The same BBC that won’t call Hamas “terrorists” is happy to call scientists “deniers”

By Jo Nova

Just view the BBC as the promotional wing of the Crony-Corporate Deep-State Cartel and it all makes sense

Andrew Montford lays bare the hypocrisy:  The BBC won’t call Hamas “terrorists”, even though they kill babies and are legally classified as terrorists. Apparently it’s not accurate and impartial enough for them, and they say it’s a “barrier to understanding”. But the same BBC calls scientists and engineers climate deniers as if it’s the golden path to knowledge.

The BBC are expert namecallers, they know the power of labels and brands, and that’s exactly why they do it. Calling people “deniers”
is a barrier to understanding. It stops the public from listening to the scientists the BBC don’t like. The BBC have essentially admitted it in their own words. They won’t use emotive terms like “terrorists” on Hamas because they want the public to hear every excuse those-who-murder-babies say, but they will use emotive, meaningless terms like Denier when it suits them.

The BBC don’t want the public to understand skeptical scientists. That is the point.

Their hypocrisy is deliberate

The science debate can’t even start until the namecalling ends:

Andrew Montford: The BBC is currently taking a lot of flak for its refusal to refer to Hamas as “terrorists”. Its editorial guidelines, say that that journalists need to mindful of the need for “due accuracy and impartiality”, but say that the t-word is “a barrier to understanding”.

  I believe that “due” impartiality was a phrase dreamt up by the BBC as a way to deny the oxygen of publicity to just pesky voices. The term’s introduction led initially to people like myself being introduced on air as “deniers” (and one can assume that the BBC feels that the word “denier” creates “understanding” in a way that the word “terrorist” doesn’t, not even in the context of a proscribed organisation).

Ultimately though, it led to an outright ban on appearances on air by anyone questioning climate science or climate policy. Nobody from the Global Warming Policy Foundation or Net Zero Watch has appeared on the BBC for something like six years now, despite Net Zero having been a key public issue – and increasingly so – all that time. So while “due” impartiality apparently involves making sure apologists for baby killers get their views aired, for global warming sceptics and Net Zero sceptics, it means being silenced.

You have to wonder why the corporation’s senior staff feel the wholesale slaughter of innocents deserves a public defence, but critiques of the biggest public spending programme in history do not.

“Due” impartiality seems then to look very much like outright bias, a way for the BBC to enforce a hard-left agenda, promoting and defending things its staff are in favour of, and denigrating and attacking things they oppose. It’s an ugly, ugly picture, and they can’t hide it any longer.

 Read it all at NetZeroWatch

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121 comments to The same BBC that won’t call Hamas “terrorists” is happy to call scientists “deniers”

  • #
    Dave of Gold Coast, Qld.

    Great article again, Jo. The sate run MSM really live in the own world BBC, their ABC and others around the world all have the same bias. Just finished reading a lengthy article from ABC news which is a rarity for me. Like the BBC with the disgraceful Hamas silence, here it was their take on the referendum vote. Anyone who voted no didn’t understand the whole Voice issue! Really insulting as usual to anyone who doesn’t agree with them. BBC is exactly the same, for years they have pushed climate change without consulting highly qualified people who disagreed with them. How anyone that has an active conscience cannot admit Hamas is very dangerous terrorist organisation is beyond comprehension. Lastly it was reported yesterday that Hamas was killing those trying to flee Gaza, life is very cheap to thugs and terrorists.


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      These types ( the ABC) use this denigrating tone which covers their own ignorance. Having listened to these dolts who have never met an indigenous person outside of their cloistered environment,I can’t find one cogent argument in favour. This attempt by the Left to delegitamise the result will continue.


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      • #

        How the Elite Think!

        Europe “Shaken” By “Islamist Terrorist Attack” In Brussels; Shooter Still At Large

        Update (1730ET): French President Emmanuel Macron said on Monday that Europe had been “shaken” by a “terrorist attack” in Brussels, after two Swedes were killed in a shooting.

        “A few minutes ago, Brussels was hit again by an Islamist terrorist attack which apparently, as I speak to you, took the lives of at least two other Europeans, two Swedes,” Macron said during a visit to Tirana, according to AFP.

        Perhaps most ironically,

        given the comments from various world leaders about this “terrorist” attack by a muslim man, who recorded a video of himself explaining this was to “avenge the Muslims that have died for their religion”,

        the Belgian prosecuor has issues a statement that there is ‘no immediate link to Israel-Hamas’.


      • #

        And when you ask them to explain The Voice, they say “read it, you DH!”.

        Doubly ironic that it’s supposed to be the voice for the marginalised who are mostly illiterate.

        What happened to if you really understand it, then you can explain it simply.


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        • #

          So I did: Clause iii) was an obvious power grab. And then you had Albo running the “What’s in the bag Albo?” scam. And you had an obvious bait (the Aborigines) and switch going on. So the answer was No!

          You had Arrogant Albo who didn’t even know what it was – couldn’t explain it. You had Drongo Ray who decided to throw in the towel and scupper it Hillary style. Both telling the voters to do their research, which they duly did and that changed the result from a 60:40 win to a 60:40 lose. Real Einsteins this lot.


