They mix one-sided climate hype and six year olds. What did they think would happen?

They declare a climate emergency and use children as political weapons and wonder why children are distressed?

ABC needs to run advice columns now dealing with the aftermath of watching the ABC:

How to talk to children about climate change

ABC Radio National By Sarah Scopelianos

It’s bad:

… one protest, against the Adani coal mine, sparked a “tough moment” for her son, who was around six at the time. He became “absolutely devastated” about global warming and damage to the Great Barrier Reef. “He cried, and he was so distressed, and I was quite taken aback just how strong his feelings were,” Ms Roberts [his mother] says.

Expert psych says give them both sides of the story… no wait, she says turn them into mini activists:

Environmental psychologist and therapist Dr Susie Burke co-wrote the Australian Psychological Society guidelines on talking to children about climate change.

Dr Burke advocates for parents to support their children, which could include helping their child write or send their letters to a local politician, or to heroes of the environmental movement.

“It’s helping children to shift their anxiety from just focusing on the troublemakers,” Dr Burke says.

Skeptics say “teach them history” instead, and that they need to research both sides of the debate.

Ms Roberts, the activist parent, thinks nature made her kids activists:

The Roberts family has a strong connection with nature that began with simply spending time outdoors — camping, gardening, visiting beaches and forests. “That’s mostly where their strong feelings of wanting to get active are currently coming from,” says Ms Roberts, who is a member of Australian Parents for Climate Action.

Does spending time outdoors make kids want to be climate activists, or is it spending time with activist parents really the problem?

She might want to look at the data on postcodes of kids suffering with climate anxiety and eco-fear.

Meanwhile councillor Dick Gross says we should scare them til we have evidence to show they are actually mentally ill:

Is this the right time to say “precautionary principle”:

His council was one of the first to declare a “climate emergency”, and he says there is space for that phrase in conversations with kids.

“The moral panic that we’re terrifying our kids is either not true or it’s exaggerated,” he says.

“To get people to change their beliefs on climate change, you have to have tangible evidence and you have to scare people,” he says.

“Until the evidence comes in that there’s been an outbreak of mental ill health because of the climate conversation, I’ll still continue to take my view that from an epistemological point of view, we have to scare people or at least make them aware.”

If only he had waited for evidence that it was worth scaring kids in the first place.


9.9 out of 10 based on 92 ratings

215 comments to They mix one-sided climate hype and six year olds. What did they think would happen?

  • #

    Have you ever noticed that the activists usually ask for results that will cause pain, suffering and economic hardship to people. Usually the easy targets, the most vulnerable of our societies.


    • #
      Bill In Oz

      The ABC = the ( un ) Australian Brainwashing Corporation !
      So the ABC & especially
      Radio National should be banned for all children
      In order to avoid our children becoming mentally ill !
      Surely Ms Roberts knew this before she started helping the ABC indoctrinate her child !


      • #

        “Radio National should be banned for all children In order to avoid our children becoming mentally ill !”

        In the US, we could require that all NEWS programs use the same ratings scheme as is used on our movies, thus all NEWS programs would be rated “R”, Intended for mature audiences only, though if the program contains Climate Porn, it should probably be rated “X”, unsuitable for children


  • #

    The “Jonestown”® early childhood education method.


    • #

      The UN Agenda 21 program.Section 1V, Means of Implementation… Utopias don’t come cheap. a hefty drain on a nation’s economy, you hafta scare the populace, H.L Mencken adage about keeping them alarmed, and that includes children, as a means to implementing all that costly and controlling regulation Chapter 36, ‘Promoting education, public awareness and training.’ Have to get school children on board, the mandatory international Education Core-Curriculum teaches sustainability from Prep to Year 12, in every subject, even math.

      Yr means of implementation so-o pervasive.Public awareness by public broadcasters, listen to the continuing advertising and admonitions of thou shouldst or thou shouldst not. Leaders of large news outlets, CNN and Time Magazine that include Trilateral Commission members, yr puppet masters of the UN Agenda 21. And Google, remember that Trilateral Commission connection, Google is censoring information. Any wonder the little children succumb to fear ‘n guilt climate hype


      • #

        I guess the first batch of millennials would be at work as K12 [all female] primary school teachers now.

        By the time the students are starting grade 4 they will probably be indoctrinated on Universal Basic Income too.


  • #
    graham dunton

    It is indeed a tragedy, as young minds are like sponges, but at that early stage, have no built-in crap filter. Current education curricular are not assisting those young minds to filter out rubbish, in many cases, teachers are simply adding to it, by expressing their own thoughts and therefore gullibility to non-scientific propaganda.


    • #

      If a 6 year old can believe that the stoner in the Santa suit at the mall is Santa Clause, they’ll certainly believe that monsters like climate alarmism are hiding under their bed and ready to get them. You would think that a rational 6 tear old would figure this out by the time they’re 8, except that being objectively rational is more a result of nurture than nature and that poor 6 year old will still be afraid of the imaginary monster long after they’ve grown up.

      When the scientific truth inevitably comes to light, reconciling the false fear will not be a relief to many and a lot of people will be perched on roof tops and bridges for whom the truth is just too disruptive for them to accept.


    • #

      As a convent educated child I had no problem identifying that a priest who told the class of eight year olds that a boy who bought a pie on Friday and had second thoughts about eating it and threw it over a fence where it was scoffed by a dog and that “that dog died” was lying to us.

      Children can sense implausibility as well as the rest of society.

      It is the sad pair of circumstances that most people are stupid and that Australia’s national commitment to educating its population was overthrown forty to fifty years ago (culminating in Gillard’s National Curriculum) which has landed us in our contemporary morass of illiterate and innumerate gullibility and the accelerating descent to Keating’s banana republic.


      • #

        I was at a Catholic convent school also. There was an Irish nun there who addressed me as ‘a good kartlick girl’! My inward thoughts were on the line of ‘I don’t think so’, although it took me the best part of another 20 years to kick away finally and become an Anglican (another story I’ll not bore you with!). I met that same nun not long after and she asked me if I ‘didn’t miss the autority of the pope?’. I didn’t have the heart to tell her what I really thought of the pope.
        One wants to do the right thing but it has to square with reason, commonsense and inward intuition.


        • #
          Bill In Oz

          Annie I had 13 years of Nuns & Christian Brothers.
          When I finished at CBC Parade and started Uni
          I finished with the RV church.
          Way too much BS !


          • #
            Greg in NZ

            Hear! Hear!

            That makes four of us who survived Irish kartolick nunnery and popish priestish p*****.

            Whipping & caning never hurt us (much) and the world was without end . . . (so far so good)


    • #

      Why do it?
      China’s CO2 emissions are projected to pass 50% of the world’s emissions by 2030.
      China is planning to add a coal burning power station every two weeks for the next 12 years. (over 300)
      The Paris Accord is not just a joke but a really really bad joke. An utterly dumb one.

      It doesn’t matter whether or not we reduce our emissions. It doesn’t and it won’t count — not with over 300 coal-burning power stations appearing in China alone. India is not included in that at all. Nor Viet Nam, nor Indonesia.

      So why do we waste our time, effort and money?

      There is absolutely no point.

      and little temper tantrum (hissy) Missy Greta can go back home assured her home is not warming:

      Still waiting for Screaming Nutbag to explain how Klimate Change causes Australian fires — 😀 Day 4 and counting.


      • #

        “Screaming Nutbag”

        Poor guy is a case of perpetual “swing and a miss”. 😉


        • #

          About 4 decades ago, some scientists were sure the region occupied by geosynchronous satellites held the strongest/hardest vacuum known to man.

