Banned by Big Oil — Jo Nova’s Christmas speech for geologists cancelled by Woodside

So much for being “funded by fossil fuels” — they not only don’t fund me, Big Oil won’t even let me speak

It’s all sweetness and light on the Woodside’s “part-of-the-solution” home page. But a ton of industrial bricks are coming for those who dissent.

Woodside Petroleum, FesAus, Censorship

Part of what solution?

In March I was invited to present the FESAus Christmas function in December this year. They’re the Formation Evaluation Society of Australia, a non-for-profit volunteer organisation for Petrophysicists and Well Log Analysts. A niche technical club of experts. It was unpaid, but I was happy to help make it a fun and push some buttons. “Hot” graphs, cartoons and all.

But in June, suddenly it became controversial to make jokes about climate change. Committee members started resigning, and dummy-spit declarations were made that “a discussion about climate was stupid”. People were shaken. The chips were on the table, the members said “yes” but the committee was split. When decision time came, the key committee meeting was hijacked by an outsider from Woodside who turned up by surprise and darkly threatened that all funding or support for the professional organisation and all future speakers from Woodside would be withdrawn if that climate denier, Jo Nova, was allowed to speak.

It was Woodside or me…

So my presentation was cancelled, and by Woodside no less. What’s astonishing is the effort someone inside this 4 billion dollar revenue giant went to — to stop an unpaid blogger from speaking to a low profile, small technical organisation, with little, as in, almost zero, media influence.  Seriously? As if a group of experienced geos were at risk of being badly influenced by yours truly — there are people who analyze seismic logs and signatures of key stratigraphic surfaces for fun. Does Woodside think they need “protection”? Or is Woodside just running chicken itself? Scared of the Western Australian EPA, which is currently calling for submissions, and promising draconian guidelines that threaten to kill off the industry? Woodside need the EPA to approve all their new projects. Petrophysicists might be almost all skeptical, but some either work for Woodside or hope too. Woodside are the largest operator of oil and gas production in Australia.

When asked to put their objections in writing the Woodside representative refused. When put the test, they weakly said they objected to all climate change discussions. But of course, there were, and are, other discussions mentioning climate on the agenda and they’re not being threatened.

And the fallout hasn’t finished yet — more resignations may take place if threats from Woodside prevent an esteemed member of FesAus from speaking in my place and about climate change. I hear he is skeptical too. That decision is due soon.

Soft power character assassination

Jo Nova in Munich

Good enough for Munich, Oslo, London, New York, Sydney and Washington. Not so much, Perth.

Via emails, which I’ve seen, I was referred to as a climate denier, just a blogger, and whose husband was a holocaust denier. It was the full character assassination. We’ve heard it all before. Here’s our reply to one hapless media outlet that posted the anti-semitic allegations about Dr David Evans and then issued a complete apology. I still remember being impressed that the original article was deleted within the hour, late on a Friday night, and our explanation posted immediately. Despite that action, the baseless slurs persist. And what’s my husband got to do with me giving a presentation anyhow? (Where is a feminist when you need one?)

Evans, by the way is PhD, M.S. (E.E.), M.S. (Stats) [Stanford Uni] and a few more degrees, a medal, OK, I’m just showing off. But it doesn’t matter how many prizes you’ve won if the rumor mill circulates lies and innuendo and no one stands against it. Which is why I’m so glad that several people are pushing back. It takes courage when industry heavyweights turn up… especially when jobs are at risk.

One big unspoken implication is that if Woodside won’t let a skeptic speak at an outside event, why would they hire one? Many younger geologists and engineers — who are largely skeptics — are becoming afraid to speak up…

(Lordy B! Pray for Woodside if it hires believer-engineers.)

For what it’s worth, as things got hot I decided to turn up to a FesAus technical meeting myself and listen to a presentation.  I handed out Skeptics Handbooks all round. As expected, almost all of the members are friendly and already skeptical  (see Lefsrud et al). Geologists and Engineers are the most high-grade skeptics around. They know too much about the history of Earth, and the fickleness of models.

Why this heat? Perhaps there is a religious zealot in middle management at Woodside, it’s hard to believe anyone in upper management would have made such a cackhanded PR move and over-reached this badly.

Otherwise this is the dark hand of soft power — the Administration State has a billion reasons to silence independent thought. When the government gets too big there doesn’t need to be an edict to quash dissent. People silence themselves.

Not us.


Alarmists get into a sweat,
Overcome with fear, fright and fret,
That a climate-change joke,
Might dissension provoke,
Which they see as a terrible threat.

 — Ruairi



Lefsrud and Meyer (2012) Science or Science Fiction? Professionals’ Discursive Construction of Climate Change, Organization Studies, vol. 33, 11: pp. 1477-1506. , First Published November 19, 2012.

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237 comments to Banned by Big Oil — Jo Nova’s Christmas speech for geologists cancelled by Woodside

  • #
    Richard Ilfeld

    This suggests that advocates are relentless and pervasive. It is typical of totalitarian political movements more than cause advocates.
    We have reached the tipping point, it seems, where the “climate” in any specific sense has become less specific than the control of society.
    The lists of goals in the various “green new deals” list all sorts of social & “green” objectives, but one looks in vain for a specific “climate” objective.

    Still, the old argument of flac letting one know one is over the target obtains, and I am encouraged in a sense as ordinary people are now seeing how many
    of their organizations and institutions have been corrupted…hopefully those who disapprove choose to no longer participate. Capture of an organization to
    wield its influence is a favored trick of these folks, as the have had trouble selling thier ideas on the open market.


    • #
      Greg Cavanagh

      but one looks in vain for a specific “climate” objective.

      You are spot on. The “climate” is not just an adjective. It is non-specific, but all encompassing.

      The entire mass movement is now a meme, a social movement, a full on world cult.

      Dangerous times are ahead I think. WWIII will not be like the former. It’ll be messy and very destructive.


      • #
        Latus Dextro

        Dare I say, climate was never the objective. We all know that. Christina Figueres and others admitted as much, quite openly. The corporatist globalist Left MSM don’t, won’t and can’t report it critically. Therein lies the rub. Were they to assume a mantle of critical integrity, the entire teetering corporatist globalist Left edifice would topple in weeks.
        The climatism charade, along with the nasty pernicious creep to silence free speech and censor rational voices is beoming as obvious as the lack of concordance between data ‘adjustments’ and the modelled climate metrics with reality.
        The road may be rocky, but these sinister UN inspired forces will fail, indeed, are doomed to fail.


        • #
          Kinky Keith

          There should be a “reckoning” but could we ever get rid of the social justice meme that has protected the gougers up to now?


          • #
            glen Michel

            Insofaras there is a battle between religious rights and secular humanism in Australia right now.To me the protection of Christian freedoms is a rallying point for all sensible conservative types to fight back against this social engineering exercise by the progressive left. Can the Commonwealth deal with the States and the Human Rights mob?


        • #

          I don’t see any evidence that “these sinister UN inspired forces will fail”; to the contrary I’m expecting an imminent global shutdown of sites such as this one –you know, first they came for Alex Jones and so on.

          Somebody referenced Kubrick’s last film “Eyes Wide Shut” on a thread here last month and there’s been talk of the presumed murder of a billionaire paedophile procurer (who could have stepped out of that film) in order to silence him and protect clique members; to me it’s all of a piece, the fix is in and our overlords are despatching their minions (“outsider from Woodside” fits the bill) to close up all the breaches in their assiduously maintained fabric of lies.

          Maurice Strong’s juggernaut hasn’t missed a beat and appears to have turned into the home straight.


          • #
            Latus Dextro

            …Maurice Strong’s juggernaut hasn’t missed a beat and appears to have turned into the home straight

            Serp, you may have overlooked and inadvertently omitted the rejoinder aptly described in Newton’s Third Law:
            ‘every action has an equal and opposite reaction’
            arguably as equally applicable to social mass and forces as it is to physical mass and forces, although the rules of inertia covered by the First and Second Laws may be more nuanced when considering the reaction times and reactivity of the hoi polloi.

            The various parallels with history are obvious and the need to reiterate them here, redundant.

            Juggernaut or not, the end – as the calamatists unwittingly argue – is nigh.


      • #
        David Wojick

        It is certainly a mass social movement, on a scale like communism was 100 years ago. And things are heating up politically. Both the left and right are strengthening, as the center deflates. 2020 should be a wild time.


      • #

        Mr. Ilfield said:
        “We have reached the tipping point, it seems, where the “climate” in any specific sense has become less specific than the control of society.”

        CLIMATE ALARMISM HAS ALWAYS been about control opf society — some of the climate alarmists have been saying so, usually not in public, since the 1980s.

        Attention Jo Nova
        — I think you have the wrong attitude — for a coming climate change catastrophe skeptic, being character attacked and banned from speaking is a GREAT HONOR !!
        I want to CONGRATULATE you for being so good at communicating real climate science, and refuting climate scaremongering, that you are character attacked and banned from speaking.

        You were banned, most likely, because management feared upsetting the climate change cult in Australia — remember that “don’t make waves” is a major responsibility of corporate management, no matter what they believe personally.

        Among people not afraid of climate alarmists, leftists and fools (I repeat myself), only the BEST are character attacked and banned from speaking !

        In my opinion, Watt’s Up With That is the best climate blog in the world, and Jo Nova is number two … but in the past year WUWT has been declining (content) and Jo Nova is improving, and is now very close.

        I’m the editor of a climate science blog, as a public service, and my dream is to get character attacked and banned from speaking — that would be leftist feedback that I’m doing a good job.


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          Ted O'Brien

          I suspect that fear of rocking the boat has more to do with this than any real science or truth.

          Woodide, just like any other firm, is in the business of trading for profit. To do this they must operate within the rules that apply. Even if they know that the rules are wrong.

          I have not seen any sign that anybody has recognised the magnitude of the effect of Al Gore’s persuasion of Clive Palmer to thwart the Abbott government’s landslide mandate by “protecting” the RET and the Rudd/Gillard/Rudd government’s destructive spending program.

          Since that day when Al Gore stood on the steps of our Australian parliament alongside his lackey Clive Palmer who was announcing that the RET would be “protected”, corporations like Woodside have been investing huge sums in this subsidy collection scheme, visible in the wind and solar “farms” popping up all over the countryside.

          My take is not that Woodside is endorsing AGW. It is simply protecting its investments. Or, given the structure of our corporate management system, some other firm’s investments.

          Which is far more consequential than believing a lie.


    • #

      There is this promised prospective expectant threatened week of “Coordinated Klimate News Views Propaganda” about to descend fall collapse upon us in a week or two’s time. I smell the delicate scent of Rodent!

      I don’t know about you guys ‘n girls but I have to ask: Is this an attempt to clear away the debris detritus detractors deniers ah, those who could possibly spoil the Propaganda Extravaganza’s exciting educational ordained tragic and ignoble success?

      It’s high praise indeed for Jo, David and Us, that Our Jo and Our Jo’s Blog is seen as Being Real Scary and Dangerous, and giving Good Value to those Fecund, Fertile, and Free Fossil Fuel Funders who voluntarily pay gazillions of dollars annually to this fabulous fantastic and favourite Blog!

      (NB: Oil is not a Fossil Fuel, only coal is.)

      Yay Team!
      Jo’s High Quality has been recognized!


      • #

        As big oil appeases the false green gods, it needs to remeber the definition of appeasement is throwing other people to the shark int he hope it eats you *last*.

        And for the following “act” you should always remeber that when someone is chpping down the trees, never stand too close – lest it fall on you:

        “”Victoria’s aggressive wind and solar push will shut down coal power stations and could send electricity prices skyrocketing, EnergyAustralia has bluntly told the state Labor government.

        “In a warning that the rapid adoption of renewable energy could spread power grid instability from South Australia to Victoria, EnergyAustralia said the Victorian government was going to force the Yallourn coal power station in Gippsland to close before its 2032 end-of-life date and likely shut other coal plants too.

        “The energy utility, which is led by Reserve Bank of Australia director Catherine Tanna, accused the government of embarking on a “leap of faith” by declining to conduct a thorough analysis of the impact on electricity prices and the possibility of blackouts from steep reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.

        We will become a 3rd world country unless we vote out the “leaders” of Victoriastan….


    • #

      BHP is on the Agenda 21 approved company list. Woodside is a wannabe. This is a list controlled by a bunch of like minded, billionaire, one world government believers.

      So ANYTHING goes. Those on the list will control world policy levers.

      Then there is the Donald……


      • #

        Have you ever noticed when you turn on a light in a room, all the cockroaches usually scurry for cover?


      • #
        Gee aye

        where do I find this list?


      • #
        Don A

        In the 1980s I worked with a very clever engineer in the Shell Australia Coal Dept and later in London with him in Shell International.
        Look where he ended up FGS.
        At that time shell “owned” Woodside


      • #

        Shell has a big influence on Woodside. At one stage they owned around 40% and wanted to buy out the company but the government refused. They then planned to reduce the shareholding but still own a significant stake. Shell is controlled financially by the Dutch Royal Family and Dutch banking interests. The Dutch are strong in the EU and the elite as in other EU countries promote the climate scam. Throughout history the Dutch have promoted problems and have stood aside to gather in profits.
        Shell have a record of poor management. They tried to get into coal and lost hundreds of millions.


        • #

          BHP didn’t do too well when they bought into US gas either.

