199,984 comments… tick tick tick (Plus almost half a million people visited in 2013)

The 200,000 comment mark has crept up on me. Not long to go…

For the record there were 496,107 “unique visitors” to this site during 2013.

All told, the crowd spent 23,703 person-hours on this blog last year.

(Who is reading? See these comments).

I’m grateful to the commenters for generating such an avid conversation.

Thank you especially to the volunteer moderators who look out for me and make this possible.

Thank you to the people who donated in support. It is brilliantly useful, Cheers!

My favorite posts.

Gratefully,  — Jo

UPDATE: JoNova Alexa ranking globally is 78,819 (similar to GWPF 80,292; Bishop Hill 102,464; Climate Audit 84,996). This site’s rank in Australia a very good 2,015. (Lower is better). Congrats WUWT global rank 10,250.

Right now, I’m getting 30% of my traffic from the UK, which is surprising.

9.6 out of 10 based on 83 ratings

115 comments to 199,984 comments… tick tick tick (Plus almost half a million people visited in 2013)

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    Thank you Jo for all the hard work you put in to achieve this result.


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    Thank you for your amazing efforts Jo, you are an inspiration to us all. I know there is still a long way to go.

    I also note there have been a couple of very important contributors to the skeptic debate go by the wayside recently because of financial pressures. I know that contrary to the leftist, climate alarmist conspiracy theories there isn’t a stream of money coming to you from the fossil fuel industry or right wing think tanks. You go without a great deal for you and your family because you believe this fight is worth while. I also know that you are all too reluctant to ask for financial support.

    The least I can do is tip some money your way to encourage you to stay at it in 2014 and I hope others will take the opportunity to do the same. If your many thousands of readers just gave a little bit it would be a huge help to you. Keep up the good work!

    Jo’s donation link is here: http://joannenova.com.au/about/donations/

    [Donna Lafromboise, world renown investigative journalist who wrote ‘The Delinquent Teenager Who Was Mistaken for the World’s Top Climate Expert’ and other great books available at her blog wrote recently:

    “Time is a non-renewable resource. The past five years have been rewarding in many respects and, given the chance to re-live them, I doubt I’d change much. What they have not been is financially rewarding.
    It is no exaggeration to say I would have enjoyed more spare time and earned more money if I’d spent the past five years working as a barista.”

    I know the same is true for Jo Nova, so if you can take Jaymez up on his suggestion, I know Jo would greatly appreciate it. – Mod]


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      Peter C

      I have proably been counted as about 15 unique visitors because I have intinerant work, but I like to check in on this blog whenver I can using whatever computer I am using.

      So the total is 496,094 visitors.


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    Congratulation’s Jo. Your site has been an invaluable source of public education to balance the human induced global warming hysteria that has been prevalent in the MSM and sadly most western universities for the best part of a decade now.

    You can count myself as one person who has changed his opinion thanks to your site’s information. I now look forward to enjoying through your site reading about the final demise of this insidious global disease in coming months and years.

    Slightly off topic, but I never thought I’d read an opinion piece like this from Tom Switzer in the Sydney Morning Herald. None of what Tom says is news to the regulars at your site, but I am astounded yet heartened that this story was even approved by the Fairfax editors – maybe there is hope for them after all ? More evidence the tide is turning……



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      Congratulation’s Jo. Your site has been an invaluable source of public education…

      It has become my favorite place to learn and share. I hope the climate scam dies and Jo’s site lives on to bust many more.


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      I’m stunned actually that it passed as the SMH has dad a policy of shutting down contrary opinions. unglaublich!!


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      Allen Ford

      When you lose the Herald, you have lost! Dare one hope that the tide is turning?

      It will be more than amusing to witness the blizzard of outrage on tomorrow’s letters page.


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        Blizzard of outrage?

        I suspect fountain of bile may be closer to the mark.

        There’s a funny thing about leftardulent bile. They swear they’ve only been swallowing the truth, but there always seems to be chunks of diced “narrative” in it…


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      Just finished reading the article and was about to cross-post, but you beat me to it. I think we are witnessing the death of CAGW as we speak. We are past “Peak Madness” and regular programming can resume.


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    Reed Coray

    I agree with Manicbeancounter. The thanks go from us (the blog readers/commenters) to you (the blog hostess), not the other way around.

    Jo, what exactly is a “unique visitor?” For example, does each time I log onto this blog add to the count of “unique visitors?” Or is it that because I’ve logged onto this blog in 2014 all subsequent logons in 2014 don’t add to the total of “unique visitors?” Or some other definition?