          There is another vacuum which is even stronger: that between the ears of a few gullibles, like Harry Twinotter (aka Professor de Havilland), little Mickey, Fitzroy and Screaming Nutbag. 4 harder vacuums.


  • #
    John Shade

    Their children have been harmed by the CO2 Scaremongering, and so have they. It would be better if they, the adults, sorted themselves out before trying to help their children. As it is, I fear they are making things worse for them, and for themselves. They might start with this good post from Donna Laframboise:


  • #
    Lionell Griffith

    When the only evidence you have goes against your position, fear, uncertainty, and doubt is your friend. That way you can convince a child, who’s mind is just beginning to work on only a very concrete level, nearly any false doctrine or belief.

    Case in point:

    “Give me the child for the first seven years and I will give you the man.” Jesuit maxim widely attributed to Ignatius Loyola; (December 24, 1491 – July 31, 1556)

    A presumed saint focused on the elimination of free will and critical thought.


  • #
    James Poulos

    This was the topic of discussion yesterday morning among me and my work colleagues – all well and truly baby boomers who survived the 60’s with its Cold War and the ever present Nuclear Proliferation.

    These last couple of generations are the victims of a mass hysteria similar to the UFO scares in the 50’s because they not old enough to remember the heat waves with train rails buckling and asphalt sticking to bare feet and have no other reference points we otherwise regularly use to question the latest bunch of crap designed purely to part you from your money to pay for The New World Order – these people are even too stingy to stage a coup with their own funds…

    … but these modern green, left, activist parents will have a lot more to contend with when their own children turn on them to demand they reverse the gender reassignments so popularly advocated upon them during the early 2000’s.


    • #

      I suspect that it’s going to be worse than that. It’s not just the Green-Left, but all the SJWs that are producing a generation or more of psychologically scarred people.


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      Kalm Keith

      The gender issue has similarities to the climate change theme where reality is deliberately hidden.

      Mixed gender problems arise during pregnancy as immediate input from the mother as opposed to the well understood genetic mixing.

      Transgender is essentially a spectrum type problem with two fairly clear cut end points.

      As such the attempts at gender reassignment are fraught with danger.

      Popular uprisings like the LGBQTIR movement don’t help and simply make matters worse: very similar to the climate change uprisings, ill informed, damaging populism.



  • #

    Here we are seeing two facets of a common problem – total lack of people being taught critical thinking.

    In the first case the parent didn’t know or didn’t want to know, enough about the process to be able to teach the child the truth or, maybe they were relying on the authority of some ‘expert’ telling them what to think.

    Councillor Dick Gross i9s displaying the other aspect of the problem. He and others have declared an emergency based on feelings rather than solid verifiable facts. I very much doubt that can give verified chapter and verse on what a “climate emergency” actually is and why we should be afraid of it. If he can’t do that then there is no emergency and no one needs to be afraid.


    • #
      Kalm Keith

      Good point,

      Can these activists clearly state the dimensions and meaning of the term.

      For me, a climate emergency is getting caught in the rain without an umbrella and being a bit uncomfortable.

      For people in the northern hemisphere at the moment it might be skidding the car on an icy patch of road or being stuck at home because of a half metre snow drift.

      The modern term “Climate Emergency” is a political term that is strongly associated with manipulation of and profiteering from the public in any way possible.



    • #

      Ivan… this is where the overarching power…the LW journalists…are culpable.

      They can make or break any politician or official at any level by the questions they subject them to and their treatment of the answers.

      Journalists set in concrete all of this mass hysteria ..lies and disinformation when they honored instead of questioned ..the declaration of a consensus that demanded the science be closed to dissenting science…that the people desist from discussing the basis of the CAGW diktat and instead discuss adaptation only….in blind acceptance of the premise that the science was already settled…over…before research on some of the most vital clouds and cloud feedback…had even been done.

      It’s the LW journalists who enabled the sacking of dissenting scientists like Peter Ridd ..Murry Salby…Bob Carter…the forcing of Roger Pielke Jr out of his field of research…and the LW journalists who ran dead on the Climategate emails.

      The LW journalists run dead on all CAGW information…censoring out all but the propaganda.

      It’s the LW journalists who make no demands for disclosure of vested interests by stakeholders and policymakers…it’s they who facilitated the divestment campaign that made coal a pariah as far as large investors were concerned and allowed the RE racket to place a risk premium on coal because of its damaged bankability that they actually caused….so the carpetbaggers could spruik their circular argument…. that because of coal’s damaged status deliberately caused by them to hasten its demise…and because of the economic and material damage to coal from the government-mandated favored status for dispatch for wind and solar that they engineered…coal is a more expensive technology and must be killed off….the last bit being hammered into the Australian psyche …with all the rest dismissed.

      Australia’s LW journalists couldn’t care less about the ‘people’s right to know’ that they sanctimoniously use to excuse their own bad behavior…they’re in the business of making sure the Australian people DON’T KNOW.


  • #

    Child abuse comes to mind. As they get to voting age I suspect there will be much friction between the ages. Then again the school curriculum these days even for older children is so one sided and ill equipped I wonder if there is any future for us as a viable nation for a number of reasons. Of course learning things the hard way as it often the case in the real world outside of the education system (kindergarten to University) will do wonders.


    • #
      Bill In Oz

      Every generation growing up
      Has had to survive all the propaganda ladled out at schools.
      And most people actually survive it and ditch it!
      I’m sure that the current kids will do the same.


      • #

        Yeah its a lot more pervasive now though….

        That said, im telling my teen daughter that it was just as hot as when i was her age…it all goes in….and is anti-propaganda


      • #

        Sorry but thanks to far less discipline at school and at home the trend is now the other way. It will be resolved in the end but not without lots of blood and tears.


  • #

    Last time i looked, abuse of children is the very definition of evil.

    There appears to be a ritualistic theme to all this too, a theft of innocence, a theft of joy, a destruction of childhood.

    Christians recognise these traits as that of the Devil, who comes to kill and destroy and steal.


    • #

      It’s by design by you know who. In the end he will be thrown in the Lake of Fire along with his followers. I will be so glad to see that event.


    • #

      The problem is that these supercilious twits believe they are always in the right. Their logic is, therefore, that if reality conflicts with their worldview then reality must be wrong. When negative outcomes are the result of their actions then some other malign force is at play.

      When children are psychologically harmed because of their climate change hysteria the children are wrong and must be corrected and double down on the climate hysteria.


  • #
    Ken Davis

    The interesting thing is, I work as a counsellor and see people with severe anxiety. Not one of them has mentioned the climate as a problem. Several have said “this scare mongering and media stuff is not helping”. When I ask them what they think about this “climate stuff” – they regale me with stories of hot summers, severe storms of their youth and the impression it is a load of cobblers, or at worst insiginificant to the real challenges they face in their lives.


    • #

      “Not one of them has mentioned the climate as a problem.”

      Ken, that is a very interesting comment. What age groups do you work with?


      • #
        Ken Davis

        15-90 in a massively disadvantaged area. They are more worried about poverty, Centrelink and the dealer next door than slightly warmer nights.


        • #

          15-90 in a massively disadvantaged area.

          I’d posit that the climate loonies are from the more well-off sections of society, where Mum and Dad pay the bills and the teachers handle them with kid gloves.


    • #

      Yes! To my ind it’s the gaslighting that is being done to us that is causing the distress in those of us old enough to remember easily hotter, drier times, worse storms etc.

      What is being done to children (and those already young adults) by the “education system” is disgusting.

