Bad Bad Karma: Democrats don’t trust guards, take their ammo, and seek out Trump sympathizers

Not acting like a team that won Eighty Million votes

Democrats have fed division so well they now don’t trust the National Guard. 

National Guard

WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. defense officials say they are worried about an insider attack or other threat from service members involved in securing President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration, prompting the FBI to vet all of the 25,000 National Guard troops coming into Washington for the event.

The massive undertaking reflects the extraordinary security concerns that have gripped Washington following the deadly Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol by pro-Trump rioters. And it underscores fears that some of the very people assigned to protect the city over the next several days could present a threat to the incoming president and other VIPs in attendance.

According to @amuse, the Biden transition team have confiscated their ammo, and wanted to ask who the Guard voted for. The insulting request was refused initially, though eventually, sadly, the Army acquiesced.

”We’re continually going through the process, and taking second, third looks at every one of the individuals assigned to this operation,” McCarthy said in an interview after he and other military leaders went through an exhaustive, three-hour security drill in preparation for Wednesday’s inauguration. He said Guard members are also getting training on how to identify potential insider threats.

The FBI got involved. @amuse says “Any soldiers who believe there was election fraud are being referred for disciplinary action and removed from the Capitol.” Sounds dreadful. 

It’s all Trumps fault of course. If only he hadn’t been so popular, all that cheating wouldn’t have been necessary:

In contrast, the threats against Biden’s inauguration have been fueled by supporters of President Donald Trump, far-right militants, white supremacists and other radical groups. Many believe Trump’s baseless accusations that the election was stolen from him, a claim that has been refuted by many courts, the Justice Department and Republican officials in key battleground states.

The Democrats get to play the Victim card on the national spotlight, they add more loaded questions. And perhaps this horrible “vetting”  process has a side  “benefit”? It might work like the CCP brainwashing techniques. Getting guards to publicly state who they voted for (or lie about it) might work. If people do it often enough they might start to believe they really did vote for Biden and that the claims of voter fraud were “baseless”.

But even if that doesn’t work, many members of the National Guard will be that much warier next week to say who they voted for.

Welcome to the world of Democrat Healing.


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209 comments to Bad Bad Karma: Democrats don’t trust guards, take their ammo, and seek out Trump sympathizers

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    Purging the military is standard operating procedure for Stalinist regimes.


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      Democrat Lawmaker Suggests White Male Military Members May be Seditionist Conspirators (VIDEO)

      Without offering any evidence whatsoever, Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) suggested white male servicemembers may be seditionist conspirators.

      Cohen made the remarks on Monday during an appearance on CNN in response to reports the FBI is vetting 25,000 National Guard troops over fears of an ‘insider attack.’

      According to NBC, US defense officials are worried about an inside attack or threat from guard members chosen to secure Biden’s sham inauguration.

      Cohen suggested white males who voted for Trump should be profiled because they may be seditionist conspirators.


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        ‘No Evidence Of Threats, No Issues Flagged’ As MSM Stokes Fears Of Military Insider Attack At Inauguration

        Now there’s more fear mongering from mainstream outlets, this time it’s AP, who reports fears of an insider attack that have prompted the FBI to vet the 25,000 National Guard troops stationed in DC ahead of President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration.

        AP quotes Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy, who said military officers are conscious of the potential threat and warned officers to observe troops under their command for any red flags.

        But, as usual, there’s something missing from AP’s headline. As Jack Posobiec points out, “the way read to establishment media articles is skip the headline and scroll to the middle,” while referring to the AP article titled “FBI vetting Guard troops in DC amid fears of insider attack.”

        Despite the fear mongering of an imminent “insider attack” by Guardsmen during inauguration day, AP’s clickbait journalism is more or less another classic example of how real journalism is dead, as AP themselves admit, further down the story, past the point at which 99% of America’s short-sighted, closed-minded partisans will read, that:

        So far, however, he and other leaders say they have seen no evidence of any threats, and officials said the vetting hadn’t flagged any issues that they were aware of.

        Commenters on Posobiec’s post were furious with AP’s reporting, calling it, “Clickbait journalism is more destructive than Trump ever could have been.”


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        According to @amuse, the Biden transition team have confiscated their ammo, and wanted to ask who the Guard voted for. The insulting request was refused initially, though eventually, sadly, the Army acquiesced.

        This is a blatant violation at law if true!

        I cast my vote in secret. I am under no obligation to reveal who I voted for. Why would anyone agree to reveal who they voted for in this manner?


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          Correct. Ask a serviceman who he voted for and he’ll promptly say ‘Luke Skywalker’. His Officer will reply ‘Well done soldier, carry on’. Politicos may make these silly edicts, but servicemen are far smarter than congressmen. Say what you like Mr politician but as a serviceman i’ll still think for myself!
          yes i’m a retired serviceman who had contempt for most of the politicians trying to give orders. I wasn’t going to launch a nuclear weapon (yes i had custody) just because a politician ordered it. i would evalulate the situation myself and if disagreeing with politicos – well – there’d be a technical malfunction.


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          Tilba Tilba

          This is a blatant violation at law if true!

          I’m deeply sceptical (who is this @amuse person – perhaps the name is a dead giveaway).

          The Biden Transition Team has no authority to “confiscate ammo” or ask anyone who they voted for. Nor can Army brass ask anyone who they voted for.


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        Yeah…all the bad actors are in one cage….

        Ever wondered why there are so many MPs in the military contingent in DC?

        Its also possible Chna has smuggled in actual military hardware ( including RPGs ) , given it to the leftist gumbies who seriously think they can then take on the US military? One Stryker vehiocle with a 50 cal will decimate anything within 200m of them. Ever seen what a 50 cal can do?

        Apparently the call has gone out for US patriots to stay home, lest the left use it to create another false flag. The other thing is you would not want to be caught in the cross fire either…..


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      From the Comments below

      It was never about stopping an attack, it was about convincing half of America that there is a new boogey man in Town, which is anyone who voted for Trump. The ratcheting up of the police state only requires people to believe there is a threat. It’s kind of like the lockdowns. When people notice that the lockdowns don’t seem to actually accomplish anything and begin questioning whether they should have been avoided, the government and MSM tell you it would have been much worse. Trust us.


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        POLL: Few blame Trump for Capitol riots

        Only 2% blame President Trump for the Capitol riots.

        That’s according to the latest unscientific poll of more than 1,900 people at

        Thirty-six percent (36%) say they blame Trump’s opponents.

        A near equal number blame “The rioters” (27%) and “Antifa” (28%).


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          Tilba Tilba

          That’s according to the latest unscientific poll of more than 1,900 people at

          Might be worth pointing out that that Sharyl Attkisson is a conservative host on the arch-conservative Sinclair TV Network. Doesn’t make her a right-wing nutjob of course, but it might tell us what sort of people could have been among the 1,900 respondents.

          Meanwhile a Pew Research poll shows Donald Trump with just 29% approval (an historical low), with Joe Biden’s approval at 68% – which is pretty good for an incoming chief executive.


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      What’s This? Pelosi Sends Letter to Defense Secretary Miller Demanding Halt to Attempts to Install Trump-Loyalist Michael Ellis as NSA General Counsel

      They’re panicked.

      Speaker Pelosi sent a letter to the Secretary of Defense Chris Miller on Monday.

      Pelosi is demanding a halt to attempts to install Trump-loyalist Michael Ellis as NSA General Counsel.

      This is odd considering a President Biden could fire Ellis after the inauguration.

      So what is this all about?


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        Mark Allinson

        None of this would be an issue for the Dems if they truly believed Trump was finished – the fact that they fear his last days means he still has the power to hurt them.

        And since they have more or less made it known that Trump and his family are doomed once he is out, what has Trump got to lose by making their worst fears come true?


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          WATCH: What’s ahead with Trump impeachment and Capitol events this week?

          Sharyl: So, a lot of people said or argued publicly that what’s happened since the capital riots and trying to hold President Trump and his followers accountable was tamping down the rhetoric and holding people accountable. But I can tell you, after having traveled this past week in a totally unrelated place from Washington D.C., Tennessee, that among some Americans, it’s really making matters worse. They feel like this is part of the proof that the establishment has been trying to get the president since the start and that they are never going to give up. Are you hearing anything about that?

          Thuman: A little bit. Look, Democrats believe that this is a way for them to close a chapter in this book and then throw the book out the window. But for Republicans or supporters of President Trump, which sometimes are different things, they think this is a continuation of vilification, not only of the president, but also what they believe in as a voter, as an electorate. And so, they take it very personally. But it’s easy for them to point to history and say you went after him with the Russia investigation, with the Mueller investigation, with the first impeachment and all of those failed. They see this as nothing more than what the president has called it, which is a witch hunt part two.

          Sharyl: Well, that brings up my next question, which is are you hearing any concern among Democrats or Republicans that are speaking out against Trump right now of a backlash that certainly a lot of the moves against President Trump has come back to bite them. Maybe he’s ended up stronger in some cases after he’s been attacked, turning observers on his side into activists when they see things that they view as unfair.


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        Tilba Tilba

        This is odd considering a President Biden could fire Ellis after the inauguration.

        Not necessarily – quite a few of these “non-political appointments” (General Counsel, Special Counsel, etc) have a form of permanency or tenure … meaning they cannot be removed without “good cause”.

        However “good cause” might not include being appointed by your political opponents at the last minute. This might be Nancy Pelosi’s concern – rather than any “panic”.


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      Is Antifa advertising for rioters for Jan. 20?

      Independent journalist Andy Ngo posted an appalling group of rioter recruiting posters, purportedly from Antifa.

      Assuming some or all of these grotesque posters are correct, it sounds like Antifa is recruiting rioters, for creating mayhem at several state capitols, such as in Sacramento and Colorado. This twitterer here notes that Antifa is advertising some of them on Twitter without sanction.

      The posters depict sinister ski-masked creatures in shadow dancing around a bonfire circle while a little old Monopoly man figure is beaten and bruised and tied to the stake. They depict a burning police car, and multiple soup cans hurled at a state capitol, some bearing hammers and sickle.

      These posters seem to be openly calling for riots and rioters, just as Democrats try to pin all opprobrium on Trump supporters. Where is the outrage?


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      What’s going on in Washington, D.C.?

      The last time I checked, this was the USA. A free country. A country where, when mobs of thugs were destroying Minneapolis, Portland, Kenosha, and other cities, the media reacted in horror at the suggestion that a few National Guard troops might help return calm for the residents trying to live peacefully in their homes, do business as much as possible in the circumstances, and stay afloat during a pandemic. As Portland’s Mayor Ted Wheeler said when offered federal troops to quell the violence, “This is not the America we want.” The very idea is repugnant!

