be those [snip] who have driven the corruption of science with a contrived consensus whose sole reason is to fabricate support for redistributive economics under the guise of climate reparations. Based on what the laws of physics prescribe, this sure seems like a prosecutable [crime] …


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    Bill Nye should be very careful about making criminal insinuations considering the warmist movements well documented behaviour, but please keep talking Bill your side will have an almost endless supply of Petards to use.

    “People in greenhouses shouldn’t throw loans”


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      Nye’s offer to either bet is akin to playing a round of poker where Nye is the dealer with a heavily stacked deck.

      Most rational people would consider the last 150 years of natural energy use as a successful formula for liberating mankind en masse from the harshness of the wilderness.
      To say we are enslaven to fossil fuels is rediculous; what he is saying is: practically no one is very keen on his prescription for the future.


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        P.S. neither bet has any bearing on CO2’s innocence of being a climate driver of consequence.


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          It’s innocent until proven guilty. A more reasonable bet would be a much larger amount for anyone who can apply the laws of physics to prove that the sensitivity is >= the lower limit of 0.4C per W/m^2 claimed by the ‘consensus’. I’d be comfortable betting any amount providing that anyone who thinks they can prove this but is proven wrong would have to pay me. It’s a sure thing as far as I’m concerned since I know how to apply the laws of physics to prove that the sensitivity must be <= 0.3C per W/m^2 and then show data that unconditionally supports my position.


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    He had the ballz to use ENRON? What a fool and he considers himself a scientist? Most of the major green players are from Enron and others to this day. I will do a new article at the Daily Bail within a week and shame Mr. Nye. After all, he deserves it in the name of science.


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    Scott Scarborough

    Nye likened fossil fuels to slavery, saying that fossil fuels are a detriment to the future. A more inapplicable analogy I have never heard! The problem with slavery is not the future, it is the present… SOMEONE IS ENSLAVED! In fact arguments about the future were made to support slavery: “If we don’t have someone to pick the cotton we will run out of clothes and then everyone will be running around naked.” When someone makes a totally illogical argument it is sometimes hard to respond. You just have to let the idiocy stand on its own for the world to see.


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      To put that argument in short form mankind is mastering the natural forms of energy at his disposal. For the moment, fossil fuels are a major contributor being harnessed by mankind. If anything, it is fossil fuels (in animate) that is being enslaven. Nye is confused.


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    Sadly, like with Flannery et al, they are given far too much air time and far too many people listen and believe in their fantasies. It’s reached such a point that they have no fear in saying anything, no matter how ludicrous.


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    Hmm, I wonder if affecting Bill’s “quality of life” means he’s had far too many rides on Air Force 1?


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    Peter C

    Bill Nye added; ” the introduction of this extreme doubt about climate change Is affecting my quality of life..”

    I find that extraordinary when I consider that Bill Nye himself has committed such a serious scientific f..$&@ ( misdemeanor) by fudging his scientific demonstration about the greenhouse gas effect.

    In this demonstration Bill Nye has two glass jars each containing a small earth globe and a thermometer. One jar is purported to contain CO2 and the other room air. The jars are heated by separate radiant heat lamps. The temperature of the CO2 jar shoots up more than the air jar.

    Anyone who has tried this demonstration knows that it does not work as shown.

    Dr Maggie Aderin Pocock and the BBc have done much the same thing

    Both of these videos are still posted on You Tube

    Both Bill Nye and Dr Aderin Pocock should be prosecuted for deliberately misleading thousands of people who watch them about the greenhouse gas effect.


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      Bill does a great sell for carbon in his Bill Nye the Science Guy – Atoms, school educational video. I wonder if he ever realised the irony……the relevant section starts at 20:00. “Carbon makes life go”; “Carbon is the key to life…you have got to respect that”


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    el gordo

    I’m confident the next five years will be cooler than the past five years, its a gut feeling.


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    “… bravely predicting that essentially the next three years won’t be super cool.”

    Actually, they might be. If past patterns are any indication, La Nina is on the way and global temperatures will likely go down. And Solar Cycle 24 is winding down and the Sun may enter a very long period of low activity.

    So the next three years might be cool enough to bring down this decade below the previous one. If I had the energy, I’d save this post on the off chance that I am correct.


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    So if Bill Nye is completely wrong and he is the one making a career deceiving the public, being paid to mislead, should he be jailed as the real de Nyer? Is he in de Nyel? Will it be Nye Nye from him?

    The utter wrongfulness of the comparison with Holocaust deniers and Tobacco scientists is that the people who have made a lifetime career, fame and fortune from this are the Bill Nyes, Al Gores, Tim Flanneries and so many more. Utterly unqualified as scientists let alone climate experts or inappropriately qualified opportunists generally. Amazingly Bill Nye is a mechanical engineer and wanted to be an astronaut and now climate expert and entertainer who wants people jailed for daring to disagree?

    Their opponents are self funded, independent, retirees and so often eminently qualified. Or just members of the public who can judge for themselves that boasting about a lack of cooling is not the same as warming, talking up a slightly warmer Arctic while ignoring massive ice in Antarctica and pointing to bushfires and hurricanes as absolute proof when they are normal events. As for ocean acidification, that is an amazing lie or at best a deceitful play on words presented as a disaster. The oceans are alkali.

    Bill Nye’s common thesis was 0.5C in ten years, so ‘the science’ guaranteed 5C in 100 years. All man made. After twenty years of no change means 0.5C in 30 years and they have to settle for (0.5/30)*100 or 1.66C. How will mankind survive? Oh the humanity! Ten years from now will mean (0.5/40)*100 or 1.25C and a retired Bill Nye will be claiming victory. Twenty years from now, the fiftieth anniversary of steady warming, the projection will be +1C. Saved by windmills and science and Bill Nye. Fighter for truth and justice and his science.


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      So if Bill Nye is completely wrong and he is the one making a career deceiving the public, being paid to mislead, should he be jailed as the real de Nyer? Is he in de Nyel? Will it be Nye Nye from him?

      The utter wrongfulness of the comparison with historic deniers and Tobacco scientists is that the people who have made a lifetime career, fame and fortune from this are the Bill Nyes, Al Gores, Tim Flanneries and so many more. Utterly unqualified as scientists let alone climate experts or inappropriately qualified opportunists generally. Amazingly Bill Nye is a mechanical engineer and wanted to be an astronaut and now climate expert and entertainer who wants people jailed for daring to disagree?