    [My understanding is that a unique visitor is determined by IP address. If you use the same computer every time you check into the site you will only be counted once. – MOD]


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      Reed, it’s the Google Analytics definition of unique. Which means that if you use the same computer you should theoretically only register as “one”. There were 2.8 million pageviews last year from those visitors who came from 215 different countries. Google can tell me that 41 people came here from Bolivia for example. Top ten countries, Australia, US, UK, Canada, NZ, Sweden Germany France the Netherlands and Norway.

      6 comments to go…

      Sorry I will miss the moment. Have to go. Jo


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    Peter Miller

    On behalf of Australia’s Climate Commission, the Team, James Hansen, the climate statistics gatekeepers and climate trolls everywhere, may I thank you for your help in the Herculean task of keeping these guys honest.


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      “keeping these guys honest”

      Seriously?? these guys never have been, nor ever will be.. honest !

      We can draw the light on their dishonesty, but we can never keep them honest.


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        Peter Miller


        My apologies, I should have said: “trying to keep these guys honest.”

        As I think most of us know, climate science and honesty have increasingly become two mutually exclusive concepts in recent years.

        However, if I put my climate scientist hat on, all I need to say is: “Interesting, but define honesty.”


  • #

    As my ability to get around is curtailed I find myself visiting this site several times a day. Jo’s pieces are some of the best writing I have run into and in addition to that the comments very often contain good info and cross references.
    Thanks for the good work.

    Ps–Do we have any new info on Murry Salby?


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      Sceptical Sam

      ” I find myself visiting this site several times a day.” So do I DMA. And it gives me great heart to read not only Jo’s pieces but the comments as well. Every one of them.

      Well done Jo.


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    Just recently discovered your site.
    I like it.
    The problem as I see it is that our modern universities have in recent years become not so much centers of education, as much as they are centers of indoctrination.
    This has been true for some time for students training for a future in education, and more recently it applies to students in what were once considered the “hard sciences” engineering for example.
    I’m not sure how it will all end, but I’m not seeing being pleasant.


    • #

      Welcome aboard Levi !
      And yes, agreed entirely that there’s a (sinister) indoctrination-hypnotism style of education going on; and has been for many years. My children are now in their thirties, but 25-odd years ago, when they came home from primary school with some strange ideas, I realised that I needed to get serious about correcting the s**t they were being fed.
      Regards, Neville


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    Stuart Elliot

    I’m one of those many Canadians who benefits from your perspective and the insights offered by the many commenters here, even the dogmatic ones for whom the evidence is less compelling than the cause.


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    Ralph Tittley

    Congratulations Jo. Here’s to 300,00! It’ good to know that there are fair minded, sensible, reasonable and rational people around to cut through the BS. Keep it up.


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    John Riddell

    I visit here from 3 different devices so mayhap I am conted 3 times.


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    John Riddell



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    Rod Stuart

    As a frequent visitor to this blog, I find that some of the characters seem to be like family. It is unfortunate that we are so geographically separated that we can’t have a get together and meet in person. However, I suppose that is benefit of the Internet; geography is not a hindrance to communication. The inhabitants of the globe owe you a great deal, Joanne.


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      John F. Hultquist

      We should pick a day and all grill a steak and have a beer (or 2) and have a toast to the hostess.


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        Agreed! I may have to keep my beer in the warmer as it does tend to get very cold outside this time of year. 😉


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      Franny by Coal light

      It is even better than family because everyone here has chosen this one, even down to the black sheeps .


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    Me, me, me!


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    What do I win when I’m number 200,000?


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    Joe V.

    Hearty Congrats. Jo on hitting the 200,000 mark.

    I learned a lot about logic & reason here, as well as the other stuff.
    I never realised before there was such a lack of it about.

    For all your warmist friends who might need some help there’s a great Free 12 week course starting today on how to do just that.

    Think Again:- How to Reason & Argue.

    If you’ve never tried Cousera courses there’s a whole lot more interesting subjects just starting.
    Take a look

    I fancy the one on Macroeconomics just started.


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    Just to help you over the line and because I love it here <:o)


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    Robert O

    It’s good to have a site where you can see an alternative view to global warming and frank comments. Congratulations. Occasionally I make a comment and found the dialogue about diabetes very informative, but what I find bizarre is that the continuing onslaught of global warming stories when the evidence is becoming increasingly absent: for example on the screen of ABC24 last night ” Eucalypts will become extinct due to global warming”. No explanation whatsoever and I doubt if there is one, as Eucalypts are adapted to high temperatures and fire with lignotubers, thick bark, adventitious shoots and seed in fire resistant capsules.


