London Climate Change Conference Sept 8 – 9 Don’t miss it!

If I didn’t live 15,000km away I would be going to this for sure, for the debates on the solar cycles, planets, ozone and oceans — and because , Roger (Tallbloke) and Christopher Monckton will be there. Piers Corbyn too, the man who beat the UK Met Office for weather predictions and the brother of Jeremy Corbyn (Labour leader in the UK). CLEXIT will be launched. Nils has published more than 590 papers on sea levels around the world and set up the Pattern Recognition Journal which was drastically closed by the publisher, because it “doubted” the IPCC conclusions.

Entrance is open to anyone, and there is no registration fee — just a donation. If this were a government funded gravy train, it would cost hundreds to see lame predictable presentations by researchers who aren’t brave enough to question the dogma. Come to London, and watch the scientists and contributors who are pushing the bounds of science.


See the full programme and the extended abstracts in this 35 Mb document for full details.

Climate Change: Science and Geoethics

An international multidisciplinary conference
to be held in London, UK
September 8-9, 2016

Organized by The Independent Committee in Geoethics

Donate to help:  The Secretary General (]

Organisers: Christopher Monckton of Brenchley, UK,  Athem Alsabti, UK, Madhav Khandekar, Canada, Phillip Foster, UK, Franco Maranzana, Italy, Leonello Serva, Italy, Jan-Erik Solheim,  Norway, Roger Tattersall, UK

The conference will include the launch of CLEXIT – the new organisation seeking to take all nations out of the Paris Climate Treaty.


The Programme from


Thursday 8 September: Natural drivers of climate changes

08.30     Registration (uploading of ppt-files)

08.50     Welcome and information     

Session 1: Influence of the Sun and the major planets on the Earth’s climate

09.00     Nils-Axel Mörner: An introduction to planetary-solar-terrestrial interaction

09.20     Roger Tattersall & Richard Salvador: Does solar system orbital motion and resonance synchronize solar variation, LOD and ENSO?

09.40     Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller: A new planetary temperature model and its implication for the Greenhouse theory

10.00     Discussion


10.10     Tea and coffee

10.30     Nicola Scafetta: Multi-frequency spectral coherence between planetary and global surface temperature oscillations

10.50     Jan-Erik Solheim: Ice margins, the Sun and the planets

11.10     Per Strandberg: Drivers of ENSO variability

11.30     Indrani Roy: An overview of Solar Influence on Climate

11.50     Discussion

12:0013.00: Lunch

Session 2: Ocean variability

13.00     Martin Hovland: Documented pH and temperature anomalies in the deep ocean *

13.20     Wyss Yim: Sub-aerial and submarine volcanic eruptions and climatic variability


Session 3: Natural influences on climate

13.40     Peter Ward: Ozone depletion, not greenhouse warming, caused recent warming *

14.00     Hans Jelbring: The dominant physical processes that cause climate change

14.20     Alex Pope: Ice on land

14.40     Discussion

Session “The CHIC project”

15.00   Fabio Pistella and Leonello Serva: The CHIC project of ICG

15.20     Discussion

15.40   Tea and coffee

16.00   General discussion and additional comments

17.00     End of Day-1 program

* Keynote presentations


Friday 9 September: The temperature plot and its consequences

08.30     mingle and uploading of ppt-files

08.50     Welcome and information

Session 4: The greenhouse effect and anthropogenic global warming

09.00     Jan-Erik Solheim: Result of a greenhouse experiment

09.20     Francois Gervais: Tiny CO2 warming challenged by Earth greening

09.40     Piers Corbyn: The total failure of the ManMade Climate Change story

10.00     Discussion

10.10     Tea and coffee

10.30     Albrecht Glatzle: Reconsidering livestock’s role in climate change *

10.50     Pamela Klein: Is climate science serious?

11.10     Benoît Rittaud: Epistemology of Climate Change

11.30     Thomas Wysmuller: Sea-level rise and CO2

11.50     Discussion

12:00–13.00    Lunch

13.00     Maria Araujo: Sea level data in the Iberian Peninsula

13.20     Nils-Axel Mörner: Modelled vs observed sea-level changes

13.40     Discussion

Session 5: Implications of the catastrophist anthropogenic global warming hypothesis