      Their opponents are self funded, independent, retirees and so often eminently qualified. Or just members of the public who can judge for themselves that boasting about a lack of cooling is not the same as warming, talking up a slightly warmer Arctic while ignoring massive ice in Antarctica and pointing to bushfires and hurricanes as absolute proof when they are normal events. As for ocean acidification, that is an amazing lie or at best a deceitful play on words presented as a disaster. The oceans are alkali.

      Bill Nye’s common thesis was 0.5C in ten years, so ‘the science’ guaranteed 5C in 100 years. All man made. After twenty years of no change means 0.5C in 30 years and they have to settle for (0.5/30)*100 or 1.66C. How will mankind survive? Oh the humanity! Ten years from now will mean (0.5/40)*100 or 1.25C and a retired Bill Nye will be claiming victory. Twenty years from now, the fiftieth anniversary of steady warming, the projection will be +1C. Saved by windmills and science and Bill Nye. Fighter for truth and justice and his science.


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    What an imbecile.

    New rule: intelligence is inversely proportional to the number of selfies taken per unit time.


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      Perhaps you have not experienced the ‘selfish stick’, otherwise the selfie stick. This is when you are on a boat on a canal in Bruges for that once in a lifetime shot and someone sticks their camera out in front of you on a long stick, ruining the shot. There is selfie and there is selfish.


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      Of course you all do realise that Bill Nye is probably getting exactly what he wants most of all out of life.

      With all this self created media publicity around “Bill Nye”, he must be feeling very, very important and very, very influential and therefore a significant and major force in the politics of climate science and therefore of a very high public status indeed.

      Of course to enhance his profile even further and just in case the public’s interest in himself begins to wane a little, he must regularly up the level and intensity of the hate invective against that self created enemy, the Skeptics, an enemy that is percieved as enemy by only himself and a number of his equally deranged fellow travellers.

      For “Deniers” it is now to jailing and maybe slavery of those who don’t bow before “Bill Nye’s” dictates.

      You yourself “Bill Nye” have set the scene in the last few days. It is your baby now come what may!

      What ARE you going to do now for an encore that will cement you as a person of the greatest importance in the minds of men for all eternity?

      From here on you can only increase the intensity of your endeavours now to maintain the hard left media and the public’s interest in your own personal beliefs and in your own importance. Beliefs and an ideology that you are willing to jail people for if they don’t bow to and express fealty to that same ideology you are promoting.

      Gas chambers for “Deniers” perhaps,
      Who qualifies as a “Denier” and therefore becomes a candidate for the gas chambers being defined by “Bill Nye” of course!

      After “Jailing” Deniers ,there is not much more left to deal with “Deniers” other than beheadings!
      You will have to move fast on that one “Bill Nye”.
      Gary “blue cloud” Evans of the Greenpeace organisation has a lock hold on that method of dealing with “Deniers” from some time ago.

      Maybe just one more method left to deal with “Deniers” and really impart a message to all those elsewhere on just how important and influential “Bill Nye” really is and how it is in everybody’s own interest to bow the knee and express fealty to the ideology as dictated by “Bill Nye”.

      Just put all those “Deniers” into a cage and douse them with petrol and set them alight.

      After all it has been demonstrated with human examples previously to hold the public’s close attention.

      Now that should really cement “Bill Nye” as somebody who will stop at nothing to permanently secure his reputation and his place in the universe.


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    I read at Desmog the bet was $20k. But yes it is irrelevant and to take that bet on Marc Morano would need huge odds because we know what the first months have been with the tail end of El Nino, and being one of the tenth hottest years could still mean that it is cooler than 2015, but also largely statistically insignificant.

    Whereas the warmist theory is very specific. Keep adding greenhouse gases and the global temperature will rise demonstrably as shown by the climate models. If Nye had the true courage of his convictions, he would make a bet based on the IPCC projections.

    Climate skeptics have never said the world wont warm anyway. We simply dispute the claimed impact of greenhouse gases on global temperature and climate.


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      Excellent point, often overlooked. Sceptics are not predicting the world’s temperature. They doubt the single explanation for change. This political argument has been admitted by UN Climate chief Christiana Figueres, it is all about redistribution of Wealth. It has never been about the weather or the climate.
      Other facts about the most important UN person in Climate Change.

      She attended the London school of Economics and Political science. So a ‘scientist’
      Her father, José Figueres Ferrer, was founder and President of Costa Rica three times.
      Figueres’ mother, Karen Olsen Beck was Ambassador to Israel in 1982 and a member of the Legislative Assembly Her brother José Figueres Olsen, was also President of Costa Rica (1994–1998) and another of the many Figueres family in the UN.

      This is the first time in the history of mankind” she said “that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the industrial revolution. That will not happen overnight and it will not happen at a single conference on climate change, be it COP 15, 21, 40 – you choose the number.

      What is odd is that Ms Figueres still has her job? So it is was never about the weather or even the temperature. When people quote the IPCC, it is a political group run by politicians who can change the conclusions of any report.


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        …150 years of industrial revolution.
        Seems a bit arbitrary. Mankind has been using fuel for cooking ,lighting, heating, hunting and farming for eons. The carbon footprint of some slash and burn ancestors was quite respectable.


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      Leonard Lane

      Good luck on collecting from Nye and the like.


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      Guy Fawkes succeeded rather well. The costs of celebrating his…umm…interruption since, far exceed, in incendiary damage to private and public property, any damage his intended target would ever have suffered should he have managed to put match to fuse.


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        B@$$^r. The above is/was to Rom, at 11.2. How the ocean acidification did it end up down here at 12 dot something?

        now I’ll have to do something about this DeSmog BLog keyboard.


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    You can’t win the bet when data is just made up. Here is a comparison of GISS LOTI with RSS.

    It looks like El Nino only shows up when they want it to. 0.4°C less in 1998 but still on track to keep up with RSS this time.


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    Rick Will

    Off topic but a new story:
    “SUBURBS such as Albert Park, Docklands and St Kilda would be swamped by rising sea levels if climate change continues unabated, says new computer modelling.”
    The Grand Prix protester may eventually get what they want.

    Full story here:
    And this is the new website:


  • #

    I’ll compare my carbon (sic) footprint to Bill Nye’s ‘footprint’ any day.
    Any day you want to take that bet, Bill …
    . . .
    Ironically, @theconverstaion, where dissenting comments are moderated out, they are calling on Turnbull to use his authority as prime minister to take the heat out of Australian climate politics by calling for only respectful and constructive debate on this issue

    Only Gaia knows how anyone can have any debate when opposing views are to be silenced.