          GE is in deep do do and not because of their engineering division. If you own shares in a big company “diversifying” – RUN, they may be diworsifing.


    • #

      As Ive said before. Big Oil is PRO climate change scenario as they make money out of (fake) so called Carbon (CO2) credit scams like the rest along with other credit scams. They are not really our ‘friends’. They deny that oil has no biotic origin (proved by proper geochemical/thermodynamic analysis).


    • #

      ‘Climate Change’ is part of the solution..What solution?
      This.. ‘Climate Change’ is part of THE FINAL solution.


      • #

        But they cant keep the lid on it forever….I talk to many friends and let them know is the biggest lie ever told…its getting solid traction amongst the general population, dont worry about that.

        The fact they are battening down the hatches in such a panicked way, tells me they are absolutely petrified its going to go off in their faces…..and it will.

        “Daddy…what did you do in the war against the Big Lie?”

        We owe it to our kids and grandkids to call out the Big Lie for what it is.

        Alea Iacta Est.


        • #
          Latus Dextro

          Alea iacta est

          Under the circumstances, beautifully reapplied, with the following caveat.

          From games of chance in which the outcome is determined by the throwing of dice or a single die. Popularized in its use by Suetonius when Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon to begin a civil war in the Roman Republic, indicating the commission of an irreversible act.
          The form “the die is cast” is from the Latin iacta ālea est, a grammatically, and thereby semantically, incorrect translation by Suetonius, 121 CE, of the Ancient Greek phrase of Menander ἀνερρίφθω κύβος (anerrhíphthō kúbos), which Caesar quoted in Greek (not Latin). The Greek translates rather as:
          “let the die be cast!”, or “let the game be ventured!”.

          The latter translations appear to suggest the outcomes are more open than the former, which projects a sense of foreboding rather than a positive sense of hope.

          I believe a sense of hope is far more applicable now.


          • #

            Ave Caesar! Morituri te salutant!

            That’s my humanist contribution to the classical claptrap and general educational showing off! 😛


  • #
    The Depraved and MOST Deplorable Vlad the Impaler

    Just recently, I resigned my membership in the Geological Society of America (GSA) due to their stance on AGW and CAGW. Of course, based in Boulder, Colorado, one of the most liberal (socialist) cities in the whole of the nation, if not THE most liberal, it stands to reason that the Administration of the Society would hold the views that they do.

    As with most societies, such as GSA, the leaders decided on what position the organization will take, often paying only lip service to any poll or other input from the membership. AAPG, on the other hand, actively seeks member input, and has even published one of the best volumes on global climate change, Geological Perspectives of Global Climate Change. It may now be considered somewhat dated, but I still reference some of the papers due to their thorough analysis.

    Consider it a badge of honor that a few snowflakes are frothing at the mouth about you, Ms. Nova. That they are forced to attack in nonsense directions is merely a sign that their own rabid agenda is causing them to take the next step into self-destruction.

    Regards to all,



  • #
    Lionell Griffith

    With the courage they demonstrated they are done for. An invasion of lady bugs could wipe them out. The fact is, they hold their principals so loosely, they will drop them at a mere hint of opposition.

    Actually, you come out ahead. You don’t have to spend your personal resources to go there and present your talk without compensation.


    • #
      Peter C

      Yes Lionel,
      I agree that Jo does come out ahead. The Woodside geologists don’t need Jo to convince them.

      The incident however deserves Maximum exposure to embarrass the Woodside management. Their response is utterly craven. They are a fossil fuel company for goodness sake. They should be standing up for their industry and their own industry.


  • #

    Ah yes, marxism is alive and well.How can they call you a denier? You have never denied the climate is not changing Jo. It is changing all the time. Right now here in Calgary we have cloud, sun and rain at the same time!!!


    • #
      Lionell Griffith

      Haven’t you noticed? Truth and staying connected to reality is not within their philosophy of life. It is talking points, only talking points, and forever talking point. All provided by their self chosen significant others. Change the talking points, then all they talk about are the new talking points. Holding a consistent position is so unnecessary according to their way of not thinking.


  • #

    Ah yes, marxism is alive and well.How can they call you a denier? You have never denied the climate is not changing Jo. It is changing all the time. Right now here in Calgary we have cloud, sun and rain at the same time!!!


    • #

      Your Calgary weather sounds like Auckland’s today! 🙂

      If this is Klimate Change, they can keep it!
      Let’s have a bit of that Global Warming they’ve been promising for the last 40 years!


      • #

        Thats normal for Akarana..:D


        • #

          The boat or the golf club?


          • #
            Greg in NZ

            Auckland’s wild weather topples trees and causes flooding

            A large pinch of salt is always required when reading this tosh. So a tree fell down and a puddle of water accumulated in a pothole – or the council forgot to clean the drains again – and a wave splashed over Tamaki Drive soaking some banker’s BMW or Tesla Toy.

            “Wind gusts have reached up to 110km/h in the Hauraki Gulf and up to 65km/h at the Harbour Bridge tonight”. Great fun! By tomorrow it’ll be known as the Category 666 Worst Evah Nor’easter In Recorded History! Cool, more snow on the way down south too: thank you warming crisis emergency change good old winter weather.


            • #

              Ah. more like Auckland Spring Weather. There’s always the Equinoctal gales: sometimes they are early but most often they’re in October. This year, they may be all spring! There’s that SSW in our big Weather Factory to the South. I looked up SSWs and everything I found was all about Northern Hemisphere hypothetical and possible effects. None good. The Southern Hemisphere hadn’t been mentioned once before I gave up and went off to do something more necessary.

              The eastern end of Tamaki Drive, St. Heliers Bay, is where it’s closest to sea level and is always where the sea comes ashore. Then the twats try and tell us Sea Level is rising. Then there’s a storm and all the sand is washed away from the beach and the road stays free of storm water. That never lasts long because the council trucks in fresh sand so the drains back up again.

              Tamaki Drive was built during The Great Depression of the early 1930s and back then, the eastern end was Tiger Country — just cows and a few retirees. Now it’s Merchant WaBanker territory and of course, because they build their mansions there, they’re suddenly X-Spurts on the conditions.

              I like watching these people: they’re the ones who put in huge new concrete driveways without any research into, or consideration for, the hydrology of the immediate locality. The Law of Unintended Consequences is wonderfully entertaining. Huge quantities of water from these occasional storms is now steered in directions it never followed before. Those fallen trees aren’t necessarily blown down — they could have really been washed out.

              Bankers like fast growing trees. You know the ones: those with huge canopeis but shallow root systems, the ones which have this great attraction for German limou expensive cars.

              If the architect(s) of the house(s) down the hill (Auckland is quite hilly) has/have done their job(s) properly, then all that’s necessary to handle the ensuing flood is to just open the floor to ceiling glass doors to the great outside on the other side of the house to let the incoming water out. That way, the imitation/real Queen Anne or Regency lounge suite only gets its tootsies wet.

              If you buy in one of these areas, over-insuring is always safer 😛
              Remember: you’re most likely to have stupid neighbours …


  • #
    Curious George

    This shows a very German-like attention to detail. Fathers of National Socialism had a flair for organization. Don’t confuse it with “micro-management”; that happens when a person high in the hierarchy influences events that should be handled locally. Here the local organization just works, admirable! And Greta did not even deliver her speech, yet!


  • #
    Lewis P Buckingham

    It could be that Woodside is keeping onside with the Trudeau Canadian government and don’t want tho prejudice their expansion into Canada.

    ‘Woodside’s Canadian resources center around two massive natural gas basins which are destined to feed the proposed Kitimat LNG development. Kitimat LNG is a 50/50 joint venture between Woodside and Chevron, which Woodside also works with on its North West Shelf project.

    The prospects for Kitimat are vast and Woodside labeled it “one of the most advanced LNG opportunities in Western Canada” when it was acquired in 2015.’
    Looks as if Woodside is about Green Cred.
    Not that Woodside is Aussi consumer friendly.

    They sell overseas much cheaper than here and have no gas reservation policy to help us.
    But then again, they are not shy of asking us mug taxpayers to finance their enterprise.

    Not that they may use their own hundreds of millions of profit and let the shareholders take the risk.

    Last year, when things were ‘bad’, they had a free cash flow of $869 million.

    Think of all the depreciation they could claim on a gas field off Africa.
    Woodside is a company suddenly on the radar.
    If they deny others to discuss climate and want a carbon price,which we pay for, rip off Australian consumers while wanting taxpayers, not their shareholders, to finance risky
    plays in high sovereign risk countries,they should be resource taxed heavily.
    They are depending on stable and low sovereign risk in Australia, yet exploit Australians.
    Perhaps they need a bit of competition, say a nice new high tech coal fired power station?


  • #

    I think the explanation is as simple as Woodside is a publicly-traded company with about $29 billion in market cap on the Australian exchange. If they were a private company they could espouse any opinion that they wanted without any retribution worth caring about. Unfortunately, even if senior management at Woodside think most of the AGW story is unmitigated nonsense they can’t say so or risk the ire of some crazed activist shareholder group that would try to convince people to sell their shares in a “denialist company”. In the end the management are there to service the shareholders and any decisions they take have to be in the best interest of maintaining the share price. This is exactly why publicly traded oil companies try to avoid saying much of substance on anything other than their specific business, just not worth the risk. Of course, this doesn’t make it right and just contributes to even further public misperception of the issues.


    • #
      Lachlan Flawse

      Then I wonder how truth and free speech are ever going to prosper again if NOBODY stands up for fundamental principles.


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      Robert Swan

      Afraid I don’t think much of your reasoning there Rockdock.

      Firstly, a private company, just like a public company, has plenty to fear from government. Secondly, management is only *notionally* there to serve shareholders; in reality, just like everybody else, company managers serve their own interests as they perceive them. Managers occasionally move from one company to another and conflicts of interest are not uncommon.

      Do you also think politicans are doing their best serve the interests of the voters?


      • #
        Ted O'Brien

        Rockdock is on the ball. Listed companies have to manage on the short term. Too many shareholders are unwilling to hold out for the long term, so long term planning takes a back seat.

        And yes, even if they know the rules are rubbish, they must manage by the prevailing regulations.


  • #

    Well at least you know they’re not entirely sexist as the Sandgropers couldn’t handle Bjorn Lomborg either but rest assured I’d always give up my seat on such occasions for a lady. Perhaps Woodside’s gender equality affirmative action plan went badly awry and they’re now frightened by a bunch of sinecured Metooers. OTOH maybe they don’t want to offend the décor snowflakes with hurt feelings being challenged with impure thoughts? The irony would be lost on them. Hard to know where they’re coming from nowadays but perhaps you could announce you’re considering gender reassignment surgery to really throw Woodside into a flap panic and get your foot in the door? The Trojan Horse approach.


  • #
    Kinky Keith

    The pain that this revelation brings is overwhelming: it confirms that my Grandchildren are growing up in a world that is morally bankrupt and controlled by those little people who infest all levels of government and our public institutions.

    It is truly heartbreaking.

    Australia was once a nation of individuals coming together to work and live in freedom and mutual respect; That country is No More.

    The old Australia wasn’t perfect, there was corruption, there was greed and ugliness but our current situation is white anted by those little people who live under bridges and the human imperfections now go unrecognised and unchecked.

    The Social Justice type Verbalism that spews forth from government funded media today is a worthy successor to that world war two figure who was able to control the thinking and actions of vast numbers of people.
    Was his name Joseph something or other.

    The modern world demands that you give your life to the false idealists who have successfully imposed such memes as Climate Change, Social Justice – Their Style and Genderism on uncomprehending prisoners in the new world.

    There’s no truth behind any of these memes, just distortion and the intention to control.

    What a mess, it needs to be cleaned up and the infiltrators turfed from their well paid hidey holes.

    There’s a name for those who lurk under bridges, but I’ve forgotten it.



    • #

      Yeah but society will all collapse in on itself when all the useful people who can actually do stuff are shutdown or imprisoned….


      • #

        and replaced by Vertical Cockroaches …


      • #

        Russia as a case in point, Australia’s GDP was 1432.20 billion US dollars in 2018. The same group had Russia at 1657.60 billion US dollars.

        That’s terrible for a once great nation. Stalin and a “lives don’t matter” attitude to perennial wars have crippled them. They still have brilliant individuals who can design cheap and not so nasty aircraft they export but industrial accidents are far too common. I know I’m naive but I live in hope that Putin knows this. So does Sting


  • #
    Kinky Keith

    The Money, the money and the money.
    Free money.
    Government money.
    Business money.
    Money in Plastic Bags.
    Other people’s money.

    Nothing, speaks louder than Money.


    • #
      Sceptical Sam

      Nothing, speaks louder than Money.

      You forgot the money in Aldi bags.

      That CCP money. And the Labor subversives love it. Especially in Sydeney.

      Then of course there’s the money in Brown-paper bags. The Labor subversives love that too. Especially in Perth, where WA Inc made an art-form of it back in the day.


  • #

    Well with that much flack Jo you’re right over the target, I would once say science was politicised but now its globalised and people will have to choose what side they want to align with, either to have a voice in their nations direction or be dictated to by outsiders.

    As for the defectors what a bunch of chocolate scientists!


  • #
    James Murphy

    I don’t know if you can call petrophysicists real geologists, the only rocks they look at are the ones they find in their shoes, or the ones that fall out their ears.

    All jokes aside, this is terrible on many levels. As a geologist/engineer, I cannot understand how anyone who had any real passion about geology, or indeed any science or engineering subject could be sucked in to the anti-scientific world of AGW.