      Now, I am seeing pictures of Washington DC preparing to inaugurate Biden to the Presidency, while 25,000 armed troops are parading around, dividing the city into zones, barricading it, and walling it. Guns bristling from Coast Guard ships in the Potomac. It’s chilling!

      What don’t I know here? I feel just a tad queasy, worried because this response is so far out of character for our country, and so over-the-top compared to anything that has happened — the incursion into the Capitol was small beer compared to the riots in many other cities all last summer. There’s also been virtually no coverage of who was involved in the January 6th events, other than seeing some BLM/Antifa types that were indeed involved freed without bail.

      Imagine this: Imagine Trump being inaugurated and arming the city as is currently being done. Imagine how very loudly the media would be screaming about it. How Democrat congresspeople would be freaking out and railing against him. Yet when this is being done for Biden, all we hear is a resounding silence!

      Perhaps it’s because I sat uncomfortably through the movie 1984 last night, the grim set-piece with John Hurt and Richard Burton


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        Tilba Tilba

        Now, I am seeing pictures of Washington DC preparing to inaugurate Biden to the Presidency, while 25,000 armed troops are parading around, dividing the city into zones, barricading it, and walling it. Guns bristling from Coast Guard ships in the Potomac. It’s chilling!

        The National Guard security contingent is there because of what happened at the US Capitol on 6 January … there is no mystery here. What else would anyone expect to be in place after those events?


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          In that case why no National Guard for the much more violent BLM protests around the country in 2020?

          What else would anyone expect to be in place after seeing cities set of fire?


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            ralf ellis

            Indeed – why no complete military lockdown in Portland, after 120 days of rioting and trying to burn down Federal buildings.



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            Tilba Tilba

            In that case why no National Guard for the much more violent BLM protests around the country in 2020?

            The comparison is not reasonable … even though I am also puzzled and concerned that state and city authorities (mostly Democrat) have “let” so much mayhem continue in those cities.

            But notwithstanding the incidents of looting and burning in all those cities, they are clearly not events in the same category as an attack on the US Capitol at a time when lawmakers were present, and they were threatened with significant danger.

            So, t isn’t a “both sides” argument, it seems to me. But I reiterate – allowing destructive behaviour (as opposed to peaceful protest – which was the majority of these events) to continue is a dereliction of duty to protect property and order.


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      Dem Steve Cohen Smears the National Guard, Suggests Their Support for Trump Could Make Them a Threat

      Democrats are not really trying to demonize all Trump supporters. Democrats are not trying to demonize all Trump supporters. Democrats are not really trying to demonize all Trump supporters.

      Oh, wait, I can write that three times and yes, they still are trying to do that.

      We’ve seen in the wake on what happened at the Capitol, Democrats and many in media trying to demonize the people who were at the rally who didn’t go inside the Capitol or do anything illegal. But they’re not just trying to demonize those folks, they’re trying to demonize all Trump supporters, trying to paint all 75 million plus people as seditious in order to politically shut them down.


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        The big news in this article is “You know I think the Guard is 90 some odd percent I believe male, only about 20 percent of white males voted for Biden,” Cohen said on CNN.

        So he is admitting that only 20% of white males voted for Biden, but he still got 81 million votes?


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      Department of Defense Confirms the FBI Is Running Background Checks on All Service Members in DC

      Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller confirmed in a statement released by the Department of Defense that the FBI is conducting background checks on the National Guardsmen who are in Washington, D.C. to prevent any insider attacks.

      “As is normal for military support to large security events, the Department will vet National Guardsmen who are in Washington, DC. While we have no intelligence indicating an insider threat, we are leaving no stone unturned in securing the Capitol,” Miller said, adding, “We appreciate the support of the FBI in assisting with this task and for each of the more than 25,000 Guardsmen who answered their Nation’s call and rapidly deployed to the National Capital Region.”

      From the Comments

      The FBI can’t be bothered with investigating BLM, antifa, or corrupt Washington politicians, but it has no problem running background checks on Patriots who have volunteered to potentially risk their lives in service to our country. Yet more evidence the FBI is corrupt from top to bottom.


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        Peter C

        I thought that the National Guard had been called in to protect the Capitol and the citizens of DC from rioting gun toting trump supporters!

        Now the word is that the Guard are all Trump Supporters and they want to assassinate Biden on Inauguration Day. So the Guard should be disarmed. What about their original purpose?

        I think the reality will be quite different.


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          I don’t believe it. For two months the left has been daring Trump to introduce martial law thus PROVING he is HItler reincarnate.

          The left introduce martial law and everyone gets this nice warm feeling, not realising it is because someone is hissing in their pocket.


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      Most Popular President In History To Be Inaugurated In Secret Behind Giant Wall Guarded By Thousands Of Soldiers

      WASHINGTON, D.C.—President-elect Joe Biden will be inaugurated this week, and due to his incredible popularity with the American people, he will be inaugurated in a top-secret location behind a massive 12-foot wall guarded by 30,000 soldiers.

      “The reason President-elect Biden has to do this is that he’s just so incredibly popular,” said Don Lemon on CNN. “He has so many rabid fans that they might try to rush the stage as they’re overcome with enthusiasm and love for Biden who is by far the most beloved candidate who has ever run for President.”

      In addition to the 12-foot electric fence topped with razor wire and the 30,000 heavily armed soldiers who have been vetted as Democrats, there will be flying drones programmed to target MAGA hats, a platoon of ninjas, and a moat filled with crocodiles dug all the way around the Capitol Building and White House.

      Biden will then be escorted to a secret underground bunker patrolled by attack choppers where he will give the oath of office in a dark concrete room with all the recording equipment turned off.

      “This is a slight break in tradition but it’s necessary because Biden is just so incredibly popular and loved by the people,” said Nancy Pelosi.

      Sources say that Biden will be brought to an undisclosed location after the inauguration to live out his remaining days peacefully until Kamala Harris’s inauguration next week.


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      NEW – FCC issues an Enforcement Advisory to remind licensees and operators that it is prohibited to use radios to commit or facilitate criminal acts.

      18 Jan
      Replying to

      This is the second time the FCC has issued this warning.


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      Larry Johnson: The CIA Has Become the KGB

      My title may appear to be over the top, but hear me out. There was a time when the CIA, despite deep flaws and sloppy tradecraft, could be counted on to tell the President, regardless of political party, the truth. No longer. It is corrupt to the very top and now should be viewed as an enemy of the Republic.

      The latest revelations from the Intelligence Community’s Analytic Ombudsman described in a memo from DNI John Ratcliffe is beyond shocking. Rather than tell the truth about Chinese interference in the 2020 Presidential election, the CIA opted to quash intelligence that would have proven Donald Trump’s claim that the Chinese not only interfered in the 2020 election, but played a hand in throwing the election to Joe Biden.

      Here are the salient points of the DNI’s memo:

      What DNI Ratcliffe reports is different and more ominous. Rather than oppose a crazed policy concocted by a President, the current batch of CIA leaders and some complicit analysts chose to lie. Rather than expose the truth about China and its subversion, they collaborated to thwart President Trump in his bid to expose the Chinese penetration and manipulation of the US election.

      The CIA is now transformed into the KGB of the bad old days in the sense that it is filled with political hacks eager to serve one particular party without regard for the welfare of the nation. The KGB told their Soviet masters what they wanted to hear. You did not advance in that intelligence service unless you played along. Speaking truth to power was not a virtue in the KGB. It is in that sense that the CIA has become the very thing it was created to fight.


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      Washington Post Pushes Extreme Fear Porn Claiming Super Secret FBI Report of Mass QAnon Hordes Planning to Invade Washington DC
      Posted on January 18, 2021 by Sundance

      They have to come up with some ridiculous reason to justify their 25,000 military troops in Washington DC to install JoeBama, but the Qanon invasion is just, well, a little silly.

      According to the Washington Post, the FBI has shared super-secret, non-specific, possible-threat assessments to include militant Qanon supporters posing as National Guard during the inauguration of JoeBama. Abject silliness has now turned to the structurally absurd. Of course the evidence is anonymous and denied in the middle of the article… but still, pushed by WaPo.

      Masked midgets running amok would be more believable than Qanon adherents planning a domestic invasion of Washington DC…. but, whatevs.


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      What Caused Texas Governor Greg Abbott to Threaten to Never Deploy National Guard Units to DC Again

      Well, it didn’t take long for the liberal media to bash their next target: the military. Liberal America hates the military. It represents everything they hate about America. Our military is filled with our nation’s finest who are willing to die protecting what we often take for granted. It’s that vanguard aspect that liberals hate, so they must attack the military. They were just waiting for the right moment to do so again. The January 6 Capitol Hill riot has provided that opportunity.

      Look, you don’t have to be a national security expert to see that what happened that day wasn’t like the 9/11 terror attacks. It’s not even close. Still, it prompted nearly 30,000 troops to be stationed in the capital to provide security.

      That’s insane, fellas. Texas Governor Greg Abbott authorized the deployment of 1,000 National Guard units to the city but was appalled by the pervasive character assassination campaign that’s unfolding in the media against our troops.

      “This is the most offensive thing I’ve ever heard. No one should ever question the loyalty or professionalism of the Texas National Guard,” he said in a tweet.

      “I’ll never do it again if they are disrespected like this,” the governor added.

      No arguments here, sir.


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      Are Democrats Really This Dumb?

      There isn’t much Democrats won’t try to exploit when money is on the line. We’ve seen them fundraise off of murders and riots, so nothing is sacred in pursuit of the dollar. Here are some quotes from a few of the most paranoid, angry, and just plain dumb fundraising emails Democrats have sent in just the last week. (Any and all spelling and grammar errors, like the idiocy in the words, are all theirs. ALL emails were sent on January 16th.)

      “Convicting Trump isn’t just about ending his presidency. It’s about making sure he can NEVER run for office again. That’s why we NEED Trump to be convicted. But without your support, we’ll fall short of our 50,000 donation goal and fail miserably. So Derek, can you rush a $5 or $25 donation to pressure the Senate to CONVICT Trump and ensure he NEVER runs for office again?” At least they admit it’s about preventing President Trump from running ever again, how $25 bucks from some sucker, of 50,000 suckers, who think conviction is even a remote possibility remains a mystery.