13.50     Madhav Khandekar: Climate change and extreme weather: projection, perception and reality *

14.10     Philip Foster: Good science and good scientific ethics go hand by hand

14.30     Christopher Monckton of Brenchley: Genocidal climate science *

14.50     Discussion

15.10     Tea and coffee

Session 6: General discussion

15.30     General discussion, conclusions and communiqué

17:00     End of Day-2 program, end of Conference

8.9 out of 10 based on 56 ratings

63 comments to London Climate Change Conference Sept 8 – 9 Don’t miss it!

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    Last time I checked, the event was not listed at the Conway Hall site, It’s still not listed on the main page at Conway Hall, or via their search feature, or on their events calendar widget.


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      Ted O'Brien.

      No sign of a double booking. Perhaps they might fear violence.


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      Perhaps they have specified that it is for an invited audience only and/or not contracted Conway Hall to publicize it.

      I don’t know for sure but IMO it would be a sensible move.


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    UPDATE: Added in
    “Piers Corbyn too, the man who beat the UK Met Office for weather predictions and the brother of Jeremy Corbyn (Labour leader in the UK)”

    See the links in the top paragraph…


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      So one of the Corbyns got the brains, the other got the family good looks.


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        David Smith

        It’s the Lenin cap that gets my juices flowing…


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          Yes, a lefty. But one hated by the Labor party political hacks and loved by the people. A non-conformist like his big brother. Good luck to the both of them.


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      Leonard Lane

      Jo. Do you know if this conference will be streaming or on YouTube later? Any way that the public can see the conference?


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        As far as I can see on the full programme (35Mb), as linked to above, there are 3 go-to people for the media connections.
        I would think any one of them could tell you (via email?) who has signed-up for media coverage, and whether you’ll YouTube it.
        If you or anyone else contacts them and finds out could they please tell us all here.

        Jo may know more.

        Connections for Media

        Nils-Axel Mörner; – phone: int.46-87171867 (before meeting)
        Christopher Monckton; – cell +44 7814 556423
        Madhav Khandekar; – phone: 905-940-0105


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      Piers Corbyn is a man of the sun and moon. He has an excellent forecasts.


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      George McFly......I'm your density

      Jo, if you would like to go I am happy to chip in with a small contribution


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    In London

    I will be attending this , and thanks to Jo for posting 😀


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    it looks like a brilliant program. I hope it gets on You Tube. The session on The Greenhouse Theory (I am glad it is being called a theory now) will be especially interesting to me.

    There is a paper presenting a new model on planetary temperatures. Will that be anything like the thermo-gravitational theory which has often been discussed on this blog?


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      ‘The Greenhouse Theory (I am glad it is being called a theory now).’ Also replace with NON theory..


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    Tea & coffee available.

    No Doomsday Global Warming Kool-Aide!

    What’s not to like! Optimism! Positiveness!

    Using & promoting the benefits of fossil fuels!

    Science discussed. All views welcome!
    ~ ~ ~
    Unlike these doomsday kool-aide swilling hypocrites, Australia’s Clean Energy Council:

    All-Energy 2016 Australian Conference , Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, 4-5 October, 2016

    Prepare yourself for the future of energy at the free-to-attend All-Energy Australia Conference.

    Transport & Parking:
    “The Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre is located on the banks of the Yarra River, only a short walk from Melbourne’s central business district, and a 20-minute drive to Melbourne Airport connects MCEC to the rest of Australia and the world.
    . . .
    Let’s have a pilot program where those who think banning fossil fuels is a keen idea, get to go without them, first.