    The only good news, if it could be called that, is that there is actually some controversy, and not everyone rolled over and accepted the pro-AGW stance.


    • #

      It shows you how the fragile the ‘Tyrannus Climatus Australis’ – is.

      One small irritation that might upset thier masters, and they scurry for cover…..

      Pathetic, really.


  • #

    Alarmists get into a sweat,
    Overcome with fear, fright and fret,
    That a climate-change joke,
    Might dissension provoke,
    Which they see as a terrible threat.


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    Kinky Keith

    In one sense it may be a bit harsh to criticise and condemn those individuals who are involved in this mess.

    And by individuals I refer to the group of geologists caught in the spotlight and the company trying to do business.

    In each case those involved are trying to function in a world which has gone Bat Shirt Crazy and in reading Lewis’s comment at #7 it can be seen that The Company is faced with either appearing to comply with the new world religion or going out of business. Under those circumstances should we really expect individuals to sacrifice themselves when the rest of the society is either unaware or disinterested in the issue.

    Ultimately we are all responsible for the current evil because we have not stood up to it with sufficient determination.

    Looking at the positive aspect of this, it may be that we have missed an important point: namely that a very large Company and a very large government have tried to silence Jo and in doing that have confirmed that they are in fear of her work.

    We should thank them for confirming what we already know, that Jo is leading and guiding many people on the path to enlightenment and away from society’s current falseness.



  • #
    John F. Hultquist

    I sense the Barbra Streisand effect:

    The Streisand effect is a phenomenon whereby an attempt to hide, remove, or censor a piece of information has the unintended consequence of publicizing the information more widely, . . . psychological reactance, wherein once people are aware that some information is being kept from them, their motivation to access and spread it is increased.


    • #
      David Wojick

      Indeed, this blog post is getting great attention. Woodside is now in the frame. Do they have an online contact form or email address? Let’s drop them some notes?


      • #
        Graeme No.3

        I was thinking of asking why they employ geologists when they’re expected to agree with what they are told?
        They could be replaced by Public Relations “experts” who are obviously the people to tell you where to drill for gas.

        Or words to that effect. Will polish it up a bit.


        • #

          Public Relations X-Spurts tend to be a lot cheeper* than real engineers and real geologists … an awful lot cheeper.

          (* pun intended!)


      • #
      • #

        If you are a shareholder, go to their investor page and send the company secretary a message asking for details on why woodside took this action on who’s authority and with what justification and exactly how much was spent on it. Emphasise the reputational damage being caused to your shareholder value

        Post the reply here please
        Surely we have at least one shareholder skulking around here,
        Unfortunately Woodside isn’t one of my assets or I’d do it myself.


  • #
    Ken Stewart

    I’m sorry and disgusted you have been treated so badly Jo. It says more about them than it says about you.
    Keep up the good fight.


  • #

    Big Oil is in a loveless marriage with Big Green.

    Because coal, duh.


    • #
      David Wojick

      Yes, the oil majors have a climate org with a billion bucks to invest in green tech. I wrote about it awhile back but forget the name of the group. Gas is certainly replacing coal here in America. Coal has dr pooled from 50% of power production to less than a third and EIA projects just a quarter soon. But the 100% greens are now gunning for gas too. Divided and conquered.


      • #

        Between 2007 and 2010 the Sierra Club took over $25 million from the gas industry, mostly from scandal-plagued Chesapeake Energy, for Sierra’s Beyond Coal campaign. After exposure the Club had to knock back an additional $30 million in promised donations. (Greenpeace was either outraged or jealous.)

        I’m sure the industry’s support for Big Green is now more covert and convoluted, but, as you point out, it goes on and the bucks are substantial. When swimming with sharks, best to adopt an eat-me-last strategy.

        I just wish the likes of Woodside and Coca-Cola would lay off the high-gloss brochures with butterflies on flowers and the empty gabble about “solutions” and “sustainability”. Can’t stand it when robber barons act like daisy-picking nancies when you know they’d rather be sacrificing baby goats at the Grove.


      • #

        For years, on another forum, I tried to make the point that “big oil” would not be investing real money defending their own industry. What’s the point? They have billions in free cash flow every year so it would be cheaper to join the pigs at the renewables trough than to fight IF THEY THOUGHT IT WOULD BE PROFITABLE. The case study would be tobacco companies. Have any gone broke? No they just invested their rivers of gold in snack foods etc. Doing quite nicely, thank you.

        Oil/gas/coal cos can say they are green to get brownie points. Doesn’t matter, there are always other investment options that don’t cause their wives grief at P&C meetings.


  • #

    In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.
    George Orwell

    Hey, they call it the “Petro-Dollar” for a reason & ya gotta keep the price up to maintain its value somehow…….

    [ brought to you by David, Henry & Zbig]


    • #

      Yep and its (“Petro-Dollar”) going down as the “Petro Yuan/Ruble” is going up.


      • #


        Isn’t that why ScoMo is Kow-Towing & committing to the Iran/Persian Gulf Rumble?

        He is certainly Kow-Towing to the Bankers who own the Big Oil & MIC with the Bail-In Legislation [ last year],
        the “Cash Transaction Limits >>> Cashless Economy & the talk of Negative Interest Rates.

        Those same Bankers own roughly 40% of our Big Four Banks here….

        Yep, I can FEEL the [politician’s] LOVE!! (& it is making me walk funny.)


  • #

    This type of jack-boots response is what drives people to start to question the AGW agenda.

    This action by Woodside now has all the committee and other members saying to themselves, “What the **** was that all about”.

    And as soon as you get curious and start to ask questions, the whole AGW scam collapses, unless you are totally brain-washed or brain-dead.


  • #

    Welcome to 1984. Big Brother has landed in the form of Woodside.
    Are there any investigative journalists left prepared to ask Woodside for a comment on their censorship of opinions?
    From Woodside’s website: “We are focused on growing outstanding leaders, building diverse capability and driving an inclusive, high-performing culture.” Do they have a Ministry of Truth?
    “Woodside recognises the scientific consensus on climate change;”
    Peter Coleman
    Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director.


  • #
    Antoine D'Arche

    Wow. Woodside are afraid of you.
    LMAO. That’s gold.
    What a bunch of pussies. Yes, Woodside, I mean you.


  • #
    Steve of Cornubia

    Obviously, oil companies are not natural allies of climate warriors, so the question goes begging: why would Woodside have a problem with this? What’s in it for them?

    Perhaps it isn’t so much that Woodside itself has gone all climate changey, but that pressure has been applied to THEM in some way, by somebody.

    If Woodside seem unusually bothered by Jo speaking at this obscure meeting, maybe it’s not the meeting per se, but somebody wanting to clip Jo’s wings?

    So who has the power to threaten Woodside AND the motivation to clip Jo’s wings?


    • #

      Woodside is a gas company. Gas suppliers are competing with coal suppliers. Intermittent power generation strongly favours gas fuelled electricity as its dispatchable generating source. Industry has never been more dependent on gas than it is now.


  • #
    David Wojick

    Here is a good place to send nasty notes to, Investor Relations:

    There is also a contact form here, but it might be hard to find.

    If you get a long page full of propaganda, scroll to the bottom and hit “contact”. The form seems to have the same URL.


    • #

      Thx for contact details David. Email sent.

      Jo’s blog a beacon of light in the growing Dark Ages.

      ‘To feel creep up the curving east,
      The earthly chill of dusk and slow
      Upon those under lands the vast
      And ever climbing shadow grow.’

      (You Andrew Marvell.)


    • #

      David, thank you. And thank you for the EPA submission. Thanks for your work! All very helpful.


  • #
    David Wojick

    Here is a good place to send nasty notes to, Investor Relations:

    There is also a contact form here, but it might be hard to find.

    If you get a long page full of propaganda, scroll to the bottom and hit “contact”. The form seems to have the same URL.


  • #

    So we now add climatism to the list of isms and phobias that we are not allowed to mention.


  • #

    There has to be a major business reason for this. I believe that Woodside are currently involved in delicate negotiations with other major partners about the opening of a new gas field, and it might be these relationships that Woodside doesn’t want to upset. Having said this, I’m not on any way condoning Woodside’s ridiculous behaviour.


  • #

    The Climate religion is not going away soon. There are huge invested interests in its survival and flourishing. Business simply cannot afford to challenge the faith for fear of becoming targets of activities that inflict financial harm.

    “Trump is a failed president” gets 139M google hits. “Trump is a successful president” gets 91m hits. Can you believe “Greta Thunberg” gets 72M hits. On the plus side Jo Nova gets 218M hits.


    • #

      Yes but it eats its own young, so it will die off, based on its own stupidity…..


      • #

        Dr. Steve Turley, on his blog, says that [US] conservatives are outbreeding liberals by a significant amount. Makes sense when one considers the left’s infatuation with @bortion and saving the planet by not breeding anyway.


  • #
    Risible rising

    Thanks Jo, chin up and keep up the good fight!! You are scoring points
    regardless this insult.

    Sophocles: Yes we were forewarned:

    “Columbia Journalism Review, part of the US Columbia University
    Graduate School of Journalism is behind a plan to saturate us with
    alarmist coverage during the week 16 to 23 September.”

    So this a visit to coordinate and spread the propaganda influence Australia’s pollies? Or
    simply coincidence…?:

    Writers on ABC Q&A TV show Monday, 2 September:
    Lionel Shriver, Journalist and Author
    DeRay Mckesson, Civil rights activist
    Ruby Hamad, Journalist and Author
    Benjamin Law, Writer and broadcaster
    >> Steve Coll, Dean of Columbia Journalism School <<

    Aussies are so gullible, sigh….


    • #

      To come…Hurricane ‘Dorian’ will be graded as the WORST hurricane on record..(what records will be altered to make this assertion will yet to be determined)..and its all due to…..yes…….CLIMATE CHANGE!
      Just you wait..1 2 3 4 5 .. counting down to next week after its blown over.
      Note it has already been categorized as the worst.


      • #
        Greg in NZ

        5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and
        US National Hurricane [re-education] Center has now claimed Little Dorian is
        “tied for the strongest Atlantic hurricane landfall on record with the 1935 Labor Day hurricane”. Say what?!!!

        ABC News (America) goes all out nukular with:
        “Dorian slams the Bahamas as Cat 5”
        the most powerful storm ever in recorded history… to hit the Bahamas”. Total jabberwocky.

        Lots of stats and links and satellite imagery to The Biggest Baddest Worstest ‘Little Dorian’ EVAH!!!

        My heart goes out to all the po’ people who lived in shacks, hidden away from the rich folks’ mansions and marinas. Perhaps Saint Greta will fly sail down there to lend a hand deliver yet another empty slogan for the cameras and her invisible boss(es).


      • #

        Good article on the hurricane biz from Joe Bastardi


        • #
          Greg in NZ

          The 2010s was “the quietest decade for landfalls” in the contiguous states since the 1850s.
          The 1880s, 1860s, 1940s and 1930s the loudest/worst for landfalling ‘canes.
          That eensy-weensy teeny-tiny little extra C0₂ in the air sure has calmed things down!
          Maybe Woodside and Greta and the UN etc. aren’t really concerned about ‘the climate’ after all…


  • #

    G’day Jo,
    While I’m disgusted with the treatment they’ve given you, I congratulate you on the high level of fame you’ve achieved. That you instil such fear into their craven hearts is awesome.
    In case you’ve missed it, Lord Monkton has fired off another round in his challenge to Nature Communications as I found at WUWT:
    His letter in reply of Aug 28 is quite long, but detailed (of necessity, I understand) and there is a big set of comments, mainly supportive. And the good Lord has replied to many of the comments.

    Between you both we have them surrounded.
    Best wishes, and with many thanks for your work in producing this site,
    Dave B


  • #
    el gordo

    Woodside is playing hard ball because they want to keep coal in the ground. Its purely a commercial consideration and they don’t want to upset the scientific paradigm with distractions.

    From their blurb … 44 % less carbon dioxide produced by gas, versus coal and Woodside expect a 45 % increase in LNG demand by 2030.


  • #

    I don’t have any memberships to resign or shares to sell so just sent Woodside an email. Probably won’t get past the gate keepers but??? Every little helps! I just wonder why a company the size of Woodside wanted to stop a speech by Joanne Nova to a small gathering of petro-chemical engineers(FESaus) in Melbourne. Your representative went so far as to threaten to de-fund this innocuous little group if they persisted with “Jonova” talk. Quite pathetic and unbecoming.


  • #

    There’s something that hasn’t been realised in all of this, something that has not been taken into account by these ‘green’ followers, and all the associated groups and people who have ‘cashed in’ on this Global Warming, Climate Change, Climate Disruption, Climate Emergency, Sustainability, whatever they want to call it. No one wants to rock the boat, to go against the thinking, to speak out, or to speak up in fact, and express doubt, because they will be vilified mercilessly. So they just go along with it. I mean, what could go wrong. We can claim everything is down to Climate Change, everything, and we have enough followers to make it stick, no matter what.

    However, all of it is predicated on doing away with fossil fuels and they have a rational explanation for replacing them all, electric cars for internal combustion cars, and renewable power for coal fired power. What could ever go wrong with that? It’s perfectly rational.

    The trouble is that that is actually wrong.

    They CANNOT replace coal fired power with renewables. There’s too much power involved, and it CAN NOT be done on a reliable and CONSTANT basis, no matter how much money they throw at it.

