
7.8 out of 10 based on 18 ratings

149 comments to Sunday

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    Kalm Keith

    The main thing for today is the continuation of this blog.

    Lawrie sparked up a few responses with this;


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      Just a Note: Jo’s company Unqwerty also runs the Wentworth Report which I also regularly check (with the roos and the galahs looking over my shoulder). So my donation is a subscription for both.


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    David Maddison

    I copied this from elsewhere. Freedom loving conservatives and fellow rational thinkers might wish to make a submission.

    Note, submissions close 12 January 2024.

    COVID-19 Royal Commission

    On 19 October 2023, the Senate referred an inquiry into the appropriate terms of reference for a COVID-19 Royal Commission that would allow all affected stakeholders to be heard to the Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee for inquiry and report by 31 March 2024.

    Further detail about the scope of the inquiry is provided in the terms of reference.

    Submissions close 12 January 2024.

    ✨💣✨IMPORTANT UPDATE ✨💣✨Closes 31 March 2024 COVID-19 Royal Commission✨💣✨A fully empowered Royal Commission to the unprecedented government response to COVID-19.

    Committee Secretary
    Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee
    PO Box 6100
    Parliament House
    Canberra ACT 2600

    Phone: +61 2 6277 3560





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    David Maddison

    Creepy, degenerate White House Christmas video by racist dance troupe as posted by the White House resident’s wife. Discussion by JP Sears.


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    David Maddison

    Former “Health” Minister and former WEF global strategist isn’t even ashamed of his former(?) association with the WEF. He freely states it in his bio..

    BTW, these days he identifies as a “professor”, just like Julia Gillard.

    What a shocking devaluation of the professorial title which once actually represented great scholarship.

    I am delighted to have been appointed Honorary Melbourne Enterprise Professor by the University of Melbourne, and Chair of the Monash University Turner Institute Advisory Council.


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    David Maddison

    Former “Health” Minister and former WEF global strategist, the non-scientist, non-doctor who banned Ivermectin in Australia when it was most needed at the peak of the pandemic, isn’t even ashamed of his former(?) association with the WEF. He freely admits to his former WEF job in his bio..

    BTW, these days he identifies as a “professor”, just like Julia Gillard.

    What a shocking devaluation of the professorial title which once actually represented great scholarship.

    I am delighted to have been appointed Honorary Melbourne Enterprise Professor by the University of Melbourne, and Chair of the Monash University Turner Institute Advisory Council.


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      That would be Honorary Professor and former Union Labor Prime Minister Gillard who founded the far left faction known as the Socialist Forum when she was a University Student Unionist. When the faceless selectors chose her to become Deputy to Opposition Leader Rudd in 2006 she merged the Socialist Forum with the Fabian Society of Australia, associate of the Marxist Fabian Society of the UK.


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        David Maddison

        I realise it’s Honorary Prof. but back in the day, they were still selected on the basis of having some scholastic aptitude and worthy achievements in life, not for being destructive wastes of space like Gillard and Hunt.

        And even for a full Prof. these days, obviously many of them are clueless and selected solely to fulfil a quota.


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      Greg Hunt should be the first ‘cab off the rank’ with the ‘ Virus Crisis’ Royal Commission quickly followed by ‘Scottie from Marketing’ and everyone else who shouted ‘ Safe and Effective’ whilst having NFI.

      Next, will be those State/Territory Premiers –

      Then ‘Big Pharma’ and the rest of the bullies.


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        Noting that the primary responsibility for public health and hospitals, interstate border control, emergency powers legislation for lockdowns and other restrictions, vaccine mandates, is State Government and State Constitutions.

        Not widely understood, and noting the political games played by Labor State Premiers during the pandemic in support of their Federal Labor Opposition comrades, took advantage of the Council Of Australian Governments – COAG – that was changed by the Morrison Coalition Government to become the National Leaders Forum to try and gain cooperation and coordination between the State Governments and Federal. However, based on constitutional laws Prime Minister Morrison had limited power and influence.


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        Kalm Keith

        Yes, it would be nice if GHunt was the leader in this next phase of the game.


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    John Galt III

    I am utterly confused department:

    For 40 years we have been told global warming is about to arrive and the only way to solve it is not using coal, oil and gas because the earth will be destroyed by rising temperatures. So the rise in C02 must be stopped NOW!

    New climate study now warns of an ice age instead of heat in Europe, in German so hit translate. Paid for by Jeff Bezos with his 400 foot yacht and 285 foot diesel powered supply ship – he sure must be totally worried

    Care to take a guess as to the Number One Recommendation to stop the New Ice Age? Well, if you guessed, reduce CO2 RIGHT NOW – you are correct.