    Also, @conversation post features a snippet of a 2010 video of Turnbull calling for a carbon (sic) tax.

    For context, here is full video, which features Turnbull noting “that it is remarkable” that (Global Warming) is such a pressing issue that on a cold winter’s night, this issue has “managed to fill the Town Hall”. (0.30 secs)

    In 2009 … There had been, Rudd revealed, a crucial incident in Melbourne.

    Melbourne, he told Parliament, had experienced a hot November evening.

    This is apparently all the evidence Rudd needs to be convinced anew of global warming, which previously was understood to be global.


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      “only respectful and constructive debate”

      Then they need to ban use of the word “denier”
      That is a blatantly disrespectful, denegrating descriptor – I would object to being referred to as a textile fibre measurement (or an obsolete french coin)


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        Roy Hogue

        Don’t forget, the definition of respectful and constructive is theirs to decide, not ours. The dictionary definitions are out the window as of a long time ago.

        And I suspect that if you ask them, they’ll tell you I’m right, bless their little black hearts.


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    Mr. Nye tosses superlatives around with great abandon, like a credulous child.

    I disagree with his expressed view that Pompeii was built by the Romans with em>”unlimited” energy/resources/whatever. The resources were not unlimited. They were finite, and severely constrained by food, shelter, transport (supplies and materials still had to be moved to the site: by oxcart or horse-drawn wagon instead of motorised trucks), weather, the moods of the mountain and especially time. A wooden lever then is not as strong as a modern hydraulically driven diesel powered steel digger-boom. Nor is a team of multitudes of slaves as fast as a single digger with exchangeable tools (bucket, drill, hammer etc).

    Construction today is far faster than construction then ever could be when everything had to be done slowly and by hand. Yes,

    All thanks to fossil fuels.

    Really Mr. Nye. What fuelishness.


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    David S

    Warmists need to be careful what they wish for . Prosecutions for fraud involving climate science are going to backfire with many of the high profile AGW proponents as the first candidates. When one points the finger at the accused there are three fingers pointing back.


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      Roy Hogue

      The usual result when one group wants to silence another is that someone will come along who wants to silence the original silencers. And they won’t have a leg to stand on.

      Wanting to take away someone’s right to speak is a dangerous road. And we’re headed down that road, not only with climate change but with other political hot potatoes of all kinds.

      Wanting to take away any right from some group usually has the same result. It doesn’t have to be the right to speak. And we’re doing that as fast as we can push it forward.


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    $10k – I don’t waste my time with pussies … Let’s make it $100k/year for the next 10 years.


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    Someone pointing out the faults of postulates using measurements of nature is what makes an otherwise string of brain farts into science (and when you do it to yourself, its of the highest order).

    It is beyond comprehension that there are still people who would not be suspicious of this farce based on the attacks of any dissenting voice. The label “denier” was enough to get me suspicious. Now the calls from the Science Guy to gaol people for voicing contrary opinions is surely enough to get the few remaining morons to see the light.


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    As warmism crumbles and fails,
    And their leaders go clean off the rails,
    To silence dissent,
    Their shameless intent,
    Is to send climate skeptics to jails.


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    Geoff Sherrington

    Someone will end up incustody. Nye seems to be throwing red herrings to deflect the sniffer dogs from his direction.


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    Another scare brought to you by an obscure government department – sea level rise will inundate Langley Park in Perth etc:

    I guess the tent “embassy” on Heirissen will have to find new quarters as well…


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      Roy Hogue

      When Al Gore sells his waterfront property I’ll take notice. Until then, I’m just ging to smile and go on as usual.


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    Heard this on the radio on the way to work in Melbourne this morning:
    It’s astonishing this stuff is still being headlined. welcome to 2100…..they may as well have said welcome to 3100 or 4100, it’s so totally meaningless.
    Nobody challenges this stuff, I can only hope it is because no is listening any more, or caring.


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      The measured sea level rate at Fort Denison is 0.65mm/year

      Recent surveying has indicated that Fort Denison is actually sinking at about 0.49mm/year.

      That means that the actual rate of sea level change at Fort Denison is 0.16mm/year

      That makes about 14mm by the end of the century.

      Would anyone even notice !!!!!


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        Latest projections are up to 2m by 2100. 1m from Antarctica alone. Lucky Flanney was wise enough to buy an elevated and sloping waterfront block.


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          Projections from rabid climate scammers, you mean, who have never been right about any projection in their whole life, massively wrong even on temperature.


          0.65mm/year, with no acceleration….. that’s about 55mm by 2100

          (and there are hints of actual deceleration.)


    • #

      It should also be noted that the diagram in that link showing flooding of Sydney Airport is a TOTALLY FABRICATED LIE.

      Sydney runway has a low point elevation of some 6m, with a +6m difference between height of the ends of the main runway. (average 9m elevation)

      At 0.16mm/year (see post above), it will take some 37,500 years to reach the lowest part of runway !!


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      el gordo

      The Klimatariat has finally acknowledged that sea level rise is slowing and to cover their backs they are saying dry land has soaked it up.

      Gaia is presumably storing most of this fresh water underground in Australia and with the super La Nina on the cards it should bring SLR to a stop.


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      Their website has been inundated and had a meltdown. Its a great resource.


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        Its a load of erroneous rubbish…… so yes a great resource for alarmists..

        Go for it, CS, its right down your alley.


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    There is one very common human trait that I think most humans would wish that it never happens to them particularly while they are still alive and of a mental state that still reacts strongly to being labelled in later life as being completely wrong, utterly incompetent and grossly intolerant of any doubting or questioning or opposition to the views they so fanatically espoused during their working life.

    To possibly have what we always think of as our respect and honour publicly trashed in our later and mentally more vulnerable years and even the prospects of it happening after our death due to the disgrace and utter collapse of a very public and divisive project we might have supported and promoted for most of our working life, is a very personally humiliating prospect indeed to ever have to contemplate in our later and fading years.

    Which is why I can never quite understand, at least for those of us who take a longer and more tolerant view during our working life along with a good dose of personal ethics and morality, the sheer self inflating pomposity and hubris, the viciousness and and nastiness and total intolerance to any other counter or alternative views to those of the hubris laden, pompous self centred utterly hypocritical Bill Nyes of this world. Who along with a whole cabal of similar academically challenged and ideologically rigid and inflexible, hate filled individuals mostly centred in a few universities [ ie; UNSW, Queensland Uni, Uni of WA and etc ] demand the ultimate penalty against those who dare to question or who publicly doubt or who publicly disprove the entire basis of the ideology that underpins whole of the extremist climate catastrophe ideological rigidity of those same Bill Nyes of this world.