    THAT is what these followers etcetera have not realised. They just blindly believe what they have been incorrectly told, and have not bothered to check.

    When that most critical ‘tipping point’ coal fired plant closes and the power just ….. goes off, only then will they realise they were wrong all along.

    It’ll be a case of ….. “What just happened then?”

    What comes next will not be pretty.

    If you think I’m scaremongering, just be aware that all I am doing is telling the truth ….. in advance.



    • #
      el gordo

      While we are discussing possible futures, my political gut feeling is that Angus Taylor will say to the states that the federal government will underwrite new coal fired power stations.

      The MSM would go ballistic, gnashing of teeth, screaming and hair pulling, but the government is committed to give renewables the flick.

      The zealots eventually settle down when Morrison says we are seeking tenders for a continental high speed rail network to alleviate population pressure in the coastal cities. Coal fired power stations would be an integral part of the mix.

      Money is cheap at the moment and Morrison is committed to growth, otherwise we’ll follow the old world into a deflationary black hole.


    • #
      Bill in Oz

      In that insight lies the solution Jo
      Simple ! Turn off all the coal fired power generators !
      Preferably on Earth Hour !
      Show the entire population what actually happens when the coal & gas shuts down.
      And those of us who know it’s coming
      Can stock up on gennies and candles
      We’ll be fire proof.
      And bugger the Greenists.


    • #

      Yes and also the worlds cars CANNOT be converted to electric, due to your comments above.


  • #

    “Part of what solution? Great question.

    We had to storm the beaches of Normandy to stop the last guy that thought he had one (to all of humanity’s woes) – he thought no further solutions would be required.

    It is very likely we will be called upon to do it all over again (with the same horrendous sacrifices).

    This is just the inevitable cost of appeasing would-be totalitarian dictators for far too long.

    Our civilisation has been complacent and guilty of not tending the weeds for many decades now…


  • #
    Michael Spencer

    “1984”,”Brave New World” and “This Perfect Day” have come to pass!

    2+2=5, ‘Room 101’ is in full operation, computer code numbers have replaced names, ‘the Ministry of Love’ is in operation, “War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery” – the secret ‘elites’ are in control, and Big Brother is Watching you!

    Happy day!


  • #
    Pauline Young

    Hi Jo
    After reading this and learning today that the AMA have declared a climate emergency…. I fear we are a long way from reaching peak stupidity. Sent you some funds via paypal.
    Best wishes


    • #
      robert rosicka

      Yes I just heard that story about the AMA on the far left ABC radio , exactly what emergency they refer to I have no idea but suspect it will include events like summer, winter, floods, droughts, famine, plague, pestilence etc.


      • #
        John of Cloverdale, WA, Australia

        And I thought doctors could read thermometers. We are talking about a fraction of a degree climate change and it’s a ‘Health Emergency’.
        How did our ancestors manage the end of the last ice age?


        • #

          Ah, but now – think about it – how much of a leap is it for mental health doctors ( i.e. psychiatrists ) to now declare climate sceptics, insane?


          • #

            They feel qualified to declare Trump insane even though they have never met him.

            Mark Levin can be heavy going but on Fri [I think] he interviewed a psychiatrist, part of a group who made the proclamation that he was dangerous. Claimed she had every right to do so while denying she made a “diagnosis”. Not really recommended but maybe of interest. abt 40 mins in.


  • #
    Geoff Derrick

    Here is an email text received by me back in July – I was giving a skeptical talk to the Timber industry titled: “Human-induced climate change – Fact or Fiction – a Geoscientist’s view”. As shown below, attempts were being made to de-platform me. This failed in the end, and the talk was rescheduled to late in the day. After the talk a few approached me and said “we were quietly cheering you on”. The big fears were all about sponsorship and support it seems, and philosophy also.

    “We have you speaking at our Brisbane event — and still want that —
    However, I have been overseas, but before and while I was away, we received various unsolicited comments about
    our programme, from known and unknown Australians who were coming to our event, and/or who were planning
    to come, and who questioned our decision to have your topic on the programme.
    Some were quite concerned that by having a speaker who was not 100% on board with human induced climate
    change, we were negatively impacting on the intended focus of the event.
    We were initially stunned, but we did get a number of comments, including indirectly via the chiefs of the two major
    Australian forestry and wood products organisations
    And still we were stunned.

    Initially we ignored these messages of concern, but we have a number of long standing close business and industry
    colleagues in Australia, including sponsors, etc — so after “agonising” for a while after recently returning to NZ , I
    have decided to continue to have your full 30 minute slot, but to ask you that we re-arrange the Day 1 July 22
    programme, so we move your talk to the afternoon, instead of the morning.”

    Jo should now ensure her talk is made available on her blog and elsewhere for wide consumption. Mine has been taken up by The Saltbush Club, and could be available to all in a week or three.


    • #

      Geoff Derrick – great advice from you –

      Jo should now ensure her talk is made available on her blog and elsewhere for wide consumption. Mine has been taken up by The Saltbush Club, and could be available to all in a week or three.


    • #
      David Wojick

      I had an industry sponsor lined up for my Climate Change Debate Education project. They even made a first donation, promising the rest over time. Then they suddenly pulled out, citing fear of reprisals and they were very big.

      The greens are truly dangerous.


  • #
    Geoff Sherrington

    In my travels around the upper levels of large corporation management, I had more than usual problems because of conflicting views about uranium mining, beach sands, pulp and paper manufacture, forestry battles with old versus plantation – you get the drift.
    The main conceptual problem was commonly ignorance. Those of opposite view were often ignorant of the deeper research that had been done on the issue. However, there was another problem that I have seldom seen discussed. Because I was involved with industry associations, I ran into this problem more widely than just my own employer. In my mind I think of it as “the unknown person” problem. Though patterns varied, it worked roughly like this –
    If you joined a different company at a level say somewhere in the top 20 of seniority, you would often encounter at that level a person whose job title and description were vague. Let’s call this “Person R” for brevity. Person R would be on the list to attend key management meetings, despite having no line management staff to manage. Person R would seldom vote when a decision was needed. Person R worked mainly via private meetings with the CEO; seldom expressed intimate knowledge of technical topics: was strong on social justice topics.
    My private theory was that Persons R were plants from other organisations that some in top management had lined up for additional post-retirement income, or to hide dirty corporate secrets (though I never found these within the companies for whom I worked). When I stretched private theory, I could believe that some Persons R were illegitimate offspring of Royalty for whom an industry cover was convenient and well paid for. Other times I thought some were from big banking or investment groups, there to get inside info. Or activist NGOs like Greenpeace doing some grafting.
    There is possibly more concealed power play at these high levels than John Citizen is allowed to know. Sometimes, murky, hard to explain decisions are made that leave regular employees nonplussed.
    Jo, you might be feeling the effects of one of these plants in Woodside. I have absolutely no data to support this. I do not seek to harm anyone by writing about it.
    Geoff S


  • #

    The change which tells us it is all falling apart is that the Climate Scientologists have now given up completely on any pretext of science.

    ‘The Science’ is now irrelevant. So it’s a full frontal attack on ‘deniers’, heretics and their cronies. Deniers all. A pogrom is in order.

    Consider Bernie Sanders “Climate Change Deniers ‘Should Not Be in Congress’”

    ‘The Vermont senator rolled out his $16.3 trillion Green New Deal last month, in which he identified climate change as the “single greatest challenge facing our country.”’

    What is amazing is that no one is laughing. Certainly not Woodside or BHP Billiton, the biggest CO2 ‘polluters’ in the country. Gutless, they hope that by appeasement they will be left to drill for oil and dig for coal and iron ore, the backbone of the Australian economy. It is doomed. The one thing which gets the Climate Scientologists really excited that they are winning the public debate and appeasement. Give them Czechosolvakia. That will satisfy Herr Hitler, the head of the National Socialist Worker’s party. Windmills will solve everything is the call.

    Do they really think a discussion with a small obscure group of geophysicists has any impact on public opinion? Of course not, but the appearance of Woodside cravenly and publicly appeasing the Climate loonies gives them the credibility they crave.

    When the head of BHP Billiton says that Climate Change is an existential threat to humanity, you have the most amazing appeasement yet.

    Plus the Climate crazies want money, lots of money. Like the $444Million the Malcolm and Lucy gifted their friends, unasked and for no apparent reason and with no plan at all to do anything about anything. At least $130million is to be spent administering giving away the other $214 Million. Oh, to be gifted so much public cash for no reason at all. Like the Clinton Foundation.


    • #
      The Depraved and MOST Deplorable Vlad the Impaler

      Also see the post at Anthony’s about a Sweden “university” studying climate change denial.


  • #

    Perhaps consider just delivering your presentation as planned and post it to Youtube?
    Be water!


  • #

    Woodside is full of GAS, Jo. consider it an honour you have been cancelled.

    everywhere in the FakeNewsMSM today:

    Atlassian backs kids’ climate strike
    The Australian Financial Review – 10 hours ago

    Atlassian chief Mike Cannon-Brookes backs ‘climate crisis’ strike
    The Australian – 10 hours ago

    u want more sanctimonious CAGW hypocrisy?

    3 Sept: ABC AM: VIDEO: 5min2sec: Image: Supplied: Extinction Rebellion
    Strike to save the planet – Atlassian boss urges staff to be activists in climate crisis fight
    By Peter Ryan on AM
    Global tech company Atlassian will support its staff with special paid leave to participate in the so-called “climate strike” later this month.
    Atlassian’s outspoken co-chief executive Mike Cannon-Brookes says climate change is now an “existential threat”, backing climate activism as the new corporate social responsibility and critical to the survival of capitalism.(???)…

    MIKE CANNON-BROOKES: A lot of the internal staff have taken the don’t f’ the customer message here to say it is don’t f’ the planet, which is a part of the constituencies we have as a company between shareholders, customers, employees, et cetera, and I think the planet is one of our constituencies…

    PETER RYAN: Is there a future for coal if there is a climate policy developed in the coming months or years?

    MIKE CANNON-BROOKES: Economically, fossil fuels are going to be challenged over the next 20 years. So if you’re thinking about someone managing your super fund, they should be thinking about all the risks to your investments, to your retirement.
    And obviously both the climate and fossil fuels are a massive risk to your capital base, so they absolutely should be asking those questions…

    5 Aug: BusinessIndider: Atlassian co-founder Mike Cannon-Brookes splashes $14.5 million on NSW Southern Highlands farm — the latest in his 12-month $143 million property spending spree
    by Jack Derwin
    •Mike Cannon-Brookes, one of Australia’s richest people, has bought a $14.5 million in an area described as “the Point Piper of the [New South Wales] Southern Highlands”.
    • It’s the third purchase Cannon-Brookes has made in the region, and part of a $143 million property splurge in the last 12-months…
    Widgee Waa, about 90-minutes drive from Sydney, is slated by real estate agency Meares as the “Point Piper of the Southern Highlands” due to its size and grazing quality.
    PIC: CATTLE: The Widgee Waa farm is home to lush grazing
    Naturally, that’s on top of his purchase of Sydney’s most expensive house — the $100 million ***Fairwater estate…

    17 Dec 2018: Domain: ***Fairwater, Australia’s first $100 million house sale, bought mortgage-free
    by Lucy Macken
    The lack of finance required to buy Fairwater, the $100 million Point Piper property, will surprise few familiar with the buyer – software giant Atlassian’s co-founder, Mike Cannon-Brookes – given he has no mortgages on his three houses in nearby Double Bay and is ranked among the richest Australians.
    The 1.12 hectares of ***absolute beachfront is next door to another of Australia’s most expensive discretionary purchases, the Elaine estate bought by Atlassian co-founder Scott Farquhar for $71 million last year…


  • #

    now for Big Food.

    summary below doesn’t mention Shapiro is with Mars Inc. he’s in Australia for Food Sustainability Conference in Melbourne. brings up IPCC report. unprecedented food instability worldwide because of CAGW:

    AUDIO: 9min48sec: 3 Sept: ABC Breakfast: Aflatoxins poses threat to food supply in poorer countries
    Climate change poses a threat to the food supply for some of the world’s poorest countries as warming temperatures trigger a range of toxins in vital crops like corn.
    One of the biggest threats is a carcinogenic fungal infection called Aflatoxin which can cause acute poisoning and death.
    Countries like Australia screen crops for the deadly infection – but an estimated 4.5 billion people globally are at risk of exposure.
    Guest: Howard-Yana Shapiro, chief agriculture officer

    21 Aug: Weekly Times: Global Table: Biggest food innovation event comes to Melbourne
    PIC: Revolution: ***John Kerry will speak at Global Table next month.
    THE world is on the cusp of a food and agriculture revolution, according to former US Secretary of State John Kerry.
    “We have to make radical changes to ensure the prosperity of future generations,” Kerry says. “That’s not a bad thing. It’s an exciting time to be part of these industries.”
    Kerry, who served as America’s chief diplomat from 2013 to 2017 after 28 years as a US Senator and being the Democratic Party’s nominee for US President in 2004, headlines an impressive line-up of speakers at major agrifood conference, Global Table, in Melbourne next month…
    Other speakers include Dr Howard-Yana Shapiro, the chief agricultural officer with Mars Inc, and Shama Sukul Lee, founder and chief executive of Sunfed, a New Zealand food-tech start-up specialising in ***“clean” protein.
    Lee describes animal proteins as “the fossil foods of the food world”…
    Global Table, supported by The Weekly Times, is on at the Melbourne Showgrounds, September 3-6.

