Hundreds of Consumers, Business people and Scientists say: “Get out of the Paris Agreement.”

A new grassroots group is forming to lobby to get Australia out of the Paris Patsy Agreement. The people who are fed up with us being The Crash Test Dummies of Renewables include movers and shakers, professors, farmers, MP’s, executive giants of the mining and medical research industry, engineers, and surgeons. It includes Larry Pickering (cartoonist), Hugh Morgan, Alan Moran, Ian Plimer, Jerry Ellis, John Stone, Peter Farrell (ResMed), Ron Manners, Gina Rheinhart, Geoff Bennett, Colin Boyce, Bob Bryan, Ron Pike, David Archibald, Prof Ivan Kennedy, Prof Peter Ridd, Bill Kininmonth (former head of the National Climate Centre) and so many more. Credit to Viv Forbes of Carbonsense.

My thoughts on why we need The Saltbush Club:

“Who speaks for consumers? Our elected reps are supposed to, but few are willing to speak up. There is a $1.5 trillion dollar global industry that wants Australia to accept Paris, but no debate about the vested interests that stand to profit while Australian consumers and businesses pay carbon taxes they have voted against every time they had the chance.”

 The opening press release:

The Saltbush Club

“The Saltbush Club”

Skilled and Thinking Australians concerned at the huge costs and unproven benefits of the climate, energy and infrastructure policies on both sides of Federal Parliament.

A new lobby group comprising scientists, farmers, consumers, small business and big business is urging both sides of Australian politics to put aside party interests and global agendas to focus on what’s best for Australian business, workers, consumers and the environment.

The Saltbush Club calls for Australia to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement and to cease financing or supporting the international bodies promoting it.

It challenges the whole idea of a consensus on man-made global warming.

Jerry Ellis, retired chairman of BHP, and Founding Chairman of the Saltbush Club says:

“It is clear that Australia’s push to meet the Paris carbon dioxide emission targets is leading to higher electricity prices and unreliable supply. We have lost the balance between working for environmental outcomes and working for economic outcomes. These things need to be balanced, and this balance is missing with the Paris Agreement. The world would be a better place with strong economies generating money to spend on poverty, health, infrastructure and the environment.”

Hugh Morgan, CEO of Western Mining 1990-2003 and a director of the Saltbush Club agrees:

“People think the Paris Accord is just about commitments to lower CO2. It is really about transferring wealth via the UN to the so-called Less Developed Countries. It’s about advancing centralised control of people’s lives on a global scale. This climate alarm movement has got so far because of backing by Western millennials who have been indoctrinated during their education. Enjoying living standards unprecedented in world history, they have embraced alarmism as a new secular religion.”

Ellis and Morgan are supported by a large, skilled and experienced group of other Australians calling themselves “The Saltbush Club”. The group was organised by Viv Forbes (with a few helpers), from a country farm-house in Queensland with no landline, no NBN and less than $3,000 in financial support.

Forbes says:

“The Saltbush Club has over 200 foundation members, plus a bigger group of “silent” members. It will be a voice for those who are rarely heard in the climate and energy debate – those consumers of electricity who are concerned that the war on hydro-carbon energy has increased the costs and reduced the reliability of electricity for industry and private consumers.

“It welcomes anyone with a similar view, regardless of their political affiliations or leanings.

“We must reject the UN Agenda which is crippling western industry with high-cost unreliable electricity in a futile attempt to control global climate.”

“Our top priority is to have Australia withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement and to cease financing or supporting the international bodies promoting it.”

Jo Nova (a well-read blogger and Saltbush Media Director) added:

“Who speaks for consumers? Our elected reps are supposed to, but few are willing to speak up. There is a $1.5 trillion dollar global industry that wants Australia to accept Paris, but no debate about the vested interests that stand to profit while Australian consumers and businesses pay carbon taxes they have voted against every time they had the chance.” 

Viv Forbes

To join, send an email to Viv Forbes <forbes AT>. Obviously replace AT with @.

Miners, scientists, farmers, business people.

The Australian mistakenly announced it as a “mining lobby group” because a few giants of Australian mining have added their names in support. But it is nothing of the sort. Indeed it says something that while former executives of mining companies are often skeptics, most current executives and industry organizations are avowedly not. Former executives have a freedom to speak their minds that current execs do not. Some in the media and in politics openly punish politically-incorrect views. CEO’s fear offending the likely next government and being called a “denier”, or pander to unscientific weather-changing policies because they profit from riding the Green Gravy Train. (Can we talk about the vested interests?) If there was civility about other opinions, and no renewable subsidies to skew the market, current executives might say something quite different.

Quit Paris now, mining chiefs’ lobby demands

Graham Lloyd, The Australian

Hugh Morgan, one of Australia’s most outspoken and influential conservative voices, has joined former BHP chairman Jerry Ellis to lead a new lobby group calling for Australia to leave the Paris Agreement and stop funding ­global climate-change efforts.

Mr Morgan, a Liberal Party member and former chief executive of Western Mining Corporation, said Western millennials had embraced alarmism over climat­e change as a new secular religion after being indoctrinated by the education system.

9.9 out of 10 based on 118 ratings

259 comments to Hundreds of Consumers, Business people and Scientists say: “Get out of the Paris Agreement.”

  • #

    100s. Vive la revolution!

    Indeed while [a small number] former executives of mining companies may speak out, most current executives and industry organisations pander to Labor Green politics, or are riding the Green Gravy Train think otherwise


    • #
      el gordo

      Its evolutionary until Scott Morrison joins.


      • #

        Joins a lobby group?

        Lobbying is actually something I have experience at – I’ve never seen anyone do well with rhetoric of the likes of the bit I crossed out there. Certainly belittling those you don’t agree with which includes the people you are trying to sway with your ideas, is doomed to failure

        A new lobby group comprising … is urging both sides of Australian politics to put aside party interests etc


        Is from the front page of the web site. So they want to urge both sides of politics but you don’t want people “to pander to labor”. Confusing way to talk to Labor polititions and supporters.

        Also this manifesto statement alienates or ignores people who are not from those two sides of politics and has invented a world where there are only two sides. I’d sack the media chief and rewrite.


        • #

          “is doomed to failure”

          What is your purpose here, GeeAye?

          [snip c’mon Andy. Doesn’t need to be so personal]


          • #

            AndyG55 You write “What is your purpose here, GeeAye?”

            Perhaps to inject a little reality into the comments here and to add a splash of cold water onto the, unnecessarily. heated emotions of commenters. This SaltBush Club is a total waste of time and energy. The Paris Agreement is non-binding so Australia and every other country does not have to meet the commitments put forward in 2015.

            Commenters here are all of one mind that Climate Change is crap, as I believe the arch disbeliever once said and the comments, mostly, re-inforce the opinions of other commenters, as indeed is the case with most blogs. This has the disadvantage however that commenters to a particular blog are cocooned in their fantasy land where their views reflect the of the majority of Australians.

            That. of course, at least in this blog, is manifestly untrue as the majority of Australians are of the opinion climate change is real, is happening now and want the government to take appropriate measures. Yes, I know that Australia adds precious little to the overall CO2 concentration and if Australia were to stop using all fossil fuels tomorrow it would have no discernible effect on CO2 concentration in the atmosphere. That has little or no relevance to the views of most Australians

            Most significantly in the context of this post, only 20% of respondents to a poll conducted by The Climate Nation in June 2018 wanted Australia to withdraw from the Paris Agreement. (

            With about 80% of Australians in the wider community wanting Australia to stay with the Paris Agreement, no lobby group, however eminent its members, is going to persuade a government to go against the wishes of such a large majority of Australians.


            • #

              Will the moderation extend into next month before the post is deleted?I t has already been 5 hours since submission. Is this a polite way of saying go away we don’t like your views ?

              (I looked in the trash bin, and into first few dozens of the 3,000 plus spams listed, nothing under your name shows up) CTS


            • #

              IKSFA.. You have ZERO idea what any proportion of Australians want. You have prove you know SFA.

              Biased pushed polls are meaningless, and designed to influence the gullible, like you.

              Do you have any empirical evidence that atmospheric CO2 causes warming ??


              • #

                “Do you have any empirical evidence that atmospheric CO2 causes warming ??”

                No, of course I don’t, but equally, do you have any empirical evidence that it doesn’t??

                And as for polls, I expect you have heard of Newspoll which was a significant factor in the political demise of PMs Abbott and Turnbull. Why is it that polls with which people do not agree are deemed worthless fakery while polls with which they do agree are acclaimed as providing a valued insight into the thinking of the majority of Australians? The poll to which I refer was initiated by the Climate Institute in 2007 and has been conducted regularly since then. What evidence do you have for your statement “Biased pushed polls are meaningless…”? Had you provided some your comment might have had some validity but as it stands, it doesn’t

                Why do you feel it necessary to write “you have prove (sic) you know SFA”? If you could provide some evidence for that statement fair enough but as you haven’t it is just another ad hominem.


              • #

                “do you have any empirical evidence that it doesn’t??”

                WOW ! so you admit that after 30-40 of this tripe, there is STILL no evidence that it even exists.

                Unicorns and fairies have had a much longer run. !!

                Do I need evidence they don’t exist ?????

                Just “believe”, despite KNOWING that there is no evidence.. WOW. !!

                Wondering what sort of “scientist” you are !!

                social scientist? Café scientist?


              • #

                “was initiated by the Climate Institute”

                WOW, a “poll” by a rabid “climate change™” propaganda unit.

                or were you ignorant of that?


                You really ae a GULLIBLE little non-scientist, aren’t you.

                (You need to back off on the personality attacks on others) CTS


              • #

                “Do you have any empirical evidence that atmospheric CO2 causes warming ??”

                Note the standard running away and distractions when ever any AGW sympathiser is asked that question.

                So predictable.. SO FUNNY !! 🙂


              • #

                You really are something else aren’t you with your vicious ad homs. No DH I’m not a social scientist or a cafe scientist but a PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. What’s your brand of science? Astrology?


              • #

                So despite KNOWING that there is no measurable evidence of warming from atmosphere..

                You still “believe” there is



              • #

                ad homs.. ????

                You mean like this whole post of yours ?????

                Intentional arrogance and ad homs from start to finish



            • #

              So Ian.If you live in or around Sydney,If you go down to the habor and take a trip to either”Fort Dennison”or”Cockatoo Island”you will find that our first”White”settlers marked the high and low water marks,in around 1776 or there abouts.Those marks are still visible for all to see.Which means that the UN and IPCC were spreading BS.Why is it that you”Believers”ALLWAYS have to insult peoples intelligence,rather than debate”Global Warming”(That is what you people used to call it)How about YOU come up with REAL proof instead of”Denigrating”people.


              • #

                No,I don’t live in Sydney I live in Fremantle which has been measuring the average monthly sea level continuously since 1897. Agreed that is not as long ago as the observations to which you refer but it is a lot more informative because of its regularity and longevity.

                If I have insulted you by pointing out the truth that blogs attract like minded people then I apologise for pointing out the truth.

                And as for your rant about “you people” so liberally adorned with words in capitals, which, BTW, is regarded as very poor netiquette, nowhere in my post did I make any comment on my views on global warming. I gave the results from a poll in which I was not asked to participate. That poll does not necessarily reflect my views on global warming.

                I’ve been posting here since 2012 and were you able to read my posts since then, you would find most are scathing of “climate science” which is more of a religion than a science.

                My view of climate science is that there is much that is not understood and very probably much that is not even known about the factors affecting the climate and of course we do not know what we do not know.

                Given that the models on which climate science is based are programmed by humans who not only do not know what they do not know but also do not fully understand what they do know, I find it disturbing that these models are taken as being impeccably correct. How can their performance be evaluated from inputs made by humans with a poor understanding of the factors affecting the climate?

                Because I am a scientist I object to the “warmists” pushing their views which I believe are based on both incomplete knowledge and imperfect understanding.

                But climate change is no longer about science, it is more about politics. For whatever reason “warmists” are more often than not, on the left of the political spectrum while “deniers” are more often than not on the right .

                Thus blogs on climate science, including this one I am sorry to say, now proselytise more than they used to and comment less on the science than they used to. That is disturbing


              • #

                I hear your pain. There’s a commenter who comes round here (hey, I think he’s an Ian too) who takes every chance to bang on against long-departed Abbott and defend – of all people – the blobby green bankster globalist Turnbull. Seems he’s still partying like it’s 2015.

                Being neither right nor left it’s hard for me to grasp such people’s obsession with local personality politics. Faced with the advancing horrors of giant techno-bureaucracy, Agenda 21, Agenda 30, Sustainable Development and the whole Orwellian enchilada these people want to bang on about parties and blue team versus red team. Like that mattered.

                By all means, vote left, right or centre (I’ll likely vote right, with few expectations)…but let’s not miss the Tartar horde at the city gates while we argue over who should be dog-catcher.


            • #

              “Do you have any empirical evidence that atmospheric CO2 causes warming ??”

              No, of course I don’t, but equally, do you have any empirical evidence that it doesn’t??

              Ian, it is not up to sceptics to prove that CO2 doesn’t cause warming, it is up to believers to prove it – and so far they haven’t been able to do so using empirical data. It is like me stating something without proof and saying that the onus is not on me to prove it, but for you to disprove it.


              • #

                “Ian, it is not up to sceptics to prove that CO2 doesn’t cause warming, it is up to believers to prove it – and so far they haven’t been able to do so using empirical data.”

                True but equally climate scientists claim they have comprehensively and irrefutably shown using the best methods available today, that CO2 does cause global warming. However, as yet, the sceptics have advanced no evidence either empirical or otherwise that refutestheir claims. If you are so sure they are wrong, where is your evidence to prove it?


              • #

                “that CO2 does cause global warming. “

                NO they have not.

                You cannot produce one single piece of empirical science that shows that atmospheric CO2 causes warming

                Just “BELIEVE” seems to be your mantra. Unicorns. !!!

                The anti-thesis of real science.

                Ignore the FACT that its never been measured or observed anywhere, anytime.


            • #
              el gordo

              ‘With about 80% of Australians in the wider community wanting Australia to stay with the Paris Agreement ….’

              I’m certain that if balance was returned to the ABC that figure would change considerably.

              Ian global cooling has begun, a meandering jet stream, the collapse of the subtropical ridge and blocking high pressure. Its possible to observe climate changing.

              The massive model failure is a clear indication that the AGW hypothesis has been falsified, do you see what I mean?


          • #

            AndyG55 You write “What is your purpose here, GeeAye?”

            Perhaps to inject a little reality into the comments here and to add a splash of cold water onto the, unnecessarily. heated emotions of commenters. This SaltBush Club is a total waste of time and energy. The Paris Agreement is non-binding so Australia and every other country does not have to meet the commitments put forward in 2015.


            • #
              Kinky Keith

              Of course Ian Knows.


            • #

              “Perhaps to inject a little reality”

              Well he has FAILED at that in his every post.


            • #

              Poor IKSFA, time to reconsider your Get-Up! membership, and join something worthwhile for Australia.


              • #

                You rally are obnoxious aren’t you with your sfa etc..Do you think ad homs are c ever and make you look big? Perhaps in your world they do but outside of the primeval ooze you appear to inhabit it they don’t.


              • #

                You poor thing.. !!

                You seem all upset with a little bit of kick-back for your arrogant know-it-all stance.

                Why do you “just believe” is stuff you KNOW there is no proof of?

                Is that your brand of science?


            • #
              el gordo

              ‘This SaltBush Club is a total waste of time and energy.’

              The idea is to put heat on the Paris Agreement so that we get a debate going on the science and why we should abandon this non-binding agreement.


        • #
          robert rosicka

          As per usual leaf ,you make no sense and take a swipe at the host .


          • #

            Some can’t let go of constant political lobbying or of acting as an execrable missionary zealot for some grubby politician their party or some transient faction rather than just sticking to topics and relevant content. The strong political spamming in here just means I read at other blogs much more often. On weekends I look in here to scan the posts of the prior week. The comments remain a haven for nauseating unsolicited partisan remarks and barbs.

            Which is the very same reason why I don’t read the ABC site, or watch their flavor of TV, almost at all.

            Countering them does not mean being the same as them, just a different flavor of the same thing.

            I’m not interested in the counter-farce, either.


        • #

          Gee Aye, thanks. I wrote that as a blogger for a blog audience, but lest anyone else make the same mistake, I’ve improved it. It’s useful feedback.

          The issue of being mistaken as a mining lobby group is also secondary to the press release, so I moved it after.

          Obviously current execs don’t have the freedom that former execs do.


          • #

            Yeah…nah. I reckon you should just kick the guts out of the climatariat. The globalists are always pretending to include, seek consensus, middle ways etc. Then they just clobber us with more of their green tape and white elephants.

            Behind their green cloaks these smiling pick-purses are brute authoritarians and they’re enemies. So show ’em some brute authority and some enmity.


            • #

              Sorry but I don’t agree. A bit of manners will get a better response. We don’t need to stoop to their lows.


              • #

                Doug, their “lows” are not what interest me. I’m not suggesting we stoop to the manipulation, control, sneakiness and stunts of groups like GetUp!. We should leave all that to the natural experts.

                Trying to use their methods is undignified, but trying to accommodate them is a waste. We need to rally the majority of Australians (they’re ready) against the likes of GetUp! by calling out the tricksters loudly. In my opinion they’ve already successfully distracted us by embroiling us in arguments over temperature when we should be pointing to the obvious fact that temperatures can only go up or down and that there is nothing remarkable about any current warming.