    The Bill Nyes of this world along with a whole swag of intolerant anti science academics along with a bucketfull of other assorted elitist climate catastrophe promoting crooks and scammers will be remembered and no doubt sometimes quoted as examples of the vicious arrogance and hubris and the utter debacle of the climate science catastrophe beliefs that were such a feature of the increasingly vicious ideology being promoted by the Bill Nyes of the early 21st century.

    Like all those high profile geological scientists of the first half of the 20th century who for half a century decried and heavily disparaged Wagner and his hypothesis on continental drift and the Earth’s plate tectonics, Wagner is remembered and now even honoured.

    And those others who decried and condemned Wagner, who can name them?
    Who can even remember them ?
    Who wants to remember them?
    They were so wrong so Why should anybody remember them?

    And that is surely the coming fate of Bill Nye and all those other oh so sure pseudo climate catastrophe promoting scientists with their degrees in sociology and paleontology and psychiatry and astronomy and etc.


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    Bill Nye and co at DeSmog are congratulating themselves on his bold $10K offer to bet that 2016 will be one of the ten “hottest” ever years …

    We happen to be living in one of the coldest periods in geological time, even on a relatively brief timescale we are living in an all too probably short warm episode, the Holocene, which seems to be dying a natural death — the past two hundred years or so being something of a warmer relief (but probably not reversal) whatever the causes.
    Alex Epstein on fossil fuels.


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    And this coming from a guy who flew in Air Force 1 with Obummer last year for earth day??
    Maybe Josh should revise his “STUPID” cartoon to include Mr. Nye? Or he may be an “outliar” like Mann?


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    Man fined for dud doomsday warning

    “A SELF-STYLED prophet has been convicted of “spreading rumours” for saying a quake would destroy Taiwan.

    He was fined Tw$40,000 ($1320) for his botched doomsday prediction, a court said.”
    . . .
    I too, am guilty of the crime of wishing jail time, but on Bill Nye.


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    Con-ner…er Connor, is at least as mad as de-Nyer. read all:

    14 Apr: CarbonPulse: Stian Reklev: Carbon pricing alone not enough to clean up Australia’s electricity sector – think-tank
    A modest carbon price would ensure Australia meets its 2030 emission targets, but would fall far short of decarbonising the electricity sector by mid-century and fail to keep the nation within its carbon budget, according to Melbourne-based think-tank the Climate Institute…
    A growing number of analysts eye a potential compromise between the Coalition and the Labor party in the form of evolving the Safeguard Mechanism into a baseline-and-crediting scheme, to provide investors with some more certainty…
    “Our modelling found a modest carbon price rising to A$40 per tonne by 2030 would result in emission reductions similar to the government’s current national 2030 target of 26-28% below 2005 levels,” Climate Institute CEO John Connor said…
    The report was based on setting a global carbon budget until 2050 that would cut GHG emissions sufficiently to make it likely the world can meet its target of limiting temperature growth to 1.5-2C. Australia’s “fair share” of that budget would be 8-9 billion tonnes of CO2e between 2013-2050.
    Using a carbon price alone to stay within those limits would require the unlikely scenario of a carbon price of A$70 per tonne in 2020, rising to A$100 in 2030, the report said…READ ALL


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      Graeme No.3


      No proof that ‘carbon’ (or CO2 for that matter) has any measurable effect on temperature.
      No explanation as to the correlation between CO2 and temperature rise.
      No explanation as to why Australia should do any more because 90 or more countries plan to INCREASE their emissions by far more that our effect (if any).
      No explanation as to how they can make a de-carbonised electricity sector actually work.

      Just tax and spend? waste more likely.


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      Peter Miller

      Why do they call these government funded groups ‘think tanks’?

      They are just groups of overpaid, pointless, bureaucrats dancing to whatever tune the government of the day wants to play. The word ‘think’ is totally inappropriate.


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        Roy Hogue

        Think tank…

        I’m not sure of the “think” part of it. But they’re surely in the “tank” for their masters. It wouldn’t be a good idea to bite the hand that feeds you.

        Thinking is another matter and if all it takes is parroting the party line then it doesn’t take any real thinking. So it’s a good job for those who like a no sweat, easy living job.


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    as for WWF (does anyone still dontate to this mob?):

    14 Apr: CarbonPulse: Ben Garside: Even ‘most efficient’ coal puts global climate goals out of reach – report
    Even the most efficient coal plants are not compatible with the global climate change goals, a study commissioned by green group WWF found, undermining claims that such facilities count as climate action and are eligible for climate finance.
    A report from Ecofys published on Thursday showed that any coal-fired power generation will take the world off course from the 2C warming target in the Paris Agreement…
    The study referenced UN-backed scientific studies from the IPCC showing that emissions from the global electricity sector need to rapidly reduce and be close to zero by 2050 to stay well under 2C.
    It found that even if all coal plants used the most efficient available technology – so-called ‘high efficiency low emissions’ (HELE) technology – the sector’s emissions would still be above those levels.
    WWF said this means that governments need to end giving financial concessions to coal technology immediately and phase out all plants by 2035 in OECD nations and 2050 globally.
    “It is clear that in a post-Paris world, there is quite simply no role for coal, however ‘efficient’,” said WWF economist Sebastien Godinot…
    •Some 2,300 new coal power plants – 1,400 GW of capacity – are planned worldwide but there are doubts that many of those will be built due to climate policies and competition from other power sources such as renewables.

    European Commission Environment: Speakers: Sebastien Godinot, Economist, WWF European Policy Office
    Mr Sebastian Godinot has worked in the environmental sector for over 13 years and is currently the economist of WWF European Policy Office. His area of expertise lies in public and private finance, subsidies, green economy, and how they can unlock opportunities for a sustainable economy. As part of this Mr Godinot has been leading the WWF International campaign “Seize your Power” on the European Investment Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, with the participation of over ten WWF national offices, to successfully ban coal funding and boost support for renewable energy and energy savings in both public banks. Previously Mr Godinot led the WWF EU-wide campaign, with a wide coalition of environmental NGOs, on the €1 trillion EU Budget 2014-2020 (Multiannual Financial Framework) – focusing especially on Cohesion Policy, Common Agricultural Policy, developments funds and LIFE…


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    More shrill advocacy at the ABC:

    My response (probably to be moderated):

    Balderdash – there is ample evidence of rapidly changing climates in scientific records. Google “Rapid climate change: lessons from the recent geological past.” Just the first scientific article I hit upon in a ten second search. People should stop regurgitating Green’s propaganda and do a little research. There is a reason most geologists don’t chip in on the climate debate – they generally think the “consensus view” is garbage, and they know they will be crucified by believers for saying so.