        • #

          Actaully I am thinking of having this Word Salad on a T-Shirt

          I am an Uneducated D!c#head Dinosaur Stupid Racist (Thanks Ray Martin, Marcia Langton & Waleed Aly) who read Document 14, pages 87-112 of the ULURU STATEMENT FROM THE HEART on which Voice was based, unlike YES Labor Australian PM Airbus Albo who only read one page – Who is the Uneducated One?


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          • #
            Bob Close

            Mate, you need a qualifier for your slogan. How about “Albo and the ABC think” I’me a:- WASP!
            I’me proud to be a dinosaur.
            Anyhow, the real issue is we the majority NO voters gave a clear message to the inner-city
            elites, that we reject your values, emotive doublespeak, selective humanism and related
            divisive black armband of history diatribe. We would like to see the aboriginals of all
            nations here be given equal rights and share with us in the prosperity that is modern
            Australia. Let’s make sure the disadvantaged mostly in the bush, are given real help in future
            instead of platitudes, if this means eventual integration like the educated, often
            bureaucratic aboriginal elites, so be it.

            However, our collective and relative prosperity is on the knife edge due to the depredations of the current climate and energy policies in vogue worldwide and in Australia as preached by the Greens, Labor and Teals. Our economy, prosperity and GDP will radically decline if we don’t repudiate the Net Zero – anti fossil fuel ideology blinding us to the reality of natural cyclic climate change, that we have no responsibility for or can easily change with current technology. Simply, there is no climate emergency that needs any immediate action, let alone ruining our lifestyles over. So, get a further grip on reality people and ask the right questions of your representatives and leaders of where these policies are taking us and why.


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        Kalm Keith

        Please, OldOzzie.

        After speaking with the President of Ukraine, he has changed his name to “Vwaleed” and will get a T shirt next week.


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      The Voice Referendum was never explained to the voters. And you can blame Tennis Elbow for that.

      The BBC, ABC, etc should look at themselves in the mirror and take off the eye masks/blinkers first.


    • #

      Yep Hamas are terrorists. Also the Israeli Defence forces are terrorists. Problem solved. Call all the killers by the right name.
      PS. Is the only solution to Nuke Jerusalem? Its what Solomon would do.


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    David Maddison

    It’s bizarre isn’t it?

    Veteran BBC foreign correspondent John Simpson said “calling someone a terrorist means you’re taking sides”.

    Even the UN has some sort of description about what constitutes terrorism.

    From December 1994 (GA Res. 49/60):

    Criminal acts intended or calculated to provoke a state of terror in the general public, a group of persons or particular persons for political purposes are in any circumstance unjustifiable, whatever the considerations of a political, philosophical, ideological, racial, ethnic, religious or any other nature that may be invoked to justify them.

    The fact that the BBC, and other a Leftist Enemedia and the Left in general are so lacking in a moral compass that they are unable to see something such as terrorism as unacceptable tells you all you need to know about them.

    It all comes down to the fundamental ideology of the modern Left which is based upon Post Modernism, the idea that there is no objective truth or no objective reality.

    This also relates to the Left’s manipulation and corruption of science and scientific fact, especially as it relates to supposed “climate change” and covid.

    E.g., see;

    The postmodern assault on science

    If all truths are equal, who cares what science has to say?

    Marcel Kuntz

    The scientific method has been the guiding principle for investigating natural phenomena, but postmodernist thought is starting to threaten the foundations of the scientific approach. The rational, scientific view of the world has been painstakingly built over millennia to guarantee that research can have access to objective reality: the world, for science, contains real objects and is governed by physical laws that existed before our knowledge of these objects and laws. Science attempts to describe the world independently of belief by seeking universal truths, on the basis of observation, measurement and experimentation. The postmodernist school of thought arose to question these assumptions, postulating that claims about the existence of a real world—the knowledge of which is attainable as an objective truth—have only been relevant in Western civilization since the Enlightenment. In recent decades, the movement has begun to question the validity of claims of scientific truth, whether on the basis of their belonging to larger cultural frames or through heavy criticism of the scientific method.



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      Richard C (NZ)

      Simpson >“calling someone a terrorist means you’re taking sides”

      Use of the term terrorist, in the case of Hamas/ISIS, is simply for the MSM and politicians to avoid having to use the term Islamic Jihadists.

      Similarly, use of the term climate denier is to avoid having to address scientific scepticism.


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        Richard C (NZ)

        >use of the term climate denier is to avoid having to address scientific scepticism

        Tide may be turning:

        Era of ‘Unquestioned and Unchallenged’ Climate Change Claims Is Over

        Leading voices in the climate community are in an uproar as their warming hypothesis comes under fresh assault by new scientific papers.

        The authors of the papers are being attacked and say that “activist scientists” threatened by the new findings are “aggressively conducting an orchestrated disinformation campaign to discredit the papers and the scientific reputation of the authors.”

        “Of course the climate cult will be dismissive of any information—no matter how scientifically correct—that is politically incorrect” – William Happer.


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      Typical UN, defining the actions of a terrorist as “criminal acts”, so what is a criminal act? Israel killing innocent men, women and children in Gaza, is that terrorism or is it not a “criminal act” because it is internal to Israel and it is Israel that decides what is criminal. A state terrorising a group within its own population is therefore not terrorism? As with the term “conspiracy theory”, the term “terrorist” is designed to get an emotional response. Supporting such biases is taking sides, in the same way that people who accuse the government of manufacturing the climate scam are labelled “conspiracy theorists” in order to discredit them and put them in the “loony” category. Your comment has a ring of trying to have your cake and eat it. I do not watch BBC but in this case I suspect they are correct but also totally inconsistent.