    Does anyone intelligent person believe these clowns anymore?


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      Greg in NZ

      Maybe the nefarious geo-engineering plans of Bill Gate(s)keeper worked after all (cough! cough!).

      This Friday’s summer solstice longest day is looking more like a continuation of La Niña if the authorised verified official Aus govt weather bumblers are to be believed:

      Sydney, 25C, showers, southerlies
      Melbourne, 27C, sunny, sou’easterlies
      Brisbane. 27C, stormy, calm
      Perth, 32C, sunny, sou’easterlies

      Not a lot of existential catastrophe goin’ on there – oh for those long hot dry summer days of yore. And as for our Shaky Isles on Friday 22 Dec:

      Mt Cook & Southern Alps, snow.

      Bring back warming now!


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      Are you going to tell readers that the oceans are not boiling, the heat is rising, yesterday on the weather news I heard it had been a “sizzling” day, but where I am it felt like a normal summer day, but at the beach the water did not appear to be boiling?



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      ‘New climate study now warns of an ice age …’

      Firstly, there would need to be a mini ice age, maybe a couple of degrees cooler, and for that to happen our star would have to go quiet for quite awhile.

      Its not enough on its own, a few very large volcanic eruptions would add impetus to the downward spiral, and then we have to consider what tune the oceans are dancing to.

      The so called pariah gas CO2 is innocent of all charges laid against it.


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      New climate study now warns of an ice age instead of heat in Europe,

      The last interglacial ended 120,000 years ago. Unless you know why that happened, you have no clue on why it is happening now. Climate models are blind to the precession cycle that changes the solar power input latitudinally over relatively short periods. Of the order of hundreds to thousands of years. The observed warming in the NH since 1600 is consistent with peak solar being at a minimum 500 years ago.

      So a couple of questions –
      1. Why not North America and Asia as well as Europe. All northern land masses are experiencing rapidly increasing early season snow. The North Atlantic, North Pacific and the small part of the Indian Ocean north of the equator all have September SST trending up. Indian cannot go much further because most of it is already at the 30C limit.
      2. The last interglacial ended 120,000 years ago when the precession cycle was in the same phase as now. Why is anthropogenic CO2 the cause now but was not needed last time.

      As the climate botherers living in northern regions observe more of the white stuff and wonder why they still need to shovel it out of the way when the world is warming up, they are likely to hit on the connection between warmer oceans and more snow. It is not hard to point out the same thing happened 120,000 years ago without CO2. So why does it need CO2 now?

      I would not mind some funding from Bezos to hone my timing of the permafrost transition from retreat to advance. I doubt it will be obvious till 2200 so I am unlikely to live to see it.


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        ‘ … the precession cycle was in the same phase as now. ‘

        Good, useful knowledge.

        Thinking how it came to an abrupt end is still debated.

        ‘During the mid-Eemian, a weakened Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) began to cool the eastern Mediterranean region. The period closed as temperatures steadily fell to conditions cooler and drier than the present, with a 468-year-long aridity pulse in central Europe at about 116,000 BC, and by 112,000 BC, ice caps began to form in southern Norway, marking the start of a new glacial period.’ (wiki)


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    David Maddison

    Yesterday I posted a comment from a Tweet about how The Trudeau regime in Canada is going fully woke by installing tampon dispensers in men’s bathrooms in the Canadian military.

    Members of the thinking community realise that these products are utterly unnecessary for males (XY) and are only needed by females (XX).

    Apparently some men in the Canadian military aren’t very happy about this assault on their identity and are removing the machines in an unauthorised manner.

    Tampon Dispensers in Men’s Military Washrooms Being Vandalized as Soldiers Question Policy

    By Matthew Horwood

    The Department of National Defence says that some menstrual product dispensers in male washrooms have been vandalized, as members of the Canadian Armed Forces question the necessity of the new government policy.

    “Unfortunately, vandalism has already been observed on some dispensing/disposal units installed in DND occupied buildings,” wrote Colonel A.J. Delhommeau in an internal email obtained by The Epoch Times.

    The officer, who is in charge of the Canadian Forces Support Group (Ottawa-Gatineau), described the new initiative as “inclusive to all workers who menstruate and will improve the well-being of nearly half a million workers who may require menstrual products during their work days, including cisgender women, gender diverse individuals, transgender men, and intersex individuals.”


    Yes, we know there are various very rare genetic and developmental abnormalities affecting the genotype and phenotype of some people.