    It is also absurdly anthropocentric to think that we are now, at this specific moment in time, at a delicate balancing point in the earth’s climate. Not unlike that anthropocentric view of the past, thinking we were the centre of the universe. Complete rubbish – the earth’s atmosphere has seen CO2 concentrations far, far higher than today without extinguishing all life on the planet. Humans do better in the warmth than in the cold, demonstratively true. What is also true is that CO2 concentrations were dangerously low in the recent geological past – a little lower and plants, and then all life we care about, would have died.

    I am sorry OP, but where is it known that we are on the crux of a “tipping point.” Show me one accepted scientific paper that conclusively shows this.

    Lastly, and possibly most importantly, it matters not a jot what Australia does. Quit thinking you are so important. Stop all emissions today and by this time next year China will have made up the difference. That is how much Australia does not matter in this issue. Spend some on research, sure, but forcing uncompetitive renewables on the economy is not helpful.

    PS> It is BS that sceptics are into “shrill advocacy” … that is called projection.

    Here’s betting the ABC mod squad deep sixes this one… too many awkward truths…


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    Dr Goklany’s recent 2015 report is probably one of the best resources for sceptics that highlights the many benefits of increased Co2 levels. He has worked for the US govt as an IPCC representative and is an IPCC lead author.
    The benefits of more co2 are remarkable for human well being and for the planet’s biosphere as well. Even the CSIRO understand this and have a number of studies showing the planet is greening.
    Life expectancy in poor countries has more than doubled since 1900 although there are now 5bn more people on the planet. Here’s his quote———

    Living standards
    “Despite claims that human wellbeing will suffer, living standards, measured by GDP
    per capita, have never been higher globally. Consequently, the absolute poverty rate
    – the share of population living on less than $1.25 per day in 2005 dollars – was more
    than halved between 1981 and 2010. As a result, there were more than 723 million
    fewer people living in absolute poverty in 2010 than in 1981 although the developing
    world’s population increased by 2,174 million.140 In low-income countries, life
    expectancy, probably the single best indicator of human wellbeing, increased from
    25–30 years in 1900 to 42 years in 1960 and 62 years today.”


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      Just to back up Dr Goklany’s work over the years here’s life expectancy in Australia since about 1880. This is from the ABS. Interesting to note that a person born in one of the World’s poorest countries today has the same life expectancy of an Aussie born in the late 1920s. An Aussie born before that date had a much lower life expectancy than the poorest countries today.

      Here’s the link to the Gov ABS study. But I suppose this is just more stupid data and has to be BS, right?


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      Roy Hogue

      You’re forgetting the first and most important rule of climate science — never let the truth get in the way of a good scare campaign.


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    14 Apr: WSJ: Liz Hoffman: Inside the Fall of SunEdison, Once a Darling of the Clean-Energy World
    Easy money from Wall Street fueled an ambitious expansion into solar and wind power, but rising interest rates cast a shadow
    Last June, two dozen SunEdison Inc. senior managers gathered at the Park Hyatt near Paris’s Place Vendome to hear a forecast from Chief Executive Ahmad Chatila. By 2020, he said, the renewable-energy startup would be worth more than $350 billion. Some day it would be as big as Apple or Google.
    The bravado was vintage Chatila, but the fuel came straight from Wall Street. Born out of financial engineering that supercharged its growth, SunEdison had taken advantage of low interest rates and a flood of hedge-fund cash to transform itself into a darling of the clean-energy world.
    Ten months later, SunEdison is working with advisers on a possible bankruptcy filing, according to people familiar with the matter. Nearly $10 billion in shareholder value has evaporated…READ ALL

    from Bolt’s Tips page today:

    Robert of Cairns: For the advocates of renewable energy have a look at performance of the wind turbines over the past few days: pitiful is the best description with production less than 10% for the past couple of days and even as low as 100 MW! That is 39 Windfarms scattered between Adelaide and Sydney of a rated capacity of 3669 MW.
    Seriously, how can any sane person propose any renewable energy target with such a limited potential to produce 24/7 electricity, and at what cost? What will 100 MW do, perhaps run 300 Melbourne trams and nothing else! (


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    i haven’t even checked the posts by NASA, but, for the non-sceptic Mirror, the comments (u have to keep expanding them) are almost entirely CAGW sceptical:

    14 Apr: UK Mirror: Jeff Parsons: NASA takes to Facebook to shut down climate change deniers in the most brutal way
    When it comes to the safety of the planet, the American space agency isn’t messing around
    Anyone used to commenting on Facebook posts knows there’s a lot of misrepresentation going on.
    Well, when it comes to climate change , NASA’s not going to stand for it.
    When an article written by American scientist Bill Nye was shared on the social network, it drew some considerable criticism from climate change deniers…
    And once Nye posted that to Facebook, the haters came out.
    But, unbelievably, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration decided to get involved to set the record straight…READ ON


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    Egor TheOne

    It’s Bill Nye , the Shrunken Heads on Poles Guy !

    Another Climate Medievalist Clown in search of Climate Omens ( Funds ) .