                As for taking advice from one’s opponents on how to be a good lobby…
                “Come into my parlour, said the GetUp! spider to the skeptic fly.”


          • #

            Press releases are important – don’t worry if you get ignored at first, they’ll start citing you eventually, keep it up and you become a “go to” person for that topic, even if only a “contrary” view.
            Speak to low income support groups and make sure you cite their stories to show “battlers” are struggling because of these prices too.
            Improves your SJW creds too – may as well use it against ’em 🙂


        • #

          Joins a lobby group?

          Lobbying is actually something I have experience at – I’ve never seen anyone do well with rhetoric of the likes of the bit I crossed out there. Certainly belittling those you don’t agree with which includes the people you are trying to sway with your ideas, is doomed to failure

          You mean like the unions and the labor party? Or Getup?


      • #
        • #
          el gordo

          Fresh leaf we have a pseudo Marxist consortium smothering our democracy, a frontal approach is the best way forward. This is only the opening salvo, they are certain to get a good run at Sky and aunty will be forced to play catch up. Guardian and Fairfax will go ballistic, which is precisely the effect we want.

          ‘Confusing way to talk to Labor polititions and supporters.’

          They have been brainwashed by political correctness and you are a prime example of the genre, completely closed off to the science, so its up to us to explain why we are pulling out of Paris.


        • #
          el gordo

          Also the lower case p didn’t go unnoticed, you are aware that its a tag for agent provocateur.


          • #
            Peter C

            its a tag for agent provocateur

            He tried to correct but capitalised the second letter. “pS”

            Also Gee Aye misquoted his own mistake. He/she/It actually wrote; “Is from the front page of the web site.”

            So Is should have been It’s, or so I think.


            • #
              el gordo

              His fingerprints are clearly visible and the green leaf is a dead giveaway.

              ‘A person who secretly disrupts a group’s activities from within the group; an instigator, troublemaker.’ wiki


        • #

          PPS GA: politicians not polititions …


        • #
          Kinky Keith

          Pit nicking again.


    • #

      When the first large blackouts hit Melbourne and Sydney things will change. An avalanche of new renewables is going to hit Victoria next year as the ALP look set to win the next election with a massive scheme of vote buying on the “never never have to pay for it” government wet dream of taking from the rich till everyone is poor.

      The blackouts are now locked in, the only question is when. The LNP proposed “lets build a 500MW power station to supply guv with stable power scheme” (and screw everyone else) is too late. It will take 3 years to get approved.

      Will millennials and many in the public service notice that the power is off?

      When their mobile phones and bank accounts cannot be recharged expect a backlash. It will take time to get to the real culprit, their own greed.

      No doubt the ALP will blame privatization.

      This may work for a few days. At least while the cash, food and fuel lasts.

      Their main problem with such a message is that you need electricity to broadcast anything or move an electric train. Paying anyone electronically will be the first tragedy. Coffee will take a hit. This will be noticed by most office workers.

      Meanwhile the LNP will claim the political high ground. They said they were gunna do stuff. Gunna does not supply usable electrons.

      Will the Paris agreement finally get cancelled?
      Has socialism run out of energy?
      Will journalists report the facts without opinion?
      How long can the media exist without electricity?

      When the lights finally goes back on, the music will stop and everyone will see a shortage of chairs. Things will get ugly.

      Was all of this necessary?


    • #

      Jo also writes “Former executives have a freedom to speak their minds that current execs do not.” True.

      That also applies to most scientists, say in the Department of the Environment, Land and Water Planning. Or particularly the various Meteorological professions, packed with scientists who have studied the physics of the weather but allegedly know nothing about climates. To be a Climate Commissioner you would need to be a dead kangaroo essayist like Tim Flannery or an Industrial Chemist like Will Steffen or a professor of materials science. Not a single Climate Commissioner was a meteorologist. It was a farce.

      So the only ones qualified to speak out and able to speak out are retired or independently employed. Scientists are poorly paid, opportunity poor and risk their jobs in speaking publicly. The intimidation is real. Also scientists rarely rise to the top as they often hate politics. Those who do are often very political, as we have seen amazingly in the Royal Society and the American Physics Associations and NASA. The Precautionary Principle for example is made up nonsense and immoral.

      The Saltbush Club brings together a lot of people who represent a vast number of people who cannot speak out. It gives a lot of good and qualified and experienced people a single voice and we are seeing that in the media attention. Great.


  • #
    Another Ian

    […] The biggest lie in modern economics, willingly spread and maintained by corporate media, is that a system of global markets still exists.

    It doesn’t.

    Every element of global economic trade is controlled and exploited by massive institutions, multinational banks and multinational corporations. Institutions like the World Trade Organization (WTO) and World Bank control trillions of dollars in economic activity. Underneath that economic activity there are people who hold the reigns of power over the outcomes. These individuals and groups are the stakeholders in direct opposition to principles of national economics. (cont.) ”

    More at


  • #

    AT LAST!!

    The “PUSH BACK” has arrived.

    It was always going to happen at some stage or other – it was only ever a matter of time.

    I will however admit that the “SCAM” had longer legs than I thought it would or expected it to initially.

    Should have fallen on it’s back, legs in the air 25 years or more ago.

    But – I’m still excited.

    When the heck is the “Coalition” going to realise sticking a fork into Paris is a vote winner – it’s so painfully obvious to many of us here and other by-standers.



    • #

      Like you Popeye, I also thought that following the debacle of 2009’s Copenhagen debacle where climate alarmist science was finally revealed as being incredibly corrupt and corrupted, the whole “Global Warming” then, “Climate Change”now, cult like movement would be well and truly over.

      What I failed to see was the ongoing and ever increasing, in fact unbelievably munificent amounts of the public’s taxes being shot gunned across the whole highly corrupted climate change science field by the even more ignorant and truth avoiding politicals of every persuasion, which of course, if you were a scientist with only limited morals and ethics, you grabbed as much of the loot going by as you possibly could by selling the most alarming scenarios to the media and politicians and thereby making a name for yourself and therefore more personal monies and income coming your way thus closing the climate change virtuous personal circle to your own well deserved benefit in your own estimation..

      The second factor which I failed completely to understand or realise was the last couple of decades of the concentration of the elitist bureaucratise both governmental and business and a large corp of politically active and usually far from knowledgeable in the climate field collective of so called scientists, a quackery of elitism , who are now also concentrated into the centres of our major cities with their populations going towards the 5 million each.

      The isolated from the real world and from reality, central city located elites have completely lost touch with the real world and Nature as it really is outside of the central core of those major cities and that includes Canberra .

      So the very highly paid, some would say grossly overpaid [ eg ; executives from the city centric and city central located “Australian Bolshevists Collective” otherwise known as the ABC are a prime example ] residents there who hold a choke hold on the governments and business decisions that control the direction Australia travels in this world but who have little if any and increasingly NO worldly experience of life at the real coal face where most try to earn a living, are no longer intellectually and intelligently and personally capable of realising the disastrous consequences of so much that they are espousing as solutions often to problems that don’t exist except in their imaginations whilst the real problems for the man and woman in the street are disparaged and treated with contempt by those same ignorant and intellectually limited, grossly overpaid elites in the cores of the cities.

      I am no longer sure that a string of major blackouts across Australia will bring any long term fixes to our looming energy shortages.

      Instead the inner city dwelling elites in politics, science, bureaucracy and media in particular will come up with a whole string of completely irrelevant solutions to any blackouts [ witness Weatherdill’s reaction in SA. A hundred million dollars to buy a battery that can run SA’s small economy for eleven minutes when fully charged ] in legislation, in demanded subsidies, the forcing of energy controls onto every section of society with then usual consequent immense imbalances between industries and individuals as to how those controls are applied, with looming and constant shortages of nearly everything except the luxuries the city central scientific, media , bureaucratese and political elites believe are essential to their life styles, all at a cost that will prove to be almost completely unaffordable and make electricity a luxury only affordable for the over paid elites but which the man and woman on the street, now without a job due to then excessive power prices, will be forced to pay for come hell or high water.

      In other words a huge bloody societal, economic and political mess of massive proportions and consequences where nothing works anymore and people completely lose their trust in the whole system of government let alone in science which as “climate science” claimed to be the Nostradamus of Science with its [ completely unproven ] ability to predict the future to a few tenths of a degree and a timing within a couple of years within the next century.

      So the only solution I see that might will destroy the whole Cargo Cult of Climate Change is a major depression [ increasingly possible if you believe economists who have predicted the last seven recessions out of the last two.] where there is no longer any money available from broke government sources to direct to an increasingly irrelevant subject such as climate change in the by then vastly reduced in size and influence universities and research organisations.
      Lack of any further public tax money financing of the so-called Climate Change research would lead to a deafening uproar from the academics and elitists but it would surely destroy the entire structure of the climate change cargo cult and just bring it down to a minor irritable and irrelevant cult instead.

      Any politician taking this aspect on would require Titanium balls if he / she were to carry through such a change in denying funding at every level to any further “climate change research”; [ “Climate change Research” in this case being written with a sardonic and contempt overlay as to what it really is, nothing but another con job on a similar level of platitude and plausibility as that the banks and certain insurance companies employed and have operated by for decades past.]

      As an eighty year old I know of far too many real time stories of the horrendous conditions that the ordinary person went through in the Great Depression of the 1930’s that my parents, older friends and relatives lived through to wish a major depression onto our current generations and any future generations.

      So pray for a politician or a group of politicians who will stand up and say “Enough” to the odious carpetbaggers of Renewable energy and of Climate science and then remove every vestige of public support for both of these unwanted and unneeded sectors and go onto building the latest high tech coal fired / fossil fuelled fired generators that would be capable of providing cheap, always there in amounts required, electrical power to the next couple of generations of Australians in the decades ahead..


      • #

        This has been spoken about many,many times,and still the”Believers”will not be swayed.
        At a news conference [22Jan2015] in Brussels, Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of U.N.’s Framework Convention on Climate Change, admitted that the goal of environmental activists is not to save the world from ecological calamity, but to destroy capitalism. “This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution,” she said
        . Referring to a new international treaty environmentalists hope will be adopted at the Paris climate change conference later this year, she added: “This is probably the most difficult task we have ever given ourselves, which is to intentionally transform the economic development model for the first time in human history.”
        And this.
        In Nov. 2010, Ottmar Edenhoffer, one of the co-chairs of the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), said in an interview with German NZZ Online,“One must say clearly that we redistribute defacto the world’s wealth by climate policy. One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy.”


      • #

        ROM, superbly written and so correct. Like you I am almost 80 and I remember the war years and the aftermath in the UK. Cheap power was the lifeblood of the country that helped re-establish industry and commerce in a war-ravaged country. Mt Dad worked for the British Aluminium Company during the war, first in Fort William in the Scottish Highlands (the smelting works powered by Hydro) and laterally in Swansea (the rolling mills powered by coal fired electricity) making aluminium sheet for the Spitfires and Hurricanes that helped with the Battle of Britain. Without the plentiful supply of electrical power there would have been a different outcome to the war and the recovery effort.

        Unfortunately, our politicians, university academics, industry leaders and media novices have never had do suffer a war and have never had to experience forced deprivation and have no idea of the importance of available, cheap reliable power to those in our community who do not share in their extravagant lifestyles.

        Just wait ‘till they can no longer ‘tweet” from their very dumb, powerless “smart phones”.


  • #

    Jo, the carpetbaggers can do much worse to us, if we let them. When the next coal power station closes, then they will have us over a barrel. blackouts, brownouts, not enough energy for clubs and street lighting or phone or electric car batteries. They will conspire to pressure heavily indebted governments (taxpayers)to pay for batteries to store enough power for the other eighteen hours of the day when renewables do not work.Then they will demand endless subsidies for more renewables to charge those batteries.An increase of 300% on the current rate of extortion .Replacement subsidy demands have not even started,so the nightmare will not end until the taipan’s head is removed.


    • #

      Yep. The recovery from this lunacy should have started a decade ago; unfortunately that was when Kevin07 was giving the wheel extra momentum. We’re moving towards a state of emergency without any managerial knowledge or will to resolve it. Grim.


  • #

    So the push back on the carbon nonsense is accelerating.

    Bear in mind, if the rot goes as deep as we think it does, the proof will be that Establsihment will create some type of “crisis” once the pressure gets close to making the govt get out of the UN strait jacket…..and said “crisis” will create sufficient distraction of the public….


    • #

      Look to Trump vs the Deep State and times by 100 for what’s in store, there’s more involved out there than a few Malthusian tree huggers.


  • #
    Leonard Lane

    A sane group in the middle of leftist madness and greed.


  • #

    perhaps we should ditch the IMF at the same time!

    14 Nov: IMF: Winds of Change: The Case for New Digital Currency
    By Christine Lagarde, IMF Managing Director, Singapore Fintech Festival
    LINK Full Text
    1. The changing nature of money and the fintech revolution
    A new wind is blowing, that of digitalization…
    We float through a world of information, where data is the “new gold”—despite growing concerns over privacy, and cyber-security. A world in which millennials are reinventing how our economy works, phone in hand…
    What role will remain for cash in this digital world? Already signs in store windows read “cash not accepted.” Not just in Scandinavia, the poster child of a cashless world…

    Let me conclude. I have tried to evaluate the case this morning for digital currency.
    The case is based on new and evolving requirements for money, as well as essential public policy objectives. My message is that while the case for digital currency is not universal, we should investigate it further, seriously, carefully, and creatively.
    More fundamentally, the case is about change—being open to change, embracing change, shaping change…

    In the world of Fintech, we need to harness change so it is fair, safe, efficient, and dynamic. That was the goal of the Bali Fintech Agenda launched by the IMF and World Bank last October.
    When the winds of change pick up, what will guide us in our journey? The captains sailing through the Straits of Singapore followed the North Star.
    And today? Tomorrow?
    I suggest we follow a girl. A young girl. A fearless girl. If you are lucky, you might be able to meet her in person in New York’s financial district.
    She is bold. She is brave. She is confident. She faces forward, toward the future, with grit and determination—a future she herself is going to shape, with eyes wide open, eagerly, steadily.
    I hear her say: Let us sail ahead. I am not afraid. (pause) I, am not afraid.
    Thank you.


  • #
    Bill In Oz

    This is good news but something is missing.

    I hope that thew Saltbush club are approaching the workers trade unions to make sure that they join.

    After all Australian workers rely on their jobs for an income and for feeding their famillies. Crash testing industries that employ working people, via the war on cheap electricity and fossil fuels, will definitely make workers unemployed.


    • #

      Missed the /sarc. tag Bill?, far too many useful idiots existing in trade unions that wouldn’t dare stray from the party line comrade! 😉


      • #
        Peter C

        Bill might mean what he said!

        There are plenty of very sensible Australians in Blue collar jobs (who are earning a lot of money now) who might be Union Members. Union Leadership may be disconnected but the membership might not be,


        • #

          Monkey see monkey do Peter, until the average worker holds their (cough) superiors accountable they are just that.


          • #
            Peter C

            Maybe you a correct Yonnie.

            My union paid me no respect. Indeed they are still calling for increased spending on Climate Change, instead of (or as well as) health care, hospitals, medicare rebates etc.

            The rank and file were not with me so I decided to resign. Better that than have a single penny of my membership fees go to their agenda.


            • #

              I believe in the right for enterprise bargaining but on a purely business level, once you introduce a political system that’s completely at odds with capitalism you’ve put any prospective future growth in direct conflict with the fundamentalism of the adopted system .


            • #

              On 3 occasions I have asked for help from my FORMER union and they have spat in my face.The problem know is they have most of YOUR super invested in the”Global Warming”scam.If it crashes and burns,so does YOUR super.


              • #

                Like Clive I have been laughed at by my former union, in the mistaken days when I was a member, when I asked for help.

                Your super:
                Such a crash would not be good for the directors of the industry super funds. Many directors are union officials. It is a Ponzi they need to keep growing.


      • #
        Bill In Oz

        I do indeed mean what I wrote. No sarcasm intended at all. And yes it might be a big ask.But a worthehile one….

        Working people know what the game is. And most of them also know what ‘their’ unions with greenist ideologically driven leadership, are up to as well. And are not happy with it either.


        • #

          It won’t happen Bill. Unions are rewarding malfeasance by their officials with Senate seats. Check out the career path of Kimberley Kitching. The members can go hang; their only role is fee paying.


        • #

          I Wasn’t having a personal swipe at your well intended intentions Bill, just pointing out the many futile efforts I’ve personally seen to convince the average worker to hold their trade union accountable for their actions, the term “herding cats” comes to mind.

          Look at the differences between a Union and an Association, at face level there’s nothing until you see the politics of one and the management of the other.

          One will progress towards the Communist Manifesto for a textbook while the other will operate in a business like manner with sensible future growth for all involved.


    • #
      Dave in the States

      That union workers and millennial’s vote left and/or green is a testament to short sighted-ness of people. Such is certainly not in their interests long term.


  • #

    All old white men – so out of touch with millenials.

    The Greens offer hope for the true believers:

    Greens MP Adam Bandt outlined the policy on Friday in Hobart, which makes it illegal to dig, burn or ship thermal coal from 2030.

    It would be great if this policy could be implemented in the envisaged green paradise isolated from the real world and rest of the Australian economy. It would be heart warming to see the Greens get a dose of reality.