      “We’re INCHES from passing H.R. 1 Bill, the For The People Act, into LAW!! This would be a MAJOR accomplishment for Joe Biden’s presidency… we REFUSE to blow this opportunity. So we’re raising $15,000 by 11:59 PM tonight to expand Joe Biden’s Majority and PASS HR 1 into LAW. And our top donors just agreed to 300%-MATCH every dollar donated in the next [1] hour!! Please give generously.” How they plan to “expand” the majority in the House without an election, they don’t say (again, the email was sent January 16th). Just like they don’t say how having $15k in their pockets will make that more likely.


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    President Trump’s claims ‘refuted’ by many courts? Did any of them ever get around to considering the evidence?


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      Wet Mountains

      Not that read about.


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      Curious George

      Annie, “many” is not one or two or ten. If you don’t trust anybody, you are alone.


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      Annie Re The Courts – Amazon Goes Mad

      The second is that the lawyers gave them the go-ahead on the grounds that the legal profession is now so corrupted that no court would dare to find for Parler, however meritorious its case. (The courts’ refusal to hear about election fraud supports this theory.) Also, just as lawyers who tried to represent Trump were bullied and intimidated, Amazon might feel certain of its ability to prevent Parler from obtaining adequate representation.

      The Honor of the Legal Profession

      Citizens needed to be confident that a cause, win or lose, was heard with attention by competent and disinterested judges acting according to those general principles called “the rule of law.” Defeat would still sting, but not fester.

      Inter arma enim silent lex is a familiar Latin aphorism meaning “amidst arms, law falls silent.”

      We need an aphorism expressing the complementary truth: “If law falls silent, arms will decide,” because if process values are systematically ignored, then all hell can break loose. In a recent article, the Serbian-American author said “as someone who (barely) lived through a civil war, [I know that they] begin when a faction decides it can no longer pursue its goals through the political, legal or economic means, as they have all been foreclosed to them.”

      Anyone who reads the complaint filed by Texas (and rejected by the Supreme Court) must conclude that there are serious reasons to believe that this election was characterized by massive fraud in certain swing states and that this fraud was prepared and executed by partisan party operatives who used litigation to erode mechanisms of ballot security and control of the counting to consummate the win.

      The Supreme Court dismissal of the Texas complaint was in the same vein. The ruling said Texas lacked standing to defend its citizens’ interest in an honest election in other states. But every ragtag, foundation-funded group had been given standing to persuade judges to disrupt the election laws of many states. No coherent law of standing exists, and the doctrine can, without undue cynicism, be seen as a tool by which politicized judges play favorites.


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      Clyde Spencer

      It was a classic Catch 22 situation. The courts stonewalled by saying that Trump had no standing because there was no evidence fraud had been committed. However, without non-partisan investigation with the power to subpoena, there was no way to obtain the evidence.


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      Even After US Capitol Riot: CNN Poll Shows 75% of Republicans Believe 2020 Election Stolen from President Donald Trump

      CNN finally publishes a factual report!

      Three-in-four Republicans say the 2020 election was stolen from President Donald Trump.
      Despite their tyrannical tactics, Americans understand the election was rigged.

      This comes after the US Capitol “riot” and after weeks of the liberal media and tech giants SILENCING and PUNISHING any American who dares question the election fraud.


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      There have been i believe 40-50 cases. Not one was granted a day in court to present the mountains of evidence that have been collected.

      The FBI has not investigated a single instance of election fraud (but they did step in recently to destroy evidence by shredding ballots).

      The DOJ has not addressed a single violation of Federal election law or the Constitution.

      The courts have failed us.


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        Tilba Tilba

        There have been i believe 40-50 cases. Not one was granted a day in court to present the mountains of evidence that have been collected.

        There has in fact been more than 60 – not all brought by Team Trump – some were unconnected Trump supporters.

        However the critical point is that it is a serious legal offence to present material before a judge that is known to be false, and while the Trump lawyers were appallingly unsuited to the task (I am being charitable), they aren’t entirely stupid.

        In most of the cases they hedged their bets, and didn’t outright say there was fraud – in fact a couple of times Rudy Giuliani admitted he had no fraud to present.

        They included in their claims a lot of theoretical statistics, and even a number of arm-waving conjectural (conspiracy) theories. This is why they were thrown out … none of the 60 cases (well – those ones where standing might have been granted) presented a body of credible evidence that a judge was willing to accept, so as to move to the next stage.

        All those judges and justices aren’t corrupt, partisan, lazy, or inattentive- but they are tough, and demand really solid submissions … and they did not receive them.

        No need to blame the judicial system … have a good look at the Team Trump legal reps.


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      They certainly did and chucked it all out as being inadequate


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        Repeating that lie in every thread does not make it true, Ian.


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          Tilba Tilba

          Repeating that lie in every thread does not make it true, Ian.

          Perhaps see my comment at 2.6.1 … there was no case (obviously – because here we are with a certified election) where (a) standing was granted, and (b) the material evidence presented was solid enough to progress the matter. That is the reality.


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          You are quite correct that repeating a lie does not make it true.

          However as it isn’t a lie as you can readily confirm by looking at the comments made by the judges. To assist here’s a link that will take you to the comments from these judges. I commend it to you

          A couple of examples might be of assistance to you.

          A brief ruling from Judge James Bass in Chatham County, Georgia on November 5.

          The Trump campaign filed a petition citing two Republican observers, who said they suspected a stack of 53 ballots received after the 7pm deadline on election day had been added to a different stack to be counted illegally.
          There was no other proof to back up their suspicions, and officials testified that the ballots in question had not, in fact, arrived after the deadline.
          The court finds that there is no evidence that the ballots referenced in the petition were received after 7pm on election day,” Judge Bass said.

          Adecision from Judge Cynthia Stephens in Michigan’s Court of Claims on November 6.

          The Trump campaign asked the court to halt the counting of absentee ballots. As proof that misconduct was occurring, it provided an affidavit from one of its election observers, Jessica Connarn. She said an unnamed poll worker had told her the dates on some mail-in ballots were being changed, leading to invalid votes being counted.

          Judge Stephens ruled that Ms Connarn’s testimony, based on third-hand information, was hearsay and therefore inadmissable.
          “This evidence is inadmissable as hearsay. The assertion that Connarn was informed by an unknown individual what ‘other hired poll workers at her table’ had been told is inadmissable hearsay within hearsay, and plaintiffs have provided no hearsay exception for either level of hearsay,” she said.

          Judge Stephens also ruled on Trump’s campaign’s complaint alleging that Eric Ostegren, another observer, was “excluded” from the ballot review process.

          Judge Stephens said the claim was too vague. “The complaint does not specify when, where or by whom plaintiff was excluded. Nor does the complaint provide any details about why the alleged exclusion occurred,” she wrote. She denied the Trump campaign’s request.

          There are several more showing that what I state is based on fact not opinion.


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        If you read all the reasons and justifications on the various cases brought before the courts…you see a picture of Trump lawyers …massively time-constrained …having to go to the courts with incomplete information…with the choice to wait for all the information and evidence and run out of time…or go with what they’ve got…not a shred of interest from any authorities in the security of the American people’s vote.

        The Judges have a mindset against judicial review….a predisposition to dismiss…and an urge to thumb their noses at the American people by having it rushed to certification, lest evidence they couldn’t dismiss should inconveniently emerge and prevent them from dodging it.

        They don’t even seem to bother to hide their bias….and their irritation at the pesky people bothering them with it.

        There seems to be no one at any level of the judiciary who really cares if the election was stolen.

        If it was stolen, they don’t want to know about it….because they would then have to act…and to act would be to upset influential members of their cosy club.

        For all the wonders of the US constitution…it seems to me that it’s only conservative Americans ..including Trump…who give a damn about an election being stolen…..for the rest, it’s either a fortuitous happenstance that it was stolen…or something that’s too hard to rectify….it would be too momentous….they would have to tread on too many powerful toes….and jeopardize their careers.

        The worst of the judicial dereliction is in the SCOTUS Justices’ refusal…before the election…. to prevent unconstitutional law changes , that could only have the effect of enabling fraud in the Pennsylvania election ….and SCOTUS had to know Pennsylvania would certify the results and tell SCOTUS to get lost once voting with those laws in place had proceeded.

        SCOTUS only hears such cases, post-election if the State has already heard them …and only then does SCOTUS have final jurisdiction….because Judicial Review lies with the States.

        It’s all about dodging and passing the buck…avoidance…no court wants to make the momentous decision.

        So the Governor rushes to ratify , to let them all off the hook…because no court is going to overturn a certification of Electoral College electors….so that fear of overturning an election is at every level of the law…which works a treat for the lawless Democrats.

        So the way it looks to me…from reading the explanation [ I don’t know if there’s a formal judgment]…is that the Trump team were screwed from the start by the conventions…and the penchant for… and allowance for …avoidance.

        As I see it , the fact that the Trump team’s cases failed in all of the courts means nothing at all about whether there is evidence that the election was stolen or not .

        It just means Trump was screwed from the moment the States unconstitutionally made variations to the laws prior to the elections and refused to obey others post-election during the counting…SCOTUS knew it ….and the Federal Judges knew it….and the lawless Democrats knew it.

        The fix was in as soon as the lawless Democrats knew they could use COVID to deploy postal voting to steal the election….it was their dream come true.

        They knew none of the judiciary would want to see evidence of the stolen election no matter how compelling….a matter of militantly passing the buck in order to ‘see-no-evil’….similar to Schrodinger’s cat as everyone was talking about earlier….also with a touch of plausible deniability.

        The conservative Republicans are lambs to the slaughter…it’s hard to see how they’ll ever win a Federal Election…not with a conservative Presidential candidate anyway…. because the Democrats will stop at nothing…literally nothing…so I hope Trump will pardon himself and all of his family…and Julian Assange.

        By the way, Ian …I replied to your claims in the previous thread about what is rational and what is irrational.

        It would be interesting if …instead of just throwing meaningless little hand grenades…you actually gave detail about your reasons for thinking Trump’s policies and achievements and people who support them irrational and why you presumably think Biden/Harris and their Fascist cabal with their totalitarian assault on Trump supporters…and their Marxist/Socialist policies and extreme actions …are the rational ones.


        • #

          You don’t, at any stage, say why you believe the election was stolen. You provide no evidence for that statement which is exactly what Trump and his law team did -and suffered the consequences. The judges administer the law and I expect the US is like most Western societies that respect the judges integrity which you question. But on what grounds? You claim its “more than me jobsworth” but don’t provide any evidence. Why would SCOTUS knock back Trump? Are you saying the highest court in the land was biased against Trump? With his hand picked judges in the majority? Really?