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      Robert O

      “Eucalypts will become extinct due to global warming” by ABC24 – amazing scare monger tactics by idiots.

      They must be assuming massive sea level rises and everything drowned. If all their CAGW was true, and you had a choice of what to be:

      It would be a cockroach, rat or a gum tree. The ABC will be extinct in a few years with the collapse of the CAGW garbage.


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    john robertson

    Congratulations, how true Donna’s words, anything besides this dreck.
    Thank you for your fine work and the light touch that keeps humour alive in this climatology nonsense.
    A few more home goals from the team, will really bring your numbers up.
    Has the ship of fools, minus those tools, made port yet?
    The madness of educated mobs, future history will use this hysteria over calamitous climate, extreme weather or as the rest of us say normal weather, storms and all, as proof of how dangerous experts really are.
    2014 will see a rush to the exits, mass scapegoating and some burn the witch, followed by selective amnesia.
    Do-gooders are the most dangerous vile people on the planet.


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    Peter Crawford

    Well at least a barista serves you a delicious cup of coffee. A barrister on the other hand merely writes a few letters on your behalf then sends you a bill for £8000.

    Bloggers are tops, especially Joanne.


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    Hubristic congratulations Ms. Jo.

    But, ALL the thanks go to You and David.
    Having an outlet like this to vent and learn against this climate madness is a community service of immense value.
    I will visit the bank today for a little cash thank you.
    – National Australia Bank
    a/c name: Unqwerty Pty Ltd.
    BSB: 086420
    a/c#: 563148308

    Key Quote:
    “In the head-spinning cosmos of climate change, everyday hundreds of people claim there are ‘thousands of papers’ in support of a theory, yet no one can actually name one single paper with empirical evidence that shows carbon dioxide emissions are the main cause of global warming.”
    From: “The Skeptics Handbook II: Global Bullies Want Your Money” (PDF), Joannanova.com.au.

    You know your on target when the flak is aimed at you!
    . . . .
    The feathers have been collected and the tar is warming up, the rebels are at the balustrades of the ‘progressives’ lofty citadels.

    Onward & Upward! Forward ho!


  • #

    Congrats from sunny Virginia Beach. It has been a pleasure coming here and helping with the troll incursions. (Thanks to the tech that let’s me visit from halfway ’round the world as well). Here’s to taking new ground from the warmists this year and thanks for doing more than your fair share Jo – it is appreciated (well, maybe not by the trolls) 🙂


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    Congratulations Jo!
    Your articles should be on the national curriculum as examples of well written and logical commentaries on topics that concern us all.


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    Bruce of Newcastle

    Congratulations Jo, and thanks for your great work. Best wishes to you and family for 2014.

    Some excellent signs we are making headway against the ideologues, the best today being Tom Switzer’s article in the SMH (see Cookster’s comment #3). Seeing the climate sceptical position in SMH together with a caustic cartoon from John Shakespeare is a real eye opener. It will also be astonishing for many of the readers of SMH after reading endless woe from Mr Cubby, Mr Hannam and Mr Arup these last few years.


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    George McFly......I'm your density

    Best congratulations Jo and keep up the excellent work


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    more power to you, jo. not only are you not in the pay of BIG anything, it’s a disgrace that no company in australia has recognised the value of becoming a sponsor of the site. too scared of being called “deniers” if they do? who knows.

    Cookster –

    at the bottom of the Switzer opinion piece, it says:

    “Tom Switzer is editor of The Spectator Australia. Peter Hartcher is on leave.”

    here’s hoping it’s permanent leave.


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    James (Aus.)

    Congratulations, Jo. A veritable tour de force.

    (No doubt you’ll be besieged with best wishes from the trollsters who know this site daily knocks them for six. So far I haven’t spotted that sallow head-tilted one though; might be he’s worked out that after innumerable appearances he’s made absolutely no traction at all. Not a good look.)

    2014 will be even greater for Climate Rationalists.


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    Rereke Whakaaro

    Plus almost half a million people visited in 2013

    I thought it felt crowded. No wonder you can’t get to the bar.


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    The UK Labour Govt funding and influencing the BBC’s editorial mindset on climate etc:


    May one reasonably hope for equivalence with the ABC here ? And if so, would anything actually change, anyway ?