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      Gee Aye

      State media taking sides is state run propaganda


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        David Maddison

        It’s not “taking sides” to identify terrorism.

        What do you think 9-11 was about?

        Was it terrorism or “the unfortunate deaths in plane crashes of nineteen al-Qaeda holiday makers”?


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          I agree that terrorism should be identified, so we can agree on Hamas, but Israel killing innocent men, women and children in Gaza, is that terrorism? It is the same act but the perpetrator is a state. Same act, different label? Are you willing to describe Israel as also perpetrating terrorist acts on the Palestinians? If not then the word “terrorist” is just taking sides, it is not a useful label. Is demolishing a hospital and killing 500 inhabitants not terrorism? Can we identify terrorism in this case?


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        The BBC like to insist they are independent of state control.

        In other words, a QUANGO


        • #

          Doesn’t the BBC listen to it’s Subscribers? In the UK, the poor devils are made to pay for a TV Licence even if they don’t watch/listen to the Left Wing ‘un proper ganda’.

          And the ABC here. The money comes from the long suffering Taxpayers.


          • #
            Gerry, England

            The simple answer is not to pay the TV licence as these days it is easy to say that you don’t watch broadcast TV with all the streaming available. Watching the BBC online requires you to answer a question about having a TV licence but since the BBC have shown that they believe it is OK for them to lie about climate change as they have done in a challenge from Paul Homewood I follow their lead. If you wonder why they don’t make you input your licence number it is because they don’t want a huge drop in viewers.

            I stopped after the Russell Brand – Ross – Andrew Sachs scandal. They send you letters every 3mths including threatening to visit or that an investigation has been opened. Interestingly my letters have stopped now, presumably to cut their costs. I have had 5 visits to my home and was out on 4. Amusingly the last visit came when I was at home and only knew when I found the ‘we called’ note in the letterbox. I used to work with a former TV licence enforcer and he said that virtually all those prosecuted incriminate themselves. Not hard to see why when you can easily see big screen TVs through uncurtained windows.


      • #

        State media taking sides is state run propaganda

        Finally, Gee Aye has called out what the ABC has been doing on subjects like The Voice, Climate Change, Renewable Energy and The Great Barrier Reef to name a few. Yes Gee Aye, it is “state run propaganda”!


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        Yes, it is.
        Now, tell that to the Warmists, Green Energy wonks, Modern Monetary Theorists, and Multiculturalists.

        Not going to hold my breath, but hoping you might follow through on the claims.


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        So, the UK Gov’ment calls the ‘Humus Mob’ Terrorists BUT the BBC doesn’t/won’t say the word? How is that ‘State Run’?


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    Kalm Keith

    It’s good to raise this example of mental conformism at this time because we have just made a significant pushback on a major example of attempted “groupthink” in the “Refer Rendem”.

    Well done Australia.

    The BBC and ABCCC are prime examples of what standards and values people are prepared to “overlook” in order to get and hold a job that pays good, easy money.

    The ReferRejectem may open public perception of what’s being done in our society that needs change.

    We should hope and work for a society that builds rather than manipulates.


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      The ReferRejectem may open public perception of what’s being done in our society that needs change.

      Nope. Looked out the window this morning and saw the queue of traffic entering the freeway. I was glad I was no longer part of the rat race.

      The vast majority of people just want to get through the day to earn a crust so they can pay for a roof over their head. Have breakfast, get the kids to school, then hit the traffic to the job before getting back home after picking up a few groceries; maybe the kids if young then dinner and bed. Repeat for 5 out of seven days or whatever the work roster then a couple of days at a different pace. Some do it a bit differently climbing onto an aircraft at the start of their stint at a different location. Some are constantly exposed to the rat race in traffic for a good part of their day.

      Not many people think much beyond making a crust and enjoying a few extravagances that they can afford or not. The sewer sampling in Victoria indicates a good number of those having time to spare are looking for their next score.

      The vote reflected that the majority of Australians do not want to be divided by race with specific privileges bestowed on some due to their heritage. Australians who have cause to think about the monarchy are conflicted by it. Born to reign does not sit well in Australian culture.


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    Richard C (NZ)

    A.M. >the wholesale slaughter of innocents deserves a public defence [by BBC]

    Not just applied to innocent Israelis either.

    Anyone see the flat-bed truck and trailer heading to south Gaza with a load of people?

    The convoy, including the truck, was bombed.

    I wondered about that and sure enough, reports that is was a false flag with proof coming:

    Reports: Hamas Kills Palestinian Civilians Trying to Flee; Won’t Let Americans Leave

    IDF spokesperson Jonathan Conricus says a strike on a convoy of Gazans fleeing to the southern part of the Strip Friday appears to have been a false flag operation carried out by Hamas.

    At least 70 people, most of them children, were killed in the strike, which occurred on a route that Israel said should be used for fleeing Gazans. Another 200 were injured.

    Conricus says he expects the army will release proof of its claim in the coming hours or days.

    The fog of war – we see the consequences but teasing out the causes takes time for truth to emerge, if it ever does.

    At least in the “information age” we have alternatives to what the MSM filter wants us to see and think. And it’s not always what they do report that matters, it’s what they don’t. And there’s a lot of that.