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    don amoore

    Jo. Is there anyway that the Hon Josh Frydenberg can be informed and encouraged to have an observer. (fat chance)


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    el gordo

    Per Strandberg believes he has cracked the code for ENSO, tidal forcing and Length of Day (LOD) are more than bit players.


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      All oscillations in physics need a driving force..maybe that is the one, I havent seen his stuff yet. Maybe interesting.


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    New Chum

    Many years ago there was a highly regarded weather forecaster in Queensland that used sunspot activity his name was Indigo Jones.
    This is from the newspapers at the National Library of Australia.


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      Inigo Jones


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      el gordo

      As a matter of interest Jones referred to the Bruckner cycle, this from wiki.

      ‘His research included studies of past climate changes and he proposed the 35-year-long Brückner cycle of cold, damp weather alternating with warm, dry weather in northwest Europe.’


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        Ted O'Brien.

        Am trying to think of his successor’s name. I remember a 1965 Good Year calendar hanging on the wall of Alf Thrift’s garage. It featured a twelve month forecast from the Crohamhurst Observatory, which included six floods.

        It turned out to be a bad drought year.


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          el gordo

          Kevin Long predicted this past winter would be dry in south-east Australia, based on the moon, but clearly he didn’t calculate the behavior of the oscillations in his astronomical calculations.

          At the moment I’m trying to pinpoint the start of the LIA in north-west Europe, particularly England, and I’ve narrowed it down to 1202 AD. So the next 35 years in that part of the world will be damp and cool.


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          el gordo

          Correction: The cool damp cycle should continue for another quarter century.

          ‘Britain faces ten more years of wet summers, after the Met Office revealed the country is in the midst of a rare weather cycle that increases the prospect of summer rain and could last for two decades.

          ‘Since the cycle began in 2007, six of the past seven summers have been wetter than average – with last summer seeing the heaviest rainfall in a century at almost double the seasonal average.’



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      el gordo

      “The number of hypotheses and theories about climate change are numerous. Quite naturally they have caught the public attention, as any proof of past climactic change points to the possibility of future climate change, which inevitably will have significant implications for global economics”. — Eduard Brückne 1890


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      BoM: Climate outlook for spring (September to November)

      Issued 25 August 2016

      – Spring (September to November) rainfall is likely to be above average across parts of northern Australia.
      Elsewhere, the chances of a wetter or drier spring are roughly equal.
      Warmer days are likely across much of Australia, except eastern NSW and southern Queensland. (most population, most carbon (sic))
      – Warmer nights are likely for Australia, except southwest Australia, northeast NSW and southeast Queensland.
      – Climate influences include a weakening negative Indian Ocean Dipole, and tropical Pacific Ocean temperatures which may approach—or briefly exceed—La Niña thresholds (see the Climate Influences section).
      . . .
      How’s that BoM permanent drought looking?


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        el gordo

        ‘Elsewhere, the chances of a wetter or drier spring are roughly equal.’

        Which is something we might expect with a fading IOD and a lack luster La Nina.

        During global warming epochs 1000-1260 AD and 1920-2009 AD El Nino ‘is below average’, while the cool times like 1260-1860 AD La Nina is more dominant. Good time to start building those dams.

        Picked up this knowledge from Tessa Vance (2013), a Law Dome ice core driller who obviously regards El Nino as an anomaly. Still its nice to get the 600 year figure for the LIA in Australia.


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    a job for Piers?

    26 Aug: Newsbusters: P.J. Gladnick: New York Times Is Looking for a Global Warming Editor
    Here is the happy announcement (LINK) from the Times…
    If the Times were really interested in hiring a weather/climate expert who has the best reputation for predicting the weather, they would look no further than Piers Corbyn (LINK) of Great Britain who has a proven track record for accurate long range forecasts…READ ON