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    14 Apr: CarbonPulse: Ben Garside: France’s Royal targets a €30 carbon price
    Carbon prices worldwide must reach a level of around €30 a tonne to change behaviour of big-emitting industries, France’s environment minister Segolene Royal said Thursday.
    “We think we need to reach about €30 (a tonne),” Royal told a World Bank-hosted panel discussion in Washington DC ahead of the group’s annual spring meeting.
    She added that carbon pricing policies should be co-ordinated globally to avoid competitiveness issues, and should also be foreseeable and stable, in line with a recent taskforce she formed to help drive carbon market reforms at EU level…
    World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim welcomed the advancing of carbon pricing around the world, which he pointed out is set to rapidly increase from current coverage of around 12% of global emissions once China launches its national ETS in 2017.
    But he called for more urgency in helping poorer nations finance cleaner energy projects, to avoid locking in high-carbon energy infrastructure…

    13 Apr: CarbonPulse: Stian Reklev: CN (Carbon) Markets: Shanghai CO2 price fall continues even as fresh demand emerges
    Shanghai CO2 allowances fell another 10% on Wednesday, the maximum allowed daily price movement, even as buyers stepped in to pick up permits at record low levels.
    SHEAs ended Wednesday at a fresh record low of 4.20 yuan ($0.65), down half a yuan on the day, as smaller emitters continued to offload their annual allowance surplus.
    The price has now dropped some 61% since Mar. 25…

    14 Apr: CarbonPulse: Stian Reklev: China’s ETS law likely pushed to next year, State Council plan shows
    In the legislative plan released Wednesday, the emissions trading bill was not listed under proposed legislation that China’s Cabinet will strive to finalise this year.
    The start of the cap-and-trade programme has been pushed back to the second half of next year, but even that timetable may come under pressure if lawmakers don’t finalise the legislation early next year…
    The delay has caused some concerns as any last-minute changes forced by other powerful ministries could topple the process. For example, the China Securities Regulatory Commission has made known its opposition to the NDRC’s desire to allow futures trading of CO2 allowances…


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    warn off your retirement fund managers:

    14 Apr: ClimateChangeNews: Ed King: Development banks eye pension funds in new climate finance drive
    Manager of Climate Investment Funds says it wants to de-risk low carbon projects in developing world, unlocking trillions from institutional investors
    Leading development banks are seeking to tap into the vast assets run by pension and fund managers as they try to ramp up low carbon investments in emerging markets.
    Demand for clean energy, transport and infrastructure solutions in developing countries is soaring, the head of the World Bank-affiliated Climate Investment Funds (CIFs) told Climate Home.
    Since last December’s UN climate deal in Paris the CIFs had “more countries expressing interest than we could accommodate,” said Mafalda Duarte…
    But with major donor countries unwilling to dig deeper and an estimated $3.5 trillion needed by 2030 to implement climate plans in developing countries, banks are looking elsewhere for support.
    “We have started to have discussions with some pension funds,” said Duarte.
    “They are quite risk averse, but what they have told me is they do want to expose themselves more but are having a hard time finding the right [investment] vehicles.”…
    But weak governance and a lack of policy stability make many countries too volatile for pension managers, who look for stable investments that can pay dividends for decades…
    “How do we go on this mission without going back to [donor] countries and ask for big amounts of public finance?
    “I think that’s the direction we are moving towards. We are looking at how to maximise out use of assets, and structure vehicles that will become self-sustaining.”


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    oh well…

    14 Apr: UK Yahoo: Press Association: £240m home energy efficiency scheme delivered ‘negligible’ carbon savings
    A flagship home energy efficiency policy which cost taxpayers £240 million failed to deliver energy and carbon savings, the National Audit Office has said…
    The 14,000 households opting for the loan scheme, in which providers met the upfront costs of installing efficiency measures and householders paid the money back from savings they made on their energy bills, fell far below expectations.
    The now-abandoned scheme’s failure to persuade households that energy efficiency measures were worth paying for meant it cost the taxpayer £17,000 per loan plan, the report found.
    The scheme, which cost £240 million to set up and run, including grants to stimulate demand, did not deliver additional energy or carbon savings, which would have been made anyway through other schemes.
    An investigation into the Green Deal Finance Company, set up to provide finance for the scheme, also found a £25 million loan from the government was unlikely to be paid back by the company, which paid 13 members of staff £1.3 million in 2014…
    The £3 billion ECO scheme, whose costs are passed on to consumer bills, saved only around 30% of the carbon emissions of previous programmes, partly because of an initial focus on “harder to treat” homes which cost more to make efficient.
    Taken together, the government’s various energy efficiency schemes in the past few years cost £94 for each tonne of carbon they saved, significantly more than the £34 per tonne of carbon dioxide of the schemes they replaced…
    (Spokeswoman for DECC): “We are now designing a new scheme that will help make even more homes warmer and bring people’s bills down.”


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    stop the presses.

    14 Apr: Guardian: Adam Vaughan: Solar power sets new British record by beating coal for a day
    Coal’s decline continues as figures show homes and businesses got more power from the sun for an entire 24 hours last weekend
    While solar power has previously beaten coal for electricity generation over a few hours in the UK, Saturday was the first time this happened for a full day…
    “This first for solar reflects the major shifts going on in the electricity system,” said Carbon Brief in its analysis…


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      Solar power is also taking to the air again. Real soon now. As soon as the weather clears. For long enough

      Solar Impulse re-enters ‘Mission Mode’


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        Sounds a bit like my 15yr old sheep dog. It gets into mission mode for a few minutes then prefers to mind the ute.(i know, don’t remind me about dogs and masters)


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          Brought a big smile to my face and many memories of my faithful old doggy friends of times now long gone!


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        Roy Hogue

        Well, their technical achievement is something we should respect. But then they’re applying that genius to what — an around the world flight in an aircraft that, for all it’s sophistication, cannot simply take off on demand and deliver even its crew, much less a payload to some destination. And promoting clean renewable energy technologies isn’t helped much if they go down in the Pacific so they have a cadre of weather experts to back them up. And aviation already has those weather services available but they’re not looking at the problem from Solar Impulse’s perspective.

        Why aren’t they working on a practical home backup system using solar and some reliable storage technology that would give me enough power to run my house if, as happened this past week, someone runs into a power pole and we’re dark for 30 or 40 minutes or a day or a week? I’d even settle for a system that could run my computer long enough to save what I was doing and shut down because as it was, I lost about 15 minutes of work when the lights went out.

        Mission mode seems to mean wait for suitable weather.

        I’d give a lot for a chance to examine their aircraft just because of my curiosity. But after all is said and done, it has all the transportation possibility of a sailplane (glider).