          Too many commenters here have been seduced by Trump’s lies about the election, lies that have never been questioned which in itself says much. Until incontrovertible evidence of fraud is provided Trump will not win any lawsuits.

          With regard to rationality and irrationality clearly Donald Trump was clearly irrational and equally clearly attracted like minded people. Extreme examples of his irrationality are begging, pleading, cajoling and bullying his Vice-President Mike Pence to change the electoral Colleges votes and GA State Secretary Brad Raffensperger to find him 11,780 votes. That is despicable behaviour. Fortunately, both Pence and Raffensperger have a much greater understanding of moral behaviour than does Trump.

          With regard to Fascism and Marxism. You seem not to know that Fascism is conservative right wing ideology which supports the concept of ruling class elites whereas Marxism is left wing ideology that supports the concept of the working class proletariat owning and controlling the means of production. You seem to think the Democrats are both. An unusual stance to take.


          • #

            You seem not to know that Fascism is conservative right wing ideology

            Proof you don’t know your arse from your elbow.

            Both HItler and Mussolini were socialists when they took power. They were never any sort of conservative.


            • #

              I presume your use of vulgarity stems from lack of knowledge rather than from anything else. I suggest you read the article linked to below that comprehensively rebuts your assertion that Hitler and Mussolini were socialists. They were not.

              Here are a couple of extracts from the article.

              “Yes, Mussolini had been a socialist early during the First World War, but broke with his comrades to support Italian expansionism, and then formed his fascist party to crush them.” I hope that is clear enough for you.

              “Under Hitler, the party looked squarely to the middle classes and farmers rather than the working class for a political base. Hitler realigned it to ensure that it was an anti-socialist, anti-liberal, authoritarian, pro-business party – particularly after the failed Beerhall Putsch of 1923. The “socialism” in the name National Socialism was a strategically chosen misnomer designed to attract working class votes where possible, but they refused to take the bait. The vast majority voted for the Communist or Social Democratic parties.” Again, I hope that is clear enough for you



              • #

                It’s a big web, you can find any opinion you wish.

                Today, rewritten history is everywhere, it is 1984 after all.


              • #

                “It’s a big web, you can find any opinion you wish.”

                I gather you haven’t and probably won’t read the article. You probably should however as Its title is “Nazism, socialism and the falsification of history” and you seem to have fallen for the falsification of history.

                As for the “big web”, I recommend you use it before you post. You could also, no doubt, pick up more vulgarisms to add to your repertoire


              • #

                Ian, can you find the acronym for….
                Nationalist Socialist Party….beware of the filter if you post it.


          • #


            The Democrats have elements of all the horrors of totalitarian leadership….in all its variations.

            Fascism is totalitarian leadership that recruits and dragoons/or is facilitated by corporate entities and law enforcement in all its iterations…against the interests of the people….with much more in common with the Left than with the Right.

            It certainly describes the US ‘Democrats’.

            Marxism and the Democrats have had their way with American schools and those of other countries Australia’s ….for more than six decades…destroying the education of generations of children….no matter which side of politics is in power because the powerful education unions control teachers and parent orgs …and intimidate governments.

            Of course the Left’s ABC …a closed shop for the Left that’s involuntarily funded by all Australians , as it campaigns 24/7/365 to get the Left into power…of course they and their Marxist academic comrades want to disown Hitler…but it remains so …that Hitler had infinitely more in common with Socialists than anything on the Right….the only thing he had against Communists was that they stood in his way ….both evils aiming for complete world domination under a murderous totalitarian dictatorship.

            Any totalitarian regime is evil…and by no stretch of the most outlandish imagination could you or anyone else describe the Trump administration as totalitarian.

            And yet…your criticism and visceral denunciation seems totally reserved for Trump, whose achievements have done more to lift a greater range of Americans …and to solve supposedly intractable problems …eg Middle East …care for veterans …helping African Americans out of the quicksand of victimhood and low expectations ….giving parents school choice etc etc …than any other administration in modern times…certainly in the 20th and 21st centuries.

            Poor little Pence….you’re so worried about him.

            Pence would never have been heard of without Trump …and yet he failed to let Trump know of his intentions and why … at a moment that really counted.

            There are a great many pointers to the election having been stolen…not the least being that the anomalies and statistical incongruities …the unconstitutional changes that had to increase the likelihood of fraud and the ability to do it without exposure …the militant and strategic denial of the meaningful scrutiny electoral law mandates…the fact that experts testified that the Dominion machines were connected to the internet and were hackable…and that their vulnerability to fraud was clearly demonstrated….the testimony of hundreds of Americans who signed affidavits …just dismissed by State courts etc etc…myriad frailties….all assist Biden.

            The fact that State and Federal courts summarily dismissed everything that came before them is not only noted by Trump supporters… but is laid out in dissenting judgments …in Wisconsin , a dissenting judge saying…amongst other criticisms…

            [ ‘Once again, four justices on this court cannot be bothered with addressing what the statutes require to assure that absentee ballots are lawfully cast.’]

            …and all of the dismissals you tout as Trump failures … were dismissed expressly on procedural matters …not ‘on the merits’.

            All through explanatory material re US courts and their responsibilities and operations with regard to elections …the recurrent theme is that none of the courts want to be the ones who may go down in history as having precipitated the overturning of an election and so they’re happy to pass the buck…to use circular argument like the Doctrine of Laches, which when combined with the impossibility of showing ‘standing’…creates a circular obstacle to ever being allowed to get to first base in showing evidence of fraud in an election…or showing breaches of the ‘equal treatment’ clause of the Constitution.

            Plaintiffs are told when they bring a case prior to an election in order to pre-empt the fraud that breaches of the Constitution by States invite, in changing the laws in ways that potentially facilitate fraud …told in dismissal of their case that they don’t have ‘standing’ because the ‘injury’ that is the fraud and stealing of votes has naturally not yet occurred.

            Post-election…when the same parties bring a case detailing the fraud that they believe has in fact occurred…with a quick dismissal , the States’ Judges tell them the Doctrine of Laches prevents their case being heard because they should have brought the case before the election occurred.

            They’re told, that to bring it now threatens to disenfranchise the hundreds of thousands of voters who voted under that already-questioned unconstitutionally-revised election law….that those votes are sacrosanct and protecting them…even though many may be totally bogus due to the unconstitutional law changes facilitating fraudulent voting…takes precedence over investigations of criminality.

            So those trying to ensure a fair election free of fraud…don’t even get to first base in lower courts ….and therefore cannot get to first base with SCOTUS.

            So the system is rigged IMO …in favor of those who are always placed above the law…demonstrably so …never so evident as over the last five years….those with the Fascist Cabal always ready to move in to protect them against any accountability before the law for their corruption and criminality.


            • #
              Kalm Keith

              What a great statement.



            • #

              “”So the system is rigged IMO”

              Unfortunately for Trump the judiciary had a very different opinion as did the Attorney General and election officials in every State. And do you really believe that if there were admissible evidence it wold not have been presented in one or more o this 62 lawsuits?

              C’mon truth get real. If Trump had had valid evidence that could have been acceptable to a court, he would have got the opinion of an eminent judge. Why didn’t he? After all he was POTUS. The answer is blindingly obvious of curse he did not have any such evidence.


              • #


                It’s you who is not being real.

                In all of those court cases the dismissing judges used Laches….that the case wasn’t brought in a timely manner …and ‘standing’ when cases were brought prior to the election…that no injury had occurred to that person personally because the election had not yet occurred….the circular obstacle.

                Both devices are intended…as dissenting judges spelt out…specifically to avoid having to hear the merits of the cases…because they knew that in hearing the merits of the cases the States’ administration of the election under their new rules …changed unconstitutionally by officials…judges would necessarily have had to compare the actual administration of the election with that mandated by the written legislated law of the State…and it would have been found that the election had been administered unlawfully and unconstitutionally…according to the statutes.

                Once they allowed the merits to be heard that exposure was inevitable and they couldn’t allow that to happen….it would have been momentous.

                They all know that their rules changes are in breach of the law and had to know they assisted Biden by assisting the commission of fraud…with chain of custody of mail and especially of absentee votes being corrupted and not in accordance with the statutes…with ineligible people able to vote absentee and generally and the arbitrary handling of the votes ensured the Trump team would not be able to expose it.

                With the statutes having been virtually sidelined from 2008…you’d think it might call into question the Obama elections as well….but it wasn’t so close and mail-in voting not such a massive factor..

                They knew that the magnitude of the postal and absentee vote would ensure that fraud would assist Biden.

                Biden is not the winner … it becomes more clear the more you read the insolent judgments against Trump….they don’t deny they’re flouting the law …they just virtually say, ‘It’s the way we’ve been doing it for ten years….and you should have known and done something earlier if you don’t like it’.

                They’re thumbing their noses at the law..making their own minds up as to what they’ll substitute for the written electoral law..they’re quite open about the fact that they substituted rules that suited them …and near enough is good enough’.


    • #
      M Seward


      there was either no admissable evidence presented or the claims were so out of whack with the applicable law in the jurisdictionchosen that the court’s had liitle option but to say so and dismiss the matters, e.g the SCOTUS case where 5/7 said no case here to even consider and the other 2 (‘conservatives’) said Ok we’ll hear it and then throw it out (because it is obviously rubbish).

      You understand the idea of ‘admissable’ evidence? Evidence that says Joe Biden is a poo face communist is not admissable if that bald assertion is the whole substance of it. Evidence that says he might be a Martian is similarly not going to get far without DNA backup or something.

      Trump’s ‘big steal’ has been based on inadmissable evidence, hearsay, obviously edited videos with voice/text over making claims etc. You want ‘rule of law’ well that’s what it looks like. You want mob rule where what the mob chants is all the evidence that matters well the Capitol on Jan 6 is what it looks like or the Antifa nut jobs doing their thing earlier or worse.

      The big thing about the rule of law is the possibility of ‘not guilty, case dismissed’ for whatever reason. Winess credibility, witness and evidence tampering is a real problem and the stuff of many movies and TV shows for that reason. Trump starts with TV show expectations and wonders why it all falls apart on the front steps of the courts. He thinks he is a stable genius’. He isn’t, he’s a temperamental narcissist. He got a few things right over his term but other stuff hideosly wrong. His Senate runoff campaign in Georgia is just one small but significant example of his misjudgement and I am quoting GOP people on that one.