    NYT Ad: The New York Times is looking for a climate change editor
    Drone footage that shows Greenland melting away. Long narratives about the plight of climate refugees, from Louisiana to Bolivia and beyond. A series on the California drought. Color-coded maps that show how hot it could be in 2060.
    The New York Times is a leader in covering climate change. Now The Times is ramping up its coverage to make the most important story in the world even more relevant, urgent and accessible to a huge audience around the globe…
    To Apply
    Applicants should submit a resume, examples of previous work, and a memo outlining their vision for coverage to Dean Baquet and Sam Dolnick by Sept. 19. This vision is the most important part of the application. It should be specific and set clear priorities. Some important questions to wrestle with…
    •What stories are we willing not to do? … READ ON


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    The human impact on the natural environment is actually slowing down

    The researchers think the increasing efficiency can be attributed to the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) hypothesis, which suggests that environmental pressures are at their worst when industrial societies are in the early stages of development, but then begin to slow down relative to financial growth as markets modernise.

    In other words, as countries around the world become more industrialised and developed, their human footprint starts to ease off.

    The researchers have made their data available online with an interactive website that allows you to compare the human footprint as it was in 1993 and how it looked by 2009, and lets you explore areas where human activity is putting increasing or decreasing pressure on the environment.


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    It looks like Climate Change has abandoned Global Warming! Only two titles mention it.
    What we now have is man made Climate Change. Same players. Same plot. Just no need to mention temperature. Sea level rises. Coral bleaching. Storms. Extreme events. Ice extent. Glaciers. Sustainability.

    Will someone please explain how tiny CO2 changes climates when it cannot even change the temperature?
    As Prof Salby concluded, they are not even correlated.

    You can prove absolutely by C14 measurement that there is almost no old/fossil CO2 in the air at all. The great vacuum cleaner, the deep oceans which cover 2/3 of the planet obviously just sucks it up. Mankind’s output is insignificant. If the oceans released even 1% of what was dissolved, CO2 levels would go up 50%. The atmosphere is just a little outgassing from the oceans on a water world.

    So this is a political science conference. Of course politicians want to speak. Who needs Prof Murry Salby to speak? Who needs an actual Climate Scientist? Let’s talk about ice and sea levels and windmills.

    To quote Oscar Wilde “Pray don’t talk to me about the weather, Mr. Worthing. Whenever people talk to me about the weather, I always feel quite certain that they mean something else. And that makes me quite nervous.”


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      Tony Porter

      It looks like Climate Change has abandoned Global Warming! Only two titles mention it…

      True, but they’re now starting to propagate the new (backup) fairy tale to replace those you mention: Ocean Acidification.
      Expect to observe a rampant increase in hysterical hyperbole and subsequent greenie manipulated, MSM panic over this juicy slice of doom, very soon!


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        Possibly my favorite. The oceans are not acid and never will be. Rain and rivers, fresh water can be acid but they represent 2% of 2% of water. Only by a great stretch of semantics could you say that becoming very slightly less alkali is acidifying and the oceans are already stuffed full of CO2 in vast quantities. Then I suppose 0.5C is a deadly change in an average which must be fought for the safety of mankind. Now who melted those glaciers which covered Europe and North America? Neanderthals, obviously.

        The area we know as New York was the result of melting glaciers which reached there 20,000 years ago and the Hudson only started to flow 12,000 years ago. There are mastadon bones 22 feet underground at Broadway. I would be more afraid of another ice age than very slight warming, barely detectable by older instruments.


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    el gordo

    I predict Scafetta’s 60 year cycle will feature strongly in association with the Jupiter/Saturn synodic harmonic and lunar tidal forces.

    The MSM is unlikely to cover that story but Per Strandberg’s paper has the potential to break the Gordian Knot, mainly because of ENSO’s ability to change earthly temperatures quite dramatically.


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    Unable to attend as Big Carbon has again failed to compensate me for my heresies.

    Besides; I’ve got a cold and cannot afford London’s congestion charge.