    Big Food is pushing the government for a price on carbon by Adele Peters
    Fast Company – 12 Apr 2019
    The Sustainable Food Policy Alliance – including Nestlé USA, Unilever, Danone North America, and Mars, Inc. – will lobby the government for stronger climate policy…
    The new Sustainable Food Policy Alliance, including Nestlé USA, Unilever, Danone North America, and Mars, Inc., is asking the government to establish an “ambitious” carbon pricing system aligned with the Paris agreement, accelerate clean energy deployment, include agriculture and forestry in an incentive-based program to cut emissions, and invest in more resilient infrastructure and promote equity…

    13 Dec 2018: Bloomberg: From Mars to Ikea, Concerns Emerge About Vague Climate Rules
    Hope is fading that UN talks in Poland will produce a strict rulebook on how to implement emissions cuts
    From the Swedish furniture supplier Ikea to candy maker Mars Inc. and telephone network operator BT Group Plc, companies are looking for a guide on where government policies on the environment are headed…
    Yet delegates and observers to the discussions say what’s emerging from the meeting in Katowice is likely to fall short on specifics such as when more of the $100 billion a year in promised climate aide will flow and how a global carbon market might be revived. With U.S. President Donald Trump and the government in China pushing priorities other than the environment, companies along with pressure groups are voicing unease about the direction of the UN talks and the deal they are due to produce this weekend…

    3 Sept: MirageNews: Showing Victoria’s Global Table To World
    Press release: Vic Minister for Agriculture
    Victoria will host world leaders in sustainability, agriculture and trade this week, with the Andrews Labor Government’s Global Table event tackling the big discussions on climate change and building an innovative food sector…
    The event will welcome 2500 delegates from 25 countries with key discussions centring on reducing global food waste, kickstarting the Australian native food industry, adapting to the challenges of plastics through innovation, and disrupting climate change…
    Keynote speakers at the event include former US Secretary of State ***John Kerry, Chief Agricultural Officer at Mars Inc Dr Howard-Yana Shapiro and food technology entrepreneur Shama Sukul-Lee (NZ Founder & CEO at Sunfed (MEAT-FREE) Meats who will lead discussions on the future of food, and how industries across the world can work together to improve the sector.
    The Labor Government is leading a coordinated, national response to the effects of climate change on agriculture, and how to best position the sector for future success…

    Wikipedia: Howard-Yana Shapiro
    He is Adjunct Professor in the College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences at the University of California, Davis, and leads the Multi-Disciplinary Research Unit, a collaborative effort between Mars, UC Davis and The University of Nottingham. He also serves on the external advisory board of UC Davis’ Agricultural Sustainability Institute. He has been a university professor, Fulbright Scholar, Ford Foundation Fellow, and has won the National Endowment for the Humanities Award…
    Recently he has been working with ***Google X and other groups on a project to end human stunting through better nutrition worldwide, starting in Africa…


    • #

      “kickstarting the Australian native food industry”

      So Kangaroo cakes, platypus patties, wombat wonders and gourmet galahs? All to traditional ab*riginal recipes. No salads. No spices. No vegetables except for yummy yams.

      Such a wonderful chance to show how a Stone Age people survived for 50,000 entirely on meat from native fauna. Sustainably. We have so much to learn.

      The extreme Greens should learn from their total refusal to be vegans. No milk, no cheese, no processed food, no steaming, no frying, no fat, no alcohol, no sugar, no beer, no CO2, no fruit, no cutlery, just an open fire and a burnt stick. It’s great that we Victorians will show the world how it’s done.

      Incredible virtue signalling from Victoriastan.


      • #

        Lucky the Aussie population isnt over 100,000,000 or Kangaroos might hit the extinction list 😀


        • #

          If the Europeans could work out how to farm or even catch kangaroos, they would be domesticated by now. Very low fat meat, adapted to drought conditions the young are kept in statis until the rains come. Ideal animals for Australia, except they are so cute and jump fences. Also delicious and Australian dogs eat well. The first European settlers were amazed at how the top predator Ab*rigines would leave most of the meat and walk away, where in Europe, nothing was wasted as meat was such a rarity.


        • #

          We could send them more wallabies! The South Island and Rottenrua populations are doing well and increasing.


      • #

        I suspect the ab*rigines have as much to teach us about food as they have with agriculture and meteorology and mathematics and metals. They must have had the most boring diet in the world. They hadn’t invented bread or beer let alone the sandwich. On the plus side, they did not use yeast which generates Carbon Dioxide and so stopped Australia from getting too hot.


        • #

          What can you do stuck in Australia for 50,000 years without even a pepper grinder or salt shaker or a boat?

          The rest of the world has only had those things for a short time. You wonder what happened to the inventor of the boomerang
          or the throwing stick. Music and dancing leave a lot to be desired. And writing, but at least the BOM has an indigenous area
          where we can learn how the Tasmanian ab*rigines predicted the weather in Port Headland with such accuracy.

          It seems Ernie Dingo invented the ‘welcome to the country’ with burning gum leaves and dancing. The original was a bit more violent.


          • #

            Daisy Bates in her book The Passing of the Aborigines observed that once they’d come in from the desert and sampled the diet of the “invaders” they threw away their digging sticks.

            So far as the cultural appropriation meme goes we’re being given a master class with all this talk of nations, cosmology, architecture (I laughed at that one) and the other sundry equivalences being dished up by advocates for “a voice” –but this is taking us too far off topic.


  • #

    the AMA story has been mentioned in the comments.

    AUDIO: 4min44sec: 3 Sept: ABC Breakfast: Climate change declared a ‘health emergency’
    The Australian Medical Association says the evidence is clear – climate change will increase mortality rates and even lead to worse mental-health.
    The warning comes in the wake of new government figures showing Australia’s carbon emissions increased in the year to March.
    Guest: Tony Bartone, president, Australian Medical Association

    Doctors declare climate change ’emergency’ – 2 hours ago

    Australian Medical Association declares climate change a health …
    The Guardian – 8 hours ago
    The AMA president, Tony Bartone, argues the scientific evidence is clear. “There is no doubt that climate change is a health emergency…

    3 Sept: Guardian: Doctors don’t care about the politics of climate change. We focus on the facts
    Declaring a climate health emergency is essential in preparing our health sector for the future
    by Tony Bartone, president of the Australian Medical Association (AMA)
    The serious direct and indirect health impacts of climate change include mortality and morbidity resulting from heat stress and extreme weather events; an increase in the transmission of vector-borne diseases; food insecurity; mental ill-health; and negative effects from adverse changes in air pollution.
    There is inequity in the distribution of these impacts both within and between countries…


    • #
      Greg in NZ

      * We focus on the facts:
      August in the UK “was no warmer than 1801, 1842 and 1932.
      “Summer as a whole ranked 48th hottest, tied with 1935”.

      There’s something about 1935: Dorian “tied for the strongest Atlantic hurricane landfall on record with the 1935 Labor Day hurricane”.
      National Hurricane Center, September 1, 2019. Or as ABC News (America) hyperventilated:
      Dorian is “the most powerful storm ever recorded in history… to hit the Bahamas”.


    • #

      ‘Australian Medical Association declares climate change a health …’ This is yet another absurdity. So AMA, tell us what part of civilization did warming ever DECREASE a population?
      What will they call the next Grand Solar Minimum (probably a decade or less away)? I think they should reserve some of these drastic terms till they are desperate to heat the hospitals as the power crises hits due to the vast numbers of un-renewable power generators (that replaced coal power) all FAIL in the Ice Age!


  • #

    Real geos love hot science chicks


  • #

    Slimy governments who one time enforced bush fire fuel load reductions now wait until too late in the season if at all in order to point to dangerous run away wild fires & say the ‘imaginary’ global warming is real so school kids can be brainwashed into feeling they have no hope. Sadly many greedy enterprises sweat on free money from naive idiotic parasites in governments


  • #
    Peter Fitzroy

    Who knows, maybe these guys will fill in

    *************Language Warning*****************


    • #
      el gordo

      ‘Coleman also says his industry is “at risk of losing relevance” unless it can demonstrate why a low-carbon world needs LNG.

      “In Australia, we have learnt from a decade of climate policy paralysis, where society will not support policies if they are perceived to threaten living standards. Our industry needs to show it is committed to effective action on climate change,” he warns.

      Fin Review


      • #
        Peter Fitzroy

        is it society or politics
        all the recent surveys say that we should be abating climate change, mostly as a cost to business


        • #

          Poor Mr GULLIBLE drools on his keyboard yet again.

          Non-thinking.. incapable of a single rational thought of his own.

          Wake up , PF, learn to see propaganda papa, and biased anti-science polls when they are put in front of you.

          There is absolutely NO science that says that “climate change™” should be battled by anyone. Business will always bear the cost of POLITICAL agendas.

          How is it possible to “abate” something that is totally natural in occurrence?

          Surveys are NOT any form of real science.

          But surveys and polls, driven by rampant lies and deceit by the MSM, are all that is now carrying the AGW scam.

          Any pretence of actual science is not even an afterthought.

          Just like you, they have given up trying to produce any real science.

          Because they know that THEY DON’T HAVE ANY. !!

          That is why they have to shut down people like Jo…

          They KNOW they have no counter to her message..


    • #

      Your link is precisely what I would expect of you, you bloody DRONGO.


      • #
        Peter Fitzroy

        I didn’t expect those without a sense of humour to get it


        • #

          Just the sort of moronic, attention-seeking post we have come to expect from you.

          Zero relevant content.

          I take it that you condone these totalitarian jack-boot actions from climate sycho-phants.

          Whatever it take, to keep the TRUTH and the FACTS from being heard, right PF. !


          • #
            Greg Cavanagh

            I usually cringe and AndyG’s language, but in this case, I fully support his targeted debasement of you Peter. That was a stupid encouraging bafflegab of bullsnot video.

            If you truly believe that, well, I’m lost for words. But you need to read “between” the lines the idiot politicians tell you. Don’t believe they are honest, and don’t believe they have your best interest at heart, they don’t. They are liars and thieves the lot of them. Trust them at your own peril, but don’t drag us down with you.


        • #
          glen Michel

          Moron! Imbecile, cretin. I suggest you stop being one of those( take your pick!)
          and rejoin future discussion with reason and flexibility. We invite you to the club of sense and sensibility.


        • #

          There is as much “humour” in toorightmate’s post as your link. I’ve been to boarding school and in the services, bad language no longer has any infatuation for me and I rarely use it. What other humour did I miss?


    • #

      LOL. Very funny video Fitzy. But did you notice that there was not one correct “fact” in that video? Perhaps you could take the advice of the video woman and go get F****d. Now that’s funny. LMFAO.


  • #

    Climate denier. Marxist terminology for dissenters who tell the truth about climate.


    • #

      Climate Denier = Anti vaxer = Flat Earther = ….Anti Evidence.
      Marx has nothing to do with it.
      Maybe if Jo , like Peter Ridd, actually published some proper peer reviewed work, she’d be more respected ?.


      • #

        Climate Denier alarmist = Flat Earther = ….Anti Evidence.


        • #

          Bazingah !


          • #

            A courageous admission, Michael.


          • #

            Trenberth energy balance = FLAT EARTH, non-rotating.

            And its what all of the AGW scam is built on.

            A total travesty of science.

            Now little-mickey, where is your empirical evidence for warming by increased atmospheric CO2.

            Lets see you actually PRODUCE some of this so-called “science”.

            … or will you just continue with your empty blathering !


      • #

        ‘Maybe if Jo , like Peter Ridd, actually published some proper peer reviewed work, she’d be more respected ?.’

        In a Nick Kilvert sort of way!


      • #
        Kinky Keith

        I saw an me109 today.

        Precursor to the ME 262.


      • #

        And you STILL can’t produce one single bit of peer reviewed REAL science as empirical evidence for the most basic fallacy of the AGW scam, ie warming by atmospheric CO2

        Seems that PEER REVIEW IS NOT ON YOUR SIDE, mickey.. !


      • #

        “Marx has nothing to do with it.”

        Ah, the ignorance of little mickey, yet again.

        the AGW agenda has EVERYTHING to do with Marxism and socialism .

        and NOTHING to do with actual science.

        Seems that you don’t even listen to your masters?


        • #

          “AGW agenda has EVERYTHING to do with Marxism and socialism and NOTHING to do with actual science.”

          Here is my favorite quote in support of that statement:

          In 2010, Ottmar Edenhofer, co-chair of the IPCC Working Group III, said: “Climate policy has almost nothing to do anymore with environmental protection. The next world climate summit in Cancun is actually an economy summit during which the distribution of the world’s resources will be negotiated.”


  • #

    AUDIO: 11min30sec: 27 Aug: ABC RN Drive: Ways to ensure a sustainable food future
    Presented by Patricia Karvelas
    Former US Secretary of State John Kerry will be in Melbourne next week, attending a forum on food innovation and security.
    The Global Table event include experts from across food, agricultural science and medical sectors.
    Dr Angeline Achariya, Executive Director of Innovation and Growth, Simplot Australia
    Professor Paul Wood, Director at Dairy Australia; Adjunct Professor in Biotechnology, Monash University

    Wood spends a lot of time talking about “alternative proteins”, which seems odd from a director of Dairy Australia. to be fair, it isn’t all positive, as his article below attests:

    30 Jul: TheConversation: Beyond meat? The market for meat substitutes is way overdone
    by Paul Wood AO, Adjunct Professor in Biotechnology, Monash University
    Disclosure statement
    Paul Wood AO is on the Board of Dairy Australia and a consultant to the livestock program at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation as well as being on the program committee for Global Table which will be held in Melbourne 3-6th Sept 2019.

    on the other hand, Angeline Achariya is a little far-out!