      A young cousin of mine was so distressed by what he was being told about the “future of the planet” in primary school (about 5 years ago) that he was a serious suicide risk. I had a long, calm, sensible conversation with him, explaining a lot of things in language he could understand. The conversation I had to subsequently have with his mother wasn’t fun. He’s now almost left school, and is a happy well-adjusted lad who knows he has nothing to fear from the dreaded “global warming emergency”.

      The harm being down to children is an utter disgrace, and idiots like this psychologist who thinks it’s fine to keep scaring kids until they really are scared and need help are dangerous, and to my mind verging on criminal.


    • #

      the “climate crisis” stuff is a kind of post-material concern that is obviously a “problem” for the elites – with no actual worries – not folk facing real issues in their lives. That’s why these insane people try to frame climate change as an imminent threat; is the only way to make people care about anything, but it’s just isn’t something you can waste your time on when you’re live in poverty, have to deal with not having access to healthcare, a proper job, drug dealers and violence, etc. They’re failing because there’s no way to make it something it is not, like that ridiculous campaign saying it’s “like WWII”. If activists were to frame it in realistic terms (I do believe it is an issue, but not an apocalyptic one, just something we’ll have to manage constantly), then we would be able to create logical solutions. But they won’t, hence we’re stuck in a stupid place because they can’t accept anything but their most extreme proposals, and in the mean time, they are damaging the mental health of huge portions of our youth. Disgusting


  • #

    That’s the behaviour of a Climate Cult, indoctrination of children. There will be a reckoning for these parents when their children discover the world is not as their parents tell them. Their parents though were themselves children when this cult was started by Al Gore and James Hansen. And it is the biggest cult in modern history, sucking in the weak minded and vulnerable. A partner to the myth of happy socialism, the scourge of the world in the 20th century.


    • #

      This is certainly cult-like behaviour.
      Now that so much information is readily available in the public domain, there’s no excuse for it to continue.
      How do people who demonstrate cult-like behaviour get deprogrammed?


      • #

        How do people who demonstrate cult-like behaviour get deprogrammed?

        Extremely difficult to do. In any case we tend to let them continue their evil practices until they break the law then they might be handled appropriately under the law. By that time of course it’s too late as many other people will be damaged permanently.


      • #

        I think you to speak truth into thier lives, so they at least have a comparison between goid and evil.

        Evil flourishes when good men & women sit by and do nothing…..


        • #

          and that’s where we are at now. No one is willing to step up and call out the evil that’s is being propagated for fear of being called xxxxx and hauled to the courts. There are a few exceptions but they are in the tiny minority. However, what goes around comes around so eventually the evil doers will get what they deserve.


          • #

            A lot more can be achieved in effect by being a form of resistance movement.

            Speaking truth into peoples lives is critical so people know there is an alternative view, otherwise the Leftist seagulls will run roughshod over common sense and the rank stupidity of the Left will be accepted as reality, when in fact its all invented fairy story…


            • #

              We Christians are the resistance movement. There is no other in the end.


              • #
                el gordo

                Morrison (a practicing Christian) is leading the resistance against climate madness and weather amnesia by doing nothing.

                ‘A sharp slump in new ­investment in wind and solar farms will continue unless a price is put on carbon or the Renewable Energy Target is extended beyond next year, the Clean Energy Council warns.

                ‘CEC chief executive Kane Thornton said ­investment in ­renewable energy had dropped by 60 per cent in the past year and declines would continue without government intervention. He said this would put pressure on power prices and ­reliability as coal generators aged.

                ‘The comments ignited a ­debate about whether renewable energy was the cheapest form of power, as advocates including Anthony Albanese and Malcolm Turnbull claim.’ Oz


      • #

        Hmm. Most information in the public domain is censored by goggle. You have to be really determined to discover the truth to get past that.


      • #

        I got “deprogrammed”. As a millenial I’ve been hearing about global warming for as long as I can remember, and got super scared after seeing the Al Gore movie (I was in highschool). It got to a really bad point in my 20s, but luckily my parents always encouraged us to be critical and read a lot, so somehow I discovered some papers that weren’t alarmist (I believed the 97% consensus was real, so reading actual peer-reviewed papers saying otherwise was shocking)…one thing led to another after that. I also went to therapy for my anxiety – my therapist is an actual professional, not an alarmist lunatic activist like the ones this article show – it helped a lot.
        I do think climage change is an issue but I guess I fall into the lukewarm camp now. But the thing is, I’m naturally skeptical and had an upbringing that led me to finding those things by myself, whereas lots of younger people don’t, and nowadays with social media being so prevalent (it wasn’t when I was younger), it’s harder I think for lots them to be deprogrammed. I do know teenagers that don’t buy into this crap, but many do and it’s sad.


        • #

          Best wishes Fran,
          My journey has been a bit easier, as the Gore film rang some warning bells for me, because the Geography I did back in 1961 and 2 included two things Gore didn’t: Ice Ages and Milankovic cycles; and my course didn’t make any emphasis of CO2 as a problem. I had to go back and check my memory, but came away on the path to realism.
          But the nastiness and widespread propaganda had me confused until I heard about, and read “The Delinquent teenager” by Donna Laframboise, and suggest you might find it useful.
          And then I discovered Jo’s site and have learnt a lot. So, welcome.
          Dave B


    • #

      The lyrics from Pink Floyds Another Brick in Wall seem prescient:

      We don’t need no education
      We don’t need no thought control
      No dark sarcasm in the classroom
      Teachers leave them kids alone
      Hey! Teachers! Leave them kids alone

      Dont really agree with the first line , but when “education” is reduced to indoctrination it fits quite well.


      • #
        Greg in NZ

        Was always under the impression Roger Waters’ lyrics were pertinent to his upbringing during the Second World War,

        during the era of 1930s/1940s Rule Britannia and his own tyrannical, abusive school teachers (who taught only one side of the story). His father was killed in action and, as a result, his mother became smotheringly overbearing and protective.

        “Bring the boys back home . . .”


  • #

    There is evil in the world.


    • #

      There was a time when I would probably have disagreed with you. Not any more.
      But somehow I still hope.
      Dave B


      • #

        Christmas, the real Christmas, is really about that, about hope, David.


        • #

          The Gospel of Jesus actually means “good news”, and good news always brings hope.

          The Left by comparison want to outlaw Jesus and God and impose athiesm.


          • #
            el gordo

            The left in the West don’t want to do any such thing, whereas the fascists in the East have no qualms about crushing religious zealots.


    • #

      Hello Ken. I agree with you. By definition, anything that works against the common good is evil. What we are seeing are the appalling tentacles of evil everywhere. Individually we have to try to live the best lives that we can, but it is darned difficult to do it sometimes.
      I still live in the hope that good will prevail and you can also see much good in the world too.


      • #

        Good point.
        When we have people blatantly putting out false information and scaring children (and some adults), and in many cases for profit, it is an evil situation.

        I would point out that many who I speak to are sceptical on CO2 induced climate change, but there are large numbers with absolutely no idea of science who have swallowed this one hook line and sinker….


        • #

          there are large numbers with absolutely no idea of science who have swallowed this one hook line and sinker

          That would include all politicians except for Matt Canavan and Craig Kelly.

          We are poorly served by our governing class. Sadly Tony Abbott no longer has a say politically.


      • #

        Annie, we’re on the same page, we can only do our small bit. There is so much good around us, so much for children to look forward to, many people being kind and helpful. We are living in the best of times with peace, prosperity, good health, and long and happy lives far outweighing the negatives. “What a wonderful world.” Yet they put this rubbish into the minds of innocent little children. That is evil, and it will come back to bite them.