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    Guardian CAGW alarmist Mathiesen pumps out propaganda at ClimateChangeNews as well these days. he believes polling by Climate Institute? lol:

    26 Aug: ClimateChangeNews: Karl Mathiesen: Paris temperature check: Australia’s climate plans in focus
    The outsider who came in from the cold: Malcolm Turnbull said tackling climate change “inspires and energises” him, but has he delivered?
    Perversely the fact climate policy featured little in the election campaign may be no bad thing, says Connor. “It certainly wasn’t the scaremongering that we’ve seen from the coalition in the past.”
    The public appetite for these campaigns has diminished; people of all political persuasions want the government to do more. Polling by the ***Climate Institute found that between 2013 and 2016 concern about climate change among the proportion those who voted for the governing coalition grew from 41% to 62%.
    This has been driven partly by the lived experience of recent wild weather. Australia’s climate is particularly vulnerable to the distress of El Niño years.
    In 2016, bushfires and drought have ripped apart both precious wilderness and farming communities; huge storms took the very foundations from beneath Sydney’s most affluent suburbs; floods drowned the rural towns of northern Tasmania.
    While the link between climate change and these events is complex, there were ***few Australians in the past year who did not notice that the weather had been acting strangely – many have drawn their own conclusions…
    But Frydenberg has confounded critics and fanned hope by smacking down suggestions that wind power had caused an electricity price spike in South Australia…
    Steffen says the real indicator that Australia’s policies are heading in the right direction would be the advent of a renewables boom…


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      Amazing, I was puzzled as to who could have written such nonsense..

      “Australia’s climate is particularly vulnerable to the distress of El Niño years”. So now there is a claim that El Nino is man made? Now where’s the computer model for that?
      “huge storms took the very foundations from beneath Sydney’s most affluent suburbs” and I suppose they vote conservative?
      “floods drowned the rural towns of northern Tasmania” after unnecessary cloud seeding the approaching storm by our very own CSIRO, this after all the desperately needed hydro water was sold thanks to Carbon pricing in Victoria.
      “While the link between climate change and these events is complex” means non existent.
      “the weather had been acting strangely” Has it?
      “smacking down suggestions that wind power had caused an electricity price spike in South Australia” Suggestions? Thanks to the closure of the coal fired power station, there was no power and the windmills were off. That costs.
      Steffen says the real indicator that Australia’s policies are heading in the right direction”.

      Now we have the source. Will Steffen. So the industrial chemist is now an expert in economics, power generation and climate? If he says so. He is a scientist and scientists are infallible, even if they studied kangaroos like his dear leader.


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    25 Aug: Jesuits urge G20 not to lose Paris Conference’s momentum
    The Jesuits in Britain are among the 130 investors who have written to the leaders of the G20 nations, urging them to ensure the transition to the low-carbon, clean energy economy agreed at the Paris Climate Change Conference (COP21) last year is implemented as quickly as possible…
    Last November, Jesuit Missions supporters were among the 50,000 who marched through London in what was the UK’s largest ever demonstration for action against climate change. And as the Paris Climate Change Conference got underway, Jesuits and their associates involved in environmental issues worldwide were in the French capital to urge the nations taking part to reach an agreement to limit emissions in order to prevent global warming surpassing 2oC above pre-industrial levels…
    The letter reported in the Financial Times and signed by Br Stephen Power SJ on behalf of the Jesuits in Britain was co-sponsored by Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change, the Investor Group on Climate Change and Principles for Responsible Investment, along with other Church-related bodies including the Central Finance Board of the Methodist Church, the Christian Brothers Investment Services, the Church Commissioners for England, the Friends Provident Charitable Foundation, the Plater Trust and the Sisters of St Dominic of Caldwell, New Jersey.