    • #

      Greens are getting nuttier every day.
      Id would say most of those ‘green’ dopes dont even realize they have been duped into the new one world gov eco-fascist agenda they adhere to so blindly.


      • #

        Dopes or just dysfunctional people represented by a rapper that uses distasteful lyrics, a man that stalks women because of a lack of self control, an abusive egotist that thinks their behaviour is justified, no I believe an eco-fascist is an opportunist and quite aware of their actions.


    • #
      Graeme No.3


      I must say i didn’t know that Tasmania shipped much thermal coal** overseas at all.


    • #

      So, Bandt wants to declare economic war on China? Wow. They probably already see us as just another island in the Spratley group.


    • #

      You mean the greens party that is currently racked by sexual harassment and sexism and discrimination claims about candidates. This from the pious defenders of the downtrodden (not)


  • #

    The Australian headline: “Quit Paris now, mining chiefs’ lobby demands”

    people may not realise journalists rarely get to choose their headlines. it would be interesting to ask Graham Lloyd is he chose the above.

    count-down to ABC’s first mention of the group begins now.

    ageism on display as RenewEconomy “welcomes” the birth of Saltbush?

    16 Nov: RenewEconomy:
    Ageing ex mining chiefs set up new ginger group urging Paris exit
    by Sophie Vorrath & Giles Parkinson
    Not satisfied with Australia’s appalling international standing and complete lack of federal policy on emissions reduction, a new super-group of some of Australia’s most senior and coal-connected climate deniers has formed, to lobby for Australia’s withdrawal from the Paris accord…

    Dubbed the Saltbush Club, the new group made its debut in – where else, but Murdoch’s Sky News and The Australian…

    Alongside Queensland geologist and farmer Forbes, a well known climate denier, at least in the narrow confines of climate denialism, the Club boasts a board of those ageing mining and energy industry veterans and other career climate deniers, including Ian Plimer and Jo Nova…

    As for Nova and Plimer, RE readers will be well familiar with their names, and roles in the climate denying industry. Nova will be the media director of the Club…


    • #

      So, it takes TWO people (Sophie Vorrath & Giles Parkinson) to write a few paragraphs about the Saltbush Club.

      It doesn’t take very long at all to see which side of the debate they lie on.

      First sentence: a new super-group of some of Australia’s most senior and coal-connected climate deniers has formed. (My bolding)

      I imagine since they’re so knowledgeable about the topic they’re climate scientists NOT reporters – ROTFLMAO

      The closing sentence: “Oh dear.”




    • #

      “career climate deniers” , “climate denying industry”

      Wouldn’t that be nice.

      Imagine if everyone who said man made Global Warming was rubbish was paid a tenth as much as those pushing the Climate Crisis. 1% of the $1.5Trillion dollars per year perhaps? That’s $15Billion per year.

      The writer knows no one is paid anything but that does not stop the abuse.


    • #
      John F. Hultquist

      Interesting, but not as interesting as this from the good ‘ol USA:

      From “Best of the Web” by the Wall Street Journal’s James Freeman

      Alternative Headline: Trump Names Entrepreneur Fluent in Afrikaans and Xhosa as South Africa Ambassador

      “Trump Names Handbag Designer and Mar-a-Lago Club Member as South Africa Ambassador,” Newsweek, Nov. 15
      Who is Lana Marks?


  • #

    Get out of Paris..was that in 1789? 😉

    Good work Saltbush club hope your efforts are not wasted and ‘they’ listen.
    Dont know how well this lobby group will fare.
    No waffle, stick to facts, no politicizing or corporatism. That could be seen as ‘vested interests’. (in climate denial).


    • #
      Bill In Oz

      If ordinary Australians listen, then this whole ripoff will be dead.

      At the moment a huge number are running scared because of the fear mongering stories by zealot greenists…

      It’s urgent to expose the zealot Greens for the idiots they are.


      • #

        Another problem is a few who should know better ( i.e. actual scientists ) have got involved in the early days, now they cant pull out coz they would look like idiots…

        So its a combination of that, plus its a nice little earner…..

        I suspect as the whole things dies off gracefully ( i.e. once global socialist slavery is set in all nations, maybe through he UN ), it will be dispensed with…..


  • #
    Greg Cavanagh

    I was curious who made this agreement and what thy agreed to (presumably on our behalf’s). has a pretty good summery I think.

    Essentially, it’s a slow suicide for the civilised world via magical thinking.


  • #

    No government has the right to demand you pay someone else, let alone for nothing at all and to demand that payment is hidden in your electricity bill. LGCs and STCs are theft.

    What I would love to see is a class action or a large victim of ridiculous electricity prices pumped up with LGCs and STCs sue the electricity retailer for theft and refer the action to the High Court. The Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000 is theft.

    It’s not a tax. It’s also a Federal act mandated on minerals including oil, gas, coal which are the exclusive property of the States for legislation.

    There are plenty of constitutional lawyers who would love a go at this. Maybe it could be crowd funded but we need someone big enough who is willing to cry theft in court. I would donate. So would half of Australia. We are sick of the world’s highest electricity prices, all artificial as if that was not obvious.

    A win would bring down a $6Billion ripoff which makes the Pink Batts scheme seem reasonable. At least people actually received pink bats and it was out of general revenue and the government was accountable.

    Also the coal power plants would be economic and the cash pumping windmills would close down and we would get our country back.


    • #

      Paris isn’t killing us. We probably sequestered more CO2 after the end of the drought than we produce in decades. We can meet those obligations with greenery, direct action. America is far ahead of anyone’s committments by fracking.

      However the so called RET environment Act is killing us, wrecking lives, jobs, the environment, even the viability of the country.

      Now The Greens want us to stop mining coal, at a Federal level. The Federal Parliament has no such right. Defence, Immigration, Customs. Not mining, education, police, coal/gas/oil based electricity, fracking. It is all through the inventive backdoor of the ‘environment’, something which does not exist in the Constitution and has no force in law.

      The whole thing is a gigantic confidence trick executed since 2000 in Federal parliament to move power to Canberra, to the swamp. Bring it down. Repeal the RET.


      • #

        Or for the moment change just the regulation to set the penalty for failure to surrender certificates to 1c per MWh


        • #

          A wrong law is a wrong law. It is completely wrong. Fiddling is what politicians do. No government should ever pass such a law.


          • #

            If the government wants to give people our money, let them do it through the taxation system. Openly. From their own budget, the money we give them. Secret payments buried by law in our bills are wrong.


          • #

            It was the subtle mind and forked tongue of Senator Robert Hill that bequeathed us that concoction of legislative persiflage called the RET which survives principally because of its impenetrability to all understanding.


            • #

              I don’t know if anyone really explained or understood this bill. It was written in the Green swamp and played to the swamp. Even Tony Abbott confronted with the illegality of this bill had simply not thought of the prohibition since Magna Carta of enriching third parties.

              Quietly funding solar and wind by ordering secret payments by intermediaries to opportunistic beneficiaries is really wrong. That’s not taxation. That’s theft.

              Even now I would estimate based on the accounts of Hepburn Wind that owners are paid $1Million a windmill for simply owning one, in addition to the power actually sold. That is doubly injurious when you consider you the taxpaying public paid for the windmill in the first place through the same mechanism. Bigger windmills. More money. It has nothing to do with saving the planet. It is the same with pay-in rates on solar panels. Insult to injury.


              • #

                I also think a challenge in this High Court to the RET could include whether the Federal government even has the right to legislate control over coal, gas, wood and even wind and solar and the power generated from these. The Federal government simply passed the law. The States did not object, but there is no basis in the Constitution for this power. All hidden under the idea that the Environment is somehow a National right when by extension of the State rights, it is a State right.

                All this has happened in the move by Hill and others to grab control of the Electricity on a National basis, without any actual justification or agreement by the states.

                So the RET may not only be against the thousand year old injunction against enriching third parties, it may not be valid under the Constituion.

                It’s worth trying. If Morrison removed the RET or promised to do so, he would be as popular as Tony Abbott was, before the ABC/SBS/Fairfax assaults and the Turnbull betrayal. Even the attempted physical harm on Australia day organized by the ABC in conjunction with one of Julia Gillard’s staff fleeing the country. Remember that?


  • #

    who, in their right mind, is demanding politicians/bankers/bureaucrats reduce the temperature of the planet? as if they could…

    15 Nov: IceAgeNow: Snow to the Mexican border much south of Arizona
    by Robert
    Record snowfall in many areas, but the Weather Channel tries to downplay it.
    Read more

    Heavy snowfall in Turkey – Video
    Cold San Antonio ‘shatters’ 102-year-old record
    Winter storm warnings in 27 states
    Snow-vember! – Earliest snowfall in Houston EVER

    Surprise! Biggest November snow in three decades snarls region hours ago

    “Definitely not ready for this weather”: Early winter storm slams …
    CBS News-4 hours ago

    ntense Snow Hammers New England
    NECN-4 hours ago

    Thursday’s snow is Baltimore’s earliest in 22 years, and heaviest for …
    Baltimore Sun-5 hours ago

    15 Nov: Accuweather: Live updates: Power outages top 300,000 (UPDATED TO 500,000 SECOND LINK) as snow, ice storm slams eastern US

    15 Nov: Accuweather: Destructive ice storm, major snow event to pummel northeastern US into Friday
    by Alex Sosnowski
    The storm, that already produced widespread snow and icy conditions in the Midwest, central Appalachians and mid-Atlantic, will strengthen and sweep across the balance of the Northeast states Thursday night and Friday morning…

    Plunge of cold air to trigger snow, slippery travel over Rockies and … hours ago
    Snow and slippery travel will plunge southward with cold air across the Rockies and High Plains spanning Friday and Saturday

    Philadelphia Sees Biggest November Snow in Nearly 30 Years
    The Weekly Times-4 hours ago
    The biggest November snowfall since 1989 blanketed Philadelphia on November 15…


  • #

    15 Nov: UK Express: UK weather forecast: SHOCK chart shows where SNOW could hit as BITTER winds smash Britain
    BRITAIN is bracing for bitterly cold winds to sweep across the country next week as a weather system from the east barrels over the continent towards the UK and threatens to bring snow, according to the latest weather chart.
    By Darren Hunt
    The Met Office weather outlook for next week adds that wintery showers could crash into Britain over the hills…
    Piers Corbyn, a forecaster for WeatherAction, warned about temperatures plummeting towards the end of this month bringing heavy snowfall…
    “We are expecting this to bring some early winter weather with heavy snow and very cold winds in the north and a risk of wintery showers even across southern Britain.
    “This pattern is likely to hold out through the rest of the month and into December with a risk of blizzards in Scotland and the north and widespread snow showers.

    “There will be a risk of travel disruption through this period with volatile, stormy weather combined with the cold bringing a risk of winter thunderstorms and outbreaks of thundersnow.”…

    14 Nov: UK Express: Beast from the East RETURNS: What is the Beast from The East, when will storm hit the UK?
    THE Beast from the East caused carnage earlier in the year as the UK was ground to a halt by severe levels of snowfall. But what is the Beast from The East, when will storm hit the UK?
    By Rachel Russell

    14 Nov: UK Express: UK cold weather: Temperatures to PLUNGE 15C as Russian FREEZE engulfs UK
    TEMPERATURES are soon expected to plunge 15C as arctic air from Russia engulfs the UK next week
    By Amalie Henden
    Met Office meteorologist Martin Bowles said: “Temperatures will be below average and the top of the mountains in northern Scotland might well get snow…
    “We will start to get an east wind from Poland and Russia, so while the official temperature is 7C, it will feel like 2C or 3C sometimes.
    “It will be quite cold as a low-pressure system moves in the UK will ‘feel more like Moscow’.”
    Chief meteorologist for Weathertrending John Hammond also agrees the temperatures will feel like the Russian capital


    • #
      Graeme No.3

      But pat, we were assured that by 2010 no child in England would know snow.

      On a more serious note, this will be the last straw for many with the ludicrous electricity policy in the UK. To which should be added the natural gas supply nonsense. Coupled with the outrage that the EU bureaucrats have generated with their stubborn intention of punishing the UK for leaving, we could see the new PM change direction drastically. Dropping the Climate Change Act would shake the whole scam, as would leaving the Paris Accord.


  • #

    Peta Credlin has just announced the Club at the start of her Sky News segment. Good coverage.
    Go the Club.
    Dave B


    • #
      Ghibli Levante


      That’s three more people who know about it.


      • #
        robert rosicka

        Was on Outsiders and no Gerbil ,that’s your IQ just 3.


      • #

        Well, now that you know about it..

        I assume you will be dropping your Get-Up! membership and joining Saltbush.

        Come on, step out of the fetid ooze that is Get-Up! and into the light of rational thought.

        You know you want to.. but are you capable. 😉


  • #

    Saltbush sounds about right. Right founder, right media director.

    A big miner or two is handy, but I advise despairing of corporates.

    I’ve spent time with younger corporate people lately. Their jobs seem almost liturgical in nature, with buzz words and weird cultish procedures taking the place of normal communication. It’s often hard to know what their jobs are, and maybe that’s necessary to the mystique of a giant bank or telco. The people who invent money and lend it out to be repaid as actual money don’t need business people to do business. They need priests and shamans.

    Away from the job corporates are ferocious conformists, almost all their opinions ABC/SBS/Fairfax based with a smattering of controlled Murdoch naughtiness. These people are nicer and brighter than I’ll ever be, but they are trapped in a way I’ll never be. Any word or glance (even at Michelle Guthrie) can be grounds for prosecution. If a new and deliberately chaotic office arrangement is challenged there is a psychologist at the ready to explain how the company’s mini-Agenda 21 is supported by the best peer-reviewed science. Really, that goes on.

    When anyone refers to me as an obstructive Old White Male I just agree and thank them. Because I know we’re the hope of the side.

    Go get ’em, Viv.


  • #

    Saltbush is a good name for them, a hardy species that serves good purposes, considering analogies I’d like to suggest acacia paradoxa (Spiny Acacia) for the Greens.


    • #

      I’d suggest a local rainforest gem — Breynia cernua — for the Greens’ floral emblem. The leaves contain mercaptans, and when crushed they emit a faecal-like odour. Common Name – Fart Bush.


  • #

    Like Adam Bandt, the US socialists are going for broke..

    “U.S. Representative-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is demanding that the U.S. commit to shifting 100% of its energy consumption to renewable energy in ten years

    The Green nonsense is collapsing, so the demands are going up dramatically. My question is whether nuclear is ‘renewable’, whatever that means. If so, the environmental movement is really quite insane in their hatred of carbon. Wrecking the environment for a fantasy of controlling carbon dioxide.

    There is obviously no connection between carbon dioxide and temperature. There is also no connection between carbon dioxide and the $1,500,000,000,000 spent every year allegedly to reduce carbon dioxide. This massive waste will be viewed by later generations as the greatest waste of resources in the history of the planet. Imagine if this had been spent on fusion energy and had succeeded. Limitless energy for the world. Instead of windmills in rich countries.


    • #

      ‘ $1,500,000,000,000 spent every year ..’
      I noted when I read the list of Saltbush founder members that some have stated that there should be legal proceedings brought against some for ‘fr@udlent science’. I would agree but whos going to pay the lawyers, a spare trillion would be handy.


  • #
    a happy little debunker

    You had me at

    Skilled and Thinking Australians


    • #
      Peter C

      Skilled and Thinking Australians
      Translation required apparently. Skilled and Thinking Australians means; People like Viv Forbes, Hugh Morgan, Joanne Nova and most of the readers of this Blog!

      I suppose that a happy little debunker is the exception.


      • #
        a happy little debunker

        What a nice way of saying I am nought but an ignoramus.

        Of course I am a bit of a culture vulture and that was reflected in my comment

        As you reflect on your needless and unworthy attack perhaps you should consider another cultural reference.


        • #
          Peter C

          Suicide is Painless?

          No Please don’t do that debunker, just because your elegant riposte got parried. Your culture was wasted on me because I have not seen the movie.

          Please explain your first comment if you like.


  • #

    All sounds great. Now all we need to turn all this seemingly good news into reality is for Morrison to pull his finger out and execute two important actions. One, announce the withdrawal from Paris, Two, promise if re-elected he will scrap the RETs and renewables subsidies forthwith after the election and explain why they have to be scrapped. The latter would be equivalent to Howard’s GST policy announcement prior to being re-elected, and to Abbot’s promise to scrap the coal tax prior to him becoming PM. Just as in those two cases it’s a do or die thing. Better to go down fighting with conviction and the will to win than to go down without a fight like a coward and a loser.


    • #
      el gordo

      Morrison said he won’t pull out of Paris, but I think he may change his mind before the election, but he has to explain why.

      Recently a reporter asked Donald Trump about his view on climate and he waved his hand to illustrate the Scafetta harmonic. Memo to Scott Morrison, talk to the President about climate change.


    • #

      As much of a fan as I’m of “Horatius at the bridge ” we have nothing of the “Brave days of old” in this neutered nation


  • #

    given the ageism of Giles & Sophie, here’s a tale about millennials.