  • #

    The Electronic Whorehouse by Paul Sheehan

    “I think we are dealing with an octopus … Advertising as news. It’s vert skilfully done. The methods of seducing the media, the ingenuity of the spin has reached the point where we, as a general public, have never been lied to by such a sophisticated means as now.”

    John le Carre to Paul Sheehan

    Lies, fabrications, character assassinations, reputational rapes, point scoring, axe grinding, sneering, smearing and generalised weaselling have become standard fare in the media.

    This is the terrain of The Electronic Whorehous.


    • #

      A prime example is the evening news weather reports and the words used by the weather presenters, scorching hot, etc.

      To describe normal for summer days in Australia, and other descriptions crafted to scare people and support the climate change hoax.


      • #
        John in Oz

        The scare-mongering words are present in all news reports.

        An article this morning regarding a small child swallowing 20 button batteries was touted as a ‘battery emergency’.

        When will we see snail, dirt, everything-within-reach emergencies?


  • #
    el gordo

    Australia’s Environment Minister is dead set green, I demand a reshuffle.

    Ms Ley told ABC Radio Sydney: “The dryness of the vegetation, particularly in the north of NSW, and the reduced streamflow is creating unprecedented [conditions].”

    “That’s what climate science has told me and I completely agree with it.”

    Sussan Ley


    • #

      If she doesn’t do her homework on this properly, then she shouldn’t be in the job.
      Why are so many going along with this monster, fear-instilling scam? Poor children, being used irrespective of the damage done to them. It’s nothing short of child abuse and is evil.


    • #

      ““The dryness of the vegetation, particularly in the north of NSW, and the reduced streamflow “

      Is referred to as drought.

      Droughts are not “unprecedented” in the Australian climate.

      “Science says” 😉 that Australia has had far worse droughts in the past than the current drought.


      • #
        el gordo

        Craig Kelly would be the best Environment Minister, there is nobody else worthy of the position.


        • #

          Craig Kelly would be the best Environment Minister, there is nobody else worthy of the position.

          That’s why ScoMo won’t give him that portfolio. ScoMo is becoming a huge disappointment.


          • #
            el gordo

            I have faith in him, because he knows what we know, yet restrained by the Trots at the ABC. The PM wants to appear as a steady hand at the helm, giving our democracy stability to stand up to Beijing.

            The timeline: ABC goes back to the centre, a BoM audit is called, then a Royal Commission into this whole sorry mess. The children will be overjoyed that the world is not coming to an end.

            In the meantime, renewable subsidies have come to an end, so let us rejoice.


      • #

        … and big fires have always followed the big droughts.
        Australia is the only place where I have watched a dry electrical storm. It was a cloud which bestrode the landscape on legs of lightning, throwing balls of ice at the ground. No rain at all. The ice balls were the size of softballs — huge.


    • #

      I believe that Sydney Harbour Bridge is held up by hot air balloons high in the atmosphere with invisible strands tied to the archway.

      A balloon and snake oil salesman told me.



      • #
        Another Ian


        Have you never heard of skyhooks?


        • #

          They come in handy when using a left-hand screwdriver.


          • #

            and can be used to hold things when using a left handed hammer.

            Although, being strongly left handed, I’ve never had a problem except for skilsaws. Those multiple Expletives Delected machine-tools are strictly right-handed.


    • #

      A Ley Preacher at the Church of Climate Change scientologists maybe?


    • #

      Well, if “climate science” is talking to her, perhaps she needs to see the good psychologist/psychiatrist from the lead story.

      Non-corporeal entities speaking to one is a sign that things aren’t quite right upstairs.


      • #

        Non-corporeal entities speaking to one is a sign that things aren’t quite right upstairs.

        … yep … someone left the floor-to-ceiling windows open … and forgot to draw the drapes.


  • #

    who is a member of Australian Parents for Climate Action.

    Thank god green stickers on the fossil fuel powered car..and anti co2 placards on their front fence of their fossil fuel powered house..will save the planet.
    I have seen several cars filling up in the blue mts with anti fossil fuel stickers..I have pointed out the irony a couple of times..
    I asked one tall guy if it was an electric car..for a “laugh”
    He went mental and started drooling in my face screaming…not a good look for the green team..


  • #

    Shades of Thrombergitist. The only reason a 6 year old would be stressed about anything would be seeing his/her Mother stressed! Kids can be taught to like/dislike anything. The Catholic Church says something like “give me the child until they are seven and we will give you the man/woman”.


  • #
    Michael Hammer

    Maybe more relevant to the previous thread but I thought people would be interested.

    It is 7:44 am on Friday 20th here at home. The BOM claimed 44 minutes ago it was 24.8C outside in our vicinity. I went out to check and was immediately struck by how cold it was, even wearing a jumper I started to shiver so I checked the temperature. The thermometer which has always proven to be very reliable read 16.5C. I live 700 meters from the weather station the BOM claimed was recording 24.8C. So a difference of 8.3C over a distance of 700 meters! I know the terrain around the weather station intimately and it is similar to the terrain in which I was standing.

    This is the same weather station that recorded 58.8mm of rain for November when my rain gauge at home recorded 127mm (it rains a lot in the dandenong ranges east of Melbourne). How is that possible? Because the rain gauge at the weather station was non functional over several days of very heavy rain (the BOM admitted it to us in response to our complaint) and no correction was made to the data.

    They say they can measure temperatures over the entire continent to 0.1C or better yet there is a discrepancy of 8.3C over a mere 700 meters. When does a claim become a joke or worse?


  • #

    This thread reminded me of a Pat Benatar song that should be the theme song of the Climate Change™ education establishment: Get Nervous



  • #
    Travis T. Jones

    Wait. What?

    There are children?

    Wallabies star David Pocock and his wife Emma vow not to have children because they want to save the planet


  • #
    robert rosicka

    This is a sort of war of the worlds repeat where a radio station managed to panick a nation with a fictitious alien invasion .
    Now we have the MSM doing pretty much the same thing about a climate emergency that’s also fictitious but this time it’s kids being targeted .


    • #

      “This is a sort of war of the worlds repeat…”

      And like that 1939 broadcast, Orson Welles denied that he intended to cause a panic, but he did seem a little disingenuous when he said it.


      • #

        I think I heard him say “one doesn’t believe in the radio” to use it as an excuse he was surprised people took his broadcast too seriously. We can say exactly the same thing today – the MSM is mostly fiction and lies, deliberate or otherwise, so the public does not believe in their news. It’s time the broadcast authorities demanded all news broadcasts are given the title as “fiction” by default unless they can substantiate their reports with real evidence.


  • #

    Dr Burke advocates for parents to support their children, which could include helping their child write or send their letters to a local politician, or to heroes of the environmental movement. “It’s helping children to shift their anxiety from just focusing on the troublemakers,” Dr Burke says.

    What a shameless quack.

    She’s not even interested in the piece-of-mind of the child from delusion (i.e. because she’s the actual delusional nut-in-chief), or in assisting to not fall victim to mere delusional figments, she’s instead encouraging them to entertain delusion and be harmed, controlled, driven and confused by them all the more. Especially by the ensuing lack of human-scale change, while she portrays pleasant carefree normality as a “crisis”. What a worse than useless blind-guide.

    Hey quack, head’s-up, there’s no such thing as an “environmental psychologist“, you’re a pompous delusional crackpot – look after children properly or don’t have them, you irresponsible mentally-toxic fruitcake.

    Children’s subverted minds are not your political and ideological embellishments.

    You have only one job, to love them and teach them how to survive and learn how to adapt to change, rather than fill them with faux fears, anxiety and misdirected anger at imaginary memes. When they get older they will figure out it was you all along, who caused them so much unhappiness. What depression and resulting smile-less heavy-heart sadness is very good at, is removing petty distraction and focusing the mind on observing and learning directly. They will see your game and figure out the truth, due to necessity, and they’ll realize it was you all along who led them into misery and a time and life-wasting mental cul-de-sac.