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    read the comments:

    14 Apr: Herald Scotland: Letters: Put energy back into hands of scientists and engineers
    ELIZABETH Marshall’s letter (April 13) on electricity shortages makes sober reading but echoes conclusions reached by most members of the Scientific Alliance Scotland. Scotland’s electricity supply has survived up to now thanks to the foresight of scientists and engineers who ran the old South of Scotland Electricity Board and the North of Scotland hydro electricity board…
    The fundamental requirement of any civilised society is the provision of a reliable electricity supply and that it be as cheap as possible because economic activity jobs and general employment are utterly dependent on price as the present situation with UK steel indicates.
    Politicians have not acted responsibly, price has increased because of political sentiment and desires to lead the world in supposed green policies but at the expense of the people who live here.
    It is time to put electricity generation back into the hands of qualified scientists and engineers who understand how to ensure that Scotland receives a stable abundant supply, to establish a uniformity of price throughout and that electricity generation be removed from the onerous and unnecessary policies that increase price.
    Professor Tony Trewavas,
    Scientific Alliance Scotland…


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    fuel poverty? don’t point fingers at The Green….or WWF:

    13 Apr: Scottish Housing News: Scottish Greens pledge to build 12,000 affordable homes and end fuel poverty
    Published yesterday, the manifesto sets out how the party intends to create jobs through building good homes for all; increase socially rented homes and make fuel poverty a national priority…
    The party also vows to support ways to gradually reduce house prices and to improve the quality of new zero-carbon housing…
    Alison Johnstone, health and sport spokesperson for the Scottish Greens and MSP candidate for Lothian, added: “Our country faces huge challenges, from pressures on health and social care to the scandal of fuel poverty and the threat to communities from fracking. Scottish Greens have shown in parliament and in communities our principled approach and determination to tackle these issues.”
    WWF Scotland welcomed the Scottish Greens’ manifesto commitment to end cold homes.
    Director Lang Banks said: “Their pledge to support all homes to reach a minimum ‘C’ energy performance standard by 2025 would cut emissions, tackle fuel poverty and create thousands of jobs…

    2 Apr: NYT: Reuters: Activists Protest Ex-UN Climate Chief’s Suit Against Harassment Case Lawyer
    Activists in India have protested against a civil suit launched by the former head of the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) against a lawyer representing two women who have accused him of sexual harassment.
    Rajendra K. Pachauri filed a civil suit last week against lawyer Vrinda Grover, seeking an injunction and 10 million rupees ($150,000) in damages on the ground that she was trying to prejudice the case against him…
    “This is a diversionary tactic on the part of the accused,” Grover said. “This is an attempt by Pachauri to intimidate the two women who have made their sexual harassment cases public,” she said. “This suit for damages has no merit. I find it very odd.”…


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    Nye added, “For me as a taxpayer and voter — the introduction of this extreme doubt about climate change is affecting my quality of life as a public citizen.”

    And for me as a tax-payer, I would like to counter-sue people like Bill Nye, as their introduction of this extreme doubt about natural climate change is affecting my quality of life as a public citizen.


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      Roy Hogue

      And for me as a tax-payer, I would like to counter-sue people like Bill Nye…


      Sorry for thinking about the practical but I think we should simply welcome Mr. Nye to reality and tell him to make himself at home. If we can live there, so can he. Suing him is just a messy drawn out affair for everyone with no guarantee of success. But it’s a very tempting thought.

      In the long run, what can we do about or to him that will change anything?


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    13 Apr: Daily Caller: Michael Bastasch: UN Secretary-General: I’m Glad Obama Is Ignoring Congress On Global Warming
    United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is dismayed at congressional opposition to regulations aimed at fighting global warming, though he’s glad President Barack Obama has decided to ignore Congress.
    “Unfortunately. I’m concerned,” Ki-moon told The Wall Street Journal’s Kimberley Strassel in an interview (LINK) when asked about Republican opposition to the U.N.’s Paris treaty.
    “But I do appreciate President Obama’s strong commitment,” Ki-moon said. “He knew that, with all this opposition of the Republican Party’s stance, he may not be able to have all this legally—through a legal process. But he also has executive power. He will do whatever he can under his executive power.”…
    Obama, however, says since the treaty is non-binding — based on voluntary pledges to cut CO2 emissions — he doesn’t need Senate approval. Ki-moon said parts of the agreement are binding while others are non-binding.
    “This is an international agreement; thus, it’s obligatory. It’s not that all the clauses, all the articles, are obligatory,” he told Strassel. “But core elements are. For example, the national targets, Intended Nationally Determined Contributions, are not binding. But every five years, this will be monitored and reviewed, and in 2018, the parties will gather to review what happened from 2015 until 2018.”
    “From then on, every five years there will be monitoring and reporting,” he said. “This is mandatory. And there is much, much more possibility that member states will have an opportunity to verify which country has done how much. This is an obligatory clause.”

    just wow!!! reminds me of the following:

    14 Apr: UK Express: Nick Gutteridge: GAGGED: Brussels tells Dutch MPs they CAN’T debate referendum result as it may fuel Brexit
    BRUSSELS has effectively banned Dutch MPs from discussing their country’s historic referendum result because it is exposing the EU’s undemocratic core and boosting calls for a Brexit
    In an astonishing statement delivered to the Dutch parliament this week Prime Minister Mark Rutte admitted he had been ordered by other EU leaders not to mention the referendum for the next two months.
    He also blocked any decision from being taken on the future of the EU’s expansionist deal with Ukraine, which Dutch voters overwhelmingly rejected in last week’s historic referendum.
    The entire opposition movement had demanded a law ratifying the treaty in the Netherlands be immediately withdrawn, arguing the “people have spoken”. Dutch voters crushed the pro-Brussels ‘Voor’ movement last Thursday, with nearly two-thirds voting against the Ukraine deal…
    But Mr Rutte’s Government – which has a narrow majority – outvoted them and instead chose to postpone any decision on whether to accept the will of its own people until after the UK referendum has taken place…
    Even parties that had initially backed the agreement with Ukraine – which aimed to bring Kiev into the EU’s sphere of influence – blasted Mr Rutte’s decision not to pull the plug on it immediately.
    Sybrand Buma, of the centre-right Christian Democrats, blasted: “Real people went to real polling stations to really say No.
    “I find it dramatic, but we can’t say in hindsight ‘it’s disappointing, we are going to do what we want.’”…
    In response Mr Rutte argued that he needed to embark on behind closed doors talks with other EU leaders to see if a stitch-up could be achieved to save the Ukraine deal.
    And Eurosceptic opposition MP Marianne Thieme said Rutte is trying to fool No voters that some renegotiation of the treaty is what they wanted.
    She said: “The citizen should be taken seriously. In this debate, the prime minister is feeding the public distrust in politics.”
    On an historic night last Thursday an overwhelming 61.1% of Dutch voters rejected the Ukraine land grab plot, which aims to bring Kiev into the EU’s sphere of influence.
    But Brussels bureaucrats almost immediately indicated they are plotting to railroad through the deal anyway, granting visa-free access to 45 million Ukrainians.
    This week UKIP leader Nigel Farage stunned Eurocrats into silence during a rousing speech in the European Parliament, during which he said the Dutch referendum result heralds the end of the EU project.