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    another ian

    “Costs and Benefits of the Paris Climate Targets

    Richard S.J. Tol

    The temperature targets in the Paris Agreement cannot be met without very rapid reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. The latter requires large, perhaps prohibitively large subsidies. The central estimate of the costs of climate policy, unrealistically assuming least-cost implementation, is 3.8-5.6\% of GDP in 2100. The central estimate of the benefits of climate policy, unrealistically assuming constant vulnerability, is 2.8-3.2\% of GDP. The uncertainty about the benefits is larger than the uncertainty about the costs. The Paris targets do not pass the cost-benefit test unless risk aversion is high and discount rate low. ”


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      Australia was one of the very few member nations that signed the Kyoto Agreement on emissions reduction and achieved the target, exceeded the target, but was given no credit for that achievement and later was asked to try harder.


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      Dave in the States

      The temperature targets in the Paris Agreement cannot be met without very rapid reduction of greenhouse gas emissions

      That will make no difference at all

      removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

      Nature does that everyday

      The latter requires large, perhaps prohibitively large subsidies.



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    Biden’s approval rating plunges to just 33%, lowest since he took office: Pew Research Poll

    Here in Australia elections are won on such dismal approval levels as that.
    Albanese and Dan Andrews who used to share a flat together, both won their latest democratic elections with similar levels of unpopularity.
    Andrews won a massive 36.66% generously assisted by the staggeringly stupid opposition unbelievably fielding yet again the totally unelectable proven loser Mat Guy, who had delivered them a resounding loss last time.
    Albanese romped home to a sensational victory on 32.6% of the vote.


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      Many countries including the UK do not have preferential voting or compulsory voting.

      On that basis there would not be an Albanese Union Labor Federal Government at this time.


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      yes but that’s kind of just the way of politics. In Holland, Geert Wilders only got some 20 percent or something.

      Everyone whines about their voting system. Early Australia was ungovernable when it had a genuine 3 party system, and they moved so to make 2. There was the Free Trader, Protectionists, and the new Labor. Was constantly clogged as a three way split and nothing could get done. It saw a constant turnover of PMs.

      The British system still enshrines the two party system. And these multi party places seem to be in constant chaos. Look at New Zimbabwe, and their multi party system, seems terrible to me.

      There is no perfect system. Australia’s for all its faults, really isn’t too bad. The problem is the public. The right could easily vote in 3rd options in the senate for balance of power, but they don’t.


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        Yes, democracy is a massive fail, an experiment that obviously doesn’t work, but those in power will make sure we suffer under it for centuries more if they can.

        It has been obvious that anyone who wants power shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near it. Power-crazed maniacs who want to force other people to do their bidding are the last people you want in power! We have the technology to give the people a real say in their future, we could vote on every big decision at any level of Govt, but it will never get used. We will line up for our jabs, ride our bicycles to work and whine about how some politician who isn’t in power is better than those who are.

        There are NO good politicians, they are there to enrich themselves and enjoy their power over you.


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        Ian George

        The problem with preferential voting is that some people get more than one vote, ie if their first choice does not get in, they get to vote for their next choice, and so on. If the party you vote for comes first or second on first preferences, usually that’s it – you only get one vote – your preferences amount to nought. The only chance of course is the party you vote for gets the 50%+ on the first ballot. So much for ‘one person, one vote’.


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          The Australian Electoral Commission has admitted that if voters go to a number of polling booths they can get manually marked off the Electoral Roll at each place and therefore vote a number of times on election day. If for some reason the Electoral Rolls were checked later there is no way to change the results, even if they cheats were caught, and that is unlikely to happen.

          Therefore in electorates where the result of an election is decided by a small number of votes fraud can and does result in an organised candidate getting across the line.


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        There was the Free Trader, Protectionists, and the new Labor. Was constantly clogged as a three way split and nothing could get done. It saw a constant turnover of PMs.

        Sounds like an excellent system … ever since they started “getting things done” everything in Australia has been going downhill, in a political and governance sense at least. Taxes are through the roof, freedom largely forgotten, they invent new powers every other week, Constitution means whatever they want it to mean, Humpty Dumpty style.

        The less the Commonwealth “gets done” the better, as a general rule.


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    another ian

    “Climate Advocacy: Incompetence Or Intentional Fraud?”

    “It’s the question that must always be front and center in your mind when you read anything generated by advocates of energy transition as a supposed solution to “climate change”: Is this just rank incompetence, or is it intentional fraud? (The third possibility — reasonable, good faith advocacy — can generally be ruled out in the first few nanoseconds.). As between the options that the advocate is completely incompetent or an intentional fraudster, I suppose it would be better to be merely incompetent. However, often the misdirection is so blatant that it borders on impossible to believe that the author could be so stupid as to actually believe what he or she is saying.