    They will not forgive you so don’t expect good relations or happy days with your offspring from there, they will give you the scathing contempt you deserve.


    • #

      Write to them:
      Or any other psychological society around the world; they are all apparently in lock-step with this madness.
      I told them I practice the exact opposite of what they recommend, and have been successful in de-brainwashing one or two kids and a few adults. I know one or two members of their Society who agree with me, but didn’t tell them who they are of course.


  • #

    I wonder how far this form of child abuse and others like it will go before those responsible behind the scenes are arrested, charged and put behind prison. Geta’s case is another example. She is effectively a blank slate with about the same amount of intelligence as a blank slate being used by others to push a scam. For those who haven’t scene her embarrassed sick performance see:
    The real Greta Thunberg without her script


  • #

    Does an epistemological have any connection to Jeffery Epstein?


  • #

    I loathe these parents.


  • #

    A few years ago I met up with a friend. I hung out with him for about half a week doing a woodwork project.
    The whole time he kept uttering bitter mutterings about when the storms come and and so and so happens with the sea, the people who did nothing will pay, they’ll suffer.
    I held my tongue the first few days.
    After the 3rd or fourth day it became really grating.
    This guy was living and driving around in a diesel camper van, using power tools, and had an iPhone.
    Then I cracked.
    During a ride home (with him driving like an entitled class of econutter, who was simply allowed to be a bastard in traffic)subjected to the NZ National progrom with some guest going on about the then reached tipping point, and him repeating the mantra those that did nothing etc I told him to shut up. And attempted to explain to him about the UN its history and the IPCC and the mechanisms by which this fake science has been foisted upon the world.
    Well, it didn’t work too well haha.
    Haven’t seen or spoken to him since.
    I am now one of them who will pay. Ok Ok.


  • #
    John F. Hultquist

    If we assume many of the children are mid-teen (call it 15) and 11 years rolls by and the climate, the cities, and society are substantially unchanged in the context of carbon-based fuel – – – What then?

    All these folks (ages say from 24 to 30) would normally be at their most dynamic and productive [not meaning babies]. I wonder if they will be clogging up the psychological offices of people who themselves don’t know what was/is wrong about cAGW?

    Did your parents exchange a nice coin for one of your teeth, or give you gifts brought to them by a heavy-set jolly fellow in a red and white costume?
    What did you do when you found the truth?

    I hope the activists of today will transition as easily as most of you, and I did. I fear that won’t be the case.


  • #


    Today ECMWF temp forecast:

    Thunderstorms popping up west and north of Whyalla at present. Not a good morning to get dry-lightning or a subsequent dust storm if they collapse quickly.

    111 deg F (44 C) in Melbournistan this afternoon with NW winds in east SA and western Vic, plus a large area of hot air with light winds over NSW. This afternoon should bring the worst conditions of the current hot patch. A long line of storms moves into southern NSW tomorrow and pushes the heat north into central and northern areas of NSW.


  • #

    OT – What are the odds for rolling blackouts today?

    Both Victoria and South Australia are forecast for extremely high temperatures this afternoon and one of the Loy Yang units (560 MW brown coal) and Mortlake (566 MW OCGT) are both still down so I think both states face rolling blackouts today.

    At the very least, they’ll be firing up the jet engines and the wholesale price will sit at the market maximum for a while. The thermal generators, Snowy and Tasmania Hydro will be raking it in.


    • #

      Sorry, only one of the Mortlake generators is down so there is 283 MW more peaking capacity than I stated. I still see rolling blackouts being likely and at the least, the Mortlake plant will share in the profits from the price spikes.


    • #

      There’s wind close to the coast in SA today. Storms forming over eastern SA this morning will create high cloud tops which degrade solar generators during the day. A moderate dust storm is being forecast this afternoon in central and eastern SA, which drifts N and also SE toward Victoria. The dust is likely to remain lower down so probably won’t propagate far before thinning. There’s only light mid-level and upper-level winds today over SA, VIC and NSW, so whatever high layer forms should stick around and move only slowly approx SE.


      • #

        Yes, it will be interesting to see how far inland the wind from the Bight penetrates. Most of the windfarms may not benefit from them, particularly those in Western Victoria. My generator is tested and ready.


        • #

          Both SA and Vic have much more winf generation than yesterday.
          To the point that SA has dialed down much of its gas generation.
          Tas has been dialed down and importing from Vic all morning
          Unless that dust and storms kill the solar, theey are in a better situation today than yesterday.


          • #

            Just under 2 GW more but Melbourne was very mild yesterday so the airconditioning load will MUCH higher in a few hours than yesterday and the wind farm output has been trending down over the past hour.

            So let’s see how it pans out.


          • #

            3 hours later and the wind generation for SA & Vic has fallen to only 600 MW more than yesterday with temperatures still rising. The wind generation now seems to be stabilising but I seriously doubt it will compensate for the higher demand. Victoria’s demand has already exceeded yesterday’s peak by 700 MW with prices now spiking and SA is within 300 MW of yesterday’s maximum demand.


            • #

              I’ve just looked at some of the temperature logs in the worst affected area the humidity is way down in the single digits at many sites. Thus the feel’s-like temperature is also way below the reported headline temperature level. Many feel’s like temps are only about 35. (i.e. ISA +20), or equivalent to about 95 degrees F.

              That hardly makes for an extreme heat impact, yes, it is hot and dry, but even a ceiling fan will keep you sufficiently below heat stress level in the shade with those conditions. Add a shower and some evaporation, and you’d feel fine. So probably not going to make for an unmanageable power demand.

              High-level clouds from this morning’s storms have just begun to cover Adelaide’s roof top solar panels which probably accounts for extra inter-connector power draw from QLD coal stations.


          • #
            Andrew McRae

            Both SA and Vic have much more winf generation than yesterday.
            To the point that SA has dialed down much of its gas generation.

            During the last five minutes:
            There is 750MW export from Qld to NSW.
            NSW is using about 80MW of that.
            There’s 670MW exported from NSW to Vic.
            Vic is using slightly less than half, and it is also importing from Tas.
            Slightly more than half, about 360MW, is being exported to SA.
            SA is receiving 360MW import which if you follow the import chain comes from Qld.

            Once again the coal and gas electricity generators in Qld are keeping the lights on in the renewable energy wonderland of SA. Isn’t wind power amazing.


    • #
      robert rosicka

      Just look at the wholesale price in SA as compared to other states , we have dodged big blackouts so far but only through luck and hard work by AEMO .


      • #

        Yes, the grid engineers and market operators have done too good a job masking the problems caused by the intermittency of the renewables. The amount of extra work they have to do vs a decade ago must be staggering.


        • #

          Remember, SA have a new 200MW gas generator that has just come on line this year


          • #

            That new 200MW gas generator will operate during the peak pricing periods. Yesterday there was 90 minutes of $14,000 MWh operation, even with the Heywood and MurrayLink interconnectors being able to supply at full capacity. Today, that’s not going to happen.


        • #
          Another Ian

          Think of the overtime


      • #
        Andrew McRae

        The distinction between Vic + SA versus Qld is amusing.
        Ratio between 6pm price and 9am price…
        Qld : Smooth curve up to factor of 2x higher at 6pm.
        Vic + SA : Sudden spikes up to a factor of 10x higher.
        All fine and normal, move along, nothing to see here.


    • #

      You know, there are things you see on ABCTV one time, and then, after it gets pointed out that it’s wrong, you never see them again.