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    bizarre how Maher has written this piece. it’s as if he’s going along with the nonsense. love the first comment, though:

    15 Apr: Australian: Sid Maher: ‘Grow renewable energy or pay price’
    Coal-fired power stations would be retired at 45 years of age to make way for growth in renewable energy and to avoid a major electricity price crunch for Australian industry under a plan put to both the Coalition and Labor.
    Research released today by the Climate Institute think tank warns that unless major moves are made to tackle impediments to increasing the mix of renewable energy in the electricity sector, energy users and consumers face “severe’’ price shocks…
    Climate Institute modelling found a modest carbon price rising to $40 a tonne by 2030 would result in emissions reductions in line with the government’s 26-28 per cent target by 2030.
    The problem was this would result in almost no replacement in coal-fired power stations, with clean energy paving the way for dramatic action after 2030 if Australia was to move to zero net emissions by 2050.
    Under this scenario, about 80 per cent of all coal-fired power stations would have to close in five years and clean energy capacity would have to increase four times, imposing a major cost on consumers and the economy…
    FIRST COMMENT: by Quentin: An increasing number of Green voters like me are appalled by the recalcitrant, head-banging stupidity of these endless demands to replace coal with useless, expensive renewables.
    Thousands of new more efficient coal stations have been /will be built in east Asia alone from 2006 to 2020.
    They will use Australian coal.
    Look at the Tasmanian mess and SA ripoff.
    It’s time to resist catastrophism.


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    Roy Hogue

    Fossil fuels are like slavery, says Bill Nye

    I’ll bet he does. After all, talk is cheap. But I’ll also bet he still drives his car or has himself driven in a car by someone else everywhere he goes. The beauty of hypocrisy is that you don’t have to even consider whether your position makes sense or not. And if someone else calls attention to your big fat error, you can simply continue to claim you’re right and dismiss those pesky little gnats who actually examine what you say for conformance with reality. After all, it’s what’s in your hypocritical head that counts and nothing else.


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      Roy Hogue

      Error bars — now there’s an interesting subject too. It can mean one thing to someone who knows and respects how measurement is done but probably nothing to anyone else. I suspect Bill Nye might be wandering the streets in the evening looking for the Error Bar so he can have a drink. He shows about that much understanding of what it means. Or maybe he shows about that much concern for what it means.


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      Roy Hogue

      And jail is an interesting thing too. Given the great interest here in America in the comfort and convenience of prisoners I might be better off being jailed.

      1. Free TV

      2. Free legal advice

      3. Free access to a large library of books and video, including a legal library

      4. Free room and board (have you checked the price of groceries these days?)

      5. Free medical care, sometimes enforced by the weight of the courts so prisoners can end up getting procedures I couldn’t get (literally)

      6. Did I mention conjugal visits?

      7. And nothing in this world to worry about. I get told what to do, when to do it and have no more weighty decisions to make. I sure could use that in these troubled times.

      So maybe Jail isn’t so bad a threat as he thinks. On the other hand, he looks a lot like your ordinary blowhard, so his meanderings through climate science probably will lead to nothing but more trouble.


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      Roy Hogue

      The real appearance of Bill Nye is that of someone wanting to cash in on what he thinks is a bonanza, one that will enrich both his pocket and his stature with… …well with whom I can’t be sure. But the behavior is so typical. I’ve seen it over and over in politics, climate change and nearly every human endeavour. We all have. One more voice crying in the wilderness, “Me too! Me too! Me too!” on and on for ever and ever.


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    Richard deSousa

    Carl Sagan was wrong about the nuclear winter effect when Saddam Hussein torched the oil fields of Kuwait during his retreat of his invasion campaign to conquer Kuwait. The nuclear winter only lasted one year. Now Sagan is wrong again for comparing Venus’ over heated atmosphere blaming CO2.

    The CO2 content in Venus’ atmosphere which dictates Venus’ climate is 95%. The CO2 in earth’s atmosphere is 0.04%, or putting it differently, 400 parts CO2 to 1,000,000 parts earth’s atmosphere. Too bad Sagan died with this lie as his legacy!!


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    NASA: There is far too much focus on the gold standard of measurement of Global Warming.

    WaPo: When doubters began polluting a thread started by Bill Nye “The Science Guy” about his rejected attempt to place a bet about global warming, the Facebook account “NASA Climate Change” decided to pounce.

    NASA Climate Change then directed commenters to multiple independent analyses of temperature data which show global warming while reminding readers: ” There is far too much focus on surface temperatures. They are but one measure of warming. All other measures . . . continue unabated.”

    > Wait. What? <

    Gavin Schmidt, head of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies:
    That’s not to say the satellite measurements don’t provide some value, but it is an indication why the surface temperature data analyzed and reported by NASA, NOAA and others is viewed as the gold standard.


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      Roy Hogue

      Everyone will forgive me I hope if I dismiss Gavin Schmidt as not worth my while. Give me the satellite temperature measurements any day. And even those have been subject to suspicion too but it was at least a technical problem and not doubt about the honesty of those doing the measuring or the “processing” (keeping it non accusatory) of those measurements. NASA has sunk to an all time low and shows no interest in climbing back out of its hole. We can no longer do manned space flight but the agency formed to do just that can now argue about global warming. Is it any wonder they’re sending some astronauts to do training for roles in civilian run space missions. I guess the thought of profit is a better motivator than the political.


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    Bill Nye , Mechanical engineer , actor ,comedian , gambler and now a forcaster of earth’s temperature records years in advance .

    Global warming is a very good thing when ever it occurs . Humans possible small contribution is alright with plants and animals
    who don’t do well in a cooling world . Bill has already rebranded global warming to climate change
    so at least he acknowledges what everyone in kindergarten has already figured out. Bills views are about as representative
    as those in the world who wear little bow ties . Real catchy .


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    “One of the 10 hottest years ever” should read one of the hottest years since the instrumental temperature record began in 1659, and after the end of the Little Ice Age.


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    The earth had been cooling now for 18 years. All Bill Nye will proved that he is a complete climate change denier and his bet of $10,000 will illustrate such proof.


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    the science guy”

    Whenever i watched Bill Nye on TV , and btw I am a big fan of programs that try deliver the message of the wonders of science to kids, I never thought that he was that great 🙁

    As one of the spokesman for AGW I think he is even less so.


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    Hey Jo, hubby getting nervous about certain previous bets made?