      • #

        Yawn. there was no finding of “not guilty” except in your own imagination. There was no trial… no evidence or witnesses even got presented in nearly every case.

        Those suitcases full of ballots under the table are not the excuse you are looking for…


        • #

          I’m a bit lost on your reply Jo. The evidence in fact was looked at and rejected as being inadmissable as M. Seward stated. Have you read the reasons given by the judges as to why that evidence was inadmissable? They understand the law which it seems Trump’s lawyers did not and if in their opinion the evidence is inadmissible it is rejected. Are you suggesting the 86 or so judges, judges appointed by both Democrats and Republicans, were in some sort of conspiracy to ensure Trump lost? Were Attorney General William Barr and Chris Krebs director of the US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, part of this conspiracy?

          As for suitcases full of ballots, nothing sinister there either. For example it was widely claimed on social media that Wisconsin had more votes than there were voters.

          It didn’t.

          Wisconsin’s rules were that all absentee ballots were to be counted before being sent to the central polling station

          Milwaukee didn’t finish counting its roughly 169,000 absentees votes until around 3 a.m. Then Milwaukee police escorted the city’s elections director from a central counting location to the county courthouse to deliver thumb drives with the data, and it was immediately folded into the overall count, making it appear as though there was a sudden and unaccountable surge in the tally.

          There are lots of actions occurring that look suspicious to the ntraim=ned and inexpert eye that are in fact quite innocuous


          • #
            robert rosicka

            How could any reasonable Judge look at something like this


            And not want to test the veracity of what they are seeing ?


            • #

              robert rosicka
              January 19, 2021 at 3:57 pm · Reply
              How could any reasonable Judge look at something like this – And not want to test the veracity of what they are seeing ?

              Same for Watch and Listen to this

              BUSTED! Fulton County Elections Caught On Video Discussing Stealing Votes


              • #

                Only the wilfully blind could deny the existence of a mountain of evidence.

                Every signed affidavit is sworn evidence and there have been thousands of them.


              • #

                Hanrahan you write “Every signed affidavit is sworn evidence and there have been thousands of them.”

                This may be something of which you seem to be unaware.

                An affidavit cannot ordinarily be used as evidence in absence of a specific order of the Court. … But the Court shall not make such order, where it appears to the Court that either party desires the production of a witness for cross-examination and that such witness can be produced.


          • #

            Whatever your eyes saw in the CCTV footage of the Georgia counting room it has no explanation other than fraud. Counting was stopped , observers sent home, table with suitcases tucked underneath wheeled in at 8.30 am. Same person who wheeled in the table in the morning tells observers to go home in the middle of the night , comes back and continues counting , lies about a broken toilet as an excuse for the stopping the count. Votes counted during that period almost entirely for Biden. I may be naive but I’m not blind or stupid. There is no logical explanation other than fraud. There are also hundreds if not thousands of affidavits detailing witnesses seeing what they believe to be fraud in other places.
            Your incredulous commentary about the conspiratorial nature of all the judges being involved to see Trump lose is as ridiculous that the FBI and senior politicians would create a fraudulent Russian dossier to collude in getting Trump impeached. When one sees the consequences of supporting Trump , you get death threats for you and your family, deplatformed, ostracised, threatened with dismissal, potentially financial ruined and likely unemployed. Given the choice even the most honorable judge will wonder whether up holding the law is worth all the angst not just for himself but also his family. My recollection was that part of the Supreme Court decision of the Texas case was influenced by the potential violence that would occur if they reversed the election result. Would you want to be the judge who was responsible for causing a civil war because the left had already shown how out of control they can be if they don’t get their way? Call it a conspiracy, or a coordinated effort , but it was clear that there was a determination ( for whatever reason) that the evidence not be allowed to be heard for fear that this could undermine the integrity of the whole system.
            That’s on the point of evidence but what is the rationale for not hearing the claims of unconstitutionality of changes to the voting system in certain states. Ironically whilst people have suggested that COVID was the reason for these breaches Pennsylvania was already changing the rules in 2019 before COVID was even heard about.
            It is an absolute nonsense to claim that the election was neither fraudulent ( based on the way it was counted ) or rigged ( based on the unconstitutional changes to the system). It’s integrity could be determined once and for all by an independently held audit. Any genuine leader faced with such accusations would not hint that one was necessary but demand that such an audit takes place. Then, and only then will his presidency is validated.
            That is of unless of course he knows that fraud took place.


            • #

              “Counting was stopped , observers sent home, table with suitcases tucked underneath wheeled in at 8.30 am. Same person who wheeled in the table in the morning tells observers to go home in the middle of the night , comes back and continues counting , lies about a broken toilet as an excuse for the stopping the count. Votes counted during that period almost entirely for Biden. ”

              Another bit of non-familiarity with what happens in the counting rooms. The reason why the countingwasstopped was because all votes had been counted so there was nothing remaining to count and little point in keeping section staff there with nothing to do.

              This what Gabriel Sterling in the Georgia Secretary of State’s Office said, because they simply had nothing at the moment left to count.
              “Chatham County didn’t just stop. They completed the counting of everything they have in,” Sterling wrote in a tweet. He said the only issue was with the somewhat quirky elections authority structure in Chatham County.

              “In Chatham County they have two different boards – there’s the registration board that deals with accepting the absentee ballots coming in, and then there’s a voting board that goes through and does the counting,” he said.
              So what happened was, the election board responsible for the counting was done counting, while the election board responsible for accepting absentee ballots was still processing those.

              “There was a lag of about three hours. They basically said ‘We’re not going to make our staff sit around for three hours and wait for you, we’ll come back and do it in the morning,'” he said, referring to the elections board that had finished counting.

              As is apparent onlookers such as you and I don’t really know the fine details so best not jump to incorrect conclusions


        • #
          M Seward

          No’not guilty’? 60 cases thrown out on their backsides and that’s not ‘not guilty’. I suppose technically ‘not guilty’ is not the verdict rather ‘no case to answer’ or ‘we find for the respondent’. Eithrway 60 – zip is pretty simple to take in.

          And ‘ballots in suitcases under the table’ – that in itself is some sort of crime is it as distinct form putting stuff away until the morning? I did mention the issue of admissable and credible evidence I think and the lack thereof. Someone saying ‘suitcases under the table’ is evidence of fraud is not substantial when it is otherwise explained that it was just evidence of getting ready for the next day or whatever. Some twat doing a voice over or verbal/written narrative purporting to say what was happening in a video is hardly gold standard evidence.


          • #

            Yes, I believe it is a crime if ballots are stored in unofficial boxes, and it’s also a crime to deceive observers so they don’t watch the count.

            There has been no good answer for the CCTV in Atlanta. Ballots under the table, don’t believe your lying eyes.


    • #

      Investigations Into Voting Machines Continue In Ariz.

      OAN Newsroom
      UPDATED 7:58 AM PT – Monday, January 18, 2021

      While the media’s focus has shifted with inauguration just days away, the push for audits of voting machines continues in some battleground states. One America’s Jenn Pellegrino has the latest.


    • #

      Annie, IMHO its demonic madness that has infested the left, and like the Toxoplasma gondii parasite, will drive them the paws of the big ( Trump ) cat…..


  • #
    Wet Mountains

    Biden remembers Anwar Sadat, 6 Oct. 1981. But this ain’t Egypt. If he does not trust the military to guard him, pull them out and let BLM & Antifa guard his historic installation into power. What an insulting little man and by extension, political party.


    • #
      Tilba Tilba

      But this ain’t Egypt.

      Perhaps not – but quite a few national leaders have in fact been assassinated by supposedly loyal palace guards.

      And also, 6 January was close to insurrection. A large number of lawmakers were seriously threatened that day, when the US Capitol was stormed by Trump supporters. They are angry.

      I think it’s impressive that Joe Biden is continuing with the swearing in on the steps of the Capitol – to show that they won’t bow to thuggery. It helps of course to have a lot of well-armed National Guard types hanging about!

      How has America fallen to this low level? (It’s a rhetorical question – I know the answer).


      • #
        Binny Pegler

        How has America fallen to this low level:
        Mainly by stonewalling in front of concerns about election fraud.
        It’s not enough to be honest, you must also be seen to be honest.


        • #
          Kalm Keith

          Binny, it’s not only America, all over the world the relatively trustworthy governments of the immediate post WW2 period have morphed into parasitic organisms that actually do very little of use in the area of Governance.

          It’s been a progressive degeneration and this moment of reckoning brought to us by President Trump should be the big turning point.

          Many countries are enslaved and see Trump as a leading light in a long overdue “cleansing” of public life.

          While I have done very little research on the subject: three examples of strange trust in politicians stand out:

          Nancy P.
          Kahmala H. and
          Anastasia Occasional Cortex.

          From what little I’ve seen of them I feel great fear.

          They are not normal and can do nothing for the people who voted them in.

          There’s something seriously wrong in the modern world when such people can get so close to running what was arguably the most advanced country in the modern world.



          • #
            Binny Pegler

            Yes what was a robust ‘on the fly’ Audit system. Has (mainly due to complacency) become a ceremonial ‘tick and flick’.
            Dishonest people have become aware of that and taken advantage.


  • #

    In the US you have the right to vote privately – there is no compulstion for you to tell anyone of that vote. Once again the Dems are acting illegally by demanding to know who people voted for. But that isn’t a surprise.


    • #
      Wet Mountains

      I was looking at real estate online awhile back and noticed the party affiliation of each homeowner was noted…Republican, Democrat or unaffiliated. So much for secret ballot.


  • #
    Binny Pegler

    ‘Never under estimate Joe’s ability to F@£* things up’ – Now who said that!


  • #
    a happy little debunker

    Democrats complain they are threat by Trump supporters, demand action
    Trump authorises National Guard to protect Democrats.
    National Guard authorised by DOD to use deadly force to protect Democrats

    Democrats complain they are under threat by National Guard, demand action
    Rinse and repeat…


    • #

      “It Was A Non-Event” – MSM Forced To Admit Nationwide Pro-Trump Protest Panic Was Overblown

      However, as Reuters reports, only small gatherings of demonstrators had taken to the streets alongside much larger crowds of law-enforcement officers and media personnel.

      Even worse, they decried violence! Doesn’t sound very “terrorist”-y or “coup”-y or “insurrection”-y:

      “I am not here to be violent and I hope no one shows up to be violent,” said one man standing on the lawn in front of the capitol.

      The man, who refused to give his name, wore a “Make America Great Again” hat and waving a “Don’t tread on me” flag.