      They were talking about what Premier Andrews was saying the other day about how those Victorian coal fired plants are so unreliable, and they will go off line in the heat because they can’t handle the heat.

      The talking head then proceeded to mention the plants that are off line in Victoria. (Not individual units at those plants but the ….. PLANTS themselves) Now, I knew that there was one coal fired unit at Loy Yang (Unit 2) that was down, and the other was a gas fired Unit at the Mortlake plant.

      However, the ‘talking head’ then proceeded to explain which of those ….. coal fired plants were off line, and to back him up, he used an on screen map to show those evil filthy disgusting coal fired plants which were off line, including the names above each of those two plants in ….. Victoria. One of them was at Loy Yang (tick) and the other, including the map location on screen and the name was ….. Bayswater, and wanting to get it right he showed that Melbourne suburb Bayswater, the suburb location in Melbourne.

      Now, I know full well that other Unit was at Mortlake, but in their rush to get the sensational story, they picked a coal fired power plant Bayswater, (which is in Muswellbrook in the Upper Hunter region of NSW) and said that coal fired plant was in the Melbourne suburb of Bayswater.

      I never did see that same ‘voice over’ again.

      A case of not checking, and then being caught out, and removing it, hoping no one noticed.

      Oh, and no point even thinking about looking for a reference link, because you can bet London to a brick there is no evidence it even existed in the first place. 999 people out of a thousand would not even have noticed it in the first place, thankfully, says the team at our ABC.

      Oh, and coal fired Units unreliable in the heat. These are Units which operate at hugely high temperatures, so a rise in the outside ambient will make no difference whatsoever to most of that operation.



      • #
        Another Ian


        Colorado State University range and forestry students annually present

        “The Toothless Saw Award”

        to a deserving staff member for things like that.


      • #

        It’s utterly infuriating. How about mentioning that solar panels are less efficient over 25C and that there is NO wind here in Vic atm? They don’t want to know because it doesn’t suit them to know.
        It is 36C here after a very brief spike to 37C. We started the day on 11C and it was a very pleasant and enjoyable day up until it hit over 25C, at which point my wimpish self opted out of much outside work!!!


        • #

          Good gracious me…I’ve copped my turn at moderation. 🙂


          • #

            Ir concerns me Annie, my grandmother used to say everything in moderation, and this website seems to be proving that she was right.



          • #

            Maybe you shouldn’t have called yourself a w*mp! 😀
            … or it’s just your turn.


            • #

              I did wonder if that was what sparked my descent into the sin bin!
              I’m happy to take my turn anyway!


              • #
                william x

                I have been sin binned numerous times and I wonder why.

                Its ok, the moderators are not to blame, it is an algorithm used to protect the site. My posts are eventually cleared apart from one or two. Try posting on the guardian or The conversation websites. They allow no debate against their consensus or view.

                Welcome to the sin bin my friend!!


        • #

          “It’s utterly infuriating. How about mentioning that solar panels are less efficient over 25C…”

          And here in Northeastern Ohio, US, this time of year, they’re really inefficient when they’re covered with snow.


      • #

        And right now in Victoriastan, coal is delivering a constant 4.2 GW, gas 0.4 GW, hydro 0.5 GW, wind 1.2 GW, large solar 0.2 GW, rooftop solar 1.1 GW. That’s a total of 7.6 GW.
        AEMO Shows current Vic demand as 6.6 GW because they don’t include rooftop solar as it is “behind the meter”. Vic is sending 0.4 GW to SA as it’s also a very hot 40 degree plus day there, and Vic is receiving 0.4 GW from Tas and 0.3 GW from NSW, while NSW is receiving 0.9 GW from Qld.
        Vic demand per AEMO is forecast to peak at 9.0 GW at 6pm, up from 6.6 GW, so where will the extra 2.4 GW come from as the sun goes down and wind starts to drop from its 60% capacity factor? Perhaps another 0.5-1.0 from hydro, 0.5-1.0 GW from gas, and cutoff SA.


        • #

          And right now in Victoriastan, coal is delivering a constant 4.2 GW

          Again, another case of no one in the media even bothering to check.

          The nameplate for ALL coal fired power in Victoria is 4690MW.

          The ONE unit of ten that is out of action has a Nameplate of 530MW. (Loy Yang 2)

          That leaves a remaining operational Nameplate for those nine Units of 4160MW.

          They are currently delivering 4190MW straight line across the page for the last few days, operating at a Capacity Factor of 100.7%

          Yep, Daniel Andrews ….. totally unreliable eh!



        • #
          robert rosicka

          Is one of the extension cords into SA overheating?


        • #

          they don’t include rooftop solar as it is “behind the meter”.

          They cannot provide accurate generation figures for rooftop systems so they have to be treated as “negative demand”. And now with the cloud cover over Melbourne, the demand suddenly rockets up as this negative component becomes greatly diminished.

          The pricing is getting interesting with a slight drop as demand has increased from 6.95 GW to 7.3 GW in the past half hour. I wonder if this has to do with wind generation stabilising since then rather than dropping off as it was for the prior 3 hours.


        • #

          Update at 5pm AEDT. Vic demand now 9.0 GW, 0.4 GW from Tas, 0.2 from NSW and 0.1 from SA.
          Coal continuing to deliver 4.2 GW, gas up to 1.5 GW, hydro up to 1.8 GW, wind down to 0.3 GW, large solar 0.2, and rooftop solar 1.1 GW.
          Price has been averaging $250/MWhr all afternoon, but for some reason forecast to be down to $120 at the evening peak.


          • #

            Update at 8pm AEDT. Vic demand still at 8 GW. Wind delivering 0.4 GW, Solar zero.
            0.3 GW from SA, 0.3 GW from NSW and 0.4 GW from Tas.
            Hydro delivering 0.8 GW, 1.5 GW from gas, and 4.1 from coal.
            So who do you rely on to keep the lights on on a still 41 degree evening? Why, fossil fuels.
            And the spot price $84/MWhr.


      • #

        That talking head was a lot smarter than the majority of cowardly imbeciles who reside within the ABC.


  • #
    Travis T. Jones

    Scary …

    Climate Change is Coming for You and Your Children


  • #
    el gordo

    “To get people to change their beliefs on climate change, you have to have tangible evidence and you have to scare people,” he says.

    I have it, see how the subtropical ridge has collapsed only over Australia. Its really weird, but not scary.


    • #
      el gordo

      We are still feeling the effects of Sudden Stratospheric Warming.


    • #

      NZ is now in a conveyor belt of deep low pressure systems coming over Tasmania, and over NZ.
      Lots of stormy weather. And will likely light the fire tonight in Wellington. Southerly gales rain and a low of 10. Which is always a degree or two lower than what is forecast of late.
      For several years or more the pattern had these low pressure systems swing up over Victoria then departing the NSW coast for NZ as a warmer air mass with much less rain.
      Very interesting stuff. The switch was quite sudden.


      • #
        el gordo

        A couple of months ago BoM forecast Sudden Stratospheric Warming and the effect on the ground over early summer.

        ‘Apart from warming the Antarctic region, the most notable effect will be a shift of the Southern Ocean westerly winds towards the Equator.

        ‘For regions directly in the path of the strongest westerlies, which includes western Tasmania, New Zealand’s South Island, and Patagonia in South America, this generally results in more storminess and rainfall, and colder temperatures.’


      • #
        el gordo

        Also in this recent abstract the authors mention the QBO and its cyclic behaviour, in relation to SSW.