    Cyberwise: Millennials Hub
    Research suggests Millennials (***defined as 18-29 year olds)…

    pre-midterm elections, there were hundreds of FakeNewsMSM stories about millennials, along the lines of:

    Millennials Might Finally Turn Out in Huge Numbers for the 2018 Midterm Elections
    Forbes – 6 Nov 2018
    40% of young voters under 30 said they will “definitely” vote in 2018, according to a survey from the Institute of Politics at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government…

    Poll: Majority of millennials say they will probably vote in midterms
    International – Vox – 18 Jul 2018
    A recently released poll from the Public Religion Research Institute and the Atlantic conducted in June showed only 28 percent of young adults ages 18 to 29 say they are “absolutely certain” they’ll vote in midterms…

    Think millennials are woke? Only a third plan to definitely vote in the mid-terms…
    USA TODAY – 31 Oct 2018

    the good OLD climate billionaires:

    18 in ’18: How First-Time Voters Could Affect the Midterms
    Time Mag – 15 Oct 2018
    Tom Steyer has poured $33 million into recruiting and training NextGen fellows like Duhart to mobilize young voters ahead of the midterm elections. Instead of singing a capella, Duhart makes a stipend of $250 a week to register her fellow students to vote…
    ???Roughly 50% of 18-29 year olds voted in the 2016 election…

    Tom Steyer plans to register 100,000 millennials to vote
    Axios – 14 Aug 2018
    This is the group’s biggest voter registration effort yet, focused specifically on the most crucial bloc of non-voters…
    They’ve already registered 80,000 millennials, and now they want to register 100,000 more through mid-September…

    NYT reported “Michael Bloomberg Will Spend $80 Million on the Midterms”

    Why Democrats Need the Millennial Mid-Terms Vote
    Bloomberg – 26 Oct 2018


    9 Nov: Associated Press: Correction: Election 2018-Turnout story
    With votes still being counted, an estimated 113 million Americans cast ballots in the first nationwide election of the Trump presidency, according to data compiled by The Associated Press. That’s 30 million more people who participated in the 2014 midterms, representing the highest raw vote total for a non-presidential election in U.S. history and the highest overall voter participation rate in a midterm election in a half century…

    ***Florida voters between the ages of 18 and 29 made up 12 percent of those who cast ballots, according to VoteCast, a wide-ranging survey of the electorate conducted by The Associated Press…
    ***Young voters nationwide also made up 12 percent of the electorate, with 6 in 10 backing Democrats…

    15 Nov AmericanEnterpriseInstitute: Karlyn Bowman: The exit polls 2018: A to Z
    Below is a quick rundown of some nuggets from the national exit poll and another new survey. The exit poll of voters leaving the polls was conducted by the consortium of CNN, ABC, NBC, and CBS. The new effort by the Associated Press called AP VoteCast, interviewed people online in the six days before Election Day and on Election Day itself. The AP VoteCast survey was conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago. All references here to voters are from the exit poll…

    ***Young people ages 18–29 were 13% of voters. They voted 67% for Democratic House candidates. ****In 2014, they were 13% and in 2010, 12%.

    Saltbush needs a Millennials voice, who can explain to them the CAGW plan to grab their – and their parents’ – inheritances in the name of the gloBULL warming scam.


    • #

      should have added that the very same FakeNewsMSM who were beating up millennial numbers pre-election are either totally ignoring the real figures, or are still trying to inflate the percentage by including older age groups, & other tricks.


  • #
    el gordo

    This gives Abbott, Kelly and Bernardi the opportunity to sign up and chat like mates.

    I saw Bernardi on Sky saying we should get out of Paris, he was eloquent and spoke with force and conviction. Cory was also self deprecating, “its as plain as the nose on my face.” Good effort.


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    robert rosicka

    Amazingly enough there’s one place in oz that couldn’t give a rats about Paris .


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    Dave Ward

    This comment appeared today at NALOPKT:

    Dear Paul Homewood,

    I read all your work, since the Charlie Hebdo false flag issue. I try to tweet or facebook your work from your website, but the trolls and the oligarchs band together and make it difficult.

    We, who can still think independently, are watching with interest and sympathy from Australia. We realise the EU and UN want to dominate us all. Or maybe for the people they will try to make it extermination by energy deprivation, so as to downsize the world to a sustainable size herd.

    We have plenty of good beautiful clean black coal and we can ship it to Britain on fossil fuel driven ships.

    There is too much to say in just one email. If you agree I can bcc you into the public emails I send that are related to our common interests.

    Behind the scenes there is a lot going on. Many of us are pressuring the current government to leave the Paris accord, as Trump evidently has done.

    Cheers Judy Ryan WWWeb of Independent Scientists Email

    Affiliated With

    Charles Camenzuli CATCAM Group Sydney

    Citizens Electoral Council Australia

    Dr David Evans Perth

    Principia Scientific International John O’Sullivan Britain

    The Carbon Sense Coalition Qld

    The Climate Realists of Five Dock Sydney

    The Climate Sceptics NSW

    The Galileo Movement Qld

    The Sensible Environmentalist Dr Patrick Moore Canada,US,Mexico

    Members World Council for Nature

    As truly independent scientists we will always debate the Science. However, we are united in our recognition and rejection of the politically driven post-normal science (such as climate alarmism)

    PS On another matter, Brexit, we are watching as your ‘Remainer’ PM is apparently making hash of leaving the EU. I remember there was another female who really wanted to exit the EU. She was running against Teresa May just after the referendum, but she pulled out. Is there a story behind that?


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    15 Nov: ClimateChangeNews: Bolsonaro names climate denier as Brazil’s foreign minister
    Ernesto Araújo, a relatively junior diplomat, accuses the left of using the environmental cause ‘to serve their political project of total domination’
    By Karl Mathiesen
    Brazil’s president-elect Jair Bolsonaro has named an anti-globalist diplomat to lead on foreign affairs and his country’s relationship to the Paris Agreement.
    Ernesto Araújo has praised US president Donald Trump and accused the political left of appropriating climate change to serve an ideological agenda…

    Thousands of studies by hundreds of scientists agree that climate change is real, serious and driven by human activity. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s most recent report warned that only radical action can avert dangerous impacts…

    Araújo has dismissed that body of evidence, claiming it is selective and politically motivated. “The left has appropriated the environmental cause and perverted it to the point of paroxysm over the last 20 years with the ideology of climate change, the climatism,” he wrote in the blog post.
    This movement gathered data “suggesting a correlation” between rising temperatures and CO2, he claimed. They “ignored data suggesting the opposite… and created a ‘scientific’ dogma that no one else can contest or he will be excommunicated from good society – exactly the opposite of the scientific spirit.”…

    In 2017, Araújo wrote in a diplomatic journal that “only Trump can save the west” – a bastardisation of Nazi philosopher Martin Heidegger(???)…
    On Wednesday, Climate Home News reported (LINK to Climate Home’s ***”Bolsonaro’s deforestation of the Amazon has already begun”) that the election campaign saw a near 50% rise in deforestation compared with the same period last year. Federal environment agents said emboldened criminal gangs had warned them “things will change” under Bolsonaro.

    ***Bolsonaro won’t be inaugurated until January.


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    clearly not “climate deniers”!

    15 Nov: ClimateChangeNews: Australia leads push to open UN shipping talks to media
    Greater transparency would curb industry dominance in the International Maritime Organization, say campaigners, but key countries are opposed
    By Megan Darby
    Australia is calling on the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to open up its deliberations to media and the public, ahead of a council meeting next week.
    However an influential group of countries including the US, UK and Marshall Islands is seeking to shut down that discussion.

    The debate comes as the UN shipping regulator is developing a climate strategy to halve the sector’s carbon footprint by 2050, a target agreed in April.
    Research by Transparency International found the organisation’s opaque structure concealed heavy industry lobbying, which it warned could jeopardise climate goals…

    In an advance submission, Australia proposed livestreaming plenary meetings and making audio recordings and documents freely available.
    Today’s terms and conditions “place needless limitations on press reporting and limit public understanding of the discussions and decisions taken at IMO,” the submission said. “Delegates represent their national governments and statements made during plenary are statements of confirmed government policy and should therefore be able to be quoted without permission.”

    They are up against the world’s two largest flag registries, Panama and the Marshall Islands, as well as major economies the US, UK, Japan and UAE – and the mysteriously vocal Cook Islands…

    16 Nov: CarbonPulse: Australia issues 246k carbon credits to ERF-contracted projects
    Australia’s Clean Energy Regulator this week issued 246,157 offsets to six projects that are all under contract with the government’s Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF).


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    Millennials, brainwashed to feel,
    That man-made global warming is real,
    Will be swept to one side,
    By a rational tide,
    Who will quit the daft Paris deal,


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    a zillion pics of Arnie, the car and the cigar:

    16 Nov: Daily Mail: Arnold Schwarzenegger shows off his new $265k Bentley Continental as he takes her for a ride in LA
    By Ross Mcdonagh
    The 71-year-old was spotted taking his brand new $265k Continental GT Speed for as ride on Wednesday.
    The Terminator star showed off his still-buff frame in a fitted army green T-shirt, which he paired with dark jeans and heavy boots.
    He also rocked shades, and as he frequently does, chewed an unlit cigar…

    funny Daily Mail didn’t mention Arnie’s former role as Eco-Defender, fighting the oil companies, to save the planet from CAGW!

    2010: Guardian: Arnold Schwarzenegger flexes muscles to defend climate change law
    California governor fights hard to protect his green legacy, taking on oil executives who aim to annul law via Proposition 23
    • Obama, Gates, and Gore come out against Prop 23
    • James Cameron joins Prop 23 fight
    by Suzanne Goldenberg in San Francisco
    Now Arnold Schwarzenegger’s fight to protect his climate legacy is fuelling speculation that he is seeking a role as environmental defender on a bigger stage.

    With just a week to go until Californians choose his successor as governor, Schwarzenegger has hurled himself into the campaign against the Proposition 23 ballot initiative brought by Texas oil refiners and the billionaire Koch brothers that would effectively kill off his climate change law, which requires 25% cuts in emissions levels by 2020.
    He has called oil company executives and eco-entrepreneurs, visited investment bankers and held a fundraising event at his home, helping to build a huge cash advantage for the climate campaigners over the oil firms. He has lobbied Hollywood directors and used a Tweetcast to urge his 1.8 million followers to vote down the measure…

    In so doing he has cast himself as a new kind of action man – Eco-defender – claiming that a defeat for Proposition 23 could finally put some steel in Washington’s spine to act on climate…
    Environmental allies say this may be his biggest role yet. “He’s huge. He is the reason, he is the important reason. If this goes down, which I think it will, I would give him most of the credit,” said Thomas Steyer, a venture capitalist and co-chairman of the campaign, who has given $5m of his own money to defeat the measure…

    Once mentioned as a possible contender for a post in the Obama administration or as a potential senator, the governor is now being talked about as more of an ambassador-at-large for the planet…


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    NY Post is considered to be pro-Trump.
    NYC is totally controlled by Democrats, yet the Post has numerous quotes from critical Democrats right through this article…until the very last paragraph which has a weak quote from a Republican!
    I’ve seen the same thing here when, for example, there’s a piece about high electricity bills and Labor/Greens get to say it’s because we don’t have enough “renewables” or whatever:

    15 Nov: NY Post: Outrage after a few inches of snow brings NYC to a halt
    By Ben Feuerherd
    A few inches of snow brought chaos and massive traffic to New York City roads on Thursday — prompting a storm of criticism for the city’s response to the wintry weather.
    “Hearing reports from all over the city about slow response to today’s storm and I’ve seen downed trees outside of each event I’ve attended tonight,” New York City council speaker Corey Johnson, a Democrat from Manhattan, wrote on Twitter. “I’m working to get in touch with DSNY to get some answers because this is unacceptable. Stay safe out there everyone.”

    Traffic backed up for hours across New York as numerous streets went unplowed, but was especially bad in Upper Manhattan, the Bronx and Staten Island.
    A city councilwoman from the Bronx was stuck for hours in the traffic, and vented about the city’s response from her car Thursday evening.
    “I’m tired, hungry, running out of gas and patience, I have to use the bathroom, I’m still stuck in traffic BUT I’m safe!” Vanessa Gibson, a Democrat, wrote on Twitter. “Only God to thank for that because of the HORRIBLE response to today’s snowstorm! This is beyond ridiculous and completely UNACCEPTABLE!. Just terrible!”

    The snowstorm barreled into the city on Thursday afternoon, and ended up dropping some 6 inches on the city at Central Park after the forecast originally called for about 1 to 3 inches.
    When asked about the turmoil, City Hall referred questions to the Sanitation Department — which on Wednesday said it had issued a “snow alert” to the “relevant city agencies” to be ready for the storm…

    In a statement, the department said it originally sent out some 700 salt spreaders, but “The afternoon snowfall was much heavier than had been forecast by all weather outlets requiring that we deploy plows.”
    It said, however, “complicating” matters were the closures of the George Washington Bridge and the Bayonne Bridge, which delayed plowing.
    Other elected officials joined Gibson and Johnson in heaping blame on the city for the botched response.
    “Somebody dropped the ball. No way a few inches of slush should bring the greatest city in the world to its knees,” Democratic councilman Justin Brannan, of Brooklyn, wrote on Twitter.
    Scott Stringer, the city comptroller and fellow Democrat, added: “The City clearly didn’t properly prepare for tonight’s snowstorm — it’s a mess.”

    Republican state assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis, who challenged Bill de Blasio for mayor, said: “It is clear our Mayor and his commissioners were not prepared for today’s snowfall.


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    a sad moment concerning a Saltbush member:

    16 Nov: Pickering Post: “See ya all.”
    by Harry Richardson
    Larry has asked me to give another update on his condition. Up until now, he hasn’t wanted to say too much as he hates to burden others with his problems.

    Now however, things have reached a point where even Larry has to admit that his race is almost run…READ ALL

    PS. In case you are wondering, Larry chose the title and photo. This is his message to you all who he loves and who have stood by him through the years.


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    16 Nov: UK Times: European ruling throws payments to back-up power plants into chaos
    by Emily Gosden
    Britain’s scheme for keeping the lights on through the winter has been thrown into chaos after a European court forced it to be suspended, triggering fears over security of supply.
    The government said that its “capacity market” scheme, which pays power station owners subsidies to guarantee that they are available to generate electricity if needed, had been halted after the ruling.

    Up to £1 billion in payments for the coming year now cannot be made, denying energy companies a key source of income and casting doubt on whether their plants can still be relied on for back-up supply.
    The ruling also has raised fears over electricity supplies for future winters, for which billions of pounds in further subsidies have been awarded to existing and proposed plants…

    16 Nov: GWPF: European Court Ruling Throws UK Back-Up Power Plants Into Chaos
    Analysts at Jefferies said that if the scheme was blocked permanently, it could cause the loss through closure of as much as 20 gigawatts of old coal and gas plants and would “create serious security of supply issues”.
    The government started operating the capacity market scheme in 2014 amid concerns that proposed plant closures could leave the country at risk of blackouts. Auctions are held each year to award retainer-style payments to plants for future winters.

    Ministers have said that the scheme “guarantees homes and businesses have a reliable electricity supply all year round” and guards against price spikes. It is a particularly important source of revenue for plants that run only infrequently as “back-up” at peak times or when wind farms are not generating.
    Several power plants have been kept open solely because of the promise of payments from the scheme, while dozens of new projects, including batteries and small gas generators, were due to be built because the payments had made them viable…LINK TO UK TIMES


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      That could mean the death penalty for tens of thousands of brits through freezing. How is it the EU courts can dictate what the UK pays to power stations? Talk about sovereign risk! The UK have abdicated their sovereignty to the EU.


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        Graeme No.3


        The diktats from the EU bureaucrats will cease to apply from the end of March next year. The UK will have to invoke emergency measures if they can, then we can only hope that next year some sanity is introduced into their electricity policy. It is even more insane than ours.


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      15 Nov: Guardian: UK’s backup power subsidies are illegal, European court rules
      Surprise judgment means government must halt capacity market scheme
      by Adam Vaughan
      National Grid said ministers had instructed it to indefinitely postpone auctions that had been planned for early 2019…
      On Thursday, the ECJ ruled that the European commission had failed to launch a proper investigation into the UK’s capacity market when it cleared the scheme for state aid approval in 2014…

      The ruling renders the capacity market unlawful for a “standstill period” while ministers seek state aid approval from the European commission. It is not clear how long that will take, but it could be many months.
      The court’s surprise judgment was an embarrassment for Greg Clark, the business secretary, who hours later outlined his vision for the future of the power market to energy executives at an event in London.
      Industry watchers said the decision would send shockwaves throughout the sector.
      “The consequences are absolutely huge. Immediate cessation of payments is going to have immediate consequences for electricity generators that were relying on them,” said Ed Reed, head of research at analysts Cornwall Insight…

      Tom Glover, UK country chair of RWE, which owns the biggest fleet of gas power plants in the UK, said he was “deeply disappointed” and his company was facing a “significant negative hit” to its earnings.
      Bernstein Research said the suspension of payments would hit earnings at British Gas owner Centrica, plus RWE, Uniper and SSE…
      The winter of 2017/18 was the first year the capacity market was in effect, with companies due to receive £990m for 2018/19. More than half of that is still yet to be paid this winter…

      Alan Whitehead, shadow energy minister, said: “This judgment effectively annuls previous state aid permission to provide subsidies for existing fossil fuel power plants. I have long criticised this bizarre arrangement, which simply throws money at old dirty power stations.”

      Richard Black, director of the ECIU thinktank, said the ruling should be seen as an opportunity for the government to reshape market away from fossil fuels and towards battery storage and cleaner technologies.

      Clark said the government was already in contact with the European commission and seeking state aid approval, so the capacity market could be reinstated. The business secretary used his speech to celebrate the rise of renewables. ***“Cheap power is now green power,” he said.