    Jun 2015: Stuff NZ: The future of food: Lab-grown meat and 3D-printed meals
    by Callan Boys
    Dr Angeline Achariya, a food innovation expert, says it may be possible to 3D-print cultured meat using similar biomedical technology to that used to print human tissue. If you want beef made in a lab to appeal to the consumer, making it look like a natural steak or hamburger is the smart way to do it.
    “The remarkable thing the Japanese are investigating at the moment is how 3D printing will most likely be the only source of red meat for that market in 10 years’ time,” Achariya says. “You can imagine the biggest competitor to red meat going forward isn’t going to be other markets, it’s going to be 3D-printed products.”
    “I think from a technological point of view it will take a while to get it to a reasonable cost,” she says. “Initially you’ll have it starting at the higher-end level. I’m thinking at somewhere like a Heston Blumenthal-style restaurant where people can go in for an experience and you can watch your vegetables and meat being printed in front of you and cooked.”…

    Executive Director Innovation & Growth at Simplot Australia Pty Ltd
    Chief Operating & Commerical Officer, Monash Food Innovation, Monash University
    Jan 2019 – Aug 2019
    Chief Executive Officer, Monash Food Innovation
    Jul 2016 – Apr 2019·
    Research & Development Manager – Japan
    Oct 2001 – Jan 2006
    Committee Member – Advance Manufacturing Advisory Council
    Victorian Government
    Feb 2017 – Jan 2019


    • #
      Greg in NZ

      Expert says
      “it may be possible to 3D-print cultured meat…
      “making it look like a natural steak or hamburger is the smart way to do it”.

      Smart meat? No way, José! Imitation meat? You –
      “can watch your vegetables and meat being printed in front of you” ???
      Oh right – “Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation” – say no more.


      • #

        Artificial food! At least it will solve the pension problem. But all the new knees and hips into 30 yr olds will be another problem.

        Just more elitist claptrap. John Kerry would still be eating the real stuff.


      • #

        Printed out of fake protein look alike I bet. “Here kiddy, have a nice little piece of 3D printed hamburger patty”.


    • #

      A reminder about what drives the anti-meat thing is the pagan occult beliefs of the Elite. Thier own writings talk of encouraging, then forcing the globe into thier pagan belif system if people dobt go along willingly with thier demented ideas.

      But also think about the quantum shift in terms of the West and now what beliefs are now officially “allowed” , which is basically anything thats runs against the beliefs of any the 3 main monothestic religions, but seems to target Christianity specifically.

      The only thing I can put it down to is are we seeing a rise of a pervasive evil spirit through the world, which nay also explain why people are clueless and blind to whats going on. Within Christian writings, its foretold a great delusion would engulf the globe prior to antichrist showing himself. As a Christian I’m starting to wonder whether this may be part of it perhaps. The current popular zombie movies too seem to mock civilisation and I wonder if its a deliberate metaphor for the madness thats happening.

      Food for thought….


    • #

      Globalists have a cute way of turning old ideas into faux-new ideas…and then turning those into excuses for plunder, waste and clutter. It’s long been known that very big cities need roads for cars and underground rail for commuters. So globalists love light rail projects which put commuters into traffic and obstruct traffic. Ruin a few thousand small businesses in the process and some corporation will gladly step in with a burger franchise in a ripe new position. And speaking of burgers…

      They do it with all things. Vegetarian cookery is rich and ancient. Can’t have that! Instead, talk about making burgers (franchises available!) out of laboratory goo so people can signal fashionable virtue but go on being corporate-friendly nongs. Of course, you need an element of shock and travesty as well. So eating insect-burgers is also a thing, thanks to unreal reality shows about “survivors”. (Why, it’s like the people behind meatless meat are also invested in our saturation drongo media! How ’bout that!)

      It’s pretty simple guys. Do tradition, family, property. Do coal. Turn off their media. And…



  • #

    G7 over, forget Bolsonaro. CAGW mob have now turned on Morales/Bolivia:

    2 Sept: Guardian: ‘Murderer of nature’: Evo Morales blamed as Bolivia battles devastating fires
    Furious locals say president is culpable over unprecedented destruction of wildlife
    by Dan Collyns in La Chiquitanía
    Thousands of fires swept through eastern Bolivia in August, to the fury of environmentalists and locals who accused the country’s president, Evo Morales, of incentivising the blazes after he passed legislation in July that encourages slash-and-burn farming to create pasture and arable land. Morales, who is running for a controversial fourth term of office, has refused to rescind the decree. His government says high winds and dry conditions are to blame for the worst fires in living memory…
    Global opprobrium has been focused on Brazil’s far-right president, Jair Bolsonaro, over the record number of fires raging in the Amazon, the world’s largest tropical forest. Morales, Bolivia’s leftwing leader, is now facing similar anger…
    The self-proclaimed defender of Pachamama, or Mother Earth, is accused of employing the same populist policies as his Brazilian counterpart. The fires were mainly started by small farmers who used the recent legislation to open up new land to farming and cattle, his critics say…
    In La Chiquitanía, a boundless region of savannah and forest, August is the month of high winds when farmers typically carry out chaqueo, the practice of burning to clear land…
    Based on satellite images from Bolivia’s early warning fire detection agency, environmental groups estimate the destruction ***has surpassed 2m hectares…

    Many locals blame migrant farmers moving from Bolivia’s highlands to the tropical lowlands for spreading the fires because they don’t know how to control them…
    That perception has stoked existing racial tensions between cambas – Bolivians from the eastern lowlands – and migrant collas – mostly indigenous people from Morales’s heartland in the western highlands, who are often looking to carve out a plot of land to farm…

    Such tensions were laid bare when protesters interrupted an event marking Bolivia’s first beef export to China last week in San Ignacio. Local media reported that as Morales sealed the first container of 96 tonnes of beef, demonstrators had chanted: “Behind every fallen tree there’s a laughing cattle rancher.”…

    ***prog left Common Dreams says “nearly 1m hectares”, not 2m as in Guardian:

    29 Aug: CommonDreams: No Refuge for the Amazon in Evo Morales’ Bolivia
    Evo Morales has carefully cultivated his image on the world stage as an indigenous defender of the “Pachamama (Mother Earth),” but his domestic policies belie another reality.
    by Devin Beaulieu
    While international attention and ire has focused on the burning of the Brazilian Amazon and responsibility of the ultra-rightwing government of Jair Bolsonaro, across the border in eastern Bolivia, equally devastating wild fires in the past three weeks have destroyed nearly 1 million hectares…

    At a public rally Monday, Morales ridiculed the protests of environmentalists as the “electoral nuisance of small groups”, who hypocritically pollute at the supermarket…
    In July, one month before the start of the forest fires, Evo Morales issued a presidential order (Supreme Decree 3973) further loosing restrictions for land clearing fires in the Bolivian Amazon from 5 to 20 hectares, modification to a 2015 law permitting land clearance…

    Pablo Solon, former Bolivian ambassador to the UN and director of the Foundation Solon, points out that deforestations rates have spiked in recent years, more than tripling this year from 295 thousand hectares in 2016, while 420 thousand hectares were lost last year…

    ***Forest fires in the Chiquitania follow years of detrimental environmental policy from the Morales government, designed to open the Bolivian Amazon to mega-development projects and commercial interests…
    In the same manner as Bolsonaro, Bolivia’s Vice-President Alvaro Garcia Linera accuses detractors of Amazonian development as engaging in paternalist “ecological imperialism”…

    On the day of national protests Sunday, Morales demonstrated where his interests lie by attending the annual meeting of the regional ranchers’ federation of Beni in the Amazonian city of Trinidad. At the meeting, federation president Abdon Nacif denounced calls to repeal the controversial Decree 3973, stating that prohibiting forest clearing would harm regional development…
    Starting this month, Bolivia will export as much as 200 thousand tons of beef to China’s growing consumer market. Only last week Morales’ boasted that businessmen tell him they earn more now with his leftist party than during previous neoliberal governments…

    While Carlos Mesa, Morales’ principal opponent in the upcoming presidential election, has denounced the “anarchy” of land donations and deforestation under Morales, Amazonian indigenous peoples can expect little from possible political change. Mesa also recently endorsed the “Santa Cruz model”, and its export-oriented industrial agriculture, as the development path forward for Bolivia…

    some countries are getting fed up with orders that they should not develop.


  • #
    Fin of The West

    I was looking forward to the talk as well! They (Woodside) are so scared of their own shadow when it comes to appeasing the CO2 do-gooders. It just goes to show that you can’t appease all of the people all of the time 🙂


  • #

    2 Sept: France24: AFP: China’s ‘Belt and Road’ project risks Paris climate targets, says new study
    Carbon-heavy development in countries part of China’s Belt and Road Initiative could render the Paris climate goals unreachable, according to a new analysis on the gargantuan global infrastructure project released Monday.
    The massive network of ports, railways, roads and industrial parks spanning Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Europe will see trillions invested in new infrastructure across 126 countries…

    The Tsinghua Center for Finance and Development said that the 126 Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) countries excluding China currently account for 28 percent of manmade emissions.
    It modelled the effects of different approaches to the development of megaports, pipelines, train lines and highways in 17 BRI countries.
    It found that countries such as Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Indonesia would need to lower carbon emissions 68 percent by 2050 compared to current trajectories in order to keep the world on course to 2C of warming…
    The report said emissions by 2050 from all BRI countries could be 39 percent lower if they followed industrial “best practice” by employing greener technology…

    ***(Simon Zadek, senior visiting fellow at the Tsinghua Center) said the BRI was an opportunity for the world to decarbonise while expanding trade and growth opportunities. He suggested establishing an international platform to support green finance initiatives across BRI countries, as well as applying mandatory environmental assessments for Chinese investments in the project.
    “Is it easy? Can we do it by tomorrow morning by 9 o’clock? Of course not,” he said. “But we’ve taken care to set out what each pathway would look like. It can be done.”

    ***The Tsinghua analysis was co-authored by Vivid Economics and the ClimateWorks Foundation.

    more RE:

    2 Sept: Reuters: China Silk Road plan needs clean investment safeguards: study
    by David Stanway; additional reporting by Muyu Xu in BEIJING
    The research was published jointly by China’s influential Tsinghua Center for Finance and Development, which provides recommendations to policy makers, along with London-based Vivid Economics and U.S.-based Climate Works…

    The study estimated that more than $12 trillion in infrastructure investment would need to be “decarbonised”, and called for safeguards to ensure existing low-carbon technologies and practices were implemented, although even that might not be enough to meet 2050 goals…

    According to a study by environmental group Greenpeace, China has also invested in 67.9 gigawatts of coal-fired power in Belt and Road countries since 2014, compared to 12.6 GW of wind and solar…


    • #

      ***Wikipedia: Simon Zadek is the Co-Director of the UNEP Inquiry into the Design of a Sustainable Financial System…
      Zadek grew up in London, later attending Bristol University (BSc Economics, 1979). He has a PhD in Economics from Brunel University (An economics of Utopia: the democratisation of scarcity, 1992)…
      In 1992 he joined the New Economics Foundation, becoming its Development Director and leading its work on corporate social responsibility…
      He is also been an advisor to several green and business initiatives, including the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI), the World Economic Forum, and the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD).


    • #

      ‘It found that countries such as Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Indonesia would need to lower carbon emissions 68 percent by 2050 compared to current trajectories in order to keep the world on course to 2C of warming…’
      Blame the ‘other half’ for heating the planet. Hoping that that ‘other’ half endures total economic collapse (due to absurd impossible so called carbon emission reduction) so the ‘west’ will win.

      So exactly what are they going to cry over when the absurd FAKE IMPOSSIBLE 2C (fake) warming doesnt occur? Cry baby or wolf?

      Of course carbon emission reduction means literally NO fossil (coal) hydrocarbon fuel use allowed, no agriculture that might emit methane. So when these obscene wind farms and solar arrays crash and burn..then what? Nuclear isnt allowed either under strict green policies.