      • #
        el gordo

        ‘And if the different phases of the QBO are introduced, a large solar signal is found in the eastphase of the QBO (more than two standard deviations). It is shown that the QBO not only modulates the solar signal on the decadal scale, but that the QBO is itself modulated by the solar variability.’

        Labitzke and Kunze 2009


      • #

        This is part of the Southern Jetstream being much stronger than it should be in Summer, it’s regularly pushing very high-speed jets NE over the whole Tasman Sea bringing up colder air for several days, which is occasionally running it up over TAS-mania, VIC-mania and southern NSW.

        Indications are another strong deep SWerly jet arrives over the Tasman beginning from the 27th and builds strength there until around new years eve. So rain and snowfall should keep coming after Boxing-Day.


      • #

        Antarctica and the Southern Ocean form NZs weather factory.

        We’re moving into cooling now …


    • #

      … see how the subtropical ridge has collapsed only over Australia. …

      Sinking (anti-clockwise) air is being cancelled out via rising clockwise (inflow) warmer lower-pressure lower-troposphere air. Of course when Australia is getting hotter like this Lows dominate and upper-level outflow from the Low is still also flipped to and anti-clockwise flow (like the Highs) and this Low outflow occurs on a continent-wide scale. Except it is rising, as opposed to a High’s air sinking, so higher surface temp displaces the High from the continent.

      Now that may result in a more kinky jetstream flow as well, but it’s an artifact of the Australian land mass heating, and it’s resulting continental-scale “Heat-Low” each summer. That upper level Heat-Low (anti-clockwise cirrus outflow) is on the national Sat loop now. A High ridge won’t sit on top of that for long.

      I suspect Australia’s just still seeing a heating effect from the last major El-Nino of 2015/16, simply because the temp level has not yet dropped back to the Hiatus level, due to several weak and short El-Nino attempts which have occurred since. The last one just ended last month.

      Note that Low-pressure systems are getting spun-up way out in the central SW Pacific then drift SE, i.e. a pattern typical of El-Nino. And if you look at SSTA you’ll see there’s a large and impressive hotter pool that’s just formed east of NZ. In fact ECMWF shows a Solomon Island Low forming into a cyclone before new year and beginning to heading off SE over the central South Pacific.

      All very reminiscent of an El-Nino cyclone movement. Plus we’ve got the drought and heat-waves in Australia due to that series of small weak El-Ninos which have not allowed the Temp to drop back to the Hiatus level again.

      If we can get two full years without another failed El-Nino the temps will revert to the mean and the High ridge more likely to reassert itself.



      • #
        el gordo

        ‘ … so higher surface temp displaces the High from the continent.’

        Your explanation is perfectly rational and doesn’t require a collapse of the STR. I imagined it may have had something to do with the SSW (which takes a couple of months to settle down), or perhaps the QBO moving into its Easterly Phase, but according to Judah Cohen (AER) the QBO is still lingering in its Westerly Phase.

        Can you see any SH cooling signals? Its just that at Xmas parties I’m hearing a lot of ‘unprecedented’ and ‘its the end of life on this planet’, so I need a strong counter argument to save my tattered reputation.


        • #

          I’m hearing a lot of ‘unprecedented’ and ‘its the end of life on this planet’, so I need a strong counter argument …

          Never forget to ask yourself, “What would Monty Python do at this Christmas party?”

          You could dress up like Greta and hype the Sense-o’-Doom™ until everyone falls about laughing. Not really a science argument but they’d know not to take you on again. 🙂

          I jest. 😉

          I’ll drop bigger comments with links into the Weekend Unthreaded, and put some meat on the bones of the record jetstream flow within both hemispheres. Got to go write them, maybe going out on a limb and just pointing out the logic of what I see happening will move a discussion/critique of a cooling and causative mechanism along a bit. See you there.


          • #
            el gordo

            Look forward to it.

            Found myself seated next to a zealot over dinner and neither of us spoke for a long while, then I said let us talk about the science but nothing else.

            He knew nothing of course and I didn’t prompt him, so being Xmas we talked about the virgin birth.


            • #
              Greg in NZ


              Mary: I’m pregnant.
              Joseph: How did it happen?
              Mary: It was immaculate.
              Joseph: Oh it better be, Mary, it better be.

              Robin Williams, ‘Biblical History’,
              Live On Broadway (2002).


  • #

    here’s the good news. not necessary to subscribe. don’t click anything, just scroll down:

    21 Dec: UK Spectator: We’ve just had the best decade in human history. Seriously
    Little of this made the news, because good news is no news
    by Matt Ridley
    Let nobody tell you that the second decade of the 21st century has been a bad time. We are living through the greatest improvement in human living standards in history. Extreme poverty has fallen below 10 per cent of the world’s population for the first time. It was 60 per cent when I was born. Global inequality has been plunging as Africa and Asia experience faster economic growth than Europe and North America; child mortality has fallen to record low levels; famine virtually went extinct; malaria, polio and heart disease are all in decline.
    Little of this made the news, because good news is no news…READ ALL


    • #

      Good story Pat – I suspect we reached “peak-green” about 5 years ago when the obvious environmental waste was finally taken out of most products and services.
      But for the lefties that was just an opportunity to capitalise on mass gullibility to advance their equality agenda.
      It will be all downhill from here.
      Someone smart said “It starts as a Movement, turns into a Business, and then becomes a Racket” … how very true.


    • #

      That story is so far behind the “hottest decade on record” that it will not get a mention in Australian media.

      The big stories in Australia are temperature, bushfires and PM’s absence. Every state is on fire, smoke haze is blanketing the eastern states and Australia just had its hottest day on record. Meanwhile the PM is chillin in Hawaii when he should be at home fixing Climate Change.


  • #

    You know, Darwinism is at work here. Do you think many of these anxiety inflicted children will be able to sustain a family of there own?
    Sure, the next generation will have a huge mental health bill but – stuff them – that’s the disruption that they truly brought on themselves.
    Nature has her way of leveling things and I’ll be gone knowing that my kids are fine and have been inoculated against this disease.
    The problem with equality for everyone is that some people just can’t help making bad choices by simply believing the marketing people.


    • #
      el gordo

      ‘ … some people just can’t help making bad choices …’

      We can turn the world upside down over night by purging the ABC and BBC of Trots. Don’t blame the masses, they have been brainwashed.


  • #

    Filling kids’ heads with spooks while keeping them indoors and inside their heads. If they do go out it’s slip-slap-slop and full armour against sunshine (as opposed to the commonsense of move constantly in the sun, rest in full shade). The greasy film on the water shows that everyone has slipped, slapped and slopped…but better smear on some more now…

    Remember kids: lizards and ants could be dirty and might bite you, but you can get all the sparkly unicorns and (guessed at) dinosaurs you like during your extensive screen time. And if you stay inside you won’t need to slip, slap and slop against the killer climate. On second thoughts, maybe a thin application for indirect sunlight while you watch a nature documentary…


  • #

    For alarmists it’s easy child’s play,
    To threaten a scary doomsday,
    In their climate-change plan,
    With a dread bogeyman,
    To make innocent young minds their prey.


  • #
    Geoffrey Williams

    A few months ago Greta Thunberg accused us all at a UN conference of stealing her childhood;
    How ironic was that, the truth is that it is climate activists like Greta’s own parents who have robbed her of her childhood. She has been launched head on from a 15 year old socially depressed schoolgirl into the world of climate politics where she will be subject to enormous social media pressure. Will she mature into a happy adult and will she thank her parents for stealing her childhood?


  • #

    It immoral to lie to people, last I looked….however…..

    Apparently lack of hazard reduction of burning is not a factor in allowing too much fuel to burn, thus creating moster fires….