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        Bill In Oz

        Yet another reason for BREXIT !

        European controlling dopey idiots…


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          EU = 27 UNELECTED bureaucrats that ‘diktat’ to the other EU members. No accountability, meetings are in secret, even the MEPs cant stop regulations they are just puppets to look good. EU = totalitarian super state.


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    15 Nov: The Energyst: Tempus Energy’s Sarah Bell: DSR aggregators are ecstatic about Capacity Market ruling
    By Brendan Coyne
    Tempus Energy chief executive, Sarah Bell, says demand-side response aggregators are “ecstatic” about the European Court ruling on the Capacity Market, despite fears from some market participants that auction and payment suspensions will damage market confidence.

    There has been an enormously positive reaction. Every DSR provider who has called me today has been ecstatic,” she told The Energyst.
    “This is a victory for consumers. The Capacity Market was crap. It didn’t offer an opportunity. Now we are going to have a much greater opportunity to help customers reduce their bills while reducing carbon intensity of the grid.”

    Bell and Tempus pulled back from the UK market in 2016 after struggling to build a hybrid DSR and supply business targeting smaller assets and customers. The company has since struck flex agreements with ***Origin Energy in Australia – where its focus is on large customers.

    Its technology “predicts the closing market price and the extent to which assets can be flexible and we put those two together to optimise load on a constant basis, taking them out of high price periods and into low price periods”, said Bell.
    “We had to go to a proper market,” she said of the move.

    Should the ruling now force government to create a level playing field for demand-side response, Tempus will return to the UK market. Bell said it would consider partnerships.
    That will not necessarily be an existing UK utility, but a company that “genuinely wants to build flexibility and deliver for customers. Everything we’ve done in Australia has been achieved by partnering with a large entity with a strong balance sheet. We want to take the same approach in the UK”.
    The government should look on the ruling as an opportunity to create a better scheme that rewards flexibility, delivers economic benefits and contributes to climate goals, said Bell

    “People want cost effective energy, to breath clean air and to create a cleaner system for the future,” she said. “Flexibility delivers on all of those. Alongside government, we hope to put in place a scheme that actually delivers for customers.”
    People “deserve better than this bullshit,” Bell summarised. “It is not okay to use our hard earned cash to subsidise the past.”
    “This is about jobs and the smart economy. The Capacity Market in its original inception was such a wasted opportunity for economic development. We hope to contribute as much as possible to driving that economy.”


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    15 Nov: Reuters: Exclusive: At U.N. climate talks, Trump team plans sideshow on coal
    by Timothy Gardner
    The Trump administration plans to set up a side-event promoting fossil fuels at the annual U.N. climate talks next month, repeating a strategy that infuriated global-warming activists during last year’s talks, according to three people with knowledge of the matter.

    As with the 2017 gathering in Bonn, Germany, the administration plans to highlight the benefits of technologies that more efficiently burn fuels including coal, the sources said…
    The White House and the State Department did not respond to requests for comment…

    “Quite frankly, the U.S. is the only party to the convention that appears to be willing to push a rational discussion on the role of cleaner, more efficient fossil (fuels) and the role of civilian nuclear energy,” said one of the sources, who is involved in the planning of the event for Katowice, likely to be held on Dec. 10.

    The source, who did not want to be named due to the sensitive nature of the issue, said the event will be dominated by proponents of coal and natural gas and likely advanced nuclear power, too. The panel will also likely feature a U.S. Energy Department representative. At this point plans do not include a renewable power industry representative, the source said.

    The event is expected to be led by Wells Griffith, Trump’s international energy and climate adviser, the sources added. Griffith’s main energy policy experience involves a year at a political job at the Department of Energy and helping to set up a deal last year to supply Ukraine with U.S. coal after the country lost control of mines to Russian-backed separatists…

    Last year, the fossil fuels event set up by the White House drew widespread protest and condemnation from climate activists. Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg wrote on Twitter that “Promoting coal at a climate summit is like promoting tobacco at a cancer summit.”…

    Environmentalists should not get excited that any State Department cooperation in Poland signals the Trump administration is eyeing a return to the Paris agreement, one of the sources said.
    “It’s making sure U.S. interests are paramount, nothing more, nothing less.”…


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      China emerges as powerbroker in global climate talks
      Financial Times · 8 hours ago

      Carbon Brief: …Financial Times reports that China has emerged as the “powerbroker” in this years talks. “As nations jockey for position ahead of next month’s UN climate talks, the most significant of its kind since the Paris Accord was sealed three years ago, negotiators are beating a path in a new direction: to Beijing,” reads the FT. China’s leadership has filled “a power vacuum” created when Trump decided to leave the Paris Agreement, the FT says.


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    7 Nov: ScientificAmericanBlog: Why We Need Innovative Nuclear Power
    Our future will depend on finding every possible source of reliable, carbon-free energy
    By Nathan Myhrvold
    (Nathan Myhrvold is vice chairman of TerraPower and cofounder and CEO of Intellectual Venturesin Bellevue, Wash. He previously worked for Microsoft as chief technology officer and founded Microsoft Research)
    In 2006, Bill Gates and I took a hard look together at all the options humanity has for powering the 21st century. At that time, 81 percent of the world’s primary energy—the raw form, before it is converted to electricity, gasoline, etc.—came from fossil fuels…

    Roughly a billion and a half people were then living without electricity—but they certainly wanted and needed it. World population was growing. In much of the world, people were living longer and better. They were buying more cars and using more home heating and air conditioning. All of this was set to continue, and all of it would demand more energy…

    Solar and wind power and biofuels were growing fast, and that was great. But I could already see major limitations looming ahead: the huge amounts of land needed, the lack of scalable ways to match their inconstant power to society’s unremitting thirst for energy…
    But there seemed to be a huge opportunity to rethink nuclear power…

    I couldn’t help but wonder: what would happen if we put state-of-the-art computing in the hands of some of the world’s best nuclear physicists and then gave them a high bar to clear and a short deadline to do it? Could they invent a new kind of nuclear power plant where safety would be guaranteed by the basic laws of physics? One that would generate much less waste—or better yet, burn existing waste? A plant that slashes operating costs and avoids worries about nuclear proliferation? Just imagine how that could change the world.
    It seemed worth a shot. So with the backing of Bill and a few other bold investors, we launched TerraPower and dove in to the hard work of trying to make this real.
    It seemed worth a shot. So with the backing of Bill and a few other bold investors, we launched TerraPower and dove in to the hard work of trying to make this real…

    Humanity’s appetite for fossil fuels has grown—not shrunk—despite all the new solar and wind farms and all the new LED bulbs and hybrid cars, because we just keep using more energy every year. The amount of energy consumed by an average person in China (averaged over the year) has jumped by a quarter since 2006, to three kilowatts (kW)…

    Morality aside, the economic development of countries like China, India, Brazil, Indonesia and South Africa is unstoppable in the long run. History shows that societies organize themselves and their institutions to keep standards of living rising, and this drives energy consumption inexorably upward over the long term…
    Raising the global average energy use from 2.4 kW, where it stood in 2017, to the current U.S. level of 9.2 kW per capita means nearly quadrupling energy production…
    The challenge is probably even greater than this. Humanity is now around 7.5 billion people. The U.N. Population Division forecasts that our species will number 10 to 13 billion by century’s end. Ten billion of us using energy at current U.S. rates works out to a fivefold increase in global energy production over what we make today…

    This why it is imperative that we turbocharge the pace of innovation in nuclear power…


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    How hard is this, really, for the “common man” to understand? Simply put, energy is life; cheap energy is prosperity.

    Those with a biological orientation should know this if they’ve been keeping up with how cancers need energy (and lots of it) to grow and metastasize. See the work of Dr. Seyfried (Boston U.) as recapped in

    Putting throttles on energy is the like wanting humans to simply die off.


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    a load of BS, suitable only for Guardian types:

    16 Nov: Guardian: John Kerry: Europe must tackle climate change or face migration chaos
    The ex-US secretary of state, speaking at a Guardian Live event, predicts mass movement from Africa
    by Patrick Wintour Diplomatic editor
    Speaking at a Guardian Live event, at Central Hall in London, he said he was deeply disturbed at how issues such as climate change, cyber wars and the future of the oceans were not ballot box issues, admitting it was hard to translate these issues into an acceptable set of choices for voters…

    He said the Green Climate Fund set up in Paris was supposed to have $100bn, but it only had $6bn, making it very difficult for poorer countries to make the right energy decisions. China and India, he said, were still on course to build a wave of coal-fired stations. “We should not be building a single coal fired plant anywhere on the planet,” he added.
    Kerry insisted the doors to the G20 summit in Argentina later this year should be locked until the fund was replenishe…

    He also made an impassioned defence for the EU, saying the institution had been set up initially to prevent war, but Europe was now seeing old demons return in the form of antisemitism and racism…
    Kerry, insisting he did not want to interfere in the UK elections, reminded his audience that before the 2016 referendum he and president Obama had called for the UK to stay in the EU. “To the best of my knowledge [Obama] has not changed view,” he said.
    He added: “I do not think this is the moment for the EU to start falling apart.”…


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      note Kerry doesn’t say $100bn ANNUALLY is supposed to go to the GCF. keep it vague, hey?

      behind paywall:

      17 Nov: The Economist: The Philippines wants big companies to accept responsibility for a devastating typhoon
      Did the big emitters help to cause extreme weather?

      Carbon Brief: The Economist has a piece about attribution of climate change to extreme events, focusing on an inquiry into the damage caused to the Philippines by supertyphoon Haiyan. Last month, the Philippine Commission on Human Rights held its latest hearings into two main questions, explains the Economist: “Whether the damage caused by extreme weather events can be linked to human emissions of greenhouse gases…And…if this link can be established, who bears the responsibility?”. The Philippine hearings will come to a close in December in Manila, however the commission does not have the power to compensate victims of typhoons or to sanction emitters of CO2. According to one of the commissioners, though, “that isn’t even the point”, says the Economist: “His wish is to open a dialogue about possible solutions to climate change that includes the industrial emitters. So far, however, only one side of the story is being heard. The emitters have declined to participate”.


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        Bill In Oz

        Utter BS. When I was in the Philippines for 6 months in 2016, they were building 15 coal fired powered plants to ad to the existing coal fired generators..

        I wonder if anyone in the Filipino Human Rights Commission knew this. Or if the Economist journalist did either.


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          Those economist jornos just repeat dribble they get from some unknown source and publish it as ‘fact’. No research is done.


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      Bill In Oz

      We are lucky Kerry is no longer in government. And at least with this sort of garbage he is nailing his true colours to the flagpole. USA voters can respond in turn in 2020.


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    ABC does its best to sensationalise the following:

    16 Nov: ABC: Coal price drops one third as China shuts door on Australian imports until 2019
    China has shut the door on coal imports until at least next year, creating uncertainty in the Australian market, according to one industry analyst.
    Limits to imports were initially put in place in the middle of this year but now Chinese authorities have stopped all imports of coal from across the globe and the ban is not expected to be lifted until early 2019.

    Mike Cooper from Platts Coal Report said there was an oversupply of coal in China.
    He said unless there was a very cold winter, further imports would not be needed for the next couple of months at least.

    ***”China has produced so much coal for the winter period the power companies have 30 days worth of consumption on their stockpiles,” he said…

    The current situation is at odds with a report released earlier this week the International Energy Agency (IEA).
    Its World Energy Outlook (WEO) forecast strong growth in Asian demand through to 2040 with substantial growth in India and South-East Asia expected to counteract projected falls in China and Japan…

    At the beginning of the month, the NSW Minerals Council released a statement saying prices were steady at around $114/tonne compared to around $49/ tonne in January 2016.
    According to the Council demand for New South Wales coal is particularly strong from traditional Asian markets such as Japan, Taiwan, and Korea.
    However, Mr Cooper said prices for Japanese grade coal dropped recently from $125/tonne to $100/tonne.


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    Roy Hogue

    Isn’t it amazing what a difference having the right incentive can make?

    Those who build products and create services people buy voluntarily have a vested interest to protect what they have. And that’s a legitimate interest.

    Those who have no such interest see it profitable to them in some way to engage in climate change nonsense. Not exactly honest, wouldn’t you say?

    In a world where successful nations regard individual freedom and initiative as important I probably don’t need to say anything more.


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      The ratio of makers and takers has to be kept in check for democracy and capitalism to function, once the ratio of makers is reduced the effects of increased takers produces a downward spiral of due to their parasitic nature of existence.

      Makers = Democracy, Free enterprise, reduced government.
      Takers = Leftist politics, central planning, increased government.


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        Roy Hogue

        And the takers may soon outnumber the makers. I keep wondering what they will do, in a world so dependent on electricity, when the generators stop and they can’t get them started again.

        Probably organize a protest. That should get them lots of approval but no light after dark.


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          Roy Hogue

          They certainly won’t write a letter to their congressman or MP. First of all, no one writes a letter anymore and second, post offices are all automated. And of course, pumping the gas out of the tank at the gas station won’t work either so everyone will be on foot — let’s see, someone in good health can walk abou a mile in 20 minutes…

          What will the poor babies do?


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          Communication systems take a fair chunk of the electricity.

          One of the first things to disappear with be their iPhones.

          Then they will be lost and desperate.


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    robert rosicka

    Just once I would like the ABC to get a five year old to research one of their doom and gloom stories that are written by a two year old .


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      Bill In Oz

      Venice has been sinking for hundreds of years. It was to start with. basically a swamp with a few small islands. And the Venetians just kept building on top. So now there are parts of buildings that are well under water level…
      The bits which have not sunk are propped up by massive long logs rammed deep into the mud until they reach solid earth/rock…

      Of course the Venetians and Italians would love the rest of the world to give money to help prevent this natural process happening to their huge tourist attraction.


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      This is insane if a city sinks with no rise in sea level then its sinking due to OTHER geological reasons. This type of statement is totally unscientific and total garbage. But this is what the masses get fed every day.


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    robert rosicka

    While OT is this story about “Scientists redefining the kilogram ” a sign that scientists are capable of changing their mind , or something more sinister ?


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    Jo how fair dinkum is the Saltbush Club? If they were fair dinkum you’d think they’d use the data that supports their arguments, but everyone just seems to run away and hide.

    The data from Lomborg’s careful research ( using the EU’S IEA auditing) ) clearly shows that there is nothing that the OECD countries can do to change the SOARING non OECD co2 emissions, but nobody wants to know. Why is it so, sure beats me?

    China, India and the non OECD countries are building hundreds of new coal fired stns and even the BBC agrees this is a big problem.

    Meanwhile the much hated US generates just 17.1% of TOTAL energy from coal while China generates 66.7%. When have you ever seen this mentioned anywhere in the MSM?

    The world today generates just 0.8% of TOTAL energy from the Solar and Wind idiocy, but once again nobody seems to have the brains to mention this at all. OH and Lomborg’s team calculates this may grow to just 3.6% by 2040 and once again using the IEA data. I think that 3.6% of TOTAL energy is a fanciful number , because there is another decade ( at least) of strong coal fired growth from the non OECD.

    If they used this IEA data they could more easily win the argument, but as I say everyone refuses to even mention it. All of the above is unbelievable but true. Here’s China’s (IEA data) TOTAL energy graph and then the USA graph.
    Dr Hansen’s BS and fra-d comment ( about Paris COP 21) is very easy to understand but apparently nobody wants to know.


  • #

    I wish the Club all the best. However…if the intent is to sway the politicians, it is doomed to failure. The polity is so entrenched in the rubbish, a turn around is now impossible! Their credibility would be forever damaged.

    Around eight years ago, a small group of us, met in Brisbane to thrash out a strategy. The convenor was Malcolm Roberts. We were workshopping strategies to fight the rubbish. You have to get the message out and win over the voters.

    This will require millions of dollars, in the form of a media blitz. Think of what Clive Palmer is doing but with a light hearted campaign…in a comedic sense, that exposes the inanity of the warmist movement.

    I see Gina is in the club. Gina has the most to lose or gain. I know of two coal tenements that Gina has in Qld. If she wants Ginia to develop these tenements in decades ahead she must donate money to protect the Hancock interests.

    I wish I could contribute to an advertising campaign, but unfortunately…I spent years and most of my wealth lobbying for the development of the north and fighting the rubbish. Such is life.


    • #
      el gordo

      The big difference this time is Sky in the regions, overcoming ABC propaganda.


      • #
        robert rosicka

        Yes el Gordo finally we get both sides of the argument and we’re loving it , the ABC call it the after Six o’clock disgrace but I call it truth .


        • #
          el gordo

          I’m conducting a casual straw poll amongst regional warmists and Sky is having an impact already. As you can appreciate they were shocked to hear this ‘refreshing’ viewpoint.

          My guesstimate is that millennials won’t watch and men will, being news and sport. Some women seem receptive, but its too early to draw any conclusions.


      • #

        I have just stayed at mid-range motels in Bowral NSW, Cooma NSW, Sale Vic, Cowra NSW and Dubbo NSW over the past ten days.

        Not one had a television set capable of providing access to free to air Sky News.

        A few weeks ago I found the same situation in Grafton NSW, Gold Coast Qld and Byron Bay NSW.


  • #

    Here’s Lomborg’s 2018 update on the IEA data and world energy use by 2040.

    OH and Germany has WASTED 100s of billions Euros on the S&Wind fra-d and today generates just 3.5% from GEO+ S&W. And this is after decades of leading the world down this insane path. And they are now extending their brown coal mines to obtain more reliable, baseload power. Here’s the IEA German TOTAL energy graph.