    So let’s apply this inquiry to a piece that has come to my attention in the past few days.”

    More on the Canary Islands El Hierro scheme


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      another ian

      In comments

      “Absolutely spot on. Where I worked, we reorganized, upsized, downsized, rightsized and finally we capsized. All the while being led by the clowns leading the parade. “


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        A bit like the corporate rowing comp where there was one rower and six on the ‘steering committee’.


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          A bit like the corporate rowing comp where there was one rower and six on the ‘steering committee’.

          LOL. I like that, nice analogy.


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      And yet, despite having such a rare near-perfect site for a large pumped hydro storage facility, the El Hierro system does not have nearly the energy storage needed to provide full-time electricity from the wind/storage system. It would need to multiply its storage capacity by at least an order of magnitude to come close to 100% electricity from this system. Meanwhile, most of its electricity comes from a backup diesel generator — a fact nowhere mentioned in Ms. Mendicott’s piece.

      For Australia the obvious future is to cancel the transition to unreliable wind and solar installations, plus firming backup, plus transmission lines to main grid and a brand new electricity grid and continue using coal and gas in power stations, and where older power stations cannot be cost effectively operated convert to Small Nuclear Reactor technology and/or replace the power station/s completely with factory made SMR generator units.

      Including the many other advantages utilising the existing land locations and electricity grid would be a major cost and environmental saving.


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        RePlanet Africa
        @RePlanetAfrica Uganda will have 24,000MW of nuclear energy by 2040. This was
        announced today at the launch of the national energy transition plan
        @COP28 UAE. “We were delighted by the commitment by 22 countries to triple nuclear energy. This aligns with our energy strategy,” said


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        “where older power stations cannot be cost effectively operated convert to Small Nuclear Reactor technology and/or replace the power station/s completely with factory made SMR generator units.”

        Wouldn’t this be subject to more of the same, ie, solar eating base loads lunch, making it uneconomic to be just taking up the slack.


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      Sounds just like King Island.


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        Seems exactly the same as King Island.

        King Island is the proof that you can’t have just wind solar and battery. I don’t understand how this conclusion cannot be drawn. It is clearly evident by this brilliant experiment.

        All you can do is save a bit of fuel, which will cost you a motza do so.


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      another ian

      A good read in the comments there (IMO)


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    Read submissions to the Senator on SMR …


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      Flashy “Vision-mission-core values”, but its hard to-

      “SMR-NT provides expert energy industry consultancy and guidance, focused principally on SMRs”

      when there are none in the country to become experts on!


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        ANSTO has carried out considerable research into nuclear energy and operates the Sydney Lucas Heights nuclear reactor, the replacement now for the original 1950s reactor, both produce radio isotopes for commercial and medical applications. ANSTO invented recycling of depleted uranium fuel rods to extend operating life and lower spent fuel radiation level, now being used for SMRs.


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        The only SMR I’m aware of is an obscure one in darkest Russia and submarine power plants, could sub power plants be ‘converted’ to land based power plants.


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          Nuclear reactors are like heaters, consider coal burning to heat water to produce steam to power steam turbines to drive electricity generators.

          So replace coal fired boiler technology with nuclear, now recommended Small Modular Reactor, to produce steam.

          Please read the my post #10 and contents, there are more SMR and now MiniMR than you think there are.


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            Small and medium-sized or modular reactors are an option to fulfil the need for flexible power generation for a wider range of users and applications. Small modular reactors, deployable either as single or multi-module plant, offer the possibility to combine nuclear with alternative energy sources, including renewables.
            Small modular reactors: flexible and affordable power generation
            Global interest in small and medium sized or modular reactors has been increasing due to their ability to meet the need for flexible power generation for a wider range of users and applications and replace ageing fossil fuel-fired power plants. They also display an enhanced safety performance through inherent and passive safety features, offer better upfront capital cost affordability and are suitable for cogeneration and non-electric applications. In addition, they offer options for remote regions with less developed infrastructures and the possibility for synergetic hybrid energy systems that combine nuclear and alternate energy sources, including renewables.

            Many Member States are focusing on the development of small modular reactors, which are defined as advanced reactors that produce electricity of up to 300 MW(e) per module. These reactors have advanced engineered features, are deployable either as a single or multi-module plant, and are designed to be built in factories and shipped to utilities for installation as demand arises.

            There are more than 80 SMR designs and concepts globally. Most of them are in various developmental stages and some are claimed as being near-term deployable. There are currently four SMRs in advanced stages of construction in Argentina, China and Russia, and several existing and newcomer nuclear energy countries are conducting SMR research and development.