      And furthermore, as we detailed previously, while the protesters are being identified across various platforms as members of a so-called “boogaloo” movement, they largely appear to be generic anti-government anarchists – some of whom call themselves “liberty boys,” and others who oppose the conservative Proud Boys. Their sudden emergence surrounding the inauguration is curious, to say the least.

      Even The Guardian was forced to admit:

      “At heavily fortified state capitals across USA on Sunday, law enforcement & media outnumbered protesters, with only a handful of armed men showing up to planned demonstrations.”


      • #

        From the Comments

        It was never about stopping an attack, it was about convincing half of America that there is a new boogey man in Town, which is anyone who voted for Trump. The ratcheting up of the police state only requires people to believe there is a threat. It’s kind of like the lockdowns. When people notice that the lockdowns don’t seem to actually accomplish anything and begin questioning whether they should have been avoided, the government and MSM tell you it would have been much worse. Trust us.


        • #
          Binny Pegler

          Bit hard to convince ‘half’ of America.
          When ‘over half’ realize they are in fact the ‘boogey man’


  • #
    Binny Pegler

    Have heard that the National Guard is being disarmed.
    Trumps army of domestic terrorists, announce they intend to storm the inauguration. 🙂 🙂


  • #

    It’s supposed to be a “virtual” inauguration. Maybe it’s really being pre-taped in advance over several days because Biden is too senile to do it live and the last thing they need are people there who are wondering why Biden isn’t there for his own inauguration.

    But if he really will be there, then by taking away their ammo that makes it pretty easy for someone disguised in a MAGA hat to take out Biden.


  • #

    From the Gateway Pundit

    VIDEO EXCLUSIVE: Film Crew Releases Never Before Seen Footage of 2017 Inauguration Riots

    Rumble video:
    YouTube video:


  • #

    What if the military is there to keep the peace because of all the planned ARRESTS of illegal, traitorous members of the swamp including the Bidens?
    Trump could announce it is out of his hands, MANY LAWS have been broken and sorry, your newly ‘selected’ CCP paid for ‘candidate’ has been arrested and faces military trial(s).
    … here’s hoping!!!!


  • #

    Why weren’t they this worried when Trump was inaugurated? He was being threatened far more directly.


  • #
    Susan Fraser

    President Trump is promoting this video, 30 seconds says what everyone knows…how to steal an election


  • #
    Susan Fraser

    So why make NG into US Marshalls?

    Is it because they have Jurisdiction in every State?

    Read Monkey Werx blog on Gillan Maxwell likely at Guantanamo, she went between Jurisdictions so was handed over to US Marshalls to get her there

    Stuff is happening


  • #


    Thanks that is an excellent summary of “Steal The Election”


  • #

    This is all quite frightening / alarming. Trouble is, as has been said manys a time before now, that we are / have slid down the slippery slope ino this Cauldron. We are pretty well dependent on the Net meantime: demanded but not all received, Broadband: do our Banking online – the Banks were closing down all over the place. MUST do our VAT & Income Tax returns online, Fleebay problems, Courier Problems,…. all done by robiots ONLINE – Yes RobIOTS – Real people don’t need to be told so often in PLAIN ENGLISH what the problem is, etc.. So how do you now get away from that?


    • #

      Dont store anything essential, valuable or private on ‘the cloud’. You dont control the cloud, they do. They can cut your access to the cloud at a whim. I run 2 computers – one internet connected with expendable stuff and one not connected that i transfer to and from by stick. It runs older secure software and all my private and finance files. If your become dependant on the cloud you are vulnerable.


      • #

        What sort of things might I, or my neighbour, have on the cloud?

        AFAIK nothing, but I’m willing to listen to a warning. 🙂


  • #

    Journalism Prof Floats Litmus Test for GOP Guests, Exposes Everything Wrong With Journalism in the Process

    So the way to “unite and heal” the country is by … purposefully suppressing differing political viewpoints? Whatever happened to people disagreeing and then hashing it out in a debate/discussion? It’s almost like Rosen is saying the quiet part out loud here.

    It’s especially interesting that he finds this to be a smart idea considering Democrats who questioned the 2016 election results have been treated like royalty by the likes of CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, etc:

    … and especially considering that failed 2018 Georgia Democratic gubernatorial nominee Stacey Abrams has yet to concede she lost her election to Republican Brian Kemp over two years after it happened. She’s a Democrat and media darling because of that, but anyone who asks questions about the 2020 election is treated as though they must be banished from polite society for WrongThink:


  • #
    David Wojick

    Strange impeachment stuff coming. On one hand how can they impeach someone who is no longer in office, as Trump will not be when the Senate reconvenes? But there apparently is an impeachment mechanism whereby a simple majority vote prohibits the defendant from ever holding federal office again. Many Republican Senators would love that for Trump.

    I got this from here:

    Will the Republicans commit political suicide?


    • #
      Clyde Spencer

      It is obvious, at least to me, that the Democrats are scared that Trump is still a viable candidate for 2024 and they are desperate to find a way to remove him, short of “Removal with Prejudice.” I don’t think that they have any constitutional justification for impeaching a former president, and especially making him ineligible to hold future offices. But, they will try anyway.


    • #

      By not standing up to the rampant election fraud and supporting Trump the Republican has committed political suicide. They just don’t realize it yet.


      • #

        …. and would “YOU” want to vote now / again for the Republicans? It appears that they have shown their true colours of being as much an active Member of the SWAMP as the rest. I think DJ came in under the Radar. Have to say that I’m glad he got there.
        British TV prog themes at the moment – phone-in – ‘ was DJT the worst President , america ever had’ sums up the narrative we have to suffer. ….


    • #

      David #17. I believe Pelosi is a realist regardless of how tawdry she plays politics.

      If Trump’s speech and the timing of the rioting could have been better timed, B following A, and if revelations hadn’t begun appearing about BLM and Antifa members being present in the leading group of the riot, Pelosi wouldn’t have a problem. With impeachment demanding proof, evidence and wide ranging debate, I think Pelosi has decided the Democrats could take a fearful mauling and maybe the whole of their election campaign messaging be opened to question because she couldn’t control the debate. She may thus be under pressure from those big social media companies to not go down that road and open them up to a can of worms which could lead to public demands to trash their companies.

      I think Pelosi is hoping ‘impeachment’ can be buried quickly from the mind. There almost seems like a parallel movement to try to force Trump before the Courts on some trumped up sedition charge and get him out of their hair, but not by martyrdom as in impeachment.


    • #

      Let’s say, broadly, 50% vote republican. There is good evidence that Trump has 90% support among these. I believe it is credible that half that 90% are now rusted on Trumpsters with half of those NEVER having voted GOP in their life.

      Good luck keeping your seat with 25% support if you betray America’s modern Jesus.

      BTW What DID happen to Judis?


  • #
    David Wojick

    Anarchist may have caused fatal Capitol shooting!

    “Moments later, with Sullivan screaming warnings about a gun, rioter Ashli Babbitt is shot and killed on the video by a Capitol Police officer.”


  • #

    Um… I’m not on dorsey’s censorship platform but I can’t find anything to coroborate the idea that they are trying to take NG ammo. Maybe @amuse is a twitter version of babylonbee? i.e. satire stuff?


  • #

    Harris has finally resigned her Senate seat, just hours ago.


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    The terrifying scourge of ‘multiracial whiteness’

    The Washington Post reveals why so many ‘white supremacists’ are in fact not white. It’s scary

    But there’s a small problem. Somehow, on their way to launching a neo-fascist takeover of the United States, the white supremacists ran out of whites. Simply looking at video of the Capitol riot, or looking at the FBI’s wanted images afterwards, makes it obvious that the mob of Trump die-hards were multiracial. The two most famous members of the Proud Boys, America’s premier ‘white nationalist’ group, are an Afro-Cuban and a Samoan. ‘Stop the Steal’ organizer Ali Alexander identifies as black and Arab. And of course, there are November’s famous exit polls, which showed that Joe Biden was carried to the White House by improving on Hillary Clinton’s support with white voters, while faltering with Hispanics and blacks.

    Yikes! When you read those facts a few too many times, you start to wonder: what if the white supremacists aren’t white supremacists? What if they’re just a sundry array of people with different political beliefs and a tragic, delusional belief in Donald Trump?

    Uh oh. That won’t do. Too much of that and you’re at risk of having an unapproved thought. Too many of those and Amazon shuts off your website.

    Fear not, though! The Washington Post is here to explain all the bad think away. Over the weekend, the paper ran a piece by NYU history professor Cristina Beltrán: ‘To understand Trump’s support, we must think in terms of multiracial Whiteness.’


    • #
      Binny Pegler

      multiracial Whiteness. Even the Monty Python boys couldn’t have thought that one up.


      • #

        What in the Fresh Hell is ‘Multiracial Whiteness’ and What Does It Have to Do with Trump?

        “Multiracial whiteness” cannot exist…unless you’re on a college campus where linguistic gymnastics are done daily to make mutually exclusive concepts seem logical and rational. It’s academic doublethink. It’s the sheer arrogance that rests with American liberals. They think their political views give them a pass on reality, that they can cobble together essays on said nonsense and make it seem acceptable. You can’t polish a t@rd. If something cannot make sense. It cannot make sense. All the academic literature behind it is trash, a pure exercise in wasting one’s time. So, what does this pseudo intellectual term have to do with Donald Trump? Well, it’s one of the appeals regarding his supporters or something. The author of this op-ed in The Washington Post also wrote something called “Cruelty as Citizenship: How Migrant Suffering Sustains White Democracy.

        Yeah, in other words, it’s an ‘illegal aliens, welcome’ piece of work.

        Okay, what the #$%^ is this? Really.

        “In the politics of multiracial whiteness, anyone can join the MAGA movement and engage in the wild freedom of unbridled rage and conspiracy theories.”

        So, if we’re going to talk about white folks here, Democrats are the ones who really need to look in the mirror because right now, the rich urban-based professional class which is whiter than Wonder Bread is going to have their concerns catered to more than those in communities of color. It’s a fact. And from what I’m reading and what I’ve heard—that’s straight-up white supremacy within the Democratic Party. All of this while these communities—the outer party—still overwhelming vote Democratic and nothing better ever happens. Why these folks vote for Trump in 2020 in greater numbers? Gee—what have they got to lose?


  • #

    Luo Lili jumped to her death in HK on Jan 6th with her five month old baby in an apparent murder suicide, in truth its just more Clinton collateral damage.