    “Do not look behind the curatin at that man”
    – Wizard of Oz
    “Wizard of Oz”

    “How much closer to their doors must the fire burn? It’s immoral not to connect the dots


    “Scientists have been warning for decades that Australia is exceptionally vulnerable to risks from a changing climate, including reduced rainfall, extreme heat and bushfire. The link between greenhouse gas pollution, rising heat across Australia and declining cool season rainfall in mainland southern Australia is clear. These trends are contributing to drier soils and vegetation, increasing the probability of bushfires.


  • #

    The UN’s Framework Convention on Climate Change put global expenditure on climate change at $681 billion in 2016. Who knows how much has been spent overall on trying to control the climate so future generations don’t perish. Despite the massive expenditure on climate change, emissions have risen and the planet has warmed. Right now, more than 1 billion people suffer from hunger. This means that 1 in every 6 people on Earth don’t get enough food to live a healthy life. This year 36 million of these people will die of hunger! Their lives matter just as much as future generations, I would argue more because future generations don’t exist yet. The world has its priorities all wrong. Stop spending money on climate change and feed the starving.


    • #

      FlimFlam goes on a bout moralizin about not doing anything about climate chnage, but in real terms, shutting down the climate change monster would be the moral thing to do feed so many people….


  • #

    19 Dec: ABC: Sunshine Coast bushfires treated as suspicious after third blaze in three months
    By Amy Sheehan
    Police say it’s too early to know whether they’re dealing with a serial arsonist following another bushfire in the Peregian region yesterday but have confirmed the last two fires are being treated as suspicious…
    The cause of yesterday’s blaze and a previous fire at Peregian in October are still under investigation.
    Two teenagers were arrested and charged with lighting a fire at Peregian Springs in September…

    “I heard mention that the previous fires had some concerning attributes to them and we will certainly be doing whatever we can to identify the evidence if there is any over the next day or so,” Acting Superintendent Lewis said.

    “It angers me, it’s frustrating because the people of Peregian … they don’t need this and the anguish that this causes people, let alone the damage, is horrendous and it’s irresponsible if people are deliberately lighting these fires.”
    He said “human intervention” had been determined on both recent fires but it was not clear if that was deliberate or accidental.
    “I understand there were a number of people seen in the area yesterday afternoon and the residents have been extremely helpful in providing some footage,” he said…

    QFES Sunshine Coast Superintendent Michelle Young has made a public plea for fire bugs to stop…
    “Because there were multiple ignition points, it does look that way, but at the moment that has not been confirmed.”…

    Fire crews will conduct back burning today and monitor for any further flare ups, with conditions expected to be more favourable today…


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    19 Dec: Daily Caller: Biden Says He’s Willing To Sacrifice Hundreds Of Thousands Of Blue-Collar Jobs In Oil And Gas
    by Shelby Talcott
    Former Vice President Joe Biden said during Thursday’s Democratic debate that he is willing to sacrifice hundreds of thousands of blue collar jobs in oil and gas in an effort to help fight climate change.
    One of the moderators during Thursday’s debate asked Biden if he would “be willing to sacrifice some of” the growth that “three consecutive American presidents” have seen in the economy. This economic growth has occurred partly due to oil and gas production.
    “The answer is yes,” Biden said, even after the moderator noted that the move could displace hundreds of thousands of jobs. “The answer is yes, because the opportunity, the opportunity for those workers to transition to high paying jobs, as Tom [Steyer] said, is real. We’re the only country that’s taken great crises and turned them into enormous opportunities.”…

    Biden did not elaborate on what specific jobs these displaced American workers would have available to them.


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    You’ve obviously run out of ‘evidence ‘ if this is your level of science.


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    Another Ian

    Around this area

    “Movie: Phil Valentine’s An Inconsistant Truth”


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      The teacher exploding two children in a classroom @ 1:11:15 (saw it a long time ago when it tan rampant for a while) for not following the carbon emissions reduction agenda is a perfect example of the psyche of the CAGW alarmists. I liken the Greens to the “brown shirts” of Nazi Germany.


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    Forecast indications are a similar heat-wave will commence in western SA on the 27th and move into Victoria by the 29th. Looks like it’ll continue through the 30th. Similar temp ranges to this one (i.e. another typical summer heat wave which happens multiple times every year, only this time it’s a world-ending “crisis”).

    Your Summer-o’-Doom hysteria broadcast will resume after a (smokey) Sydney to Hobart race is run.


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    Oh, I dunno. I suspect that his son Hunter is destined for a certain notoriety.


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    A little off track, but relevant to the current “we’re all going to die” and “smashing records” media hype.

    6 Highest December Temps Melbourne(from BoM data)

    MELBOURNE REGIONAL OFFICE 1,1,1855 -> 5,1,2015
    15-Dec 1876 43.7
    24-Dec 1868 43.3
    05-Dec 1898 43.0
    24-Dec 1857 42.9
    31-Dec 2005 42.9
    20-Dec 1869 42.4
    MELBOURNE (OLYMPIC PARK)Year site opened: 2013
    19-Dec 2015 41.2
    31-Dec 2015 39.7
    19-Dec 2013 39.2
    28-Dec 2016 38.2
    07-Dec 2018 38.0

    Blood hot in the 1800’s
    And I’m sure back then, Melbourne wasn’t the ‘concrete heat sinking metropolises’ that it is now.


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    Hi Jo

    I saw a funny thing on the ABC news this morning. They sent one of these young reporters who fill in for the regulars at this time of year out to a Melbourne beach to report on the record heat etc. and he said that if the temp gets to the expected 47C it would be a record for December not seen since 1876. Poor bloke, didn’t anyone one tell him that only records set in the last 20 years are to be mentioned on the ABC? He’ll cop it when he gets back to the office.

    What will happen if Joe Public gets the idea that most of Australia’s record hot days happened between 1870 and 1920? They might even start to get the crazy idea that man-made emissions of CO2 are not a driver of the global climate! Oh Noooooooooooo!


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      We drove back from seeing Star Wars this afternoon (dont bother btw) and our outside temp went to 47C.

      We were on 4 lanes of bitumen in a shopping strip, so there is that. Went to 37 through the forest and back to 43C on arrival at Chateau Yarpos. Was it naughty to leave the a/con? Oh well.


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        william x


        Star wars, I haven’t seen it yet.

        In the movie, I guess the characters will have perished because the universe was under threat in the year 2340 due to climate change. This was due to the Australian governments’ lack of commitment in saving the universe due to their inaction in 2019.

        Am I close?


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        No way am I going to see Star Wars. Not even a miracle could fix what got broken in the last one, and JJ Lost all his miracles.


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    Reed Coray

    When I studied physics in the 60s and 70s, the second best teacher I ever had was a seven year old who knew more about physics than most of today’s “warmers.” The best teacher I had was was a five year old. He beat the seven year old because he knew the “coming ice age predictions” were just so much propaganda; and with his knowledge of the coming CAGW, he shook with fear whenever the subject came up. Very convincing.

    I believe anyone who promotes advocacy in children under about 14 is way more interested in his/her image in society than he/she is in the mental health of the child.


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    The already brainwashed are just continuing the directive , no individual thought required .
    In FNQ there is a saying , the only good toad is a dead toad .
    That cannot be said about socialists of course , might hurt their feelings .


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    I trust Ms Roberts will be demanding all Australian children cease using everything made from oil and coal.
    First on the list is the houses they live in. To build the houses you need materials like brick, timber, aluminium, glass, concrete. To make all those materials and put them together you need tools and electricity. I wonder if Ms Roberts realises one needs oil and coal to make all those things.
    The list is actually endless. Clothes and food are included obviously.