            The IAEA is coordinating the efforts of its Member States to develop SMRs of various types by taking a systematic approach to the identification and development of key enabling technologies, with the goal to achieve competitiveness and reliable performance of such reactors. The Agency also helps them address common infrastructure issues that could facilitate the SMRs’ deployment.


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            While not called a “SMR”, there is a 4th gen gas-cooled 200 MW reactor now up and running in China. Sounds like a SMR to me…


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    “Ours may become the first Civilisation destroyed, not by the power of our enemies, but by the ignorance of our Teachers and the dangerous nonsense they are teaching our Children. In an age of artificial intelligence they are teaching artificial stupidity.

    – Thomas Sowell


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    they were assembled by our enemies, the long march.


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    For a couple of weeks now the Weatherzone app on my mobile phone has a red band “severe heatwave watch”, today the maximum forecast is 26 deg C for the NSW Mid North Coast and tomorrow 28C then 23, 22 & 24 following days.

    I have noticed that heatwaves are now graded by the BoM …


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      robert rosicka

      More than a few have noticed this Dennis , I can understand high 30’s and over but 26 ?


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        David Maddison

        can understand high 30’s and over but 26 ?

        They have to maintain the terror.

        And most people no longer realise that Australia was considered a fairly hot country, back in the day.


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          My son told me that building trades older workers understand the scare campaign and the reality of summer through to winter normal weather conditions but unfortunately the younger apprentices and graduates tend to be indoctrinated.


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      Here is 31, 32, 33, 34 for the next 4 days. Then a front will drop and bring light rain by the looks of it.

      But you will find Twitter people telling you “they told you so, they said it was getting warmer, you were warned.” Such lazy terrible thinking that seems to plague society.


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        I fondly remember summer school holidays during the 1950s and later years when a normal day was what is now a heatwave, often a late afternoon thunder storm followed by a high humidity evening.


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          Thats what I remember of the 70’s too. I learned that sweat makes you stick to the vinyl couch when the heat makes you pass out.


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      Back in the old days, at an absolute minimum it had to hit 40C before you could call it a heat wave.

      We not only have inflation in prices, and we have grade inflation in the education system, but standards are slipping in everyday weather events too!


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      It gets to 34 degrees Centigrade every day in Manila in the Philippines. And as to those people who live in The Gulf States, I really do not know how they survive. /sarc


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      Amazing, the southerly buster is not just a thing of the past.

      ‘The southerly buster is back with a vengeance. Back to save Sydney and its electricity grid under pressure from blistering summer heat.

      ‘Recently, the glorious old southerly wasn’t busting through the Harbour city but there have been two in the past week, on Saturday 9th and Thursday 14th. And it looks like there could be another on Tuesday 19th.’ (Weatherzone)


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    another ian

    More along “The Covid Trail”

    “The Screamfest Continues
    [Comments enabled]
    Category thumbnail
    Back in late 2020 and early 2021 I warned explicitly about the jabby fest that was in the process of commencing into the maw of an active outbreak of infection. Specifically, I warned that if the jabs were non-sterilizing, that is, prophylaxis and not an actual vaccine, that they would both prolong the misery and, given the nature of coronaviruses generally to mutate very rapidly, make the situation much worse for those who took them.

    This would even be true if the jabs worked “as advertised” — that is, for the specific variants targeted, they prevented symptomatic infection.

    Of course we now know they don’t work “as advertised” and the trials were rigged to prevent that from being discovered — specifically, we now know that their protection wears off in as little as three months and conveniently, guess how long the trials were? Uh huh – three months.”

    A lot more at

    And Covid and Coffee on “Excess deaths”


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      “Americans consume 55% of all prescription drugs in the world. We’ve trusted public health a LOT. In 2014 — long before the pandemic — almost 1.3 million Americans went to the emergency room for adverse drug effects, and around 124,000 died. …. We have something like seventy-two childhood vaccine injections now.

      You’d think gobbling up all that medicine public health is pushing would eke out a few more months of life for us. At least! But no-
      a “catastrophic major decline” in American life expectancy — it’s dropped a whopping three years, giving up a century’s worth of gains.”

      A great article on the FDA people who are not allowed to think of or mention ‘excess deaths” or “vaccine deaths”… How the Govt can just ignore what it can’t explain without implicating itself.


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    David Maddison

    The oldest dingo (wild dog) remains ever found in Australia are only 3,500 years old.