  • #

    Kuwaiti gov. resigns
    Dutch gov. resigns
    Estonia gov. resigns
    Italian gov. on brink of collapse
    Merkel resigns


  • #
    John R Smith

    I think the game goes like this …

    We have to restrict certain people’s rights because they may become vi_lent.
    Certain people become vi_lent because they are having their rights restricted.
    See, we told you they were vi_lent.


  • #
    Andre Thomas Lewis

    The FBI ‘threat’ and bringing in these troops is a stage managed Democrat ploy to deflect from the fact that any Biden supporters who turned up would be drowned out by boos from the vastly more Trump people. They know Biden could not get a million people there to cheer on his presidency because he struggled to get double figures at his election rallies and even the compliant MSM could not spin away a tiny crowd at the inauguration after he got 80 million voting for him – as if.
    Taking the guard’s bullets is one smart move because no way are all 25,000 of these militarised volunteers glad to see Biden/Harris getting sworn in.


    • #

      What you need to understand is by now the Capitol building should be a burnt out shell allowing then to behave they way they are now. Because it is not a burnt out shell they are being condemned world wide for their actions on censorship etc.

      They would have also been justified with the troop buildup we see in DC but now it looks very suspicious but it is too late to change the plan.

      Hot on the heels of burning the Capitol building to the ground thousands of patriots are supposed to storm the fences during inauguration, it would have been BLM of course and they cant shoot them hence the rogue NG story and their disarming.

      Their second false flag over the weekend was a complete failure so will be interesting to see if they change the plan on the 20th or not.

      The competing theory is the walls are built to keep the DS crooks locked in to DC where military treason trials will be held.

      40 hours to go, tick tock


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    Hey Democrats: You Aren’t Gonna Like Where I Put This Olive Branch

    Democrats Will Have to Work Harder to Get My Unity Vibe

    I’m not in the mood.

    This column is a follow-up and an expansion upon one I wrote shortly after the election. As someone who has been in the conservative activist and media trenches for a very long time now Joe Biden’s incessant calls for unity that his handlers are scripting for him haven’t really moved me. I spent several years traveling the country as a Tea Party activist and still clearly remember him, his boss, and everyone in Dem Media Land lying about us. Then The Lightbringer weaponized the Internal Revenue Service and deployed the agents as if they were the American Stasi.

    I mean, look around — we can’t agree on anything in this country right now. Rather than pretending that we’ll cross some sort of magical bridge on Wednesday that leads us to a place smiles and bipartisanship, let’s just abandon the idea of unity as a goal for now. Put that one on the shelf.

    What is particularly off-putting about this is that Biden, his handlers, and their flying monkeys in the media keep insisting that unity is the end game all the while that they are attempting to erase conservatives from the internet. I am not the slightest bit interested in getting along with people who are cavalier about me losing my livelihood.

    Joe Biden is a spiteful, divisive politician and has been since he got to Washington. The fact that he’s senile and old now doesn’t make him some sort of cuddly national teddy bear. The mainstream media are — SHOCKER — complicit in the Biden fairy tale, and they’re going to be working it hard for the next year if Joe makes it that far. The more that they can polish Grandpa Gropes’ fake halo, the more they can keep blaming Republicans for everything, because we’re just heartless and won’t go take a big swig at the Fountain of Unity.


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    Vicki Sanderson

    Thanks so much for your website and info on the unfolding American tragedy. So much appreciated.


  • #

    No Thanks, I’ll Be Skipping the Inauguration

    Hey, you guys have fun at the festival of Establishment onanism that will be the purported inauguration of that desiccated old weirdo, President Asterisk. Despite the questionable election process and slobbering media cheerleadin’, they still barely managed to drag that tiresome zombie and the Presidentrix-To-Be over the finish line. I’m not celebratin’ nothin’.

    The best part of Dementiafest 2021 is that it will be a sullen, sad affair installing the manifestly senile old pervert at the head of the ricketiest administration in memory while surrounded by at least two divisions of soldiers lest a gigantic army of dudes in Viking drag decide to show up. The bored troopers of the various National Guards of blue states, whose governors are making a huge show of sending their warriors out for the photo op because of the perilous peril of Fake Insurrection II, will be practically the only audience. I can only imagine what will be going through their heads as they stand there, under orders to feign attention to the rambling windbag up on the dais who is going on and on about the need for unity and the perfidy of those knuckle-dragging, gun-loving Jesus people of racism who must be completely excluded and disenfranchised because their interests conflict with those of the ruling caste.

    I’m sure the Fredocon contingent will politely applaud the peaceful stealing of power, gently slapping their soft, girlish hands together before returning to their offices, loosening their bow ties, and pouring themselves a nice cup of chamomile tea as they prepare to crank out another barely noticed blog post on why True Conservatism™ totally requires that we all support the leftists in silencing the speech of the competitors of Conservative, Inc.

    Have they ever demanded that a liberal be, to use the current term, deplatformed? Nah, these lapdogs would never bite the hand that feeds them scraps.

    In fact, January 20 will inaugurate our offensive to take back our country.


  • #

    Poll: 91% of GOP voters still with Trump … McConnell worried?

    A poll taken after the Capitol Hill rioting that Democrats blame on President Donald Trump reveals that more than nine out of 10 of his supporters would still vote for him – results that could spell disaster for Republicans such as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell who have supported efforts to impeach the president.

    The favorable Trump numbers relayed in a Washington Examiner report revealed the findings of pollster Frank Luntz – numbers that reportedly should have many Republicans who sided with the Democrats very concerned.

    “Despite their criticism of his conduct since November 3rd and last week, 91% of Trump voters say they’d still vote for him if another presidential election were held today,” Luntz tweeted Monday.

    Republicans not buying Democrats’ and mainstream media’s take?


  • #

    For some reason, I am expecting the Senate to hurry and Impeachment of President Trump.
    And yet, I don’t think any of them know that Biden is disqualified.


  • #

    Its disgraceful that the National Guard personnel were asked about who they voted for. Those Army officers who agreed should be court martialled.

    As you say, no healing here, only venom and next step will be “re-education” for those who exercised their Constitutional right to vote for the winning candidate.

    For some years now here in OZ I have been aware we are in a parallel universe. For me it all started with climate change, where, as readers will know, we had the Left push complete lies and misinformation to try to destroy Western civilisation. Phase 2 was the covid stupidity, still ongoing, where a virus similar to the flu was hyped to the max and economies destroyed in a futile effort to “fight” it.

    Phase 3, if Biden makes it to the White House, will be his administration where we will see a worse than communist effort to surveil monitor and control all citizens. In the meantime a nightmare woke agenda will be unveilled that will completely ruin the functioning society that we have. Like lemmings idiots across the West will strive to be first in the race to the bottom.

    You have got to hope that something gets in the way of this stupidity.


    • #

      “You have got to hope that something gets in the way of this stupidity.”

      Well may we wish; for anything that does happen will be immediately bludgeoned into oblivion in this the biggest fix evah!


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    John R

    Just adds to their dialog!

    It’s all about propaganda.


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    First Lady Melania Trump Shares a Farewell Message
    Posted on January 18, 2021 by Sundance

    Always with grace. Always with class. Always with the highest respect for her role as America’s First Lady…. A farewell message from First Lady Melania Trump:


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    Peter Fitzroy

    how many democrats are paid to protest, like the Trump supporters are


    • #

      You must have proof of that or you would’t tell such a blatant lie.


      • #
        Peter Fitzroy

        do you know how to follow a link?


        • #
          robert rosicka

          What one of your famous go nowhere and embarrass yourself links ?


        • #

          Do you even read what you link to?

          That article is a pure opinion piece, it has no fact at all the first link goes to an article on a completely different person, but it was anti Trump so I guess that’s OK by you.
          The only maybe fact is that people employed by the Trump election campaign, were paid, for work performed, how do you equate this to paid to hold riots.

          Caroline Wren, a veteran GOP fundraiser, is named as a “VIP Advisor” on an attachment to the permit that Women for America First provided to the agency. Between mid-March and mid-November, Donald J. Trump for President Inc. paid Wren $20,000 a month, according to Federal Election Commission records. During the campaign, she was a national finance consultant for Trump Victory, a joint fundraising committee between the president’s re-election campaign and the Republican National Committee.
          This link goes to here – UF students threaten impeachment for Trump Jr.’s visit
          November 14, 2019
          Members of the university’s student senate filed a resolution on Tuesday to impeach Student Body President Michael Murphy for malfeasance and abuse of power.

          The second link goes to a blank page?

          The next link goes to here – Statement on Violence at the Capitol
          DATE: January 6, 2021
          PRESS CONTACT: Chris Barron
          PHONE: 678.495.8271
          (Washington, DC) – Today, hundreds of thousands of Americans flocked to Washington, DC to attend the “Save America Rally” hosted by Women for America First and attended by President Donald J. Trump.
          Following the event held at the Ellipse, violence broke out at the Capitol. In response, Amy Kremer, Chairwoman of Women for America First, issued the following statement:
          “We unequivocally denounce violence of any type and under any circumstances. We are saddened and disappointed at the violence that erupted on Capitol Hill, instigated by a handful of bad actors, that transpired after the rally.
          “Unfortunately, for months the left and the mainstream media told the American people that violence was an acceptable political tool. They were wrong. It is not.

          Yep, Orange Man Bad.


          • #
            Peter Fitzroy

            this was reported by the BBC, ABC, and a host of other news outlets. and those other links were AFTER the violence.


          • #
            Peter Fitzroy

            so you don’t know anything really, the articles say that the trump campaign paid protestors to be there. I asked if any democrats got the same deal.

            Yet instead of answering, you dismiss the original piece, and make up other links which I did not reference.

            Mind you, this is standard operational procedure here, never ever answer a question.


            • #

              Those links where referenced by your link, to support there claim, which they do not.
              Your question also contained a statement “how many democrats are paid to protest, like the Trump supporters are” your highlighting of Trump in that statement infers that the embedded link supports your claim, but its an opinion only as the statement is proven false by its own references. At least you have now read it.

              “the articles say that the trump campaign paid protestors to be there”. States but cannot back up the claim, opinion.
              “so you don’t know anything really,” I know what an opinion is.

              As for who pays who what, who cares.


            • #

              Fitz, did Trump supporters get paid to join in BLM riots or is Soros money only available for anarchists?


      • #
        el gordo

        Hanrahan the story was well written and believable.


    • #

      At least half a million Trump supporters made their own ways to DC because Trump asked them to. Nobody else funded them.