    We’re getting some warped commentary from NZ TV channels which, fortunately, have been consumed by the election. I only check in to see their latest spin.

    Last night a TVNZ report said the Hamas attacks on Israel were due to “settler housing”.


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      How do we get the population to hate another group. WW1, German troops in Belgium throw babies in the air and pin them on their bayonets. WW2, German paratroopers dressed as nuns. Propaganda goes on and on. Personally, I can’t possibly believe anything that is delivered by our news agencies. More so now.


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    A happy little debunker

    Not off topic as it is all about the current state of willful censorship.

    DC Judge places gag order against Donald Trump

    Judge Chutkan asked Trump’s lawyer Lauro if she thought it was appropriate that the presidential candidate called D.C. “filthy” and “crime-ridden.”

    I couldn’t help but notice this exchange had nothing to do with the allegations made against the ‘criminal defendant’ Donald Trump … BUT had everything to do with the campaigning by ‘Presidential candidate’ Donald Trump.
    This is a gross violation of Presidential candidate Trump’s constitutionally guaranteed right to free speech, by the Judge.

    However there will be no punishment for this violation because of the ‘qualified immunity’ that seems to exists for everyone from the locally elected Dog Catcher, to the Police, to the Judiciary and to current and former Presidents – except for ‘some reason’ President Trump (when in office).

    Clearly there is a two-teired standard of justice being applied in America and it is based on one’s political views.
    America is no longer the Greatest Democracy (Constitutional Republic) on Earth – but has now devolved into brutal Authoritarianism – where the wrong opinions are punished, by the State.


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    Until the BBC wake up and take an honest look at themselves they will plough on oblivious. Perhaps it is ‘unconscious BBC privilege’. They are so desperate to maintain the facade of their old reputation and values; they arrogantly name the titles of their output ‘Unspun World’, ‘BBC Verify’, etc.

    John Simpson’s delusional hypocrisy:-


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    It’s a shame that the message about climate change lies has its reputation and integrity sullied by the spreading of lies by the likes of montford.
    Maybe he should keep to his day job and leave the lies and propaganda to the BBC who are after all, masters of deception.


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    same, same our ABC! I note they have just lost a case for “due impartiality” for orgiastic reporting of War Crimes against Heston Russell Who wasn’t even in Afghanistan then. Ben Roberts Smith should win his appeal too!


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    Richard C (NZ)

    BBC Under Fire as Journalists Appear to Praise Hamas Terror Attacks on Israel

    Britain’s publicly-funded broadcaster said that it has launched an “urgent review” as several reporters for BBC News Arabic — which is funded by the UK public through the television licence fee — appeared to praise murderous Hamas terrorists as freedom fighters.

    …liked a comment on a video of a truck loaded with kidnapped civilians that described “A proud scene”


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      Richard C (NZ)


      The [BBC News Arabic liked] post also featured the Qur’an reference hashtag “promise of the hereafter”, which has been associated with the complete destruction of Israel.

      From linked article:

      The Concluding Statement Of The “Promise Of The Hereafter” Conference

      ‘Promise Of The Hereafter’[1]

      [1] The name apparently originates in Quran 17:104: “And We said thereafter unto the Children of Israel, ‘Dwell in the land. And when the promise of the Hereafter comes to pass, We shall bring you as a mixed assembly.'”

      From recommendations:

      “15. In dealing with the Jewish settlers on Palestinian land, there must be a distinction in attitude towards [the following]: a fighter who must be killed; a [Jew] who is fleeing and can be left alone or be prosecuted for his crimes in the judicial arena; and a peaceful individual who gives himself up and can be [either] integrated or given time to leave. This is an issue that requires deep deliberation and a display of the humanism that has always characterized Islam.

      “Integrated” seems to apply to the educated in particular,

      “16. Educated Jews and experts in the areas of medicine, engineering, technology, and civilian and military industry should be retained [in Palestine] for some time and should not be allowed to leave and take with them the knowledge and experience that they acquired while living in our land and enjoying its bounty, while we paid the price for all this in humiliation, poverty, sickness, deprivation, killing and arrests.

      20 “recommendations” all assuming “the liberation of Palestine” and subjugation of Israel’s best and brightest.


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        Richard C (NZ)

        From recommendations:

        “18. The minute ‘Israel’ collapses, the interim government’s security apparatuses must put their hands on the data regarding the agents of the occupation in Palestine, in the region and [throughout] the world, and [discover] the names of the recruiters, Jewish and non-Jewish, in the country and abroad. This is invaluable information that must not be lost, [for] using this information we can purge Palestine and the Arab and Islamic homeland of the hypocrite scum that spread corruption in the land. This important information will enable us to pursue the fleeing criminals who massacred our people.

        Since when was Israel/Palestine an “Arab homeland”?

        History of the Arabs

        The Syrian Desert is the home of the first attested “Arab” groups

        Since when was Israel/Palestine an “Islamic homeland”?

        History of Islam

        Most historians believe that Islam originated in Mecca and Medina at the start of the 7th century CE.

        Never on both counts.


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    Richard C (NZ)

    NBC Sanchez Shows Large Cache of Weapons Taken from Slain Hamas Fighters by IDF

    This is a thermobaric bomb. This is a weapon designed to create heat of up to 3000 degrees instantaneously. The Israeli military says Hamas terrorists use these to incinerate whole families inside of their houses.”

    MSNBC’s special coverage.