    The Official Narrative says that there was one and only one migration of only one people to Australia 60,000 years ago and no other earlier human species (e.g. Kow Swamp Man, Mungo Man) or other groups other than modern day Aborigines. And now the extinct pygmy Aboriginals of north Queensland have also been written out of history. They never existed according to the Official Narrative. Just ask the fake “fact checkers”.

    And don’t even dare ask a question about human pre-history or anthropology in Australia or you are a “racist” (sic).

    So, how does the Official Narrative account for the fact of the quite late introduction of the dingo? Who brought it?

    1) Wikipedia article on dingo.

    2) Quadrant article about pygmy Aborigines:

    3) I won’t offend the rational thinking people of this blog with references for fake fact checks, they are easy enough to find.


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      David Maddison

      Don’t forget, the “Official Narrative” is all “settled science” (sic). You are not allowed to question it. Science is “decided by consensus” so they tell us (and only the consensus of the loudest most aggressive and increasingly violent).


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      robert rosicka

      Oddly enough I thought the oldest Boab tree in the Kimberly was around 3000 years old .


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        A quick check only shows Derby’s Prison Tree, at 1500 years. Stepped into that tree once, only to find it harboured a few thousand mosquitoes.


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          robert rosicka

          Seen something a week or so ago that they believe they had found the oldest known one , may have said could this be the oldest Boab in Oz at 3000 years of age , I’ll try and find it .


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      Also Tasmanian Aborigines.

      I imagine a comparative DNA analysis of aboriginal people from all over the country might help elucidate the different regional phenotypes and their migration history which I’m sure would be fascinating.


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      ‘ … extinct pygmy Aboriginals of north Queensland …’



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      Cape York, The Savage Frontier, a book worth reading.


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        David Maddison

        That book goes for A$400-$500 on EBay and similar high prices elsewhere. It is rare and in demand, probably because it goes against the Official Narrative.


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      “The oldest dingo (wild dog) remains ever found in Australia are only 3,500 years old.”

      That’s also likely the age of the last migration to OZ, look at the different characteristics of the last Tasmanian aborigines.


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      I saw somewhere that Wandjina art is only 3500 years old. They are the rock paintings of the spacemen. Bradshaw or Gwoin Gwoin are way older, and more subtle.


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        David Maddison

        Yes, there’s is something seriously wrong with the interpretation of Australia’s prehistory but no one dares to investigate it as they’ll be called “racist” and will be “cancelled”.

        As for the Bradshaw paintings, even Aborigines disclaimed ownership of them until a few years ago, now they claim them as theirs.


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      Graeme No.3

      wasn’t there a change of language about that time? Sorry, haven’t the reference but I think it was in The Australian Museum article.
      They thought that the various tribal languages seemed to have switched to Pama-Nyungan mostly by some curious situation e.g. religious or a few newcomers changing the words before moving to the next tribe. How they could track pre-historic changes in language I don’t know but the change was about the time of the date for your dingo.

      The term can include both Tasmanian languages and the Western Torres Strait language,[6] but the genetic relationship to the mainland Australian languages of the former is unknown,[7] while the latter is Pama–Nyungan, though it shares features with the neighbouring Papuan, Eastern Trans-Fly languages, in particular Meriam Mir of the Torres Strait Islands, as well as the Papuan Tip Austronesian languages.[8]
      Most Australian languages belong to the widespread Pama–Nyungan family, while the remainder are classified as “non-Pama–Nyungan”, which is a term of convenience that does not imply a genealogical relationship.


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      John Watt

      Whoever brought dingoes into Oz, this puppy did not make it to Tasmania. Hence the “Tasmanian” devil survives. Suggestion is that the dingoes gobbled the devils in the rest of Oz.


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      “Australia voting at the UN to condemn Israel to a continuation of horrific attacks on its people. ”

      A UN vote on Israel is just not important, Israel will ignore the opinions of the rest of the world as they always have done. Its a pity the rest of the countries can’t do the same, we would actually have an independent policy in Australia’s interests instead of being America’s lapdog and a UN posing princess!


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      There is room for a political party who will explain to the populace why it is futile to sacrifice our country to the gods of climate idiocy.

      They would romp in, then set about building replacement HELE units, forget nuclear, our best hope is if Trump wins and cans our subs, it will save us squillions which can be used to save ourselves from energy poverty.


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      David Maddison

      Completely rational when you understand that everything the Left claims to support is the opposite of their belief.

      So when they falsely claim to be opposed to slavery, that means they really support it.

      Why else would they cancel the memory of a slave abolitionist and replace it with one of the numerous African tribes involved in the slave trade?

      They surely can’t be that stupid? Just ask them and they will tell you they are the intellectual elites, not like those “stupid uneducated conservatives” (sic).