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    Congratulations & felicitations!


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    Rod Stuart

    I just caught the tail end of an interview this morning on AM with that dunce Hunt.
    He was stressing over temperatures that keep “increasing decade after decade”.
    I must send Abbott an email saying it’s bad enough that the public broadcaster embellishes propaganda, but does this misinformed minister have to do it as well?


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    Mark D.

    Congrats Jo! By now the celebration must have started for passing that milestone. I’ll start late but make up for it. Happy hour in T -10 minutes



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    Graeme No.3

    Congratulations and thank you for an entertaining and informative site.

    Even better now it is Michael the R FREE !


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    Larissa, this would be more interesting if u asked Penny about Janet Rice’s trip on the Shokalskiy:

    14 Jan: Canberra Times: Larissa Nicholson: Heatwave frequency increases as climate change takes effect
    And the blistering heat is a sign of things to come, with the CSIRO predicting ACT residents could suffer through 26 days a year with a top temperature of 35 degrees or more before the end of the century…
    The Bureau of Meteorology is predicting a maximum temperature of 37 degrees on Tuesday, 39 degrees on Wednesday and Thursday, and 38 degrees on Friday.
    …with a top of 37 degrees predicted for Saturday and 31 degrees for Sunday.
    Bureau of Meteorology forecaster Sean Carson said severe heatwaves similar to the one predicted for this week had been recorded in Canberra in 1952, 1979, 2009 and 2013, and climate change was at least partly to blame for the increased frequency of extremely hot weather.
    CSIRO senior researcher Penny Whetton said according to a long-term average, Canberra experienced five days a year with temperatures of 35 degrees or more.
    But by 2070 scientists expect Canberrans to suffer through between 10 and 18 such days, or, allowing for all uncertainties, between 8 and 26 days.
    Dr Whetton said the bureau had been recording Australia’s temperatures for many years and exceptionally hot weather did occur every now and then. But that did not mean scientists could not identify trends towards warming caused by human activity.
    ”Because the background climate has warmed, when we get the conditions that are just right for very hot weather, the weather is a little bit hotter than it would otherwise be,” she said…


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    Peter C

    Comment No 200,000!
    Actually it seems it like more than that, especially if you try to read them all.

    Congratulations Jo! You have the best site for comments, which are all nicely set out and threaded together.

    Also I do like to read the comments because some of them are quite interesting (as Steven Fry would say, even if he is an unreconstructed lefty).


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    Joanne, and David also,

    thanks for hosting such a wonderful site.

    I would say I’ve learned more here about science than I have from anywhere else.

    There’s some amazing things that those statistics can indicate.

    Note how Joanne mentions here:

    496,107 “unique visitors” to this site during 2013.

    One computer registers once. What that indicates to me is that there is a quite large, (if not huge) number of people visiting this site, not to comment, but just to read what has been written, not only in the headline Post, but in the Comments as well.

    Lurkers, if you will.

    That’s the best thing here, those people not commenting, but just reading it all. Those people are the main target (for want of a better word here) because each of them would probably come back again, (and not be counted, that one computer thing) because they are interested in finding out for themselves, not trusting what is being fed to them by the regular media outlets.

    That’s almost half a million different people have come here ….. just in that last year, so that’s one new visitor every minute for a year (24/7/365) and Joanne has just reached that 200,000 (lifetime for the blog) comments.

    See the point here?

    Second stat highlight. The most visitors are from here in Oz, so that’s a time frame of say 6AM (Eastern Daylight) to 2AM (Western) with the bulk of them during the daylight hours.

    There are 8760 hours in a full year, and Joanne registered:

    23,703 person-hours on this blog last year.

    So, for every hour in the day, (all 24 of them) this site is getting comments (just comments here, not visits) which consume almost three hours worth of writing.

    This site is an invaluable resource, not just for those who comment here, but mainly for those who don’t.

    Those statistics tell me that the message is getting out there.



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    13 Jan: UK Telegraph Blog: Sean Thomas: What if man-made climate change is all in the mind?


  • #

    there were 496,107 “unique visitors” to this site during 2013.

    And I thought I was the only “unique” one here. Damn.

    All our love and best wishes to our hostess. Long may she reign o’er us!


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    The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.