    So where does this leave other media outlets?

    When one reports this but others don’t is a big tell.


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    I only listen to their ABC in short bursts and usually very early in the morning.
    I really enjoyed a lot of the BBC period dramas over the years, but I wouldn’t trust anything they yap about their so called CC at all.
    And I support Israel and admire their Scientific, agriculture and medical research over the years.
    Yet I feel very sorry for the Women and kids in Gaza and I hope that the Hamas terrorists can be found quickly and dealt with ASAP.
    Unfortunately I don’t hold out much hope for the Jewish hostages and I hope that the cruel cowards who captured them are quickly eliminated.


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    “An engineering masters degree graduate placed a $5,000 bet on the ‘Yes’ vote getting up – hoping to win $100,000 – despite opinion polls showing the referendum was set to lose in a landslide.”

    Is this an example of the ‘educated’ folk on the Yes side.


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    David Maddison

    What do you expect from the BBC who revere a statue by a paedophile at the entrance of their headquarters and even repaired it after it was vandalised?

    The statue features a naked boy in the depiction of Ariel and Prospero from The Tempest but as far as I’m aware, Ariel has never been depicted as a naked boy, that seems to be the interpretation of the paedophile.

    Also see—-/news-story/4faff31313e1d95b20e157858121d55a


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    Language is so important when you’re fighting the info wars. Because , largely that’s what media is these days. The people with the best timed , best articulated and most information will win the battle. Then maybe even the war. The language is the first aspect that gets altered if you want to push a progressive cause. Hands up those who hate that term “ First Nations”, to quote a more recent example. Once that term started to be used more broadly any observer knew that it was all part of some global narrative. I heard a Labor person on Saturday night refer to “FN people” and “non FN people”. How divisive and ludicrous is that.


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      David Maddison

      “First Nations” is an interesting one.

      It seems to have been invented in Canada some time in the 1980’s to avoid using the term “Indian”.

      It’s only been used in recent times (i.e. the last year or two) in Australia to describe Aborigines but if you do a Goolag search for First Nations you get a huge number of references to it in an Australian context (if you do the Goolag search in Australia).

      It seems to be the preferred and only way to describe the Aborigines now and it is designed to reinforce a particular narrative that there was only one human migration to Australia, ignoring findings such as Kow Swamp Man, Mungo Man or the pygmy Aborigines of northern Queensland. Pygmy Aborigines are in the living memory of some people, documented by Manning Clark, but now written out of history and also extinct. Farcebook “Fact checks” and censors people who mention the Aboriginal pygmies, saying they never existed but see .

      Similarly, there were possible earlier human migrations to the Americas such as evidence for pre-Clovis peoples but this is not part of the Official Narrative. First Nations denies the possibility that someone came before. But even woke Wikipedia now admits otherwise:

      Since the early 2010s, the scientific consensus has changed to acknowledge the presence of pre-Clovis cultures in the Americas, ending the “Clovis first” consensus.


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        You don’t even have to go back to the pygmy early invasion of this continent. The Tasmanian aborigines were also thought to be a totally different race. Their appearance was different and in general a more docile, peaceful human being than the latter aborigine tribes. Much like what you described yesterday of the pre Maori inhabitants of New Zealand. The theory being that probably the Tasmanian aborigines inhabited part of ice-age Australia and then global warming occurred ( the real one !!) Then, they retreated to Tassie as Bass Strait was flooded over millennia.


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        There are two families in Gladstone that are obviously descendants of the pygmies


      • #

        “First Nations” is an interesting one.
        It seems to have been invented in Canada some time in the 1980’s to avoid using the term “Indian”.
        It seems to be the preferred and only way to describe the Aborigines now and it is designed to reinforce a particular narrative

        It is primarily used to create the idea that there was a united nation of people with some sort of government, rather than 100s of small nomadic tribes who had no concept of ownership of a defined territory. This then supports the narrative that land that they ‘owned’ was somehow stolen. The idea that the British could have signed any sort of treaty with 100s of nomadic tribes is laughable.


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          We were in Canada about 7 years ago and our tour leader was most anxious that we called them ‘First Nations’ people, as they hated being called Indians.


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          Too many tribes to make agreements with is not very convincing argument.
          Does anyone here know in detail why Australia was initially defined as Terra Nullius ?
          Those people (state bureaucrats ? RN officers?) obviously were well educated by the standards of their time, they knew their job and there were plenty of other similar instances – it was the age of discoveries and imperial expansions….

          BTW – it is unscientific to use the term “Nations” to the tribes – now or 250 years ago.


          • #
            Frederick Pegler

            Terra Nullius was a legal definition. As in, it was a legal ‘no mans land’ with not written language or code of laws.
            No government or king to sign a treaty, no army to defeat in the field or general to sign terms of surrender.
            It’s been deliberately misconstrued as implying the country was uninhabited.
            At the time land ownership had nothing to do with who was occupying it. When the king granted an estate to one of his lords, no one caredless about the peasants who already live there. They simlpy went with the estate.


            • #

              Many thanks, Frederick. I bet many people, like me, understood it as “no man lives there”. I am guilty of accepted that narrative without much thinking.


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            old cocky

            Does anyone here know in detail why Australia was initially defined as Terra Nullius ?

            Wasn’t that the straw man used to establish that Native Title hadn’t been extinguished?