      War is Peace
      Freedom is Slavery
      Ignorance is Strength


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    Moody’s, a leading risk assessment agency, has lowered the ratings of the United States and China from stable to negative, economic depression looms.


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    Renowned Dutch Virologist vanden Bossche Warns Highly Vaccinated Population Face “Decimation”

    Dutch professor warns of decimation rates of 30, 40 % for the highly vaccinated.

    If the projections and hypothesis of renowned Dutch virologist Geert vanden Bossche are true, then everyone who got conned into getting the COVID 19 mRNA vaccine is going to deeply regret it.

    Health authorities, politicians, media figures and pushers are going to have to find a very deep hole to hide in if they wish to escape the wrath of the masses.


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    Is there another widespread wuflu outbreak or is it just regional?

    I spent some time in the local casualty ward a week ago and it sounded as if two people being admitted had the dreaded pox and there were many more masks being worn than normal [still only “advisory”]. Asking later I was told there were 100 patients in hospital.

    I don’t know what to make of this. Could it be that so many new infections could only indicate a FAILURE of the vaxx program so they are saying nothing?

    I had a niggle in my throat a couple of days later and did a RAT but came up clear. Pandemic of the unvaxed be damned.


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      There seems to have been a decent wave around recently, maybe still is. People have just moved on to the next topic, that is all.

      I’m keeping a low profile this Christmas, no kissy hi-how-are-you platitudes from me. Haven’t had it yet and plan to keep it that way. I’ve taken enough risks of late already.

      My guess from the start was this will take about 5 years to go away, my plan was to try and avoid it until then, and it has worked so far. Not long to go now.


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        I’m transitioning, combination of supplements and sunshine daily and I hope there is a bonus of a voice seat later.



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          Winter in the north was hot and dry so I spent many happy hours watering the lawn, often without a shirt so I am well stocked with D3 and NO.


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      John Connor II

      But Covid, like Malaria, has now been found to lie dormant and undetectable, up to 18 months in lung creches, ready to “activate” down the track.
      So…get vaxxed, with all the consequences, then Covid springs to life. What fun.
      Then there’s the genetic hell of sAmRNA looming, that’ll make the fake mRNA fiasco look tame.

      “What is a woman?” will become “what is human?”


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        Shingles too lies dormant but it is activated more easily in a vaxxine induced compromised immune system. Human will mean being mandated to get the Shingles app and sit with eyes wired open to watch relentless shingles scare propaganda on TV.


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          St John,
          The condition of post-herpetic neuralgia following shingles can last for the rest of the life of the person afflicted by this dreadful and continuous pain. It is, in my view from observation of some people close to me, one of the worst non-terminal conditions a person can get in terms of enjoyment of life destroyed in the final years. But, it can affect any age.
          On blance, I strongly recomment vaccination against shingles, but I do not recommend any so-called vaccination using the experimental and improperly tested Covid style of RNA base.
          Geoff S


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        to find the Neanderthals among us?


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      Hanrahan – beware the efficacy of the RATs tests for the new strain of Covid. About 9 weeks ago husband & I tested negative on two different brands of RAT tests. We appeared to have heavy colds. Since it was quite a nasty virus and was not showing any signs of clearing up quickly, I went to GP & subsequent PCR indicated positive for Covid. I also developed a classic “Covid rash” – typical of virus infection. We are both unvaccinated & recovered from the initial virus in a week but continued to experience post viral symptoms – cough & some eustachian tube congestion – for a month or so.

      We both had a very very mild Covid infection a year ago, but this latest infection was certainly more profound. I wonder if the warnings of Geert Van Den Bossche will prove correct when he warned about vaccinating during a pandemic & causing “immune escape”. Although he also says that the unvaccinated will be less severely affected, he reckons they will not escape infection.


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        BTW Both my husband and I have been taking the following supplements since the beginning of COVID in Australia in early 2021: VitC, VitD3, Zinc, Curcumin, Magnesium, Bifidobacterium infants probiotic, Metamucil, & intermittently Coq10. During Covid infection we also took Quercetin. We get a good deal of physical exercise out farm & daily walks.