  • #

    Jo can you also tell us what you think of the joint Royal Society/ NAS Q&A. Their point 20 looks at the outcome if all human co2 emissions stopped today. So just a fantasy, just ask China, India and the non OECD countries.

    We know the ice core studies show co2 levels remain elevated for thousands of years after temps dropped at the end of the much warmer Eemian inter- glacial, so I suppose this could be correct if you accept the ice core data.

    But would the temp remain at present level and not drop for a thousand years or more? And would co2 levels not drop to say 1800 levels for many more thousands of years? If they are correct then it doesn’t make much sense to rave on about all their wild, ruinous so called MITIGATION .

    And the non OECD countries co2 emissions continue to soar, so the Q&A above is just absurd. Here’s their point 20 and a link to the larger graph. So Jo what do you think of their point 20 Q&A and the 2013 Zickfeld et al study? Remember this is what the alarmist scientists truly believe. Surely a fair dinkum group could easily expose this because unfortunately most ordinary people think that changing to S&W idiocy will be a good thing. That’s until the inevitable blackouts etc begin.

    Here’s their answer—–

    20.” If emissions of greenhouse gases were stopped, would the climate return to the conditions of 200 years ago?
    Climate change: evidence and causes

    “No. Even if emissions of greenhouse gases were to suddenly stop, Earth’s surface temperature would not cool and return to the level in the pre-industrial era for thousands of years.

    fig9-smallFigure 9. If global emissions were to suddenly stop, it would take a long time for surface air temperatures and the ocean to begin to cool, because the excess CO2 in the atmosphere would remain there for a long time and would continue to exert a warming effect. Model projections show how atmospheric CO2 concentration (a), surface air temperature (b), and ocean thermal expansion (c) would respond following a scenario of business-as-usual emissions ceasing in 2300 (red), a scenario of aggressive emission reductions, falling close to zero 50 years from now (orange), and two intermediate emissions scenarios (green and blue). The small downward tick in temperature at 2300 is caused by the elimination of emissions of short-lived greenhouse gases, including methane. Source: Zickfeld et al., 2013 (larger version)

    If emissions of CO2 stopped altogether, it would take many thousands of years for atmospheric CO2 to return to ‘pre-industrial’ levels due to its very slow transfer to the deep ocean and ultimate burial in ocean sediments. Surface temperatures would stay elevated for at least a thousand years, implying extremely long-term commitment to a warmer planet due to past and current emissions, and sea level would likely continue to rise for many centuries even after temperature stopped increasing (see Figure 9). Significant cooling would be required to reverse melting of glaciers and the Greenland ice sheet, which formed during past cold climates. The current CO2-induced warming of Earth is therefore essentially irreversible on human timescales. The amount and rate of further warming will depend almost entirely on how much more CO2 humankind emits”.


    • #

      “20.” If emissions of greenhouse gases were stopped, would the climate return to the conditions of 200 years ago?
      FALSE STATEMENT, unscientific hyper-drivel.

      “No. Even if emissions of greenhouse gases were to suddenly stop, Earth’s surface temperature would not cool and return to the level in the pre-industrial era for thousands of years.’
      FALSE STATEMENT, unscientific hyper-drivel. (theres a new word for you..)


      • #

        I dont think actual astrophysical data will impact on the lukers and warmists. The actual fact that Titan is very high in Methane, surface pressure 1.4 Earths atmosphere, temp ~ -180C! (data from Huygens probe) No GHG warming. Methane is a very tiny fraction and virtually negligible on Earth.


      • #

        In the face of CAGW hypotheses always ask why hasn’t the Earth succumbed to such a fate despite the many times from observational evidence it has experienced higher warmer temperatures and CO2 levels that often don’t show correlation or causation, then ask then to look at the big orange burning thing in the daytime sky and consider its possible influence.

        Often the only runaway death spiral warmists will experience is their last flutter of rational reason plummeting towards the lowest political landscape of scientific consensus.


        • #

          I suspect that many AGW collaborators know that there is a cooling trend on the way.

          They absolutely MUST get their destructive socialist agendas in place before that cooling trend starts to bite.

          Their desperation to “get things done” is palpable,

          .. and is manifesting itself in more and more incredibly idiotic anti-science “projections” and other crystal ball prophecies.


    • #
      el gordo

      Its a complete fabrication and not worth discussing.

      Neville, in light of what we now know, do you think there is any chance Lomborg will give up his lukewarm status and join the denialarti?


  • #
    Tides of Mudgee

    The words “skeptic” and “denier” always seem to be used by the “true believers” as derogatory terms. For that reason I’ve decided I am neither a “skeptic” nor a “denier” but a “non-gullible” instead.


  • #
  • #

    The Bolter lists all the extremist’s brainless DUD predictions about snowfalls etc.
    But of course they were wrong AGAIN. But will groups like the Saltbush Club even notice?
    Geeezzz if we only had more Andrew Bolts who has the understanding to call out these con merchants before and after the event.
    His list makes fascinating reading. Go Andrew.


  • #

    18 Nov: ABC: Scott Morrison hails free trade at APEC against backdrop of US-China trade war
    By Pacific affairs reporter Stephen Dziedzic and Papua New Guinea correspondent Natalie Whiting

    Prime Minister Scott Morrison has used a major speech in front of regional leaders to warn the US and China against a full-blown trade war as the geopolitical contest between the two great powers intensifies…
    “Tit-for-tat protectionism and threats of trade wars are in the interests of no-one economically, and they undermine the authority of the global and regional trading rules that benefit us all,” Mr Morrison said…

    PNG’s APEC Minister, Justin Tkatchenko, said Mr Trump’s decision (NOT TO ATTEND) was a blow.
    “Yes, at first it was a disappointment, I’m not going to deny that at all,” he said.
    “We planned APEC around having Trump here. [But] whatever circumstances happened, we have the Vice-President and we are very happy that he’s coming with his wonderful wife.”…

    Mr Xi has commanded the spotlight in Mr Trump’s absence, and was feted by local politicians during a spectacular state visit in Port Moresby on Friday.
    He unveiled a new raft of new agreements with Papua New Guinea, as well as a 10-year loan reportedly worth US$300 million.
    But the geopolitical tensions rippling through Port Moresby ahead of Sunday’s APEC meeting were also on show.
    Tempers flared when media invited to cover Mr Xi’s meeting with pacific leaders were denied entry by Chinese officials.
    Local and international media, including the ABC, had been invited to cover the event, but when journalists and camera operators arrived at the hotel where it was being held they were told to leave.
    PNG media described it as a “slap in the face” and some PNG Government staff were also unhappy with how tightly the Chinese delegation controlled the visit…

    17 Nov: AFR: APEC 2018: Stand up for free trade, Scott Morrison tells leaders, bosses
    by Andrew Tillett, Michael Smith
    Mr Xi and Mr Pence will also address the CEO forum. With Donald Trump absent, Mr Xi is the dominant figure at the summit, using his visit to showcase Beijing’s efforts to duchess the Pacific…
    Chinese media carried images of Port Moresby festooned with Chinese flags and Mr Xi receiving the red carpet treatment in the capital on Friday. There was a military parade at an elaborate ceremony marking the first visit by a Chinese head of state since its established diplomatic relations with the Pacific island more than 40 years ago…

    Local newspapers this week carried articles by the Chinese president describing PNG as “a land of great promise” and “China aid” posters are dotted around the capital…

    Australia flew many Pacific leaders to the summit in an Air Force plane, accompanied by fighter jets.


  • #

    Jo also writes “Former executives have a freedom to speak their minds that current execs do not.” True.

    # Malcolm Makes a Speech. 🙂

    Pretty fair assessment. The power of the RW in the Libs has really been completely dependent on the numbers in HoR…at the moment…not the validity of their actual position.

    Former office holders suffering from relevance deprivation syndrome can just be the gift that keeps on giving. 🙂


    • #

      “Former office holders suffering from relevance deprivation syndrome can just be the gift that keeps on giving”

      For Labor, that would be Turnbull. !!

      Labor’s ONLY asset, apart from ScoMo, aka Turnbull-mini-me. !!


      • #

        Labor’s ONLY asset,

        Ah my delicate little petal…….you may also want to look to recent election actual results and the substantial and embedded lead in the poll that matters…TPP 🙂

        People will actually vote for them which is a pretty big asset.

        Oh, and there is the fact that the ALP actually has been developing policy while the RW in Australia plays its silly club games and eats itself.

        All coming together reasonably well for the left of politics in the run up to the election as the RW continues to reject data and actual on the ground experience. No ability to learn.

        We evil lefties gleefully soak up the entertainment of the increasingly delusional “conservatives” running around in ever decreasing circles. Sweet!! 🙂


        • #
          glen Michel

          I may suggest that you think for yourself instead of taking in all those SLOGANS that the green/socialists are keen on.


        • #


          Poor plop doesn’t like it when someone counters him with his own BS.

          GET OVER YOURSELF, phloop.

          Labor policies are to destroy Australia.

          Progress.. NEVER. !!

          You seem to intentionally forget that the only recent election result with true Liberals at the helm, was a resounding landslide win.


        • #
          el gordo

          All the indicators point to a Labor win and with attached green slime they can’t really lose, but Morrison could still turn the numbers around if he set his mind to it.

          Moving the Party back to the centre right is no easy task, but if he can’t open the Overton Window in time for this election then he is unworthy to be PM.

          If they crash and burn, do you think the Coalition will remain intact?


          • #

            Real problem is that there is not enough room for THREE parties with leftist policies.

            People who used to vote centre or centre-right have been left without a major party to vote for.

            ScoMo has done very little to win back the party base.


        • #

          “continues to reject data “

          Do you have any empirical data that shows that atmospheric CO2 causes warming?



        • #
          el gordo

          ‘…increasingly delusional “conservatives” ….’

          You will need to flesh this out a bit, who are the delusional ‘moderates’? To win the election Morrison needs to purge them from the front bench, I’ll find a few to get things rolling.


        • #
          robert rosicka

          Phil I’m curious help me out please if you can !

          Your obviously not worried about the cost of electricity, you certainly don’t care if you have a meaningful job or any job ,are a vegan (nothing wrong with that) , want to give any savings you have and worked hard for including all your assets to those who won’t work and those who chose to switch off from society and leave an “alternative life style.
          You think Drugs should be legal and whatever the heart wants should also be legal so scrap all sex crimes from legislation .
          Anyone is welcome in this country regardless of who they are and what crimes they have committed.
          You believe the country can be powered by windmills and solar panels ,and you’re willing to give up your computer ,car and way of life for the good of the collective .

          Is this really what you want ?


          • #

            Poor sap probably doesn’t even realise what he is wishing for, and voting for.

            He thinks his life status is low now… (hence his pumped up ego)

            … wait until the “progressive” agenda kicks in, to see how much lower his life will sink.


          • #

            robert, consider the first syllable of the word assumption and how it relates to you above post.

            AndyG…your a looney. 🙁


            ‘…increasingly delusional “conservatives” ….’

            They are misnamed for a start, especially the RW rump of the Libs. They are not conservative, but radical right wingers. For a time, with HoR numbers close they have influence. But, thats come with major instability in the leadershiop and an associated policy paralysis. Seems for election results of late that the punters really dont like that.

            There is also this delusion about amont “conservative” supporters that if only ScoMo the Ad Man adopts the policies of the RW who awn his butt that the Libs will somehow recover their vote. Nope. Anyone who takes that as true is already voting for them (or letting them get their preference) anyway and have been rusted onto that side of the TPP figures for months / years.

            Overall will be interesting to see just where the Libs go after the next election. There is a lot of talk of a split with the RW doing a Corgi and ….well..cue much Monty Python style mirth. 🙂

            From the polling, both TPP and some of the issues, specific question stuff that’s been asked, i reckon the most likely outcome at the next election is:

            ALP with substantial (maybe not thumping) majority in the HoR.
            A workable Senate. ALP/Greens/a couple of rational, not nutbagger x benchers.

            Would be sustainable. ALP have obviously learned a lot of lessons from the RGR wars and are well set up as a team with established policy thats largely been out there for a while…and people dont dislike it. You can tell that from the consistency of the polling.

            Libs….leaned nothing from the RGR Wars and inflicted s bad on themselves (and the rest of us).

            Post 2019 the Libs DLP moment?? Who knows. The Electorate however will get what it votes for, and it wont be all doom and gloom. Some of the less smart people here who bang on about what a disaster this or that will be should really stop being such twits and calm down. Politics here is i thin heading for a safer more centrist place than it has been, and to some extent we can thank Trump for that. 🙂 No one except the fearful and, rather dim want to go where the US is at the moment.


            • #
              robert rosicka

              Can’t even a non science question Phil ? Do you stand for anything ?


            • #
              el gordo

              ‘…bang on about what a disaster this or that will be should really stop being such twits and calm down.’

              I agree, we need to calmly plan for after the election.

              Starting with the agrarian socialists, Barnaby will come back as leader and David Littleproud is certain to lose his shadow status, returned to the backbench because he believes CO2 causes global warming.

              We need to purge the Coalition of moderates, so that democracy is refreshed. Question Time would be dynamic.


              • #

                Barnaby will come back as leader

                I saw he got his pre-selection today! Wonder if Malcolm’s Bonking Ban is still in place??

                Apparently that shining light from the sediment in the bottom of the gene pool, Craig Kelly, was going to get dumped by the local branches in his electorate but Brave Sir ScoMo has intervened to inflict him on them again.

                We need to purge the Coalition of moderates, so that democracy is refreshed.

                Agreed…refreshed by the Coalition and their fellow travellers having lots of time for “external development opportunities”. 🙂

                oh and robert…engage brain from time to time mate.


              • #

                “engage brain from time to time mate.”

                Something YOU will never learn to do.

                Your two brain-cells cannot communicate with each other.

                Do you have any empirical data that shows that atmospheric CO2 causes warming?

                Or just more mindless yap-yap?


              • #

                ” sediment in the bottom of the gene pool”

                You and your ilk would be looking UPWARDS at that.

                Only wishing you had got passed the single cell amoeba stage.


              • #

                Poor phoop, he wants the LNP to be just like the ALP and Green.

                Only way the left can win, by creating three left wing parties by infiltration by left wing suckophants like Turnbull and his mates.

                Liberals need a HUGE broom to sweep out this regressive CHAFF !!

                Let’s all hope the idiotic, gullible, anti-life, anti-human, anti-development socialist agenda of the ALP and Greens doesn’t turn the country into another third-world country in the mean time.


              • #
                el gordo

                Phil from my perspective the looming election is a win win situation for the cause, which is bigger than politics.

                Barnaby may lose some of the female vote in his electorate because he is not a living saint, but you already know how I despise cretinous virtue signallers.

                Thing is, all the members of the ginger group are safe and will fill the front bench in the Austral winter, either as the government or opposition.

                If Morrison goes to the election supporting the green left mantra on climate change then he will crash and burn, and from the ashes a new force will arise to overcome mass delusion.

                Tony Abbott appears to be be the obvious choice but …. Angus Taylor might be our man.


              • #

                Thing is, all the members of the ginger group are safe and will fill the front bench in the Austral winter

                With respect eg, i am going to call that one as one that’s flying over the cuckoos nest. 🙂

                Tony Abbott appears to be be the obvious choice but

                Abbott as LOTO when the ALP has real majority in the HoR and a workable Senate?? The doGs above are not THAT far left in their politics mate!! 🙂


              • #

                The cuckoo’s nest.. your home ??

                Your worthless opinion is laughed at.

                Do you have any empirical data that shows that atmospheric CO2 causes warming?


              • #
                el gordo

                Phil, political science is all about picking winners and this coming election is going to be a brawl over climate change and immigration.

                At this point in the cycle he has to claw back 10%, not insurmountable but does he have the script. Scott should talk to Rowan Dean on the subject of imminent global cooling, its funny ’cause its true.

                Factoring in a win for the pink green slime, Tony Abbott may stand aside for Angus Taylor, a throughly modern man. Tony could be offered the job of foreign minister, replacing that wretched woman who is Labor Lite.


            • #

              “AndyG…your a looney”

              Learn to spell, muppet !!

              And get your doctor to fix your ADHD meds.

              Your mindless, INCOHERENT RANTING goes off the charts whenever you get pinged..

              .. so funny 🙂

              Do you have any empirical data that shows that atmospheric CO2 causes warming?


              • #

                Do you have any empirical data that shows that atmospheric CO2 causes warming?

                None that’s not part of the evil global conspiracy that all those scientists are so fully aware of and laughing into their lab coats about.


              • #

                So, absolutely ZERO EVIDENCE

                But we all KNEW that, didn’t we. 🙂

                Your poor EMPTY SACK. !!


              • #

                Let’s try that simple question again shall we..

                …. just to watch the headless-chook antics..

                Do you have any empirical data that shows that atmospheric CO2 causes warming?


              • #
                el gordo

                ‘…all those scientists are so fully aware of and laughing into their lab coats about.’

                They have mortgages too, but by remaining quiet these scientists are aiding and abetting a crime against humanity. Now that global cooling has already begun I suspect all their jobs will be up for review in the near future.


            • #

              “want to go where the US is at the moment.”

              You mean NOT cow-towing to the socialist globalist agenda ??

              You mean NOT becoming a great positive country again ??

              I know you yearn for Venezuela, phloop, but even there, you will be in your natural place at the very bottom of the food chain.