            Each small tribe within larger tribal grouping had its own territory. It is possible that these individually “sold” their territory to the early squatters in exchange for a more secure way of life with clothes, dwellings, and regular food and water. That didn’t apply universally, but there was relatively little conflict.
            A hunter-gatherer lifestyle is bloody tough, so there would have been attractions.

            Of course, that may be total bollocks, but it’s worth investigating the historical records.


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          It is primarily used to create the idea that there was a united nation of people with some sort of government, rather than 100s of small nomadic tribes who had no concept of ownership of a defined territory.

          I have tried to get a comment along these lines about six times in The Australian, and they were rejected every time. To be a Nation the community has to have a designated leader and some form of government or at least a rules based administration. Neither Aboriginals nor Tiwi Islanders had either and certainly were not nations.

          It is all part of the push to Treaties.


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        “Two Spirit” is more interesting.

        Complexity of the Etymology boggles the mind


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        old cocky

        If we can write about “Ancient Greece”, we can reasonably also write about Aboriginal “first nations”.

        Like the Hellenes, smaller groups considered themselves to belong to larger shared groups on the basis of a shared language, customs and ancestry, with various gatherings.
        Unlike the Hellenes, there tended to be little internal warfare. Those so and sos on the other side of the river were a different matter.

        Whether it’s called a tribe or a nation seems to be a matter of semantics. The British, possibly ironically, called leaders of larger groupings “King”, so there certainly is precedent.

        Despite the lack of formal treaties, there is evidence that in many areas the British settlers did come to some form of verbal agreement with the local Aborigines in a piecemeal fashion.


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    When analysing the demographics, I’ve concluded that there is a strong correlation between the YES vote and the number of court jesters (actors and comedians), doctors’ wives and BA-qualified baristas.


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      Someone posted on X on Saturday his breakdown of the people coming into the polling booth he was attending as a No leaflet person. Uppermost in his categories – Tesla drivers were all YES voters.


      • #

        “Uppermost in his categories – Tesla drivers were all YES voters.”

        Of course they are all ‘yes’ voters, they are also saving the planet one car at a time. LOL


    • #

      The Yes voters are mainly better of Australians living in the inner burbs and the Canberra bubble. Having all their other needs met , they do things that make them feel good about themselves. The implications and costs dont matter so much as they are OK, just feel the virtue.

      Just stopping oil, buying EVs, voting Yes, getting pumped full of mRNA vax every 6 months and in some cases giant ego projects like Sun Cable. Its all the same self focussed ego fodder.


      • #

        ‘Making themselves feel good’ obviously doesn’t consider that they are destroying the future for their offspring. Supposedly ‘smart’ people, like ‘common’ sense, not always what it says on the tin……


      • #
        Frederick Pegler

        The yes voters are ‘died in wool’ racist (tho they would never admit that even to themselves) But they ‘know’ the inferior race, needs their superior help.
        For most other people it’s a case of ‘they’re no different to us, why should they get extra rights?’


  • #

    ““Due” impartiality” seems to be the latest refinement if “Situational Ethics”.


  • #
    Robert Swan

    “Due” impartiality seems then to look very much like outright bias

    Always comes down to the “dues”.


  • #
    John Connor II

    I call a spade a spade, a terrorist a terrorist, and Zelensky a scumbag, because that’s what they are.
    No time or interest in platitudes and wokeness.

    What will the BBC call the man in Brussels with the AK47?
    A victim of white repression maybe?
    To be pitied or congratulated?
    You let ’em all in, now you reap the consequences, with “terror cells” all across the EU and UK.
    Better ban the guns. Oh, you already have.
    And now people can’t defend themselves.
    Rocks anyone?


  • #

    Terrorism deniers then?


  • #
    • #

      It’s loaded.

      Context is everything. Unseen is what is taken for granted.

      Example: Belguim is an open air prison and the militant who shot dead a couple of Swedes cannot be blamed for mental trauma.

      Monty Python anyone?


    • #

      Here is the CBC’s attempt to be like the BBC

      I suppose the bombing of Air India Flight 182 wasn’t terrorism by the standards of BBC whose duty it is not to judge.


    • #
      Richard C (NZ)

      >What s wrong with this?

      >BBC defends policy not to call Hamas ‘terrorists’

      Could it be that the BBC (and other MSM) want, desperately, to avoid the awkward reality that if they do tell it exactly as it is then they will have to refer to the root which is Islamic Jihad?

      And Islamic Jihad by its very nature is terrorism as demonstrated by Hamas and ISIS.

      So then there’s a race to cover with articles like this:

      We need to stop conflating Islam with terrorism

      The “religion of peace” argument.

      No, Islam is not a religion of peace.


    • #

      So Gee Aye why does the BBC not call them terrorists all the time?
      Jo also asked why sceptical scientists are called deniers and are not allowed on the BBC to show the correct data and evidence?
      Dr Koonin has recently held about 4 debates and won them all according to the audience. Why is that the case?
      Again what’s wrong with this do you think? Why was Human life expectancy under 40 years in 1800, 46 years in 1950 and 73 years today?
      Or why was Human life expectancy so low for the first 200,000 years and population under 1 billion, then population of 8 + billion and life expectancy soaring to 73 years today?
      What has changed for the last 0.1% of our Human history to influence that record life expectancy and huge population increase today?
      Obviously our climate today is very benign to allow for this record Human flourishing in such a small space of time.