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          David of Cooyal in Oz

          G’day Vicki,
          You don’t mention either iron, one of vitamin D’s cofactors, or vitamin A which is used by vitamin D when it’s active. While both are available via diet it’s worth checking that you’re getting enough that way.
          Also, with vitamin C I’m taking 1000 mg morning, noon and night, my rationale being that it doesn’t last long inside and I wanted a reasonable amount present over the day.
          Dave B


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          One can get a bit neurotic about supplements for items that are usually produced adequately by the body.
          Geoff S


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          Graeme No.3

          I took 4 D3 a day (1000 units each) during the first year or two, now down to 3, along with Quercetin and zinc and Vitamin K2 (7) as per recommendations on the nett. Lately I’ve switched to MultiVitamins about every 2 – 3 days along with D3 + K2-7. Plenty of orange juice (plus some mandarines when available). Never had Covid and only a minor sniffles for a day.
          Was suspicious about the vaccine from the starts (despite my Doctor’s appeal – he never mentions Covid these days (and said Sept. he hadn’t seen any cases since Feb).


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        another ian


        I posted this earlier so just the link


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        I just keep doing all the things that I was doing before the Virus Crisis.


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    Biochemistry time:
    The Pseudo-Uridine Substitution in mRNA Drugs Is NOW Proven Failed. The gene therapy “vaccination” platform cannot instruct reliable protein synthesis. All human and animal use must be halted.


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    Not too late to put under the Christmas tree, probably from Santa Klaus and his merry WEF goblins, but sure to gladden the psyche of any worry wart: New Covid Variant – Time To Induce Fear Again


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    another ian

    A reminder –

    “Courtesy of Josh and Net Zero Watch, a trip back down memory lane, from COP13 to COP28, the “breakthroughs” followed by the “cold light of day!:”


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    John Connor II

    Almost Santa time!

    Tick which applies.

    [ ] Good

    [ ] Naughty

    [ ] On a government watchlist
    That’s what I thought. 😆


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    John Connor II

    Joe Biden: decency is on the ballot

    Sniff, sniff.
    “Don’t tell your mommy I said that.”


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    John Connor II

    ‘Shocking’ discovery: Electricity from electric eels may transfer genetic material to nearby animals

    The electric eel is the biggest power-making creature on Earth. It can release up to 860 volts, which is enough to run a machine. In a recent study, a research group from Nagoya University in Japan found electric eels can release enough electricity to genetically modify small fish larvae.

    The researchers’ findings add to what we know about electroporation, a gene delivery technique. Electroporation uses an electric field to create temporary pores in the cell membrane. This lets molecules, like DNA or proteins, enter the target cell.

    The researchers discovered that 5% of the larvae had markers showing gene transfer. “This indicates that the discharge from the electric eel promoted gene transfer to the cells, even though eels have different shapes of pulse and unstable voltage compared to machines usually used in electroporation,” said Iida. “Electric eels and other organisms that generate electricity could affect genetic modification in nature.

    Maybe we can collect fireflies and electric eels to power our houses. 😎


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    John Connor II

    This will: (a) Make you feel old, (b) Shake your head at gen Z

    And they can’t tell the time on analog clocks either. 😁


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    David Maddison

    Mackinac Island in the US banned horseless carriages in 1898 and they are still banned today.


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    Amazing – nobody here mentioning the 30 day SOI at a near neutral minus 2.04
    After on 19Sep BoM called an El Nino


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    David of Cooyal in Oz

    Aussie Wire, interview of Dr Melissa McCann re class action, against some of our favourite names.
    16 mins.
    Just found.

    Dave B


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      another ian

      The foot is through the door (IMO)

      Sunday Mail 17th Dec 2023 News page 13

      “Covid vaccine payout”

      “A widow has been awarded a six figure compensation payout in recognition that a recommended covid vaccine caused the paralysis and eventual death of her late husband”


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    TC Jasper may have been a fizzer of a cyclone but it is the grand daddy of rain depressions.

    I think Unprecedented™ is an honest description. Every river from the Herbert [Ingham] north are in flood.


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      Geoff Sherrington

      Similar heavy rain about 1965-7, I can’t remember the exact year. We lived in Townsville, water up to the knees in Hyde Park. Brother was stranded at Ingham for 3 days from Herbert R over the bridge. Flooded up to Cooktown down to Bowen. Geoff S


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    another ian


    “Huge potential for livestock grazing and vegies under solar panels”

    Sounds like a big dose of “hopium” there


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    another ian

    As the Newcastle Song says

    “”Don’t you ever let a chance go by”

    “The EV Starter Pack”


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    Most people 40years and younger have been reared with air conditioning. That sort of makes them putty in the hands
    of the propagandists. No wonder they ‘believe’ 35 or 36C is hot and leads to catastrophic fire forecasts.
    We who remember ‘the old days’ of heat had fans and in places, bower sheds. Some even put oil on their bodies to get a better burn
    in that dastardly sun (unless like me, an always ~white redhead)! The concept of ‘hot’ is variable by age and experiences.


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