    Marcus Aurelius Augustus

    Thank you Jo. You and the community you have enabled maintain a golden thread of sanity in a idiot riven World, where tipping points are no longer that period at the culmination a service when a gratuity is offered, and where MSM gleefully announced:

    A collection of weather records were broken last year. NIWA (National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research — NZ) announced in its annual climate report.

    Here the science is settled, indeed as a matter of policy — The Challenge of Limiting Warming to Two Degrees


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    Jo, congratulations on 200,000 comments and 500,000 visitors last year. Now who was the fool who said sceptics “numbered less than members of the flat earth society”?

    Now to celebrate 200,000 posts by disproving not just the AGW hypothesis but the radiative GHE hypothesis with one very simple empirical experiment.

    The radiative GHE hypothesis results from the critical error of applying SB equations to moving fluids in a gravity field. This leads to the incorrect calculation that the surface Tav would be -18C in the absence of radiative gases. The calculations of the pseudo scientists show that if our oceans could exist without an atmosphere, they would freeze over due to lack of DWLWIR. This is provably incorrect.

    This simple(but expensive) experiment can simulate what would happen to ocean temperatures without an atmosphere (assuming they did not boil into space). It prevents conductive and evaporative cooling of a water sample heated by intermittent SW while eliminating DWLWIR.

    How hot will can the water get?
    Will it freeze due to the lack of LWIR incident on the surface?
    Or will it rise toward 80C?
    What effect will the cycle frequency of the SW source have on the final temperature?

    But we don’t actually need to run the experiment. NASA has already done the work for us. There is a “Snow Line” in the solar system. It is at 3 AU. Inside this line ice exposed to the sun melts and sublimates. Even accounting for the intermittent diurnal cycle, planet earth is well inside this line. The claim that the oceans would freeze in the absence of DWLWIR is clearly false.

    If the oceans can reach 80C in the absence of an atmosphere (assuming they didn’t boil into space) that would prove that the net effect of the atmosphere on the oceans is cooling. There is only one effective means of cooling the atmosphere. Radiative gases. This would mean that not just AGW but the hypothesis of a net radiative greenhouse effect is disproved.

    For reference, this is how hot water gets in sunlight if it can’t cool by conduction or evaporation –


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    It’s a great result Jo. I don’t frequent here a lot these days, but I do check in once or twice a week to see what the CAGW crazies are up to as with Whats up with that.

    In addition, I saw this come through this morning on an electrical industry e-mag. It deals with the ROI and Energy return on Investment or EROI with renewables. This bit is interesting.

    For example, the resurrection of EROI has spun off another concept with a more colorful name. Energy cannibalism refers to the effect of a new energy resource industry, such as wind and solar, growing so fast that it uses up (cannibalizes) large amounts of the output of existing conventional (mostly fossil) generating plants.

    So, during a period of high growth, such as now, the new resource (which may itself be completely pollution free) can actually increase greenhouse gas emission while producing no net energy.

    Even worse, a positive, unstable feedback loop may form: the more emissions, the more the push to build clean generation resources. In turn, the demand from conventional generation goes up and so do the emissions.


  • #

    Thought you might want to read this. http://suyts.wordpress.com/2014/01/13/peter-sinclair-gets-the-warmist-scumbag-liar-of-the-month-award/

    If it does not sicken you too much.


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    John F. Hultquist

    I visit almost every day and often check in 3 or 4 times.
    I’m in the Great State of Washington where it is currently balmy, wet, and windy. Two big old trees blew down last evening about 45 yards from the house. One big crash as one came into the second. Crash bang! I’ll record that as a celebration to the big number of visitors.

    Cheers to Jo, and thanks.


    • #


      Washington State eh!

      Bet you didn’t know you share a bond with the Southern Highlands in New South Wales. (NSW)

      There’s a city in Washington State called Walla Walla, named after the local indigenous people, the Walla Walla people, the people of many rivers.

      Around 40 miles North of Albury is the small town of Walla Walla, which is aboriginal for place of many rocks. Walla Walla is in the area which is home to the Wiradjuri Nation, the people of Three Rivers, so that link is strengthened by this similarity between associations of the Rivers. The Aboriginal nations have no facility for pluralising names as we do with our English language just by adding the letter s. The Aborigines pluralise by saying the name twice.

      Also in the Wiradjuri Nation lands is Wagga Wagga, (place of many crows or literally crow crow)80 miles north of Walla Walla.