  • #

    Resist INGSOC, Control is Freedom, Truth is Lies.

    Remember Royal Society motto, Nullius in verba…
    do they remember it themselves?


    • #
      David of Cooyal in Oz

      I thought they changed their motto to “Alles in consensus” to justify their position in support of IPCC, WEF et al.
      Dave B


  • #

    Resist INGSOC, Control is Freedom, Truth is Lies.

    Remember Royal Society motto, Nullius in verba…
    do they remember it themselves?


  • #

    Just like the Ukraine situation the Israel /Gaza conflict has already turned into an information war. I am reluctant to take sides because I have seen so much misinformation from both sides. I’m not even sure there are “sides” anyway. I don’t believe a word from the MSM and I’m highly skeptical of everything on social media. Actually in terms of names the Israeli/ Gaza/ Palestinian conflict needs a jazzy name. We need the equivalent of “ COVID, Net Zero , etc” to really hype the whole story. Let’s hope it’s not WW3.


    • #
      Richard C (NZ)

      >Let’s hope it’s not WW3

      It does have a Pearl Harbour and 9/11 wiff.

      Plenty of evidence that both were known in advance and allowed to happen to enable radical changes in policies.

      Pearl Harbour enabled Roosevelt to take USA into the war when the industrial and financial fascists were resisting – they liked the situation exactly as it was.

      9/11 enabled Bush to go on a wild foreign oil-centric spree (the “Global War on Terrorism”) and enabled the anti-patriot Patriot Act.

      Seems incredible that Israeli security could have been caught off guard – but were they?

      What does this conflict enable?

      I mean in a wider context than just north Gaza being reduced to rubble.


      • #
        Richard C (NZ)

        >What does this conflict enable?

        For starters:

        1) The mobilization of the USS Ford and USS Eisenhower strike groups in the Mediterranean.

        2) 2,000 US forces on standby to “be ready to deploy”.

        Then what?


    • #

      If you are unsure who the good guys are consider this: “How long do you think Israel would last if the military capabilities of Israel and Hamas were reversed?”


  • #

    The words ‘are you a weather denier’, has pulled some people up short.


  • #

    Imagine believing Jews about anything. If you’re not a racist antisemite you’re part of the problem. Have you learnt absolutely nothing from 20 year forever wars in Iraq, dead babies in incubators, false flags, the USS Maine? Conservatives/Libertarians are terminally retarded and still fall for uniparty lies, and forever will. Now go die for Isreal.


  • #
    Steve of Cornubia

    Just hours ago, the BBC also reported this:

    “Alleged right-wing terrorist denies plot to kill solicitor.”

    The word ‘terrorist’ appears four times in the very brief report yet he is not described as a member of any ‘terrorist’ organisation.


  • #
    Steve of Cornubia

    Also in the BBC:

    “Right-wing Haworth teenager idolised convicted terrorists.”


    “The clues right-wing terrorists give away.”


    “Man admits sharing far-right terrorist documents.”


    “Former prison guard denies training terrorists in far-right fitness club.” also “Right-wing terrorism suspects in court over 3D-printed firearm.” and “Right-wing extremist guilty of terrorism offence.”


    • #
      Gee Aye

      Every example is quoting or citing a definition given to the terrorist. In no case did the BBC state that label themselves.


      • #

        The jist is that there no need to embelish with the loaded term of ‘terrorist’ because the barbarity of the act is clearly evident ( .. to any reasonableperson …)

        The English have a habit of speaking in double entendre where even the speaker gets confused as to what is meant.

        Clever understatement risks hubris.

        The BBC’s hubris is to presume that barbarity is obvious.

        Everything and nothing become barbaric. Understatement ad nauseum. Pure Monty Python.


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  • #

    Call me a Climate Boiling denier- I’d be very happy with that title.


  • #

    The “Beebed B C” should not be allowed to use the word “Journalism” as that is an “ism” that they have never ever heard of since the year 2000 AD.


  • #

    Alastair Crooke gives a great background to the current troubles in Palestine. Netanyahoo wants to recreate the Israel of the Old Testament. That means a one-state solution, cleared of all Palestinians, and rebuilding the temple on the temple mount. Too bad the the third most holy site in Islam sits there at the moment, the Al-Aqsa Mosque, which will have to be demolished. The Hamas operation is called “Al-Aqsa Flood”, and follows this provocation:

    Extremist Politics in Israel and Ukraine – Alastair Crooke, Alexander Mercouris and Glenn Diesen


  • #

    The same is happening also in Finland. Our national broadcaster YLE has been leftist for decades and of course journalists have vehemently denied being leftist. After Hamas had attacked Israel, YLE talked about ‘combatants’ and how Israelis can only blame themselves.

    Israeli ambassador got his opinion published in local newspaper. In his opinion he wondered the bias that is in Finnish media. And suddenly leftist bias disappeared, combatants turned out to be terrorists, which was crystal clear for everybody from the beginning. There are still politicians and ‘experts’ who cannot use a word ‘terrorist’ when they are interviewed.


  • #

    There was a cartoon in a Finnish newspaper couple of years ago. Afterlife


    ‘Somewhere in Middle-East’
    ‘They’ve got me…’
    ’72 virgins await you in heaven’


  • #

    The BBC (British Broadcasting Crp) and the ABC (Awful Broadcasting Company) are well past their sell by dates and should be privatised.