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    26 Aug: South China Morning Post: Li Jing: China’s chief climate negotiator who helped secure historic Paris deal moved to new role amid reshuffle
    Departure of veteran diplomat Su Wei, known for his tough and straight-talking nature, leaves chief negotiator role vacant
    The departure of Su – who has been the country’s chief climate negotiator since 2005 – coincides with the international exodus of other senior climate diplomats after the Paris convention.
    Among them, Todd Stern, the United States’ special envoy for climate change, stepped down in March, and former UN climate chief Christiana Figueres left in July after her term ended…

    ***The NDRC’s personnel reshuffle comes after a team sent by the top graft-buster, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, completed a review on the commission in June…
    The watchdog has been encouraging reshuffles across and within central ministries as a way to curb nepotism and corruption…

    China and the US are likely to ratify the climate deal in the coming days, the South China Morning Post reported on Thursday…


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    THE EMPIRE really does STRIKE BACK!

    The only question is, will it get airplay?

    Would love to be there.



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    Does “Discussion” mean questions and answers from the audience is going to happen after each talk?


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    Looking for this committee, I found this

    “Organization Committee
    Hosting Co-ordinator: Professor Athem Alsabti, Professor in Astronomy, University College, London.

    Secretary General: Professor Nils-Axel Mörner (, Independent Committee on Geoethics (ICG), former head of paleogeophysics and geodynamics, Stockholm University.

    Christopher Monckton of Brenchley, UK, ICG.
    Madhav Khandekar, Canada, ICG.
    Philip Foster, UK, ICG.
    Franco Maranzana, Italy, ICG.
    Leonello Serva, Italy, ICG.
    Jan-Erik Solheim, Norway, ICG.
    Roger Tattersall, UK, ICG (webmaster)
    Geir Aaslid, Norway, ICG (webmaster)

    Event co-ordinator: Ross Marsh”

    Impressive. In fact “former head of paleogeophysics and geodynamics” I really do not know what these words mean? There are soups with fewer ingredients.


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      Madhav Khandekar, Canada, ICG. Retired Meteorologist, formerly with Environment Canada (over 50 years in weather & climate science).

      Rev Phillip Foster is the author of While the Earth Endures: Creation Cosmology and Climate Change (foreword by David Bellamy) and publisher in the UK of Climategate

      Franco Maranzana, Consulting Geologist.

      Geologist, Leonello Serva, Institute for Environmental Pr…, Rome
      Geomorphology, Volcanology, Paleoclimatology

      Jan Erik Solheim, Inst of Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Oslo

      Roger Tattersall describes himself as “a qualified engineer and a graduate of the History and Philosophy of Science.”
      Tallbloke’s Talkshop was one of four blogs to receive a comment by “FOIA” in November 2011, which linked to hacked e-mails
      obtained from the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit (CRU) – popularly dubbed “Climategate.”

      Geir Aaslid: Free speech is needed in the climate debate.
      Klimarealistene is the major oppositon in Norway to the IPCC and the Climate crisis industry.

      The cream of Deniers, better described as people who do not believe what they are told to believe by people who have no idea.


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      Rereke Whakaaro

      Paleogeophysics is, I surmise, the study of the early physical reactions in the formation of Earth, or any planet, for that matter.

      Geodynamics is, I also surmise, the study or early changes in the earth’s crust. If I am correct, they would be closely related topics.

      But what would I know? I am just a man in a hat.


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        Looking up Paleogeophysics I found one of the speakers on the Nils-Axel Mörner site, a quick read gives a level headed approach to science.

        There again anything with ‘paleo’ in front of it has to be very old school.


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      In that mix there are some ‘luke warmists’ like Monckton, but as long as they all go on the same basic track we can tolerate it. As long as it ends up killing the ‘climate AGW’ bogey man.


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    I only just discovered Piers Corbyn is Jeremy’s brother (silly me). No wonder the establishment dont want Jeremy for the British PM !.
    See Piers on the coup against his brother,

    Conference looks like quite a lineup. MSM reports? Not a dogs show, esp here in downunder.


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      The MSM may show interest if the idea of transgender dinosaurs is mentioned……but might consider mixing Danny La Rue and ‘saurus’ poor taste and dress sense.


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    13.40 Peter Ward: Ozone depletion, not greenhouse warming, caused recent warming

    Is this the same Peter Ward I have seen on youtube promoting Global warming as a problem .. ?