      The Wiradjuri Nation covers a vast area of NSW. Those 3 Rivers are the Macquarie River (Wambool) Lachlan River (Kalari) and the Murrumbidgee River. (Murrumbidjeri)



      • #

        Incidentally, the locals in Wagga Wagga are fiercely loyal, If you just use the one name, they gently chide you. You finally get to actually be a local when your Great Great Grandparents were born there.

        In the 70’s a big selling Tee shirt just had these words printed on the front.

        London, Paris Rome, New York, Wagga Wagga!

        Cue Curly!



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        Franny by Coal light

        My, you are a never ending mine if information Tony. There are always a few unexpected Gems to be found here . Inspired by that explanation to search further I came across this nice little celebration of Australian pluralising.
        Never call Wagga Wagga Wagga


      • #
        John F. Hultquist

        Hi Tony, and also Franny below
        I did not know about Wagga Wagga. I am familiar with Walla Walla. It has become somewhat of a known wine town. There are good wines made there, lots of wineries, and a high level of self promotion. What they don’t have are lots of good vineyards, so grapes are brought from 40 to 100 miles away. The double name is both a source of interest and fun.
        It is likely I will never get to Wagga Wagga, but if I do I promise never to call Wagga Wagga Wagga.


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    I will raise you with this link philjourdan


    Apparently the sun played no role in the warming of the late 20th century however is a fundamental key player in the lack of warming since then.

    There is a link to the paper in the article but i cannot reach it



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      I read it this morning (my time). I find it very interesting that the (by far) largest source of energy to our biosphere can only cool the planet, not warm it. These are indeed strange times.


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    Rick Bradford

    For me, it’s like one of those TV advertisements:

    “I was a mild unthinking Green until I discovered Climategate”.

    So along with the anonymous hero of that tale, I salute the public faces (of whom Jo is one) who have ceaselessly pursued and harried the CAGW-pushing enemies of true science.


  • #

    As I’m a recent refugee from the now closed down Weatherzone Climate forums thanks to the warmist trolls and no doubt pressure from the Fairfax owners of WZ I guess I still see things a little different to the old time regulars here.

    One of the most notable items is the sense of community and common purpose amongst the regular commenters on Jo’s site.

    That can lead to a very significant level of me-to-isms, a trap in which the alarmist believers seem to be particularly prone to as unlike the skeptics they are held tightly by an catastrophic based ideology that does not allow or permit deviation from the line as laid down by the high priests of the global warming catastrophe ideology.

    As I have said elsewhere, herding skeptics to make them follow a particular line is like herding cats, damn near impossible. And thats the way it should be in any science based and every community based policy setting environment

    In the case of Jo’s blog and as a relative new comer I stand to be corrected here, but in my view there is also an increasing and much needed widening in the discussions and an increase in the range of subjects and a variance of views and discussion over recent times, a discussion and debate which includes a few alarmists, some of whom are of course irredeemable in their ideology but are tolerated up to a point and so add some spice to the proceedings.

    But the other point that I see is that during my limited time here, the depth and range of opinions and knowledge now showing up in the commentary has increased and widened quite significantly.
    And Nope! Don’t blame me for any of that!
    Others will be the judge of my contribution such as it is.

    Something that I have become quite aware of after trying a few small blogs after the closure of the WZ climate forum is that a blog only becomes self generating if it has a sufficient number or bulk of regular commenters who are highly knowledgeable and who can state their case and a blog owner who has the depth of knowledge, the ability to thoroughly research, the inherent trustworthiness in that others will confide information to them and know their knowledge is in good trusted hands and who can and does set the more interesting themes for discussion plus creating the attitudes and the blog environment in which all the commenters and lurkers are then happy to work within

    One of the hardest items and probably harshest lessons in blogsphere is to achieve this climb in popularity, to get, hold and achieve that minimum bulk of respected and knowledgeable commenters that enables a blog to become the focus and centre of commentary.
    And for the lurkers for it to becomes a source of trusted knowledge and carefully researched and calibrated opinions that will carry weight in community discussions and debate so ensuring the blog’s continuity and an increasingly influential and growing future.
    And above all a total honesty and forthrightness by the blog owner/s in their setting of the subjects for debate and discussion and as a guide for the ensuring commentary.
    And a good tolerance for commenters going wildly off topic as new subjects and aspects of the original subject come under scrutiny and discussion by the commenters.
    You seem to have got over that hump of numbers and veracity Jo which very few blogs ever manage [ in climate matters I think I have most of those dozen blogs or so listed ] and which sorts in a quite brutal manner the really competent and influential bloggers in the climate debate from the run of the mill ordinary wannnabe big time bloggers.