  • #
    Ed Zuiderwijk

    The islamist attack in Brussels referred to above is an example of collective punishment where people are considered guilty by association. In this case a few Swedes guilty of murder of a little boy in America by an idiot. Why? Because they were not part of the Umma, not Muslims, and therefore guilty.

    Now who do we hear bleating about ‘collective punishment’ by the Israelis? Indeed, the muslims of Gaza.


  • #

    The BBC is funded by the UK government through a TV licensing fee. The iniquity of this system is that you have to pay the licensing fee to watch any public channel, not just the BBC – which today puts out only a small proportion of the channels that are available. A government that wants to defund the BBC could simply cite that as the reason – it does not even have to say that the decision is because of the BBC’s biased politics. Nor does it have to “end the license fee” – it could simply make it voluntary, meaning in practice that almost nobody would pay. That no Conservative government since 2015 (and five Prime Ministers) has had the guts to do this shows that the Conservative Party is not conservative any more. But I live in hope…


  • #
    Jeremy Poynton

    Way back the Blogger Omnologos stumbled across a list of those who attended the BBC’s BIG meeting in which they decided to silence all sceptics.

    Their claim was that the attendees were “climate experts”.

    Their claim was a lie.

    January 26th 2006,

    BBC Television Centre, London
    Robert May, Oxford University and Imperial College London
    Mike Hulme, Director, Tyndall Centre, UEA
    Blake Lee-Harwood, Head of Campaigns, Greenpeace
    Dorthe Dahl-Jensen, Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen
    Michael Bravo, Scott Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge
    Andrew Dlugolecki, Insurance industry consultant
    Trevor Evans, US Embassy
    Colin Challen MP, Chair, All Party Group on Climate Change
    Anuradha Vittachi, Director,
    Andrew Simms, Policy Director, New Economics Foundation
    Claire Foster, Church of England
    Saleemul Huq, IIED
    Poshendra Satyal Pravat, Open University
    Li Moxuan, Climate campaigner, Greenpeace China
    Tadesse Dadi, Tearfund Ethiopia
    Iain Wright, CO2 Project Manager, BP International
    Ashok Sinha, Stop Climate Chaos
    Andy Atkins, Advocacy Director, Tearfund
    Matthew Farrow, CBI
    Rafael Hidalgo, TV/multimedia producer
    Cheryl Campbell, Executive Director, Television for the Environment
    Kevin McCullough, Director, Npower Renewables
    Richard D North, Institute of Economic Affairs
    Steve Widdicombe, Plymouth Marine Labs
    Joe Smith, The Open University
    Mark Galloway, Director, IBT
    Anita Neville, E3G
    Eleni Andreadis, Harvard University
    Jos Wheatley, Global Environment Assets Team, DFID
    Tessa Tennant, Chair, AsRia
    BBC attendees:
    Jana Bennett, Director of Television
    Sacha Baveystock, Executive Producer, Science
    Helen Boaden, Director of News
    Andrew Lane, Manager, Weather, TV News
    Anne Gilchrist, Executive Editor Indies & Events, CBBC
    Dominic Vallely, Executive Editor, Entertainment
    Eleanor Moran, Development Executive, Drama Commissioning
    Elizabeth McKay, Project Executive, Education
    Emma Swain, Commissioning Editor, Specialist Factual
    Fergal Keane, (Chair), Foreign Affairs Correspondent
    Fran Unsworth, Head of Newsgathering
    George Entwistle, Head of TV Current Affairs
    Glenwyn Benson, Controller, Factual TV
    John Lynch, Creative Director, Specialist Factual
    Jon Plowman, Head of Comedy
    Jon Williams, TV Editor Newsgathering
    Karen O’Connor, Editor, This World, Current Affairs
    Catriona McKenzie, Tightrope Pictures

    BBC Television Centre, London (cont)
    Liz Molyneux, Editorial Executive, Factual Commissioning
    Matt Morris, Head of News, Radio Five Live
    Neil Nightingale, Head of Natural History Unit
    Paul Brannan, Deputy Head of News Interactive
    Peter Horrocks, Head of Television News
    Peter Rippon, Duty Editor, World at One/PM/The World this Weekend
    Phil Harding, Director, English Networks & Nations
    Steve Mitchell, Head Of Radio News
    Sue Inglish, Head Of Political Programmes
    Frances Weil, Editor of News Special Events

    To use a well used English phrase, my arse is as much if not more a climate expert than most of the above…

    The loathing held for the BBC increases day by day… their refusal to call Hamas “terrorists” for one; apparently to state a fact on the BBC cam now be considered to be partial. Yeah?

    And rancid shit like this as well…


    • #

      Bob May was a fine physicist (with a Sydney connection), whose 1976 Nature paper (p459) about chaos was a landmark. But he was wrong about climate.


  • #

    Perhaps Hamas and the Left are a good fit for each other because both have an affinity for killing babies.


  • #

    There are now multiple interviews with civilian Israeli survivors. They say that Hamas treated the hostages with respect.

    The deaths came when the Israeli army attacked Hamas with no regard to the hostages. The survivors say that Hamas did not deliberately shoot hostages.

    By the nature of such a firefight most of the hostages will have been killed by Israeli fire.


    • #

      I could not find any inks to such interviews. If you know of numerous interviews where the survivors claim they were well treated then presumably you will be able to give links to some of them.