    • #

      Another piece of mis-information.

      Some of the people ORGANISING the Jan 6th rally were staff of the Trump campaign – the actual headline of the article makes this clear. You find it unbelievable that any member of Trump’s re-election campaign might want to protest against the election result without being paid to do so?

      This is a far cry from these people, let alone the vast majority of the protesters, being “paid to protest”.

      GFY Peter Fiztroy and you too, el gordo


      • #

        Any by your “measure”, Peter Fitzroy, any staff member of GetUp!, The Greens, The ALP, trade unions etc who turn up at any protest are being “paid” to do so.

        Utter garbage thought process.


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    Peter C

    Things are ramping up.
    The Swamp is extremely anxious and now suspects that the National guard might be there to arrest them all.
    Howell Woltz says that the Insurrection Act has been signed. I have read that a consequence of that is that the National Guard is federalised and hence under control of the Commander in Chief (ie Donald trump). Disarming them might be a good idea for the swamp..

    This article from the American Thinker summarises the current situation which seems to be on a knife edge.

    What’s Next? Great Awakening or Great Reset?


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    Looks like under the Biden\Harris administration only snowflakes will be eligible to join the military. The CCP will be happy.


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    A Severely Compromised Senator Mark Warner is About To Become Chairman of The Senate Intelligence Committee
    Posted on January 18, 2021 by Sundance

    Senator Mark Warner (D-VA) is about to become the Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI), and regardless of his current disposition the deepest part of the deep state will have full blackmail control over every aspect of his activity.

    To understand just how severely compromised Senator Warner is it becomes necessary to review why, when and how his corrupt legislative engagements with the intelligence apparatus took place.

    Keep in mind all dates connect. All dates are important.

    January and February 2018 are critical. This is when the team around Mueller, led by Andrew Weissmann, went into action to cover-up all of the participating legislative branch manipulation which included the SSCI, specifically Mark Warner. Timelines are key

    Senator Mark Warner is under an extreme amount of blackmail material from his activity related to the targeting of Donald Trump. This same man is about to take charge of the Senate Intelligence Committee. The Deep State intelligence apparatus has him completely under their control.


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    Things are going to get a lot uglier before they get better.

    The economic damage wrought thus far to undermine Trump’s economy is going to prove an unstoppable action.

    I’m giving even odds on a recession by June/Jul 2021. If that happens, real pain is quite near.

    The Progressives have taken every action to seize power. Like the dog that caught the car tire, “what do we do about that now”?

    I’d advise: Get Small, abhor debt, stay small, hang on like a barnacle. It is going to be one h3ll of a ride.


    • #

      Certainly avoid consumer debt. Pay off the credit card!

      I’ve been debt free for ten years but now seriously considering buying a property. Cash in the bank is NOT as good as gold.


      • #

        Surely property is at least as subject to arbitrary seizure by government as bank accounts? You don’t actually own property as a medieval baron did, you own a legal right to it according to rules of the state.


        • #
          Tilba Tilba

          You’re taking paranoia to new heights, and exhibiting fear-porn tendencies. The Democratic Party and the Biden Administration are not the slightest bit interested in seizing property or bank account balances.

          You will find them quite conservative (in fact more so than Trump), and extremely mild reformers. Just relax … it is a change from Party A to Party B … not a big deal in the scheme of things.

          There are far bigger issues to worry about than what is happening inside the beltway.


  • #

    We shall see. More likely a mistake. I rather think the reason Trump called in the NG is to prevent another attempt by the left to instigate a false flag. I like to think the real reason is what some are saying, namely to stop Biden from being inaugurated as POTUS but alas I doubt very much that is the case. Still I would love to be proven wrong. Not long now to find out.


    • #

      Are you sure Trump mobilised the NG? He has an Army, state governors have the NG.


      • #

        In 2006, Congress passed the 2007 National Defence Authorisation Act, which gave the president the authority to mobilise National Guard units within the U.S. without the consent of state governors.


      • #
        el gordo

        The Governor has the call, but under certain circumstances the President can order them into action.


  • #

    It seems like they’re expecting President Trump to do something and have no idea what it is and quitting the Senate 2 days before swear in and this Impeachment rushed at the end of Trump term makes no sense as they are being extremely cautious of him. Meanwhile they may have already missed what he has done.


  • #

    This will not end well the DS are going all in with the false flag narrative:

    1,We have “Trump supporters are cult members in need of deprogramming”
    2, H Clinton looking more sober than usual claiming Trump rang Putin on the day of the riots, both Pelosi and her agree they need a 9-11 type commission to investigate.
    3, Some retired blood thirsty Obama General claims its a good chance a GOP rep will assassinate Biden.

    38 hours till go time


    • #

      Yes not long to go to see if Trump has set up a “killbox” or it will be the official declaration of the destruction of the Constitutional Federal Republic as Biden becomes the fake-news POTUS.


    • #
      Binny Pegler

      9-11 type commission to investigate … To see if an outgoing President called a fellow world leader?
      But not investigate an election that’s tearing the country apart.


  • #
    Bruce MacKinnon

    A thief is always having to look over his shoulder.


  • #
    Travis T. Jones

    I’m old enough to remember when Swampy Joe Biden had a broken foot for 24 hours.


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    Trump Admin Slams China’s Huawei, Halting Shipments From Intel, Others

    The Trump administration notified Huawei suppliers, including chipmaker Intel, that it is revoking certain licenses to sell to the Chinese company and intends to reject dozens of other applications to supply the telecommunications firm, people familiar with the matter told Reuters.

    The action – likely the last against Huawei Technologies under Republican President Donald Trump – is the latest in a long-running effort to weaken the world’s largest telecommunications equipment maker, which Washington sees as a national security threat.

    The notices came amid a flurry of U.S. efforts against China in the final days of Trump’s administration. Democrat Joe Biden will take the oath of office as president on Wednesday.


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    John F. Hultquist

    So who is vetting the FBI critters?
    Maybe Vladimir sent some trusted aides.


    • #

      What if some of the NG are not NG but instead the Syria trained BLM/Antifa thugs, the FBI vets them to be Bidens praetorian guard, Biden gives them live rounds whilst the rest get nothing………….anything is possible at this stage of the game


    • #

      The only thing Putin might send is a hypersonic missile (apologies for the shameless plug)


  • #

    To the victors the spoils, including writing the rules.


  • #
    John in Oz

    Questioning the NG for their voting preference will not stop a false-flag attempt on Joe in order to make Kamala the President.

    There are many reports of Antifa being in the Trump rally/protest so why not in the military as well?

    If the NG members can be removed from an activity based on their voting record, does this make their Oath of Allegiance on joining the military null and void or will the oath be changed to ‘swear allegiance to the ruling political party’ rather than to the constitution?

    This is disgusting treatment of service personnel who commit to putting their lives on the line for these privileged politicians (and I am an ex-serviceman)


  • #

    Sums up the DemoCraps Perfectly in 5 mins 41 secs!

    The Left FEARS This Video…
    Monday January 18, 2021 3:27 PM

    Share it everywhere. They deleted it earlier but now it’s on Rumble.


    • #
      Tilba Tilba

      I must admit I found it an incoherent jumble … can you please clarify what the fearful bit was? Asking for a friend.


    • #

      I see no incitement of violence in that video. Trump’s speech where he spoke about “marching peacefully” is the only example of anyone inciting violence in the last 4 years Eh,Tilba?


  • #

    If I was Joe Biden I wouldn’t turn up to my own inauguration.

    The history of the leftist movements of the last ~10years is, if the left makes a statement that warns of the non left doing something dire eg like colluding with the Russians, it is almost an admission that they themselves are already doing, or have done, the very thing of which they accuse their opponents of doing. The attack on the Capitol building is another case in point where there is a question about those leading that riot into the building and evening filming the death of the young unarmed ex armed forces woman.

    The outrageous dissolution of the USA into a band of warring tribes, political untruths, disastrous political fanning of selected flames as in the Orlando riots, and censorship from private enterprise monolithic companies etc makes the US look more and more as fractured as Venezuela. This comes with major consequences. The possibilities of formerly unbelievable acts of antiamerican activities aimed at the very heart of the place and its governance are no longer unbelievable. The freedoms of America no longer exist. Big corporations are replacing the law and law enforcement. Propaganda exceeds truth in public utterance. People are destroyed by smear and have their livelihoods quashed eg Flynn, and with them their families.

    Biden might think his enemies lie to the right of his political spectrum. I would suggest there is nothing to find against the probability that he is looking in the wrong place. Most of the hate in the USA is in the extreme left which sees now as its biggest chance ever of coming to ultimate power. It can smell it. Keep your friends close Joe, but I think your enemies may be even closer.


  • #

    The Italy connection
    with video from the ex CIA person (which has been completely removed from youtube in many places)


  • #

    and additional from the lawyer and some additional links regarding the reported Italian job

    (the youtube CIA report is blocked/removed in this one)


  • #

    […] Democrats don’t trust National Guard, take ammo, and seek out Trump sympathizers — JoNova […]


  • #

    Darkweb scuttlebutt is that Biden’s biggest threat is from the democrats, and they plan on pinning it on conservatives while installing the most radical leftist in a couple generations as president, whereupon she’ll crack down, declaring martial law, stripping conservatives of their constitutional rights and incarcerating them en masse. We’re on the precipice of a freefall into full-blown communism.


  • #

    I get the feeling that ‘moderation’ by The Australian is becoming slowly but increasingly more intolerant of blog entries that defy the antiTrump narrative. Today on the article by Greg Craven I see the ‘Piers’ alias calling this out as well. Wonder if that is Piers Akermann by any chance.

    The worry is that ‘The Australian’ is losing its balanced commentary ie allowing commentators from all sides to put in opinion pieces. After the reported dismay by the younger Murdoch, last week, that the Murdoch press should allow such broad coverage, one has to be on the lookout for increasingly restrictive moderation, even if young Murdoch isn’t directly involved in the media empire.

    Being a commercial enterprise, I wonder if the ‘Big Tech’ companies are applying pressure to this last standing broadly based Murdoch enterprise. Is this a creeping censorship being imposed from the USA (unbelievably!) on freedoms expected to exist for citizens in all the Democracies? Is the US government now so corrupt, as supported by it’s desire to even alter the Constitution in ways that will freely allow it to impose anti-constitutional targeting on US freedoms, securing permanent tenure and taking control of SCOTUS? It is looking more and more like an attempt to impose an intolerant dictatorship while calling the USA a democracy in name only.