            • #

              poor phloop

              TRIGGERED like a low end SJW.

              So funny !

              Please continue, the FARCE is with you. 😉


            • #

              “Libs….leaned nothing from the RGR Wars and inflicted s bad on themselves”

              No, it was a Labor REJECT that started the slide away from rational conservatism……. Your leftist mate, Turnbull


        • #

          Left Policy development?

          …like, continually telling the whole world that half the world is somehow inherently toxic?

          there’s um 56 genders, but it’s ‘your’ sex thats a problem?

          tbh, it takes some extraordinary retarted=ness to believe you’re somehow credible after attempting that feat of twisted logic.

          and even more retarded to believe it is deserves naming as ‘policy’


  • #

    nothing as yet on ABC about Saltbush Club.

    AUDIO: 13min34sec: Nov: 16 Nov: ABC Life Matters: Sustainable farming in the face of climate change
    Presenter: Michael Mackenzie
    Anika Molesworth is a farmer, sustainable agriculture advocate and one of the founders of Farmers for Climate Action.
    Professor David Lindenmayer is a landscape ecologist and conservation biologist the ANU.

    17 Nov: ABC Blueprint for Living: Unsettling food politics
    Presenter: Jonathan Green
    For over two decades, activists, farmers and scholars have been arguing that the industrialized global food system erodes democracy, perpetuates injustices, undermines population health and is environmentally unsustainable. We explore these claims as well as the historical problems of food and agriculture in this country and ask what changes in production would be required to create a more just and sustainable food future.
    Christopher Mayes, Research Fellow in the Alfred Deakin Institute at Deakin University and author of Unsettling Food Politics: Agriculture, Dispossession and Sovereignty in Australia.

    17 Nov: ABC Blueprint for Living: Fewer, Better Things
    Presenter: Jonathan Green
    Glenn Adamson opens his book, Fewer, Better Things by contrasting his teddy bear from back in the day to the smartphones and tablets so many children have today.
    He writes that many children and adults are losing touch with the material objects that have nurtured human development…
    Guest: Glenn Adamson, curator, writer and historian,-better-things/10427478

    a taste of Adamson:

    14 Aug: Yahoo: Glenn Adamson Thinks You Need Less Stuff
    by Sarah Archer, Architectural Digest
    These constraints could simply be useful exercises for designers, but looking at Adams’s life’s work against the backdrop of accelerating climate change highlights the thought that ideas that sound like science fiction might become our reality sooner than we think. Even if we’re not living aboard space stations and learning to cultivate plants and trees in zero-G, changes in our own climate will force us to design for life on Earth as though it were a space adventure because, in a sense, it is. Recalling his interviews with Adams, Adamson says, “Her very simple point—that the earth is like a spaceship, only bigger—is one that Buckminster Fuller made a long time ago. But Adams was able to get across the fragility of that situation and the sense that we’re all in it together. I do think that climate change is likely to be the dominant concern for the next generation in pretty much every walk of life—design and architecture, sure, but also politics, food, clothing, transport systems. Put it this way: Everything is going to change beyond recognition, either because we deal successfully with the crisis—or because we don’t…


  • #

    George Monbiot thinks BBC is not doing enough to fight CAGW. following nicely timed in the run-up to COP24 in Poland!

    AUDIO: 26min29sec: 16 Nov: BBC Science In Action: Science in Trump’s America
    Presenter: Roland Pease
    (SEGMENT BEGINS 10MIN25SEC: In the US mid-term elections, the Democrats gained a majority in the lower house, this means they take control of key committees – including the House Science Committee. Over recent years this once bipartisan committee has been used by Republicans to push a climate change denying agenda. Now the democrats will regain control and the chair elect says she will be reinforcing that climate change is real and doing more to encourage participation in science at a grassroots level particularly with minorities who are currently under represented. We ask what this and other changes to science administration mean for the future of science under Donald Trump’s presidency. Environmental policies and his generally anti science attitude are likely to come under greater scrutiny.

    We’ll also look at the California fires, which seem to be increasing in frequency, is this due to climate change or other human intervention or changes in natural processes?

    (BEGINS 17MIN) And new research into hurricanes suggests human activity is making them more severe than they would otherwise be. In this case the built environment has become part of the problem, with the density of buildings in cities contributing to increases in wind speeds and a reduction in drainage for floodwaters.

    Guests include:
    Lauren Morello, Bureau Chief, Americas, at Nature Research (Publishing), Washington DC (Science/Trump);
    Carrie Levine, University of California, Davis (California Wildfires);
    Gabriele Villarini, Uni of Iowa (hurricanes)

    ***Villarini connected to:

    14 Nov: Eureka Alert: Houston’s urban sprawl increased rainfall, flooding during Hurricane Harvey
    Princeton University
    Houston’s urban landscape directly contributed to the torrential rainfall and deadly flooding experienced during Hurricane Harvey in August 2017, according to Princeton and University of Iowa researchers. The researchers report in the journal Nature Nov. 15 that Houston’s risk for extreme flooding during the hurricane — a category 4 storm that caused an estimated $125 billion in damage and killed 68 people — was 21 times greater due to urbanization…

    “When Hurricane Harvey blew into Houston, it literally got snagged on the city’s tall skyscrapers and towers,” said ***Gabriele Villarini, associate professor of civil and environmental engineering and director of IIHR. “The friction caused by high winds buffeting tall buildings created a drag effect that influenced air and heat movement and resulted in optimal conditions for precipitation.”…

    The paper, “Urbanization exacerbated the rainfall and flooding caused by hurricane Harvey in Houston,” was published Nov. 15 by Nature. This work was supported by the National Science Foundation (CAREER grant AGS-1349827; EAR-1520683; AGS-1522492; and CBET-1444758); the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NA14OAR4830101) and the Princeton Environmental Institute’s Carbon Mitigation Initiative.

    two of the authors have been involved in another PRE CLIMATE TALKS study:

    21 Sept 2015: WUWT: Doubling up the sea level scare for Paris using the old ‘one-two punch’ line
    by Anthony Watts
    The study appears this week in the journal Nature Climate Change…
    The other authors of the study are Robert Kopp of Rutgers University; Michael Oppenheimer of Princeton University; ***Gabriel Vecchi of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; and ***Gabriele Villarini of the University of Iowa…


  • #

    for some reason(?), I can barely navigate this page (found at ClimateDepot):

    15 Nov: CBS Boston: Will The Snowiest Decade Continue?
    By Barry Burbank, meteorologist
    Despite the snow blitz of 2015, many baby boomers still insist that, overall, we don’t get the harsh bitter cold and deep snowy winters like we did in the good ole days.
    Weather records prove that just isn’t the case and despite the ongoing claims that snows are becoming rare and hurting winter sports, this millennium has been a blessing to snow lovers and winter sports enthusiasts…

    The last decade stands out like a sore thumb! It has had 29 major impact northeast winter storms with NO previous 10-year period with more than 10 storms! In Boston, 7 out of the last 10 years have produced snowfall above the average 43.7 inches…

    16 Nov: IceAgeNow: New York City shatters 112-year-old snowfall record
    by Robert


    • #

      another excerpt from CBS Boston’s Burbank:

      Interestingly, some scientists have stated that increasing snow is consistent with climate change because warmer air holds more moisture, more water vapor and this can result in more storms with heavy precipitation. The trick, of course, is having sufficient cold air to produce that snow. But note that 93% of the years with more than 60″ of snow in Boston were colder than average years. The reality is cooling, not warming, increases snowfall. Note the graph depicting declining January through March temperatures for 20 years at a rate of 1.5 degrees F. per decade in the Northeast!


      • #

        This is expected from the warmists..cold = hot. Its about as bad a science gets. The whole AGW scam is based on cold = hot, Cooling makes it warmer, warming makes it cooler, depending on what side of the bed you got out of today.


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    16 Nov: The Local Germany: Diesel driving bans ‘self-destructive’: German transit minister
    Efforts by courts to impose diesel driving bans are “self-destructive” and put German prosperity at risk, the transport minister warned Friday, as tempers flared in the battle against urban air pollution.
    Speaking a day after a court in Essen became the first to order that sections of a major western highway be closed to older diesel vehicles, Andreas Scheuer lashed out at the “disproportionate” ruling.
    “Judgements like these endanger the mobility of hundreds of thousands of citizens. Nobody understands this self-destructive debate,” Scheuer told Bild daily, adding that such bans “were unheard of in the rest of the world”.
    The latest ruling follows a string of similar decisions ordering cities like Berlin, Cologne, Frankfurt and Stuttgart to bar the most polluting diesels from certain areas, alarming drivers nationwide.

    A transport ministry spokesman said the debate had become “highly emotional” in the car-loving nation where the auto industry is a pillar of economic growth and employs some 800,000 people.
    “Closing motorways deprives our country of mobility,” the spokesman told reporters.
    “Mobility is the foundation of our prosperity, of our growth, of employment. That’s what we mean by self-destructive.”…

    On Thursday, the cabinet moved to change legislation to prevent driving bans in some cities.
    In measures still to be approved by parliament, Berlin wants to soften the threshold for implementing a driving ban, currently set at the EU-agreed limit of 40 micrograms of NO2 per cubic metre.
    Berlin says cities where pollution levels are between 40 and 50 micrograms should be exempt from any bans, sparking outrage from environmentalists who accuse the government of circumventing EU law.


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    not listening, & don’t know if CAGW is a topic:

    17 Nov: ABC The Science Show: Behind the scenes of award-winning science journalism
    Presenter: Robyn Williams
    ***John Pickrell, editor of The Best Australian Science Writing 2018 leads a discussion with Bragg writing prize winner Andrew Leigh and runner-up Jo Chandler on what goes into producing their science stories. They were speaking at this year’s award ceremony for the Bragg UNSW Press Prize for Science Writing and launch of Best Australian Science Writing 2018.
    Andrew Leigh, Member for Fenner ACT (LABOR)
    John Pickrell, Journalist
    Jo Chandler, Journalist

    ***but want to highlight Pickrell:

    11 Jan: New Scientist: Deadly heat: How to survive the world’s new temperature extremes
    Australia’s latest sizzling summer presages a global future – but we’re beginning to understand heat’s impacts on the human body, and how to combat them
    By ***John Pickrell
    EVEN by Australian standards, last summer was a scorcher. January 2017 was the hottest ever recorded in Sydney and Brisbane, and great swathes of the south-east endured temperatures that often exceeded 40°C for weeks on end. In South Australia, soaring electricity demand caused an outage that left 90,000 homes sweltering through a blackout with no air conditioning. Across New South Wales, 87 bush fires blazed. It was so hot that dairy cows dropped dead in the fields.

    This kind of heatwave isn’t a blip. It is part of a trend that saw Sydney’s temperature climb to over 47°C earlier this month – the highest recorded in the city for 79 years – and could see both it and Melbourne experiencing mega‑heatwaves with highs of 50°C by 2040. “Going out to 40 or 50 years, basically the summer we just had will be normal,” says Sarah Perkins-Kirkpatrick at the Climate Change Research Centre of the University of New South Wales (UNSW) in Sydney. “It hasn’t really sunken in yet in Australia.”

    Australians are not alone: most of us fail to take the “warming” in global warming seriously. If you live somewhere temperate, you might even welcome a rise of a few degrees as offering more opportunity for picnics, barbecues and relaxed afternoons in pub gardens. That is unwise. Even now, heatwaves are deadly, and as global warming increases so will the death rate. Human physiology is not designed to cope with the …
    To continue reading this premium article, subscribe for unlimited access.


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    Malcolm Turnbull finally says what everyone knew he thought..

    “The truth is … the Liberal Party and the Coalition is not capable of dealing with climate change.”

    “We have at the present time in the Coalition, a group .. who believe we should get out of (the Paris Agreement), that climate change is a fraud, the more you have the better, and are literally on another plane.”

    That would be Turnbull’s Liberals™.

    As we enter our fourth decade of Armageddon, ten years to fix it or else warnings, you would think he might accept the obvious. It’s not true. You do not even have to be a self proclaimed genius like Malcolm.

    So I doubt he will join the Saltbush Club.


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      I’ll bet he is looking for ways to get his $1.75million back, having been tossed out of the job. After all, he paid for the job and he has been shortchanged. However it might border on illegal to make it an undeclared loan after all and the AEC might become very interested. Tricky.


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    A week without a computer that had the computer experts scratching their heads as to why it froze up completely.
    Another week fighting off a viral cold / flu / bronchitis bug that has put a few into hospital around here in western Vic.

    So its about time for me to try and surface again [ whilst still blowing a few survival bubbles on the way up!]

    Nowhere, at no time , never in this nation has anybody in the elitist political leadership bothered to nor have they had the supposed common sense, the sense of responsibility to the nation and its citizens, the political awareness allied with an apparent ignorance / illiteracy that has denied the the political elite the ability to read the whole range of reports from nations that have been there, done that in climate change and imposing of renewable energy on their nations and the very dubious at best and catastrophic at worst impacts on their citizens, their industries, their social structures and their national economies.

    Nowhere at any time has the Australian political elites ever asked the Australian public via a vote or given a say to the Australian to ascertain if that public ever agreed to the dictates of the Paris agreement or even well before Paris , whether the Australian public ever wanted Renewable Energy in the form of wind and solar as its main means of power generation.

    Despite a wealth of evidence and experience gained by European nations and a whole gamut of studies done into every aspect of renewable energy all of which highlight its lousy economics that point to renewable energy’s well proven inability to operate without very substantial subsidies, its inherent unreliability, its complete unpredictability to economically generate electricity in useable amounts in both time and quantity, its increasingly proven and highly deleterious health impacts on individuals within a few kilometres proximity of a turbine set up, its almost total failure to reduce any of the so called greenhouse gases when the full cycle of construction and building and operating and its short economic life criteria are accounted for, its environmental destruction on birds and bats and the subsequent and serious environmental impact on insect numbers and food crop yields , all of which has revealed the immense discrepancies between the claims of the renewable energy proponents and the longer term disastrous economic and social reality of renewable energy.

    Our political and bureaucratic elite have failed totally to lay out what was involved industrially and domestically such as the ultimately immense economic cost, the equally or greater social costs and social disruptions and the disastrous widening of the economic disparities between citizens at the various income levels in society all created by the imposing of the Paris agreement and the grossly dictatorial imposition of renewable energy BY THE POLITICALS WITHOUT any vote or consultation or even discussion let alone a publicly available economic and social analysis with the Australian electorate on the imposition of renewable energy onto the Australian public’s energy supply systems.

    There is a casual abject arrogance allied with a almost criminal ignorance and an abject and increasingly demonstrated utter and complete total incompetence on the part of this nation’s politicians that in their belief that they and they alone know what is best for the Australian people when it comes to guaranteeing the supply of the civilisation enabling electrical power required to run this nation, they are now having to backfill, to feign wisdom and knowledge and to constantly without any semblance of a cohesive and fundamental template for Australian energy into the future, to create new legislation via vast reams of nonsensical bureaucratese to try and cover the disastrous situations and potential power shortfalls they themselves created in the quest to enhance their egos and save the planet by imposing the Paris agreement’s unfullfillable limits on minor greenhouse gas emissions and by deliberately through both taxes, economics and highly bigoted and crassly biased anti-fossil fuel subsidy patterns, destroying both physically and economically, the long proven and ultra reliable power generation facilities that have served Australians so well for near on half a century past.


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      Sorry to hear of your various viruses (virii?) ROM. I hope you are now a lot better.
      You don’t mince words…well done!


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      ROM. Awful viruses around. Good luck.

      As for asking the public, the Environment scam gave Canberra public servants and politicians to seize control of Australia’s electricity. Much as Labor grabbed telephone with the NBN after the fall of their Union run Telstra and Australia Post. They tried again with their mining tax, which was illegal, so it morphed into a Super Profits tax. They tried with hospitals, the police and universities. None of these are Federal rights, but the constitution did not envisage the Federal Income Tax, so the Federal politicians have all the cash and none of the power.

      Thus the Renewable Energy(Electricity) Act 2000. The so called RET. It needs to be brought down. Illegal. Unconstitutional and the cause of all this mess. The individual states were fine until then.

      Unfortunately it was a Coalition tax under John Howard and don’t the Labor/Green people love it. So all the politicians agree and as you point out, the people of Australia were never asked.

      They need to change the constitution by plebiscite for many of these innovative laws. Otherwise it is all a game for Canberra bureaucrats, grabbing power and income where they can. After all, they want our tax money to pay their wages. The last thing they want to do is build windmills and pay for solar. So they steal it by clever and illegal legislation. Even the politicians have no idea.

      No one voted for the RET. No one voted for NBN. No one voted for Snowy II (Decision this December). And we will never see those submarines, useless diesel submarines while the country has only 7 days reserve of diesel.

      Our self serving politicans now ignore the voters and fawn over the Greens. Whatever they want. Both Labor and Turunbull’s Liberals. Even the National party under Joyce. Gutless lot.


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      Geoff Sherrington

      Weird happenings have had me lacking Internet for the best part of a fortnight. It is not without human intervention. First the modem failed to perform, than a day or 2 later the tablet refused to receive Internet, then a day or more later the i-phone refused to handle emails and still does. The modem has been replaced after an Opyus diagnosis that it was dudded by a landline phone that has been on the smae splitter for 10 years. Some semblance of past normal operation is restored, but then denials of service accompanied by Optus advertisements time after time filling the screen instead of data, makes one wonder. There are some nasty human interventions around. Geoff.