    [ veracity= conformity to facts; accuracy : • habitual truthfulness ]

    So may I also congratulate you and David on the respect, the status and the increasing influence for your blog that you have achieved in such a short time in the harsh, time and intellect consuming world of the climate blogsphere.


  • #

    Awesome Jo!.
    Im happy to be part of JoJo’s circus!

    Oh, and the hot weather/heat wave “climate change” crap has started.
    Read the comments especially.


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    Andrew McRae

    And the #200,000 goes to… based on timestamps and commentIDs I reckon it was Stuart Elliot.
    (runners up were Siliggy and Levi.)

    Congratulations to… all of us Internet blowhards who made this Big Number possible. 🙂
    Extra special thanks to our warmer cannon-fodder foes for parading ever larger quantities of “attack surface” with each new alarming comment they make. We could have done it without you but it would have taken longer.


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      quite an insightful comment. But then in politics it has been said that the left want the right silenced, while the right want the left to keep talking.

      But the issue here is not just what the global warmers said, but also the fact that they can’t erase what they said.

      One of the great things about the Internet is that it keeps a permanent record the lame stream media cannot control. And the record shows warmists leaving a trail of “climate science” behind them that would fertilise the Simpson desert.

      Many warmists now know that the “climate science” is about to impact the atmospheric circulation device and are desperately hoping the shower will be short and sharp. But this is the age of the internet. The shower will be heavy, sustained and remarkably adhesive.


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    Boyer can’t even spell Watts correctly!

    15 Jan: Herald Sun: Peter Boyer: Bolt and company’s claims cut no ice
    (Peter Boyer is a journalist with a special interest in climate and energy.
    US climate blogger Anthony Watt and Australian newspaper columnist Andrew Bolt, both of who are hostile to science supporting human-induced global warming, were among many who took delight in the notion of a shipload of “warmists” stuck in ice…
    As with all things to do with climate, working through the detail of what’s happening to Antarctic sea ice calls for perseverance and openness to what the evidence is revealing.
    I doubt that the polemical world occupied by Bolt and Watt has much room for such things…

    Huffington Post: Peter Boyer
    As a freelance writer he worked for a long time for the Australian Antarctic Program…
    As a presenter for Al Gore’s Climate Project since 2006 he has spoken to more than 9,000 Australians about our environmental and energy challenges. Since September 11, 2007 he has written a weekly column, Climate Challenge, published in Tasmania’s major newspaper, The Mercury. In April 2009 he founded the blog site Climate Tasmania.


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    please explain how this Boyer fellow gets space in the Herald Sun to rubbish one of their own writers. here’s the original of the piece posted on his lonely little blog. surely Anthony Watts should be offered space to respond, given the huge popularity of WUWT!

    14 Jan: ClimateTasmaniaBlog: Peter Boyer: The disorderly story of Antarctic sea ice


  • #

    Excellent stuff Jo. This site is one of the best sceptical sites on the internet. Informative, factual and interesting, both in topics and respondent posts. Reading the comments is always entertaining and just as informative.

    Personally I find that Jo Nova writes some of the clearest and best written critiques of the AGW topic on the net.

    You do a good job Jo.


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    I’ve never posted before, although I’ve been an avid and daily reader. The knowledge of those who do contribute just astounds me, and gives me some faith that the study of science has not completely died off.

    Thanks for all your efforts Jo, when this whole thing is finally over i hope you get the recognition you deserve for your tireless work.



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    350.org: Occupy Wall Street & Climate Movement