      • #

        Vivid Economics: Decarbonizing the Belt and Road Initiative: A Green Finance Roadmap
        ***Downloads Final Report 54 pages
        Thanks also to Nick Robbins and Mahenau Agha and the team of the UNEP Inquiry on Design Options for a Sustainable Financial System, and to Eric Usher and his colleagues at the UNEP Finance Initiative; and also to partners and collaborators of the Financing Climate Futures initiative led by the OECD, UNEP, and the World Bank Group, and Tom Brookes and his colleagues at the European Climate Foundation.

        what else would Vivid Economics say? reminder:

        Vivid Economics: Advisory Group
        Diane Coyle
        She was previously Vice Chair of the BBC Trust, a member of the Migration Advisory Committee and the Competition Commission. She was also the Economics Editor of the Independent to 2001, with previous jobs in HM Treasury and DRI Europe…

        Michele de Nevers
        In 2011 she was a Visiting Fellow at the Global Economic Governance Programme at University College, Oxford. She worked for many years at the World Bank, including as Senior Manager of the Environment Department from 2008 to 2010, where she led the preparation of the World Bank’s corporate Environment Strategy and public consultations on the World Bank Strategic Framework for Development and Climate Change. She oversaw the World Bank’s work on climate change, environmental economics, biodiversity, pollution management and other environmental issues and was part of the management team for the Climate Investment Funds, the $6.8 billion fund for investment in mitigation, adaptation and forestry in developing countries. Previously, Michele worked on World Bank environment and development projects in South Asia, Latin America, East Asia and Eastern Europe and Central Asia…

        Gerard Lyons
        He also serves on a variety of educational advisory boards, including the Grantham Research Institute…
        He is an author and public speaker, as well as a regular commentator for the press and television, including the BBC, ITV, Bloomberg, The Times, The Telegraph and Sky News…

        Anna Skarbek
        Anna is the Chief Executive Officer of ClimateWorks Australia, guiding the organisation’s work in analysing emissions reduction opportunities and partnering with business and government in unblocking barriers to their implementation.
        Anna is also a director of the Clean Energy Finance Corporation and a trustee of the Sustainable Melbourne Fund. She was a member of the South Australian Government’s Low Carbon Economy Expert Panel, the Victorian Climate Change Act Independent Review Committee, the Australian Government’s Energy White Paper Reference Panel, and former Australian Government’s Land Sector Carbon and Biodiversity Board and NGO Roundtable on Climate Change. She is a former director of the Carbon Market Institute and of the Linking Melbourne Authority…
        Before ClimateWorks she worked in London’s carbon markets as Vice President of Advisory with Climate Change Capital…

        Vivid Economics: About Us
        Meet the (massive) Team
        Alex Kazaglis, principal
        He was also Director at the Australian Government’s Climate Change Authority during its first major review of Australia’s emissions reduction targets…
        Alex has a MSc (with Distinction) in Environment and Development from the London School of Economics, where he studied as a Foreign and Commonwealth Office Chevening Scholar, and a first class Honours degree in Engineering and Science from the University of New South Wales…


  • #

    Peter Coleman showed his true stripes when he first arrived at Woodside by blaming all his predecessors for anything and everything (even some of the good stuff????).
    He didn’t carry any of the can for recent Pluto failures which happened under his watch.
    He only survives by way of mother nature – magnicent geological deposits.
    The O&G boys are mad keen to do anything they can to ostracize coal as it is their main threat against ginormous profits.


  • #
    Kevin Anderson

    It’s all about CLASS warfare.
    How to get the working class to EAT insects when Australia has 800 years of coal.

    0.1% percent of the population control %90 percent of the wealth so it’s up to the billionaires of the word to spend “there” money to bring about change.

    Al Gore has spent how much of his 800 million on the environment?

    Obama buys beachfront, you could not make this stuff up!

    Barack and Michelle Obama buying peculiar island retreat for $21.9 million

    The carbon tax is a poor tax.

    Sixty-nine millionaires paid zero tax in 2016-17


  • #

    This just made my day! 😀
    Check the pic!


  • #

    2 Sept: Greenpeace press release: Lack of climate investment creating ’planet-sized debt’ for our kids, new Chancellor warned
    18 civil society organisations, supported by millions of British people, have warned Sajid Javid that the government is on course to miss its net zero target without a big investment in climate and nature.
    by Graham Thompson, Greenpeace UK press officer.
    This can be averted, and the forces of a clean industrial revolution unleashed, with a climate emergency budget to boost investment in infrastructure vital for the climate and nature…

    In a letter to Sajid Javid, leading NGOs from the environmental, development and health sectors are urging him to use the upcoming Spending Round, anticipated on Wednesday 4th September, to kickstart an ambitious programme of public investment to boost clean infrastructure in ways that can tackle social inequality, create jobs, improve people’s lives, and protect British wildlife and nature…

    Polling conducted by Opinium for the NGOs showed that most people (52%) think the government should be spending more on climate and nature, compared to 8% who think we should be spending less. This matches the 52% percent of people who are ‘very concerned’ about climate change, according to a recent ipsosMORI poll, up from just 18% five years ago…

    •The groups who have written to the Chancellor are: Amnesty International UK, CAFOD, Christian Aid, The Climate Coalition, CPRE, Friends of the Earth, Green Alliance, Greenpeace UK, UK Health Alliance on Climate Change, Islamic Relief, The National Federation of Women’s Institutes, National Union of Students, Oxfam GB, The Ramblers, The RSPB, Wildlife Trusts, Woodland Trust and WWF-UK. The full letter can be read here LINK…
    •The letter to the Chancellor is informed by a fuller analysis of the minimum amount of government spending required to address the climate and nature emergencies over the next three years. LINKS


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    behind paywall:

    2 Sept: UK Times: Consumers face £1bn bill to avoid future blackouts, says John Pettigrew
    National Grid boss warns better infrastructure will be costly
    by Emily Gosden
    Preventing a repeat of the worst blackout in a decade by running more backup power plants could cost consumers £1 billion a year, the boss of National Grid has warned.

    John Pettigrew called for a public debate over how much households are willing to pay to avoid such power cuts and said that trains, hospitals and other critical infrastructure should be upgraded to withstand abnormalities in electricity supplies. This could be “a more economic solution” to prevent the worst of the disruption last month, he told The Times in an interview.

    Mr Pettigrew insisted that National Grid, the FTSE 100 company responsible for keeping the lights on and which is under Ofgem investigation over the incident, had done nothing wrong. “The system operated as we expected,” he said. National Grid did not have enough rapid response back-up plants to cope with the unexpected failures because it was not required to under security standards approved by the regulator, he said. Power was automatically cut to some households to restore the supply-demand balance.

    Mr Pettigrew said that holding 2,000 megawatts of back-up power instead of the 1,000MW it had on the day could have prevented the power cuts but the company’s calculation was that “today, it could cost up to an additional £1 billion a year to achieve that”…


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      behind paywall:

      2 Sept: UK Times: National Grid boss John Pettigrew hopes lightning doesn’t strike twice
      by Emily Gosden
      In John Pettigrew’s fifth-floor office in the Strand in central London is a copy of Pivot to The Future, a book about “discovering value and creating growth in a disrupted world”. The head of the National Grid recently endorsed the book, declaring: “We’d better be ready for disruption.”

      He wasn’t wrong. Since the worst power cuts in a decade struck Britain on August 9, the question of National Grid’s preparedness for disruption is top of the agenda, and the subject of a formal Ofgem investigation.
      National Grid’s initial report blamed the blackouts on the simultaneous and unexpected failure of the Little Barford gas plant in Bedfordshire and Hornsea wind farm off the coast of Yorkshire, after a lightning strike to the grid near Little Barford.

      As he sits down with The Times three weeks later Mr Pettigrew, 50, says it’s still not clear why the two plants failed: “There were about 100 units in the UK connected to the network that day, only two units fell off.” What is known is that the lightning strike also led to the failure of a series of smaller plants connected to local power networks, which National Grid insists was “normal and expected”, and that the combined loss of power was greater than the available backup…


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    lengthy, but doesn’t consider just calling the whole thing off:

    2 Sept: BusinessGreen: Can community energy help build a resilient, flexible, net zero energy system?
    by Michael Holder
    This month’s shock grid blackout, which appears to have been caused by an “extremely rare and unexpected” lightning strike, was by today’s standards an unusual event for an advanced economy like the UK. But with massive changes underway right across the electricity system, the incident inevitably sparked a major debate over how best to ensure grid reliability is maintained as the UK transitions to a cleaner and more flexible energy system over the coming years…

    The blackout may, therefore, provide a valuable and steep learning curve for the UK, as it seeks to build a smarter, decentralised, and decarbonised electricity system in line with achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. After all, pressure on the grid is only set to keep growing in the coming years, as increasing demand for products and services that require electricity – including cars, heating systems, and digital technologies, to name but a few broad areas – dovetails with greater amounts of intermittent, renewable sources of power coming online.

    Indeed, National Grid estimates reaching the UK’s new net zero emissions target by 2050 will push up electricity demand from 348TWh a year today to 491TWh in 30 years’ time, when peak demand could spike at 115GW – almost twice that of today. To meet that surge in demand, therefore, 20 per cent more power generation capacity will need building by 2050, it said, while fossil fuel plants will also need retiring…Overall, National Grid estimates the UK will need to flexibly manage at least 13GW of power capacity load during times of greatest demand by 2050, and in order to get there “immediate action” is required…

    Which is where the still fledgling community energy sector may have a critical role to play. That was the topic up for discussion at the latest BusinessGreen Roundtable Lunch, hosted in association with the Energy Networks Association (ENA) last week, which brought together 15 key stakeholders from across the community energy sector to discuss its potential role in the emergence of grids that are not just cleaner, but also more flexible and resilient…READ ON


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    Alice Thermopolis

    WPL is an enthusiastic supporter of the CC orthodoxy because its main product, gas, is substituting for coal in international markets, despite gas also being a “fossil fuel”.

    It does not want heretics upsetting the alarmist narrative, especially around the fourth anniversary of the Paris Climate Summit.

    WPL shareholders should ask questions about the extraordinary shenanigans described above, formally on notice, and from the floor, at the next shareholders meeting.

    They also should lodge complaints/questions/etc with the group’s PR division prior to the meeting.


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    Another Ian


    Why not use that talk as the “Jo Nova Blog Christmas Message”?


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    Ian of Brisbane

    Nothing ever changes, “We’ll all be rooned, said Hanrahan, before years is out”.


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    It sounds as if the emails are libellous. If a case ever came to court, the truth about why they were sent might come out. Not that I would ever recommend libel litigation to anyone! Pity.


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    gas also being a “fossil fuel”. NO sorry. if gas is fossil please explain how the same ‘gas’ is on other planets and moons and in interstellar nebulae.


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    Marjorie Curtis

    What a disgraceful action by Woodside! Some truly mean character must have wanted to make himself feel important.
    And I mean HIM. I do not believe that a woman would have been so small minded. I had better not write any more – I am just too angry. Keep going Jo!


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    Some will say hurricanes are climate related so: Watching the progress of Dorian it has slowed to a crawl, but has also degraded to cat 3. I suggest these are NOT unrelated.

    If my memory serves me well, many years ago a cyclone came to a halt off the Qld coast, and simply died. Cyclones/hurricanes must have warm water below to give them energy but if one stops the cloud and the rain allow the ocean directly below to cool. At least that’s what was said and it makes sense to me.

    If you are being buffeted by high winds you want the damn thing to GO – anywhere and quick and that’s how millions in the Bahamas will feel today but for Florida and the Carolinas – The slower the better.


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    Heres a nice photo of the ignorant climate hypocrites. It would be funny except these religious zealots are blind to their own stupidity.

    Note the diesel generator they’ve hired in to power their anti-diesel protest stage


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      They went further. They said that even if they could get the solar cells, they would have needed the generator for backup anyway. No sheet Sherlock!


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    Heres’s the scarey truth of whats coming dowm the line. How Norway is taxing Conventional cars off the road.


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      What they didn’t say but which can fairly be deduced is that the ICE fleet is getting older. The poorer can’t afford a new car – period. So they keep their old one, each year getting worse against the global benchmark. My 8 yr old hybrid is now a “gas guzzler” compared to my BIL’s new Mazda.


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    Important message from Martin Armstrong:

    Constantly there are stories about how the data has been manipulated and outright forged. Now China’s scientists have come out and warned of global cooling, not warming. These scientists are not reliant on Western government grants and do not need to fix the data to support the global warming agenda.

    see China scientists warn of global cooling trick up nature’s sleeve


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      Kinky Keith

      The Northern hemisphere has been noticeably icy, snowy, cold, freezing and inhospitable now for several years making life in much of the land from Russia across and down to the area above Washington D.C. really difficult to survive in.

      So the Chinese have noticed too.


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    el gordo

    Canavan not happy with companies which buckle to green activists.


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    robert rosicka

    Anyone watching Paul Murray on Sky tonight ? I think they pulled the plug on him three quarters through !


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      I was watching ..on and off….whilst taking a phone call…. and thought it odd that the Sport show seemed to have come on early when i got back ?
      He had earlier mentioned that “management”. Had asked him not to pile on “KK” (Kanealy). but he was going to ignor the advice and have another go at her ?
      Maybe ?


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    el gordo

    Antarctic sea ice not melting from warm water.


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    VIDEO: 4min44sec: 2 Sept: ABC Media Watch: Paul Barry: Reef attack
    Trust the science not the contrarian. The expert panel on the GBR tells the minister to ignore Dr Peter Ridd.
    So, is Ridd right that the reef is fine, as he and his champions in the media proclaim?
    Well, not according to that 11-strong expert panel, which includes top reef scientists like Terry Hughes and Ove Hoegh-Guldberg.
    And not according to the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, which last week produced its latest five-yearly outlook for the reef and downgraded its prospects for the first time from “poor” to “very poor”…WATCH OR READ ALL


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      Ridd is not God, he is only half right. How could he know what the GBR looked like when it really was fine? I saw it and what we have now is but a shadow of its once glory. But it isn’t dead either. Nor will it ever recover to past glory while the COT remains uncontrolled.

      The only reason COT outbreaks aren’t as devastating as they once were is because there is not enough hard coral to maintain a full blown outbreak. [personal opinion but logical]

      Unpopular I know but I’m a big boy now, I won’t fret over red thumbs.