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        Noooooo !
        You have forgotten all those voltage variations and equipment failures caused by the increasing amount of RE being pumped irratically into the grid.


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      Well all I can say is, thank goodness yr back…So, sock it to ’em,
      Rom, those stealth New World Order’ elites ‘n sheeple fellow travelers
      who seek to reduce democratic nation states to vassals of UN treaties
      ‘n taxation (heaps) w/out citizen representation. ‘Taxation w/out representation,’ say, sound familiar?


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    Geoff Sherrington

    Let us not be distracted by the Saltbush Club having mining executives among its members. I am one such person. A property of senior mining executives is the ability to separate valuable information from the chaff that floats around us all. That is how you get to manage. I know many in the mining industry. I do not know one who accepts the broad propositions about global warming. Someone is right, someone elase is wrong.
    Many who do accept global warming hypotheses are getting their daily pay because of the success of the mining industry here and the royalties and taxation that goes to the pool that pays the public servant and the academic. That success commonly involves the exercise of good, rigid science, a property we find rather lacking in global warming postulations. Geoff


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    watching some cricket & tennis and occasionally checking Sky UK & Australia during breaks.

    SkyUK repeating for umpteenth time Lewis Pugh/Arctic Peril documentary.

    Sky Australia doing lengthy segment on Red Cross declaring parts of Mongolia will soon be uninhabitable due to CAGW.

    Sky UK with “journo” from The Economist deriding protests planned right across France by motorists angry about fuel tax. journo calls it “green” and “environmental” tax. necessary, even tho Macron is personally unpopular. could it get violent asks Sky presenter, etc. journo can’t say.

    Sky follows the segment with a Sky UK reporter on one of 5 bridges in London being blocked by a few hundred Guardian readers(?) and their Extinction Rebellion protest. speaks to two of the protestors – doing it for their children, so they will have a breathable future, says one, and not be stunted at birth. want zero carbon by 2025.

    ends with Sky reporter saying protests are not just on the 5 bridges, but are across the country and around the world, such is the concern for the environment and our future.

    propaganda of the worst kind.


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    Reuters clearly playing along with the “violent” meme, even tho it’s a protester who was killed.
    ***then bringing up everyday accidents, as if they are connected to the protests!

    17 Nov: Reuters: French protesters block roads over higher fuel taxes, one dead in accident
    (Updates with details of accidents, protests)
    by Sarah White, Caroline Pailliez, Pierre Savary and Jean-Francois Rosnoblet
    A motorist accidentally hit and killed a protester taking part in a campaign of road blockades across France on Saturday, as thousands gathered on motorways in a backlash against higher fuel taxes.
    The demonstrators, part of a grassroots movement dubbed the “yellow vests”, caused logjams on highways and blocked roundabouts as they railed against the fuel tax hikes introduced by President Emmanuel Macron.
    The protests, largely orchestrated on social media and which aimed to prevent road access to some fuel depots and airports, have also drawn broader support from some voters dissatisfied with Macron’s economic reforms and his governing style.

    At a blockade on a road in the southeastern department of Savoie, a driver panicked when protesters surrounded her car and she accelerated, hitting and killing a woman demonstrator, French Interior Minister Christophe Castaner said in televised comments.

    ***Sixteen people were lightly injured in other accidents across the country, and a person run over by a car in northern France was in a critical state, according to the interior ministry, which estimated some 50,000 demonstrators were participating in Saturday’s protests.
    Some incidents occurred as drivers not taking part tried to get around the blockades, police sources said…

    The diesel tax increases are designed to encourage drivers to switch to more environmentally-friendly cars.


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      “diesel tax increases are designed to encourage drivers to switch to more environmentally-friendly cars.”

      Meanwhile our politicians are moving to noxious diesel to help the environment. Diesel was Green ten years ago.
      They need to keep up with the latest before coal becomes clean again.


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      Dave in the States

      This the thing radical enviros don’t seem to realize, or maybe they do. How are they going to enforce compliance to their wild eyed policies should they ever come into force? From the barrel of gun? $5+/ gal gasoline in the US would be unacceptable to most Americans and they would not just pay it or change their lifestyles. $10/gal fuel prices may bring civil war.


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      Dave in the States

      Even France is like the US; in that it’s rural against an urban elite.


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    the righteous few:

    17 Nov: Guardian: Thousands gather to block London bridges in climate rebellion
    Protesters plan to close five main bridges across Thames over extinction crisis
    by Matthew Taylor and Damien Gayle
    “The ‘social contract’ has been broken … [and] it is therefore not only our right, but our moral duty to bypass the government’s inaction and flagrant dereliction of duty, and to rebel to defend life itself,” said one of the organisers, Gail Bradbrook…
    “It is not a step we take lightly,” said Tiana Jacout, a protester. “If things continue as is, we face an extinction greater than the one that killed the dinosaurs. I don’t know about you, but I’d rather be a worthy ancestor.”…

    The group, which cites the civil rights movement, suffragettes and Mahatma Gandhi as inspiration, said there were smaller events planned in other UK cities as well as overseas on Saturday. It was planning to escalate its campaigns from Wednesday next week, when small teams of activists will “swarm” around central London, blocking roads and bridges…
    “Given the scale of the ecological crisis we are facing this is the appropriate scale of expansion,” said Bradbrook. “… Only this kind of large-scale economic disruption can rapidly bring the government to the table to discuss our demands. We are prepared to risk it all for our futures.”

    The group is calling on the government to reduce carbon emissions to zero by 2025 and establish a “citizens assembly” to devise an emergency plan of action similar to that seen during the second world war.
    Organisers said they hoped the campaign of “respectful disruption” would signal to those in power that the current course of action will lead to disaster.
    The group has been holding meetings across the country outlining the scale of the climate crisis and urging people to get involved in direct action.
    The campaign first hit the headlines recently when the former archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams was one of almost 100 academics to come out in favour of the Extinction Rebellion…

    In a letter published in the Guardian they said: “While our academic perspectives and expertise may differ, we are united on this one point: we will not tolerate the failure of this or any other government to take robust and emergency action in respect of the worsening ecological crisis. The science is clear, the facts are incontrovertible, and it is unconscionable to us that our children and grandchildren should have to bear the terrifying brunt of an unprecedented disaster of our own making.”
    The group is making international contacts, with 11 events planned in seven countries so far, including the US, Canada, Germany, Australia and France.
    The UN has said there are only 12 years left to prevent global ecological disaster.


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      “to reduce carbon emissions to zero by 2025”. So no life on earth then?


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      Easy, find out all their names, and remove ALL access to anything produce by, delivered by, powered by, or to do with fossil fuels.

      Start with their iPhones, the communications system which chews up HUGE amounts of fossil fuel energy.

      I bet NOT ONE of these child-minded fools realises what they are actually wishing for.


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    behind paywall:

    17 Nov: UK Times: White collar eco-warriors to spread chaos
    by Will Humphries, Ben Webster
    A middle-class band of music teachers, civil servants and retired psychologists have been trained by experienced eco-activists to cause “chaos” in London today to force the government to enact radical laws on climate change.
    A “day of rebellion” has been organised by Extinction Rebellion (ER) with the aim of blocking five bridges across the Thames. A Times reporter attended a meeting where the leadership advocated smashing windows and spraying graffiti to get arrested. They plan to block Southwark, Blackfriars, Waterloo, Westminster and Lambeth bridges.

    The activists, who compare themselves to First World War conscientious objectors, have won backing from Lord Williams of Oystermouth, the former Archbishop of Canterbury, Julia Bradbury, the television presenter, and George Monbiot of The Guardian…

    16 Nov: TalkRadioUK: We are ‘the 99%’ not ‘middle-class lefties’, says environmental activist
    By Holly Pyne
    Jamie Kelsey Fry from Extinction Rebellion, a climate change group, has said that his organisation is made up of “the 99%” not “middle-class lefties” and that they have people from “all backgrounds”…
    Mr Kelsey Fry told talkRADIO’s Matthew Wright: “Something amazing is happening with this movement. I have been involved in this movement for a long time.
    “The only time I have seen this before is with occupy. This is not your highly-educated, middle-class, lefties.
    “This is just the 99% – people from all backgrounds are stepping up.
    “We need hundreds of people peacefully arrested, so many people have signed up to go to prison for this.”
    The group’s main protest will happen on Saturday, also named “Rebellion Day”…

    “We have plenty of great meetings with the police and emergency services and they are very happy to facilitate our right to protest,” Mr Kelsey Fry.
    “We present ourselves in a very different way to the normal shouty activist bunch.
    “This is serious, this is not a political opinion of left or right, this is literally a climate emergency that is not being addressed by our governments.”…

    Jamie Kelsey Fry, (Contributing editor at New Internationalist, director of Rax Consultancy, author of Rax Active Citizenship Toolkit, news commentator, activist, writer, teacher) re-tweeted 14 hrs ago:
    New Internationalist ‏
    “No Bannon, no KKK, No Facist USA!”
    Hundreds of students and residents protest @OxfordUnion’s decision to allow far-right, racist Steve #Bannon to talk in Oxford today.
    #OxfordUnion #Oxford #NoRacismNoFascism

    Jamie re-tweeted 15 Nov:
    A #Bolsonaro cake has been served up to the good people protesting at the #Brazilian embassy tonight. Read more here: LINK New Internationalist: Did Brazil’s evangelicals put Jair Bolsonaro into office?

    Jamie’s Rax Consultancy is all about social and environmental justics, anti-fracking, etc…


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      You don’t see much of this #NoRacism in response to Jeremy Corbyn’s Labor party. It’s all about the side, like Global Warming, a purely Left political science.


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      “First World War conscientious objectors”

      More like WWII Nazi sympathisers.


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      further excerpt from UK Times piece “White collar eco-warriors to spread chaos”:

      Richard Black, director of the Energy & Climate Intelligence Unit, which supports strong action, said the group’s 2025 target was “an ambition that technically, economically and politically has absolutely no chance of being fulfilled”. It would mean banning flying, scrapping 38 million petrol and diesel vehicles and disconnecting 26 million gas boilers – all within seven years…


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      This is organised chaos by the deep ‘agenda’ towards totalitarian state by force. Hope they remember Paris 1793.


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    16 Nov: Forbes: PG&E Shares Surge As Regulators Ponder How To Socialize The Costs Of California Fires
    by Christopher Helman
    On Friday afternoon, shares in the California electricity giant had jumped nearly 40% (PCG: $24.57) on the possibility of a bailout. They had earlier fallen by more than half in the past week on investor concerns that the utility would end up on the hook for a large portion of some $30 billion in damages from less than 18 months worth of fires. Then on Thursday afternoon, Michael Picker, president of the California Public Utilities Commission, came out with some words of encouragement.

    Picker indicated that regulators have no interest in seeing PG&E go bankrupt. Even if PG&E were to be found at fault for the fire, regulators were interested in working with the utility to spread the costs and damages across its ratepayers in the form of higher electricity bills, rather than force it into selling bonds or other capital markets fundraising. Picker said regulators would begin figuring out the methodology for interpreting and applying the provisions of a new law signed by Gov. Jerry Brown in September that could mean big reductions in utilities’ exposure to fire liabilities…

    More controversial, the Wharton academics suggest that California utilities be allowed “to create a separate class of ratepayers.” Those who choose to live in riskier areas of Wildlife-Urban Interface — could not only be charged more for their electricity, but also suffer more outages because utilities will purposely de-energize lines during times of high wind and other weather dangers to reduce fire risks…

    13 Nov: Daily Caller: Michael Bastasch: As California Burns, Jerry Brown Takes Heat For Vetoing 2016 Wildfire Mitigation Bill
    California Gov. Jerry Brown’s decision to veto a 2016 bipartisan bill aimed at mitigating wildfire risks from power lines and utility equipment has become the focus of critics as fires rage across the state…
    “He has done nothing to harden those assets,” state Sen. John Moorlach, a Republican, told The Daily Caller News Foundation.

    Moorlach sponsored the 2016 bill, called SB 1463, which would have given local governments a bigger role in putting together fire risk maps with the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) and Cal Fire, the state’s firefighting agency.
    The bill also required the CPUC to work with utilities to mitigate wildfire risks, ***including putting transmission lines underground if necessary. The bill passed through both state legislative chambers, but Brown vetoed the bill in September 2016. Brown said state officials “have been doing just that through the existing proceeding on re-threat maps and re-safety regulations.”…

    “Well they’ve been working on it for like eight years and they haven’t gotten it done. This is really simple stuff,” Moorlach said. “Utilities are just sort of hanging onto the money.”
    Journalist Katy Grimes also criticized Brown’s veto. The conservative journalist tweeted that “Brown had many chances to address CA’s increasing wildfires since his election in 2011, but instead chose to play politics.”…

    Moorlach said Brown’s concern about the climate was “inconsistent” with his 2016 veto…
    “It’s sort of become his religion,” Moorlach said of Brown’s global warming fervor…


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    having just posted a Times’ quote from Richard Black, thought I’d check his Twitter page. take a look at the cover of his new book:

    TWEET: Richard Black, Director, Energy & Climate Intelligence Unit @ECIU_UK. Former BBC science & environment correspondent
    I’m delighted to say that my book – as far as I know, the first to look at climate and energy contrarianism in the UK – is now on sale LINK Amazon…BOOK COVER


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    Brian the engineer

    Thought this was interesting


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    Where do I sign up?


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    “Do you have any empirical evidence that atmospheric CO2 causes warming ??”

    No, of course I don’t, but equally, do you have any empirical evidence that it doesn’t??

    If I many butt in (from America), yes, there is indeed evidence that CO2 is not causing warming. Namely, during the last hundred years or so (that is, the period in which we have the most direct data), the correlation between changes in CO2 and changes in temperature is zero. (In contrast, the correlation between changes in galactic cosmic ray exposure and changes in temperature is a little above 0.90, explaining a full 81% of the variance, which leaves very little left for other factors to explain. Source: Svensmark and Calder, _The Chilling Stars_). Reconstructions of temperature and atmospheric CO2 in the remote past is probably less accurate, but the highest correlation I have seen for CO2 change and temperature change is 0.30, which still would explain only 9% of the variance, *and*, during those earlier ages, the source of added CO2 was not fossil fuel burning, which raises the question of what the direction of causation was. So even if you accept a higher correlation that explains a whopping 9% of the variance over longer periods of time, it could well be that higher temps were contributing to higher CO2 rather than vice versa, which is exactly what we see in the Vostok ice core. Yes, I know correlation is not proof positive of causation, but, if causation does in fact exist, it *will* produce correlation. CO2 is either not producing that correlation or, at most, a very weak correlation. Climate Cultism is a morally bankrupt fraud and carbonphobia borders on being a psychological disorder.

    Unfortunately, adherents of the Climate Cult control most of Western society’s major institutions, which enjoy a very cozy and often cronyistic relationship with each other. The glaring weakness of a counter-lobby like the Saltbush Club is that it does not appear to include any of the media lords. If the media lords were to turn skeptical, the politicians would quake in their boots (loafers?). Unfortunately, the major media is almost entirely controlled everywhere by the political left, which has made faith in the Climate Cult a litmus test. Also, many activists view Climate Cultism as a useful tool to advance cherished goals such as global wealth redistribution and global government. Socialist economist Robert Heilbroner pointed this out way back in 1950 in his then-trendy book _An Inquiry into the Human Prospect_. In the 1980’s, in a disingenuous attempt to undermine the coal mining unions that supported her opponents, UK Prime Minister Maggie Thatcher began to actively fund a movement in the UK to promote the idea that burning fossil fuels will dangerously overheat the world unless we move away from coal (and oil and gas). Confirming the old proverb that politicians make for strange bedfellows by building upon the initial work of Mrs. Thatcher, about 1990 Maurice Strong, an open advocate of one-world government, spearheaded the organization of a movement to spread the “CO2 will warm the earth and destroy us all” mental virus, a conclusion that left-wing globalists had embraced prior to any substantial amount of research. The IPCC was formed, according to its own charter, not to discover the cause of climate change (ironically, the Climate Cult never went through that phase at all!), but to prove that human activities were warming the planet, and that this was a bad thing. But the movement had started even earlier. As early as 1976, scientist Stephen Scheider suddenly flip-flopped from warning us that man-made pollution would cause an ice age in only 50 years unless we acted now to warning us that CO2 would dangerously overheat the world in the not-too-distant future unless we acted now after attending a meeting in 1976 that was promoting this mental virus–again, with almost no evidence to support it. Even now, the “evidence” that is cited to justify this mental virus consists almost exclusively of computer climate models that we know for a fact do not work as currently designed. This whole affair has been a politically motivated farce from the beginning that never bothered to do the basic “truth discovery” research, but reached its politically convenient conclusions before funneling money to an army of intellectual prostitutes (AKA scientists, a profession that is evidently just as ethically challenged as politics) to write up studies to support the “conclusion” that the Climate Cult had already decided upon. Politicians, big business leaders, journalists, scientists, academics, the environmentalist lobbies that were successfully infiltrated by Communists after the fall of the Soviet Union–they are all a cronyistic little club of self-seeking liars. The top tier of contemporary Western culture is composed of scum whose ethical dipstick is two drops short of bone dry. (I lifted that last memorable phrase from an episode of the X-Files that I saw in the ’90’s and still remember–LOL!–I hope quoting it is not a US federal felony; so many damned laws in America that you never know! That is what happens when your government is run mostly by lawyers for the last 240 years.)