    Grist: Climate activism stands with Occupy Wall Street Movement

    13 Jan: Marketwatch: Businesswire Press Release: Green Bond Principles Created to Help Issuers and Investors Deploy Capital for Green Projects
    A consortium of investment banks today announced their support of the Green Bond Principles – Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Citi, Crédit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank, JPMorgan Chase, BNP Paribas, Daiwa, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, HSBC, Mizuho Securities, Morgan Stanley, Rabobank and SEB. These Principles were developed with guidance from issuers, investors and environmental groups and serve as voluntary guidelines on recommended process for the development and issuance of Green Bonds. They encourage transparency, disclosure and integrity in the development of the Green Bond market…
    It is anticipated that an independent third party will be designated to serve as a secretariat whose administrative duties will include facilitating information exchange with issuers, investors, underwriters, and other stakeholders such as non-profit environmental organizations, non-government organizations, academics and other thought leaders…
    Bank of America
    “The development of a robust and liquid market for green bonds is an important progression for debt markets,” said Suzanne Buchta, Global Co-head of Green Debt Capital Markets at BofA Merrill. “In co-authoring these principles we attempt to help standardize the product and we hope to catalyze investment into environmentally sustainable projects, something to which our firm is very committed.” …
    JPMorgan Chase & Co.
    “Increasing the amount of capital targeted to address pressing environmental challenges such as climate change is critical,” said Marilyn Ceci, Managing Director in the Corporate & Investment Bank at JPMorgan Chase. “JPMorgan Chase is pleased to have co-authored the Green Bond Principles, which involved strong collaboration among colleagues in our Corporate & Investment Bank and Environmental Affairs office. By providing transparency and integrity to the Green Bond market and bolstering investor confidence, we expect the Green Bond Principles will expand capital allocation to projects that provide environmental benefits.” …ETC ETC


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      Mark F

      Green bonds: Translation – “bring us as many things to trade as you can invent, ’cause this is gonna be way bigger than junk bonds or derivatives. Commissions galore! To the troughs!”. Excuse me, I have to vomit.


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        You make a very good point. Banks do not care if AGW is real or the latest bogey man. They make money on commissions. And they will buy and sell anything you want. There is no risk to them, only income.


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    Phillip Bratby

    Well I guess you are now past 200,000 comments. Well done Jo and keep up the good work.


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    was distracting myself while lleyton battled back from 2 sets down; now it’s 2 sets all, & surely lleyton will take the fifth. seeya later.


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      That being the case, there is obviously absolutely NO REASON for the renewable energy target.

      The cheapest form of RELIABLE energy is always the best.


      A wonder if they realise that articles like this will be the downfall of solar and wind energy ??

      So, So dumb of them !!


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      And mine, of course they forget to amortise the construction cost… and take account of the quintessential backup needed for wind – none of the cost of that unreliability is ever counted.

      Perhaps the environmental rag at the target of that link would like to take up my green power offer, to be the third off the grid after Margot and BA4 (who have yet to take up their warts and all green power offers) any time renewable generation falls below nameplate, which is of course pretty much all the time.


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      Graeme No.3

      Published Jan. 8, 2014 but has the $A at 1.04 to the $US.
      Makes me wonder how accurate the other figures are.

      The short answer has already been given. If wind is cheaper, then it doesn’t need subsidies like REC, or RET or carbon tax. Australia doesn’t need them either.

      Strange that in Germany there is a revolt by the Public, Industry and now the Press over the way wind and solar PV are forcing UP electricity prices. How could that be if they were cheaper?


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    Finally! I’ve have checked the records and the 200,000th comment (according to the tally on right side bar) was Justin Jefferson on the BBC thread.

    As far as the BBC goes he’s in a take no prisoners mood. Good call.

    For the record, Siliggy gets an honorable mention for 199,999th comment and Stuart Elliot for 200,001.


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    Stefan van Hulst

    Congrats and thank you. You’re the first site I open every morgen (here in the Netherlands), except for the weekend…


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    wayne, s. Job

    Thanks Jo,
    I only comment now and again as I have mainly always been an observer. This trait I have always suffered, but it has given me the opportunity my whole life to correlate information over time for my brain to make it’s mind up.
    That said, I have been telling people for a long time that AGW and it’s other names were BS.
    I searched the net and Lo and behold I was not a voice in the wilderness.

    2013 saw the start of a world wide collapse as governments and some media started to realise the scam and the enormous cost involved. This year not a day has gone by without a government some where reversing policies or a previous mantra media running something contrary.

    Jo, you and a few others around the world have done a service to humanity that can never be repaid, Thankyou


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    Hi Jo,
    yep, add me to the list of well-wishers. Although I am a relative latecomer to your blog, I’ve never yet failed to learn something new, previously-unrecognised, or simply downright exciting (and I thought the hatchet job the A(lp)BC(o2) did on you guys was just bloody atrocious!).
    Thank you for taking the trouble to provide the benefit of your researches and wisdom, and for providing a platform for SO much other equally-informative wisdom!
    All the best to you and David.
    And thank you to all commenters – especially the ones who SERIOUSLY know what they’re talking about – you know who you are, and upon reading all this good stuff, now so do we! (PS: bury the bloody trolls!!)


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    It’s only weather Jo. Keep telling yourself that whilst ignoring all other climate scientists!

    Who am I ignoring? I read them all. — Jo