      The crown-of-thorns starfish (COTS) (Acanthaster planci) feeds almost exclusively on hard corals and is endemic to coral reef ecosystems throughout the Indo-Pacific (Birkeland 1990). These large starfish are covered in sharp toxic spines and once grown have few natural predators. Over their lifetime they can produce 100’s of millions of eggs that have the highest fertilisation rate recorded for any spawning marine species. The pelagic larvae produced from spawning can float in the water column for weeks before settlement and can easily travel large distances between reefs.


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        Bolt returned the compliments tonight, and had P Ridd on to reply to MW.
        As usual, the ABC had been “ economical with the truth” !


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          I telephoned a talkback program and asked who owned the Great Barrier Reef? Answer: the public owns it.

          My purpose was to alert this public!

          A few months later ABC’s Tick Fullerton chatted with a financier about “bonds [loans] based on the Great Barrier Reef”.

          Are you alerted?


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        Kinky Keith

        You’ve got me, I’m curious about your experience with the reef over some considerable time and the conclusions you’ve drawn.


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          KK, I’m 77. Used to go to the reef as a boy on the Paluma, my grandfather’s boat and view the reef through a glass bottom boat. Swam it as a teenager.

          After the ’60s COT outbreak swam the Ribbon Reefs north of Cooktown and there just wasn’t any hard coral to be seen, it was devastated and I was crying in my goggles. There has been a couple of lesser outbreaks since. On the most recent trip off Townsville there was definitely some recovery but still not “great”.

          My point is that there would be no one my age at JCU, AIMS or GBRMPA. Dr Robert Endean was researching the COT at the time but unfortunately passed away. I know he said that the painted shrimp predated the COT larvae and the conch shell being harvested for souvenirs may have also been responsible. The COT is like locusts, always around but only occasionally swarm.

          Ridd on Bolt made the point I have that the GBR is a long way off shore and unlikely to be effected by coastal activity. For me it was a hunch but he has tested it scientifically.


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        Bill Burrows

        Hi Hanrahan
        I’m also your age and fish and snorkel the GBR for 1-2 weeks each year. However my experience is mostly south of the Whitsundays. We don’t seem to have anywhere near your COTS problem in the southern zone. The following link is to an article in yesterday’s local rag. The area Alison Jones has extensively researched and focussed on is on the periphery of the mighty Fitzroy estuary. I think you will agree with me that the system is in great shape despite its proximity to Fitzroy outflows.

        If there is one place in the GBR that should be on everyone’s bucket list it is the Swain Reefs east of Mackay. Ignore the activists and politicians and just get there while you can. My next trip is in October and I don’t expect to see any sign of Reef Armageddon!


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          Bill, you have much done many more trips than I, mine have been sporadic.

          The Burdekin also spills a lot of fresh water and silt into the ocean, been doin’ it for millennia and there is no big gap in the GBR opposite so I can’t see how fresh they do damage.


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    behind paywall:

    3 Sept: UK Times: Shock for National Grid from Ofgem over blackout liability
    by Emily Gosden
    Britain’s worst blackouts in a decade have exposed disagreement between National Grid and the energy regulator over the maximum penalties it could face in the event of any wrongdoing.
    Ofgem has the power to “impose financial penalties of up to 10 per cent of a licensee’s turnover” if it finds an energy company to have broken its licence conditions.

    The Times has learnt that Ofgem believes the relevant turnover figure for the National Grid Electricity System Operator, which is responsible for keeping the lights on and is under investigation over the August 9 blackouts, is at least six times higher than the company does. If the operator were to be found at fault and fined this financial year, Ofgem’s figure would imply maximum potential penalties of £140 million, compared with about £22 million in National Grid’s view…


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    3 Sept: Guardian: John Kerry says we can’t leave climate emergency to ‘neanderthals’ in power
    by Lisa Martin
    The former US secretary of state John Kerry has warned that humanity risks marching off a cliff unless governments immediate action to fight the climate emergency.
    In a keynote address to the Global Table food and agriculture conference, Kerry made veiled swipes at the Australian government’s lack of climate and energy policy. He also weighed in on the heated debate about the massive Adani coalmine proposed for north Queensland.
    “We just can’t sit on our asses and leave the political process to neanderthals who don’t want to believe in the future,” Kerry told the audience in Melbourne. “We have a dearth of leadership, but this will turn.”…

    no prize if you guessed the key word in the ex-Fairfax media headline:

    3 Sept: SMH: John Kerry blasts climate ‘Neanderthals’, questions Adani mine
    by Darren Gray
    Former US Secretary of State John Kerry has implored policymakers to consider the jobs being created by the transition to renewable energy not just those lost as the fossil fuel industry declined.
    In a speech in Melbourne on Tuesday, where he also questioned the wisdom of the Adani coal mine development in Queensland, Mr Kerry said solar energy could create “millions upon millions of jobs” pointing to the sector’s surging performance in the United States…

    After the speech Mr Kerry told The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald that he was surprised that the Adani coal mine was being built.
    “We shouldn’t be building huge coal infrastructure going forward. We need to be much more creative and much more disposed to push the curve on the other alternatives,” he said.
    He said he understood that the coal mine had created considerable division in Australia and he understood why…
    “It isn’t going to do you any good to pretend you’re going to have great jobs for the long term with coal when in fact it’s going to be supplanted, it is not a fuel of the future, and it’s going to cost you a lot more to undo the damages that come from climate change than it is to make the adjustment. A great deal more,” he said…


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    China’s industrial heartland fears price of green policy | Financial Times
    Financial Times – 12 hours ago
    Beijing’s push to build a more environmentally friendly economy comes with costs…

    TWEET: Anne-Sylvaine Chassany, Financial Times
    China’s industrial heartland fears price of green policy, via @FT latest installment of our #ChinaSlowingPains series FT
    3 Sept 2019
    Making the Chinese cleaner while it’s slowing is painful
    Coal power plants still a big feature of China’s landscape


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    Dave in the States

    It’s about silencing effective and knowledgeable skeptics. They want to have, instead, a pretend discussion with ineffective and/or inexperienced skeptics who they can easily mock or discredit.

    It’s the same with politicos.


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    Woodside are just small players in the hypocrisy game, and they are careful to make coal the main whipping boy. (Sorry, Australia.)

    If you can get uber-rich through oil – so that your sovereign wealth fund is the biggest fund there is – you can afford some real hypocrisy. Behold Norway’s EV boom, despite the poor functioning of EVs in cold climates…

    EV Carrots:

    EVs are exempt from VAT and other taxes on car purchases and sales.

    Parking in public parking spaces is free.

    EVs can use most toll roads and several ferry connections free of charge.

    EVs are allowed to use bus and collective traffic lanes.

    The company car tax is 50 per cent lower on EVs, and the annual motor vehicle tax/road tax is also lower.

    Battery charging is free at a rapidly growing number of publicly funded charging stations.

    ICE Sticks:

    25% VAT.

    CO2 Tax.

    NOx Tax.

    Weight Tax.

    Exorbitant gasoline and diesel taxes.

    This summary from Oil Price, who can’t afford as much hypocrisy as others in the biz. If the acccount is accurate, it sure shows just how much anti-oil sentiment you can fund with lots of oil sales. Also, Norway can afford to squander electricity what with massive hydro and European interconnection.

    Of course, when Australian states declare war on coal they don’t have quite the hydro back-up, nor can they rely on supply through a tangle of foreign interconnections. We just pray that Qld doesn’t get as hypocritical as the rest of us…and that diesel will keep making its way through the world’s choke points so we can run our (imported) gennies.

    Crash dummies don’t get paid. We skippies need to tool up with some nice new coal plants in a hurry, because a pitiless world won’t give a hoot about our green intentions when we’re skint.


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    Having read the ‘Apology’, I have to wonder if the only thing the writer got right was the spelling of the good doctor’s name!


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    Comrade Eric Arthur Blair once (7 July 1944) commented in the Tribune that the Ministry of Information merely “advises”. Publishers take manuscripts to the MOI, and the MOI “suggests” that this or that is undesirable, or premature, of “would serve no good purpose”. And though there is no definite prohibition, no clear statement that this or that must not be printed, official policy is never flouted. Circus dogs jump when the trainer cracks his whip, but the really well-trained dog is the one that turns his somersault when there is no whip.
    You won’t find this online, not even in Project Gutenberg Australia, but it’s from Vol. 3 “As I Please” of Orwell’s Collected Essays, Journalism and Letters. In another such essay he discusses how Moseley’s thugs would manhandle and expel anyone asking awkward questions at a British Union of Fascists meeting.


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    As I pointed out above the likelihood is Woodside is most worried about pressure from activist shareholders. They don’t want or need that kind of pain regardless of what their internal views are.
    In December of 2018 they received a shareholders resolution from the Australasian Centre for Corporate Responsibility (ACCR) which asks the company to firstly show how they are contributing to meeting Paris accords and then there is a Lobbying resolution:

    Shareholders request that:
    1. The Board commission a comprehensive review of our company’s positions, oversight and processes related to direct and indirect public policy advocacy (Review), including through industry associations of which our company is a member or at which our company is formally represented (Relevant Industry Associations), on energy and climate change, covering the period between the date that the Paris Agreement was adopted (12 December 2015) and the present day. We request that this Review:
    a. for each Relevant Industry Association, disclose the proportion of that Association’s revenue contributed by our company;
    b. evaluate whether advocacy positions* taken by Relevant Industry Associations are consistent with the Paris Agreement as a global framework for limiting the increase in global average temperature to well below 2°C; and
    c. evaluate whether advocacy positions* taken by Relevant Industry Associations, in respect of Australian climate and energy policy, are consistent with our company’s policy and serve our company’s financial interests. *Given that ‘advocacy positions’ by Relevant Industry Associations are not always taken in written form, we request that this Review include, as evidence of such advocacy positions, credible media reporting.
    2. the Board prepare (at a reasonable cost and omitting confidential information) a report describing the completed Review and detailing the proposed actions to be taken as a result of the Review, to be made available to shareholders by the time of the company’s next AGM. Shareholders request that the company integrate reporting on its membership and assessment of alignment into its annual reporting from 2020.
    3. the Board determine, and disclose to shareholders, the criteria by reference to which the company would discontinue membership of a Relevant Industry Association, in circumstances where energy and climate policy consistent with the Paris Agreement are not promoted by that Association.

    this is the kind of nonsense large publicly traded companies deal with all the time (having been on the receiving end of this a couple of times in the past I know it causes considerable angst amongst senior management). They will always make a decision that has the least possibility of stirring up a hornet’s nest or making a bad situation worse. That may seem like a “cop out” to some here but if you were a shareholder of Woodside I think you would not want stuff happening that could possibly lower your share price that had nothing to do with finding and producing oil and gas.


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    Roy Hogue

    Well, Jo, it looks like you’ve arrived. You are now a member of that elite club consisting of those who’re so effective at getting out the truth that they can no longer stand the sound of your voice, so powerful have you become. You might find the atmosphere a little rare in that company because the membership is such high class in both science and good manners.

    Thus does our world sink another step lower into the abyss called chaos.


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    The Sun, not CO2, is responsible for the present Global Warming and the imminent Global Cooling.

    The Scam!
    International financial tricksters want to claim the environmental assets of countries that cannot repay the fantasy money they pretended to lend them.

    If the tricksters manage to seize countries’ environmental assets they know that these produce little money. Therefore they introduce pollution penalties, the ‘stick”:”You horrible polluter, you must pay $1,000 fine”, followed by the ‘carrot’: “…but don’t worry, for only $900 we can sell you some ethical shares (based on the seized rivers, trees, nature reserves etc) to expunge your penalty.”

    They need us to believe that CO2 causes the Global Warming so that they can create financial instruments based on CO2.

    Australia’s responsibility is 2% of 3% (human-produced) of four hundredths of 1% of the atmospheric CO2, equivalent to nothing. By jumping aboard this global falsehood we are being used as a ‘Judas-goat’to trick other countries into this scam.

    There are obviously Woodside people complicit in this scam. Their order to shut you up, and their active ignorance, demonstrate they cannot be trusted with authority.

    Where are the non-executive directors of Woodside who are responsible to stakeholders for monitoring and exposing this non-transparent and suspicious conduct. Where is ASIC? I hope your lawyer is interested.


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    Sorry, sticky keyboard – typo Please correct my previous submisson.

    Instead of: environmental countries that cannot repay

    it should read: the environmental assets of countries that cannot repay…


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    This sucks, but I guess it’s all par for the course with companies being forced to salute the climate change emergency.


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    Hi Jo. Have you thought of doing children’s birthday party’s? The pays better, but they may boo you.


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    Dyspeptic Curmudgeon

    Hi Jo,

    Maybe you should just arrange for an open session, held at a venue near the official site, scheduled for an open slot in the official program. And do you presentation regardless of the official position. And put announcements everywhere. I helped to do this at uni (long ago, galaxy far far away…). Late afternoon in a large Italian/pizza restaurant which was basically open-plan. Worked well. The owner was *very* pleased to have a full sitting hours before the usual evening rush!
    Whether or not you want to supply V for Vendetta masks so that the attendees can be anonymous is a difficult question. Maybe you need some go-fund-me love to pull it off!


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    […] she was invited to speak at the Christmas function of an obscure technical club for petrophysicists, the Formation Evaluation Society of Australia.  A few months later, her invitation was withdrawn after the society’s committee meeting was […]
